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Brittany Ward April 28, 2014 This project was so much fun! y !roup was !

reat, and " thin# our film turned out !reat! " had ne$er created a film, or e$en a storyline for a s#it or anythin! li#e that, so this was a !reat e%perience for me& The friends that my !roup mem'ers 'rou!ht added so much to the project, and thorou!hly enjoyed the e%perience as well& There were many lau!hs shared, and o$erall it was a positi$e and enjoya'le e%perience for e$eryone in$ol$ed& y roles in this project were creator, producer and actor& Anmol was the editor and actor, (em filmed, and )a$ernia produced and acted& While we all contri'uted to the story line, " came up with the concept for the film& " also 'rou!ht two people to act in the film, one of them 'ein! the main character& )a$ernia was a hu!e help* she sent emails out to us to ma#e sure we were all on the same pa!e& +he also wrote out each scene and the #ind of shot we wanted to capture durin! filmin!& )a$ernia also 'rou!ht a friend to the filmin!, and he was awesome! Anmol was also a lar!e help& ,e undertoo# the editin! of the film, which turned out really well! ,e also acted in the mo$ie, and added in shot ideas& (em did not want to 'e in the film, so she filmed the entire $ideo& +he also 'rou!ht a friend& "t was a little difficult to ma#e sure we were all on the same pa!e since she missed a class period where we were tryin! to create the storyline, 'ut her hard wor# at the end durin! the filmin! was !reat& +he also 'rou!ht a friend to star in the film, which really added to the story& -$erall, " am $ery pleased with how my !roup did, and " thin# we really wor#ed well to!ether and produced a solid film& " thin# my stren!ths in this project were creatin! the 'ul# of the story line, as well as helpin! to direct the filmin! of the $ideo& y wea#nesses were not 'ein! a'le to help $ery much durin! the editin! process& .urin! the wor#shop in class, we recei$ed mostly positi$e feed'ac#, and few criti/ues& The most common criti/ue was there was no introduction, and the endin! was incomplete& y !roup then added in an openin! slide with music and a title se/uence& We also added in pictures at the end, alon! with music and a credit reel& We also wanted to !o a'o$e and 'eyond, so we added a 'looper reel to the end, as well& We thou!ht those scenes were too hilarious to lea$e out! -ne comment that was made was durin! one of the inter$iews, the audio was a 'it muffled& While we wanted to this fi%, we were unsure how to !o a'out doin! that, so we decided to lea$e it as is& -$erall, the wor#shop was helpful, and " thin# e$eryone enjoyed our project& " thin# my !roup successfully com'ined our indi$idual topics into a cohesi$e film, which met the re/uired time limit, and was enjoyed 'y all&

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