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pollclngllLeracylnluauve[ || [amll.[lvanl[ || [LlLoronLo www.pllLoronLo.

C|nzen Comp|a|nts and Med|ated Conversanons
lncreased use of Lhe cluzen complalnLs process wlll beuer capLure Lhe experlence of resldenLs
wlLh Lhelr pollce. CuaranLeelng greaLer access Lo complalnLs - such as enabllng communlLy orga-
nlzauons Lo asslsL resldenLs ln llng a complalnL and publlc educauon lnluauves abouL Lhe com-
plalnLs process - wlll ensure Lhe complalnLs process beuer reecLs Lhe reallLy of pollclng on Lhe
MedlaLed conversauons as an lnformal resoluuon Lo complalnLs ls noL a wldely known opuon Lo
1oronLo resldenLs, buL ls an lmporLanL opuon Lo bulldlng LrusL beLween pollce and communlues.
1hese medlauons are an opporLunlLy for complalnanLs Lo slL down and dlscuss Lhelr experlences
wlLh Lhe omcers Lhey complaln abouL. CurrenLly, 1oronLo ollce Servlce complalnLs coordlnaLor
or a member of Lhe Cmce of Lhe lndependenL ollce 8evlew ulrecLor (Cl8u) can medlaLe Lhese
A medl A medlaLed conversauon ls a more lmmedlaLe resoluuon Lo complalnLs and are ldeal for com-
plalnLs LhaL do noL lnvolve behavlour or conducL LhaL musL be lnvesugaLed by Cl8u, buL sull re-
qulre procedural [usuce. Conslderauons musL be made for people who feel uncomforLable meeL-
lng wlLh pollce or would need an lndependenL medlaLor Lo address power lmbalances.
lor more lnformauon abouL medlaLed conversauons, see LI |n the Nanona| ost.
ub||c nous|ng
1here ls a need Lo de-sugmauze publlc houslng nelghbourhoods and empower resldenLs of Lhese
nelghbourhoods Lo Lake leadershlp roles ln deLermlnlng Lhe safeLy and healLh sLraLegles ln Lhelr
Cne Cne way Lo beuer serve publlc houslng nelghbourhoods ls Lo creaLe 8esldenL-Led SafeLy unlLs
(8Sus), whlch are groups comprlsed of resldenLs of publlc houslng nelghbourhoods. 8Sus would
oversee Lhe safeLy and healLh sLraLegles of Lhelr communlues ln parLnershlp wlLh 1oronLo ollce
Servlce, 1oronLo ubllc PealLh, and oLher servlce provlders.
When crlmes occur, 8Sus would be Lhe prlmary conLacL beLween resldenLs and pollce Lo lmple-
menL a communlLy safeLy sLraLegy, ldenufy key sLakeholders ln Lhe nelghbourhood, and ensure
quallLy lnformauon ls belng gaLhered.
luLure conslderauons of Lhls ldea musL conslder how 8Sus wlll be sLaed, Lhe skllls and Lralnlng
needed for resldenLs, and overslghL on Lhe power and lnuence of 8Sus.
LI Wh|te aper || Cr|s|s of D|strust Apr||]May 2014
pollclngllLeracylnluauve[ || [amll.[lvanl[ || [LlLoronLo
LI Wh|te aper || Cr|s|s of D|strust Apr||]May 2014
pollclngllLeracylnluauve[ || [amll.[lvanl[ || [LlLoronLo
LI Wh|te aper || Cr|s|s of D|strust Apr||]May 2014

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