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Abby Marsh Debrah Dagher English 1102-017 10 March 2014 Annotated Bibliography Another Duel in the Sun: Weighing the Balances Between Sun Protection, Tanning Beds, and Malignant Melanoma. A) In this journal article, Another Dual in the Sun: Weighing the Balances Between Sun and Protection, Tanning Beds, and Malignant Melanoma these doctors weigh out what really is the issue with skin cancer and why it is the mostly widely diagnosed cancer now a days. The risk factors come from not only the UVA and UVB rays but the way we take care of our skin in the sun as well as the amount of time 30 million Americans, 2.3 million of those being adolescents, spend in the tanning bed. The study that was conducted took place in Kentucky where they looked at how many cases of melanoma came up depending on whether they used a tanning bed, their skin type, as well as where they lived. The study was taken over a 9 year span from 1995 to 2004. They looked at two types of Melanoma being Invasive and non- invasive, as well as pre invasive cancers. It was seen that through the years as the amount of sun exposure, tanning bed increase, and ozone depletion, that bother of these types of Melanoma went up. Pre Invasive and invasive combined went up from 21.9 cases per 100,000 to 31.3 and invasive only cases went up from 17.3 to 20.7 cases per 100,000 just in the area of Kentucky. It is concluded that through this study the factors of us not taking care of our skin is becoming more rapid. It is stated by this research that UVA and UVB rays, whether natural or no, are causing us to become more susceptible to Malignant Melanoma. B) I feel that is study works very well for my paper. I am trying to get the point across that we need to take care of our skin and that tanning is not good. This study also proves that Melanoma is rising steadily and becoming a very lethal and widespread cancer. I want people to be informed and know that they can help themselves. That tan may last you a summer, but your skin never forgets what you put it through and it comes back with a vengeance years later. I like how it shows over a period of 9 years and how the risk of skin cancer is climbing rapidly. C) This study and article were done by clinical pediatrics and published in a peer reviewed journal called Sage. It was also done with help of the University of Louisville in Kentucky and used sources for their background information from trusted places like the American Cancer Society, Skin Cancer Foundation, and Skin Safety Alliance. Daniel Roberts, Carlton Hornhung, and Hiram Polk are all great medical writers and have many had a lot of their results from studies, especially thing one, in other science journals.

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Roberts, Daniel, Hiram Polk, Jr., and Carlton Hornung. "Another Duel in the Sun: Weighing the Balances Between Sun Protection, Tanning Beds, and Malignant Melanoma."Another Duel in the Sun: Weighing the Balances Between Sun Protection, Tanning Beds, and Malignant Melanoma. Sage Journals, 12 Mar. 2014. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. <>.

The Association Between Skin Characteristics and Skin Cancer Prevention Behaviors\ A) This peer reviewed article was about a study done from 1989 until 2007 in Washington County, Maryland with 28,924 participants. This study was conducted to research what skin cancer prevention behaviors works the best. They took down that type of skin, complexion, eye color and use of sunscreen and sun protective clothing. This study was conducted and used to see how those who have a certain skin type did to prevent themselves from sun exposure. It was seen that the trend of using sunscreen and sun protective clothing was used more often by those who had skin that would be harmed easily by excessive amounts of sun exposure. The overall results were that most people do not know, or feel that they need to take care of their skin when they are in the sun. This is a root to the growing problem of skin cancer, not just in Maryland, but throughout the country. B) I feel that this is relevant to my research because it shows that people, no matter what age or skin type, do not exercise safe skin care. People cannot protect themselves if they dont know what they are protecting themselves from and also how to protect themselves. Some people with fair skin, like myself, know that they burn easily so they know to put on sunscreen and repeat every 20 minutes, but not everyone has fair skin. This is a disease that doesnt just effect the fair skinned, but every type of skin. That is what Im trying to teach my peers, that with the right information, you can do yourself a world of good. C) This is a study that was conducted by the Medical University Of South Carolina by their students and was by that school, as well as John Hopkins so this is study is done by a very credible source in the medical field. It is also on a peer reviewed, medical journal site that is sponsored by the American Association of Cancer Research. This study had over 20,000 participants over an almost 20 year span with participants of all types of skin color, eye color and other attributes used in the study.

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Alberg, Anthony, Paul Strickland, Nanette J. Ligeois, Timothy Jorgensen, Judith Hoffman-Bolton, Sandra Clipp, Rhoda Alani, Ingo Ruczinsk, and Lee Wheless. "The Association between Skin Characteristics and Skin Cancer Prevention Behaviors."The Association between Skin Characteristics and Skin Cancer Prevention Behaviors. American Association of Cancer Research, 18 Oct. 2009. Web. 11 Mar. 2014. <>.

Indoor Tanning Amongst Young Adults: Time to Stop Sleeping on the Banning of Sunbeds

A) This article was about the now common use of tanning not only with adults of all ages, but becoming a trend in teenagers. Tanning is seen as the cool thing to do, but it is slowly changing the DNA of the skin, and starting that at a young age is becoming more deadly. With 1 in 5 people being diagnosed with some form of skin cancer in their life time, there has been a new trend to not allow teenagers in tanning beds. With the new research done on skin cancer, there is a wide change in many state governments to prohibit the use of tanning beds for minors. There has also been a 10% cost increase on tanning by the Affordable Accountability Act to cut down on the use of tanning beds by adults. There has also been a change in the warning label on tanning beds to show the growing use of it causing skin cancer from the ultra violet light. This is a great thing to show how American is seeing how tanning is not a good idea. B) This is a great article to show how our government is taking action in making things like no teenagers using tanning beds as well as putting the proper warnings out there for being to see that UVA and UVB rays are not healthy for our skin in excess. I like to have the information as a part of my data to show that people are taking a stand not just for themselves, but for the safety of people they dont even know. I hope that one day they ban the use of tanning beds in general. c) This article used the sources such as John Hopkins and Brown University from their dermatology department. All of the Authors are medical doctors that are in the field of dermatology. The Information is from the Journal of General Internal Medicine which is a very credible source in the medical community. It also has a lot of the up to date info on skin cancer with credible sources to back them.

Ladizinski, Barry, Kachiu Lee, Renata Ladizinski, and Daniel Federmen. "Indoor Tanning Amongst Young Adults: Time to Stop Sleeping on the Banning of Sunbeds." Journal of General Internal Medicine 28.12 (2013): 1551-553. Springer Link. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. <>.

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Building Awareness of the Health Risks of Sunbed Use: Identification of Target Groups for Prevention A) The purpose of this study was to get more information on whether tanning is a significant player in the ever rising numbers of skin cancer cases. The study was conducted in 2012 in Germany. There were 3 groups, all of different numbers and variable testing from an interview stand point over the phone. All of these were taken from family history of cancer, birthmarks, and childhood sunburns. They were asked questions about how they protect themselves from the sun now as well as things about the sun and the harm it can do. It was concluded that many people did not feel tanning was bad or knew how to properly take care of themselves and their skin. It showed that those who had the highest risk were the least informed about skin cancer and the damage it can do. B) This is helpful in my data due to the fact that it is now a worldwide problem and not just one that affects America. Skin cancer is more of an issue in developed countries where people have access to the data and thing they need to keep them safe. This is saddening to me and actually scares me for people to not know that they have the power to help themselves. I wouldnt have known about the issues of skin cancer if it didnt affect me personally like it did. I dont want anyone to have to go through what I did as well as what my mother did. C) This article is credible on the study being funded by The International Agency For Research on Cancer. Even though it may not be as long of a study or as in depth of a study and most relyed on survey, it is still a great help with seeing how this is a universal issue. It was published in a credible journal on light therapy and skin cancer.

Diehl, Katharina, Christina Bock, Eckhard Brietbart, Rdiger Greinert, and Sven Schneider. "Building Awareness of the Health Risks of Sunbed Use: Identification of Target Groups for Prevention." Wiley Online Library 29.6 (2013): 291-99. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. <>.

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