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Sarah Martin My student is a 6th grader named Joel.

Joel has a visual impairment of 20/200 and a visual acuity of 25 degrees. He has great spatial awareness and is comfortable exploring different environments. Joel has no vestibular damage and good balance. Joel is able to participate in general physical education with a partner and/or a paraeducator with minimal modifications. Joel attends general physical education three times a week for 45 minutes, Joel exhibits no additional health problems or contraindications. He currently participates in United States Association of Blind Athletes (USABA) youth goalball practices and wants to try out for the team. Joel is able to recover a ball quickly and throw with greater strength compared to his peers. One skill Joel must improve on in order to make the team is blocking, Joel has a tendency to stop short and hesitate before making initial contact with the floor. This hesitation causes many balls to pass him.

Sample Goalball Skill Assessment Student functional level: Moderate to High Functioning Blocking Preparation Stance X Trials 1 - 5 X X X X Comments After each throw from own team assumes preparation stance. Makes some anticipatory moves before ball is throw by opponent Delay/hesitation with early floor contact; gets verbal cues and reminders. Forgets to protect face; gets verbal cues and reminders.

Short Step to side of block

Hands, elbows, and knees contact the floor early

Side-lying position: arms extended, legs together, face protected during block. Key: X = accomplished

/ = with assistance

0 = not accomplished

Lesson Plan
Objectives: Practice proper blocking technique, Push off, lead with hands and elbows Activity name: Slide Over Class format: 1:1 Organizational Equipment(s): Pattern: Basketball, medicine Individual ball, or goal ball; 2 with teacher traffic cones; blindfolds or peer assistant as needed Students Name: Joel Time: Monday. 45 minutes Curriculum(s):

Description: Cones set up 13ft. apart. Student blocking start in kneeling position. Sighted partner stand 6ft. in front of student with visual impairment. Student blocking must wear blindfold. Sighted partner rolls 3 balls to the left and 3 balls to the right, allowing time between throw for visually impaired student to block the ball and return to start position. Extension(s): Move student from kneeling position to standing position. Inclusion Suggestion(s): Have blocking student demonstrate the proper technique, describe the steps in sequential order.

Unit Plan Monday

Curr type: S Class Format: 1:1 Tch Style: PT & SC Activity Name: Slide Over Tch emphasis: V Modification: none

Curr type: S Class Format: SM Tch Style: PT Activity Name: Remember Me II Tch emphasis: V & M

Wednesday NO CLASS
Curr type: Class Format: Tch Style: Activity Name: Tch emphasis Modification:

Thursday NO CLASS
Curr type: Class Format: Tch Style: Activity Name: Tch emphasis

Curr type: S Class Format: LG Tch Style: I Activity Name: Four Square Tch emphasis: V

Modification: Modification: none

Modification: none

Curr type: Mt Class Format: 1:1 Tch Style: PT & I Activity Name: Here I Am Tch emphasis: V & PA Modification: none

Curr type: Mt Class Format: LG Tch Style: DD Activity Name: Work It Across Tch emphasis: V

Curr type: Class Format: Tch Style: Activity Name: Tch emphasis Modification:

Curr type: Class Format: Tch Style: Activity Name: Tch emphasis Modification:

Curr type: Mt Class Format: SM Tch Style: I Activity Name: Block It Tch emphasis: V & PA Modification: none

Modification: none

Curricular Type: S (same), Mt = (Multi), MD = (Modified), D = (Different) *** Class Format: 1:1, SM = (small group), LG = (large group), Mix = Mixed group***Teaching Style: C = command, PT = practice/task, R = reciprocal, SC = self-check, I = inclusion *** Tch emphasis or prompt: V= verbal, M= model, PA= physical assist

Present Level of performance

Student is able to keep eyes on target 2/5 trials and is able to

hold a basketball with two hands with assistance 3/5 trials Annual goal To improve wheelchair basketball chest pass by increasing eyes on target 5/5 trials, and holding the ball independently with two hands 4/5 trials. 1.Will be able to focus eyes on target 4/5 trials during chest pass 2.Will be able to focus eyes on target 5/5 trials during chest pass 3.Will be able to hold a basketball independently 2/5 trials during chest pass 4.Will be able to hold a basketball independently 4/5 trials during chest pass

Short term objectives

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