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The Magic of Making Up

14 Strategies
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You Don't Have To Loose The Love Of Your Life

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Table of Contents
Preface.........................................................................................................................................2 Chapter 1...............................................................................................................................................3 What Can I Do o !et "y #$ Boyfrien% Back..........................................................................3 Chapter 2 ..............................................................................................................................................& What Can I %o o !et "y #$ !ir'frien% Back............................................................................& Chapter 3...............................................................................................................................................( Does "y #$ Want o !et Back With "e )ow o e''..............................................................( Chapter *...............................................................................................................................................+ )ow to !et Back ogether with #$ in 3 ,teps............................................................................+ Chapter &.............................................................................................................................................11 )ow can I !et my #$ Back with a Confi%ent -ttitu%e.............................................................11 ...........................................................................................................................................................12 Chapter ..............................................................................................................................................12 )ow to !et your #$ Boyfrien% Back Without Dri/ing )im -way...........................................12 Chapter (.............................................................................................................................................1* -%/ice on 0e'ationships )ow to 1eep a Woman )appy..........................................................1* Chapter 2.............................................................................................................................................1( )ow - 0eboun% 0e'ationship Can Work In 3our 4a/or...........................................................1( Chapter +.............................................................................................................................................25 ( Ways to Bui'% rust in a 0e'ationship....................................................................................25 Chapter 15...........................................................................................................................................22 Don6t Wait )ow o !et 7/er ,omeone 4ast.............................................................................22 Chapter 11...........................................................................................................................................23 )e Dumpe% "e )ow Wi'' I #/er ,ur/i/e...............................................................................23 Chapter 12...........................................................................................................................................2& )ow to Win 8o/e Back With Common ,ense.........................................................................2& Chapter 13..........................................................................................................................................2( Does "y #$ Want o !et Back With "e )ow o e''............................................................2( Chapter 1*...........................................................................................................................................22 )ow to !et "y #$ Back When )e )as "o/e% 7n..................................................................22 Conc'usion:................................................................................................................................2+

If you ha% re'ationship break up or are in the mi%%'e of separation then strategies in this book gi/e you he'pfu' insights how to sa/e your re'ationship. 3ou wou'% be surprise% how simp'e change in wor%ings or actions can ha/e enormous'y beneficia' effect on your re'ationship. his simp'e psycho'ogica' approach has he'pe% sa/e hun%re%s of re'ationships an% he'pe% others to mo/e on with their 'i/es. hese are some of the strategies from a book authore% 6Dub6 9ackson: the magic of making up. 7/er &5:555 peop'e ha/e use% this book. 3ou %on6t ha/e to 'ose the 'o/e of your 'i/e. !o ahea% use these teste% strategies an% we wish you a'' the success. The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Chapter 1
What Can I Do To Get My Ex Boyfriend Back
-re you fee'ing 'ike e/erything you %o pushes your e$ away further; Is this %escribing your situation to a tee; -re you asking <What can I %o to get my e$ boyfrien% back< at e/ery turn; )ere are some tips that wi'' great'y impro/e your chances of getting back together with your e$ boyfrien%. 7b/ious'y right now you are serious about sa/ing or rekin%'ing your re'ationship: which is what 'e% you to this artic'e in the first p'ace. But if you are fee'ing o/er'y an$ious to get your e$ back: you may be beha/ing in the wrong way: causing your e$ to pu'' away natura''y. It is human nature in genera' to resist this kin% of pressure. ,trugg'ing against human nature is comp'ete'y point'ess: an% it wi'' on'y make matters worse. -re you ca''ing your e$ too much: constant'y writing him e=mai's or te$t messaging him; -re you trying to make him fee' sorry for you; If you are %oing these things: stop> If you are asking yourse'f < What can I %o to get my e$ boyfrien% back<: then you nee% to stop %oing these things right now.

,o What can I %o to get my e$ boyfrien% back; 4o''ow this strategy instea%. 3ou are going to nee% to take a comp'ete'y fresh approach. Begin by breaking contact off for a whi'e: %oing your own thing. During this time where there is no communication between you an% your e$ boyfrien%: you can focus on ways that you can impro/e your own persona' 'ife: rather than focusing on the re'ationship issues at han%. his is going to be a cha''enging time: an% it is going to re?uire %iscip'ine to pre/ent you from returning to your o'% ways. The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

During this time: your e$ is going to e$perience a shift in how he fee's about you: since you wi'' no 'onger be pursuing him. 3ou may become mysterious to him in some ways: because he is not sure what you are %oing or fee'ing. his is actua''y something that can work in your fa/or. @ow your e$ is in a position to actua''y miss you: which is not possib'e when you are smothering him. 3ou must remember that the key to this strategy an% repairing a break up is to work with human nature rather than attempting to work against it. If you are won%ering < What can I %o to get my e$ boyfrien% back<: now you shou'% ha/e a fair'y basic un%erstan%ing on how common mistakes can be a/oi%e%. 7nce you imp'ement this basic strategy you can restore a ba'ance an% a''ow your e$ to remember why he 'o/e% you in the first p'ace. 9ust keep yourse'f groun%e% an% a/oi% smothering him. "ake yourse'f appear mysterious an% he wi'' be remin%e% why he 'o/e% you in the first p'ace. P'ay har% to get A%on6t o/er %o itB an% 'et him make the first mo/e: an% you wi'' come out on top. -n% then you wi'' stop asking <What can I %o to get my e$ boyfrien% back<

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Chapter 2
What Can I do To Get My Ex Girlfriend Back
"ost peop'e fin% themse'/es asking <What can I %o to get my e$ gir'frien% back< fo''owing a breakup. hey begin to start thinking an% phi'osophiCing about e/erything that cou'% ha/e been %one %ifferent'y. hey e/en begin to make p'ans about apo'ogy 'etters an% other things that might be ab'e to he'p them score their re'ationship back. his ten%s to be a %ea% en% for one reason abo/e a'' e'se: Because you can ne/er rea''y te'' what the rea' reasons were behin% a breakup. Women become emotiona' an% sometimes they %o not e/en know what 'e% to the break up at han% an% they may not know what is making them fee' the way they %o. In many circumstances it is on'y harmfu' to 'ose a'' your energy trying to figure out what went wrong.

he first main strategy to answer the ?uestion about <what can I %o to get my e$ gir'frien% back< is to forget about the re'ationship for a whi'e: putting your energy into something e'se. !o out: make frien%s: ha/e fun: network: an% forget about women in genera'. ,et some rea'istic goa's about e$pan%ing your repertoire when it comes to se%uction an% meeting peop'e. !i/e yourse'f a coup'e of months an% make changes in your 'ife. ake some time away from your e$ an% it wi'' work won%ers. he effect that strategies 'ike this wi'' ha/e: is that it wi'' a''ow you to make gra%ua' changes in your 'ife. -n% in how you percei/e the subDect of re'ationships. -fter a few months: you may ha/e a much better i%ea of how you want to procee% with your e$. Do you sti'' want to get back together with her; 7r are you rea%y to mo/e on; -ct accor%ing'y. If you sti'' want to get back together with her: it might be time to figure out how she is fee'ing about you. @ow is your chance to be a 'itt'e more %irect when it comes to getting your e$ gir'frien% back. 3ou nee% to p'ay strategica''y: howe/er. Do not simp'y beg her to get back with you: because this is not a goo% time to be emotiona'.

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Instea%: what you shou'% be %oing is p'aying things coo' with your e$. If you ha/e spent enough time apart from her: she is probab'y missing you as ba%'y as you are missing her. P'ay har% to get a 'itt'e A%on6t o/er %o itB an% show her that you are %oing fine without her. his wi'' inspire her to rea''y rethink things. -n% if getting back together with your e$ rea''y is meant to be: now is the time when it wi'' become apparent. Be carefu' not to ana'yCe things too much: because o/er ana'yCing may pre/ent you from acting the right way when trying to figure out <what can I %o to get my e$ gir'frien% back<. 9ust take things s'ow an% p'ay them coo' an% you shou'% be fine.

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Does My Ex Want To Get Back With Me !o" To Tell
If your e$ is showing you a 'itt'e bit of interest: or seems more intereste% in going out an% spen%ing time with you than before: or if you notice signs that your e$ is trying to f'irt with you: then it6s okay to be a 'itt'e hopefu' but you nee% to a/oi% Dumping the gun. -re you asking yourse'f <%oes my e$ want to get back with me<; hese are %efinite'y /ery common signs that your e$ is intereste% in getting you back. But e/en if you want to get back with your e$: you shou'% not simp'y Dump into things. he best way to p'ay things is to p'ay har% to get Ain mo%erationB: which is probab'y what your e$ wi'' best respon% to anyway. If you simp'y Dump into things fu'' force: then you may fin% your e$ pushing you back again. In fact: if your e$ is gi/ing in%ications that he or she wants you back: then the o%%s are: it was you p'aying har% to get that 'e% to the renewe% interest in the first p'ace.

Esua''y when you break up with your e$: or he or she breaks up with you: there is a natura' 'e/e' of missing one another: or 'onging to get back together. his is especia''y true fo''owing a re'ationship of a year or 'onger. 3our e$ is probab'y going to miss you no matter what: because of how many memories were share% together %uring this perio% of time. But there are other emotions that come into p'ay inc'u%ing past regrets. If you are won%ering <%oes my e$ want to get back with me< the o%%s are that your e$ may be thinking the same thing for the same reasons. ,ometimes when an e$ shows interest again fo''owing a break up howe/er: it is on'y a game. hey may see that you 'o/e them: an% they may simp'y be trying to get attention: without actua''y inten%ing to get you back. ,o: un'ess your e$ rea''y seems genuine'y intereste% in spen%ing time with you: they may Dust be passing the time because they ha/e no other prospects on the horiCon. -n% worst of a'' they may see this as away to get re/enge for some percei/e% wrong. his is why it is important not to Dump the gun: an% why you shou'% focus on rea%ing into the situation before you The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

act on it. his is common: an% a 'ot of peop'e fin% themse'/es won%ering <%oes my e$ want to get back with me;<: but the truth is: its better to get a fee' for the situation before you act. In rea'ity: if your e$ %oes want to get back with you: p'aying har% to get Ain mo%erationB is the best scenario because it wi'' pre/ent you from getting hurt if your e$ is not rea''y serious about getting back with you.

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Chapter #
!o" to Get Back To$ether "ith Ex in %teps

)a/e you Dust recent'y e$perience% a break up: an% you are won%ering <how can I get back together with my e$F; 3ou may want to score your e$ back imme%iate'y: an% this is a common fee'ing that e/eryone e$periences. 3ou can fin% yourse'f fo''owing into an emotiona''y %epresse% state: an% you may fin% yourse'f won%ering what to %o. 3ou may imme%iate'y fee' 'ike ca''ing your e$ an% begging him or her to come back to you. But is this rea''y going to make things better; 0ather than make things better: what it is probab'y going to %o is make your situation much worse: chasing your e$ away e/en further. What you shou'% actua''y %o at this point is the opposite of what you are fee'ing. Do you fee' 'ike ca''ing your e$; Don6t> Do you fee' 'ike staying insi%e an% crying a'' %ay 'ong; Don6t> Instea%: fo''ow these three basic steps an% you wi'' ha/e the answer that you nee% to the age o'% ?uestion <)ow %o I get back together with my e$;< ,tep 1 = )ow to get back with my e$: -ccept the Break Ep> 4irst an% foremost: you nee% to accept that the break up is happening. e'' your e$ that you are okay with it: an% a''ow the <mo/ing on< process to beginG. When you %o this: it wi'' e'iminate a 'arge amount of the tension an% stress that is being e$perience% by a''. 3our e$ wi'' nee% time to think about the re'ationship: an% this wi'' gi/e you time as we'' to consi%er your options. If your e$ rea'iCes that he or she sti'' 'o/es you: they wi'' fin% a way to get back with you. ,tep 2 = )ow to get back with my e$: Do not contact your e$> Do not make an effort to contact your e$ anymore right now. 3ou shou'% cut communication off with him or her so that there can be some <thinking time<. his may seem counterintuiti/e: but by cutting communication off you are signa'ing that you ha/e a'rea%y mo/e% on an% that you are %oing Dust fine.

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

his wi'' a''ow him or her to think about the re'ationship an% how they fee' about its /a'ue. It wi'' a'so a''ow them to ha/e some time to miss you again. When you can separate yourse'f from your e$ an% can ca'm your ner/es: that may be the best time to 'et them rea'iCe how important you were to them. ,tep 3 = )ow to get back with my e$: P'an -hea% for the !et ogether 7nce you ha/e comp'ete% the two steps mentione% Dust abo/e: you can start working on p'anning on when you shou'% meet: where you shou'% meet: an% a'so what shou'% be sai% when you %o meet up again. his wi'' a''ow you to get a better i%ea of whether or not your e$ sti'' 'o/es you: an% a'so if there is any chance that you an% your e$ wi'' be ab'e to get back together. <)ow to get back with my e$;< Can be a 'itt'e more comp'icate% than the three steps abo/e. But they are a goo% start an% wi'' impro/e your chances of winning your e$ back.

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Chapter &
!o" can I Get 'y Ex Back "ith a Confident (ttit)de
-'though a breakup with a boyfrien% or with a gir'frien% can be rea''y %epressing: it %oes not nee% to mean that the re'ationship is o/er. #/en if the breakup shou'% su%%en'y 'ea/e you fee'ing confusion an% 'one'iness: you may sti'' fee' rea''y eager to hea' the woun%s an% Dump right back in to that re'ationship with your e$. If you are asking yourse'f <)ow can I get my e$ back;<: then there are some things you nee% to know. If you 'earn how to react fo''owing a break up: an% you become aware of how not to strain the re'ationship e/en further: then getting e$ back wi'' be easier than e/er. It can seem har% to keep up a cheerfu' attitu%e throughout your %ay fo''owing a breakup: but it is be'ie/e% by re'ationship e$perts be'ie/e that an optimistic an% confi%ent attitu%e can go a 'ong way. )ere are some of the ways that a confi%ent attitu%e can answer the ?uestion <how can I get my e$ back;< 1eep your confi%ence = If you are asking <how can I get my e$ back;<: then you shou'% remain confi%ent. 0ather than going aroun% fee'ing g'oomy: try to fin% ways that you can keep yourse'f occupie% an% happy. 1eep the %epression out of your %emeanor. -''ow your e$ boyfrien% or gir'frien% to know that you are strong an% that you are more than capab'e of han%'ing such an emotiona' situation: an% a'so that you are capab'e of sur/i/ing on your own as we''. 0emain socia''y acti/e = If getting your e$ back is your primary focus: surroun% yourse'f with we'' wishers: positi/e attitu%es an% goo% frien%s. ,how your e$ that peop'e appreciate you: an% that they 'o/e ha/ing you aroun%. -s more peop'e begin to fee' goo% about your presence in their 'i/es: your e$ wi'' begin to see you in a comp'ete'y new 'ight. )e or she wi'' rea'iCe that yes: you are a goo% person that they simp'y cannot affor% to 'et go of. his is one of the best ways to 'et your e$ notice you in a new 'ight. "aintain a goo% appearance = -nother so'ution to <)ow can I get my e$ back;< is not to 'et your appearance ref'ect your situation. 3ou nee% to pay attention to e/ery %etai' of your 'ooks: inc'u%ing your c'othes: your make up: your hair: your stri%e: your shoes an% e/en your /oice. It can be har% to act happy or to take care of yourse'f fo''owing a ba% breakup: but this is one of the best ways that you can 'et your e$ know that you are %oing Dust fine: an% %o not nee% to beg for his or her sympathy. 3ou are going to get back together 'ike a%u'ts who are mature an% responsib'e if you are going to get back together at a''.

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Chapter *
!o" to Get yo)r Ex Boyfriend Back Witho)t Dri+in$ !i' ("ay
Di% something go wrong between you an% your boyfrien%: causing one or both of you to f'ee; If you were we'' on your way to creating a happy re'ationship an% somehow manage% to fa'' off the track: %on6t worry> It is possib'e to 'earn how to get your e$ boyfrien% back with the right steps an% a basic un%erstan%ing of where to go from here. 4irst: you are going to want to ask yourse'f four /ita' ?uestions. hese are rea''y important ?uestions when it comes to figuring out how to get your e$ boyfrien% back. = Is the matter that cause% the breakup actua''y important enough to warrant the attention it is getting; = Is it e/en rea''y appropriate to argue about this matter right now;

= Can anything be change% or ma%e %ifferent by pre/ai'ing in the argument or is it more worthwhi'e to Dust nip the argument in the bu% an% mo/e on; = Is the issue e/en worth arguing about in the first p'ace; If you answer no to any of the aforementione% ?uestions: then stop pressing the matter an% 'et it s'i%e. "any break ups can be pre/ente% or ?uick'y rekin%'e% if a 'arge argument is sett'e%. ,urprising'y enough: many breakup in%ucing argument are rea''y comp'ete'y unnecessary: an% The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

cou'% be cast asi%e if on'y the parties in/o'/e% cou'% 'et the tension s'i%e an% mo/e on. he ne$t step to 'earning how to get your e$ boyfrien% back is to stop fretting so har% about how you are being percei/e%. It rea''y %oes not matter if peop'e think you are funny or too serious: fat or too thin: stupi% or inte''igent. 3ou want to 'et go on these concerns so that you can fina''y be yourse'f an% 'et your beha/ior f'ow. his way: peop'e 'ike your e$ boyfrien% wi'' percei/e you for who you actua''y are: rather than who you are trying to be. #motiona''y an% menta''y %istancing yourse'f from your e$ is an important step in 'earning how to get your e$ boyfrien% back. Whi'e this may seem counter intuiti/e: it is actua''y important to take yourse'f out of the situation menta''y: remo/ing the stress associate% with the break up. When you are fee'ing more ca'me% an% re'a$e%: an% he is fee'ing the same: this is when true reso'ution can fina''y become a part of the %ia'ogue between the two of you. - 'itt'e bit of %istance ne/er hurt anyone. It6s important to stay in contact an% maintain positi/e con/ersation an% communication: but take the emotions out of the situation if you want to sur/i/e the con/ersation. 7nce your hea% is c'ear: an% his hea% is c'ear: this is when the situation can be tru'y ana'yCe% for what it is. When you an% your e$ are no 'onger fee'ing so hot hea%e% about the issue that 'e% to the breakup: this is when you can sit %own together an% communicate through a so'ution. "ost breakups can be easi'y un%one if you an% your e$ boyfrien% can simp'y fin% the patience an% ci/i'ity to ta'k things through: so this shou'% be your primary goa' if you want to rekin%'e the f'ame with an e$ significant other that you care significant'y for.

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Chapter ,
(d+ice on -elationships !o" to .eep a Wo'an !appy
Do you know how to keep a woman happy; )ere is some a%/ice on re'ationships for men. he first a%/ice on re'ationships item I ha/e for you is to a'ways be yourse'f. "any men %onHt fee' that they are goo% enough to catch a beautifu': se$y woman: so they put on a show. But a confi%ent man is the se$iest beast aroun%. )a/e you e/er notice% that some of the ug'iest guys ha/e some of the prettiest women; hat is because they %isp'ay a 'e/e' of confi%ence that is more attracti/e to women than physica' 'ooks. @e$t: you shou'% %o the 'itt'e things. his means offering to take her car in for an oi' change or gi/ing her a bag of 9e''y Be''ies Aher fa/orite f'a/orsB from time to time. ,ometimes men think in terms of Igran% gestures:F when it is the 'itt'e things a%% up to 'ong re'ationships. his ties into the ne$t piece of a%/ice on re'ationships: appreciate her. 3ou shou'%nHt take her for grante%. 8et her know that you /a'ue her.

@e$t up is not ob/ious'y 'ooking at other women when you are with her. Women think that you are comparing her to the woman youHre 'ooking at. hey %onHt un%erstan% the who'e concept of Ithe %ay I stop 'ooking is the %ay I %ie.F his comes from the bio'ogica' %ri/e for monogamy in women. Women are 'ooking for a 'ifetime partner for a man with whom they can raise chi'%ren. hey canHt he'p it. hatHs how e/o'ution %esigne% them. ,o minimiCe the og'ing: especia''y when sheHs aroun%. 3ou shou'% try to make her 'augh. Whi'e men 'ist goo% 'ooks at the top of the things they nee% in a woman: women 'ist a manHs sense of humor. ,o: if you want the re'ationship to 'ast: keep her 'aughing. he ne$t bit of a%/ice on re'ationships comes in seeking common interests. ItHs great if you got The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

together because of a hobby or an interest: but it sti'' he'ps when you take an interest in a 'ong stan%ing passion of hers. If this means %e/e'oping an appreciation for foreign fi'ms: so be it. his shows that you care about her an% sheH'' know you are one in a mi''ion. 7nce you get the gir': it may seem 'ike you %onHt ha/e to try anymore J at 'east as far as grooming goes. -n%: whi'e women are 'ess sensiti/e to 'ooks than men are: they sti'' 'ike a man who makes an attempt. ,o: sha/e on weeken%s. 1eep in touch with the 'atest fashion tren%s for men. In short: %onHt get s'oppy Dust because youH/e 'an%e% her. 3ou can un'an% her Dust as easi'y. ,heHs going to nee% to know that she can integrate you into her circ'e of fami'y an% frien%s. - man must be part of her 'arger 'ife: especia''y after the first few weeks of passion are o/er. ,o: make an effort to get a'ong with her gir'frien%s an% impress her parents. - woman re'ies on her socia' network to /a'i%ate her re'ationship choices. "ake an effort. 3ou shou'% a'ways be consi%erate of her fee'ings. Women are 'ess stab'e than guys. Part of this is hormona'. When you are sensiti/e to her moo%: you wonHt get on her ba% si%e. he fina' piece of a%/ice on re'ationships is to be open to trying new things. -t the beginning of a re'ationship: e/erything is new from the types of %ates you arrange to the way you kiss. But: after a whi'e: these things become routine. If you fin% that your re'ationship has fa''en into a rut: shake things up. ry something new. It wi'' go a 'ong way to keeping your re'ationship hea'thy. ,o: there are ten bits of a%/ice on re'ationships to keep your %ating 'ife strong. 8ook you guys: these things are common sense an% the fact is I a'most %ro/e my sweetheart out of my 'ife because I %i%n6t pay attention to what I was %oing. here is a book that woke me up written by 6Dub6 9ackson ca''e% < he "agic 7f "aking Ep<. -fter I rea% it an% began app'ying his common sense suggestions: our 'o/e 'ife turne% aroun%. @ot on'y that a'' of my persona' re'ationships: with frien%s: co=workers an% my fami'y ha/e become much smother than they were before. 3ou might want to check out < he "agic of "aking Ep< yourse'f. Why %o women say they want one thing but actua''y go out with a guy who is Dust the opposite; he answer to that ?uestion 'ies in the subconscious moti/ators for getting together. -n%: therein 'ies my re'ationship a%/ice for men. he historica': bio'ogica' reason for men an% women to get together is to propagate the species. In other wor%s: Dust because getting pregnant may be the 'ast thing on her conscious min%: when she e/a'uates a man at the subconscious 'e/e': sheHs sti'' 'ooking for a goo% papa for her chi'%ren. The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Is the goo% %a% someone who 'istens to her; @o: it is someone who wi'' pro/i%e for her chi'%ren. -n%: the person who can pro/i%e for her chi'%ren is someone who has the confi%ence to bring home the bacon. Women nee% men who can be goo% pro/i%ers. Whi'e a man can pro%uce thousan%s of sperm on repeate% occasions throughout their a%u't 'i/es: e/en into their +5Hs: women ha/e about *55 chances of pro%ucing a baby. -s a resu't: they are 'ooking for a man who can pro/i%e 'onge/ity an% stabi'ity for their babies. - man who te''s a women he is a 'awyer an% not a para'ega' wi'' ha/e a better chance of 'an%ing her. hat is because she percei/es that a 'awyer is a better pro/i%er for her future chi'%ren. But ha/ing a goo% income is not enough. - woman nee%s to percei/e that a man is generous with his resources an% wi'' pro/i%e for her chi'%ren. hat is why women p'ace such a high /a'ue on gifts such as Dewe'ry. It may a'so be why the engagement ring must be such a 'arge purchase. When you ask a woman to marry you: you gi/e her a ring: not Dust because it is tra%itiona' an% romantic: but because it is a tangib'e %isp'ay that you can pro/i%e for her an% her chi'%ren.

The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

Chapter /
!o" ( -ebo)nd -elationship Can Work In 0o)r 1a+or
If you ha/e broken up with the 'o/e of your 'ife an% she is in a reboun% re'ationship: how %o you get her back; - reboun% re'ationship is one where she is %ating someone e'se to get o/er you. 0eboun% re'ationships keep peop'e from ha/ing to %ea' with the emotions of breaking up. hey6re use% to he'p peop'e mo/e on from a rea' 'o/e. -n% that6s the key to getting your e$ back. ,he6s in a reboun% re'ationship to %ea' with 'osing you. It %oes not matter why she 'ost you. It %oesn6t matter if it is your fau't or hers. It %oesn6t e/en matter who actua''y ca''e% the re'ationship off. What matters is that you ha/e a rea' 'o/e. Because /irtua''y a'' re'ationships foun%e% on rea' 'o/e can be sa/e%. If she6s in a reboun% re'ationship: she wi'' be focusing on what is wrong with your re'ationship. If you were a <goo% guy< she6'' probab'y be hanging out with a <ba% boy.< If you were into phi'osophy: he6'' be watching "on%ay @ight 4ootba''. 7r: /ice /ersa. he fact that she is actua''y focusing on the %ifferences in your sty'es is actua''y goo% for you for two reasons. )er attention is sti'' focuse% on you e/en when she6s with the new guy. -n%: it gi/es you a chance to see what she6s 'ooking for. If she6s with someone as %ifferent from you as possib'e: it means that she was missing something in your re'ationship. 3ou can use the time she6s with reboun% man to impro/e yourse'f. 8et the reboun% re'ationship run its course. Because: as she spen%s time with the new guy: she wi'' start to see the f'aws in him. -fter a month or so with reboun% man: you6'' start to 'ook pretty goo%. hat6s why you %on6t want to craw' back to her right away. 8et her %e/e'op the i%ea that she misses the goo% things in the re'ationship. When she6s rea%y to make a mo/e: be magnanimous. We'come The Magic of Making Up 14 Strategies

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