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Alann Kragnes

Dr. Wanda White

ENGL 1102-018
25 March 2014
What People Dont Know Will Hurt Them
Id like to live as a poor man with lots of money. (Picasso) Is there a reason why
people constantly are crunching numbers in their head when they have to eat? Eating out vs
dining in and having a family meal is one of the most difficult topics in todays day in age.
People say well maybe I will spend more money if I stay in and cook my own food or I dont
have time to cook a healthy dinner, why dont we just go out to eat. Eating is a natural part of
life and people, animals, and other things do it every day. It is how people survive and keep
living. As a natural part of life, it costs money to make certain foods. There are all types of food
such as healthy food, fast food, organic, Chinese, Japanese, Mexican, etc. are all different types
of foods with different ingredients and health factors that are a huge part of everyday lives.
People in sizes from singles to large families eating out versus eating at home can be determined
by the amount of people in their family, the type of food that is being eaten and its flavor , the
healthiness of the food, and the extra costs it takes to eat out then eating at home.
1+1= 2 Family Members
The amount of people a family has can vary the cost of eating out vs cooking at home in
many different ways. For example, a single man could go out by himself and buy the same
amount of food that a large family would consume. It would not be cost effective for this man to
buy this much food because most of it would go bad or never be eaten. Now, take the same
situation with the large family buying the amount of food that the single man would eat. The
family would not be healthy. They would be malnourished and the nutritional content in their
body would be greatly less than someone who would be considered healthy.
The amount of food matters to the right amount of people that are eating. Eating out
versus cooking and dining in is a touchy topic when adding the size or quantity of the family. A
study done by Boston Globe measured the cost of a dinner at outback compared to the same meal
cooked at home. (Dornbusch) The dinner at outback would be for a family of two. In at home
process the people went out and bought the ingredients. Soup, salad, and rib-eye steak was a part
of the meal. The meal at outback with the cost of two came to be $47.68. (Dornbusch) The meal
when bought at the store and cooked at home came to be $45.86. Now, this meal seems to be
about the same, but when analyzed the meal came to be $11.84 per person and the meal at
outback was 23.84 per person. This meal was substantially cost effective at home. There was a
hidden line behind the meal. The at home meal had more substantial amount of food that could
feed a whole family and have enough servings for a weeks worth of salad and soup.
(Dornbusch) Taking the amount of people in to affect when dealing with what would be more
cost effective, the increase of family or people creates a cheaper budget when eating at home
versus eating out.
Large families around the world are known to eat at home. Take in to fact that even if the
single man when to outback to eat. It would cost him close to twenty dollars just for him to eat.
Twenty dollars a night turns in to 140 dollars a week and that would be just taking only dinner as
the meal being eaten. That would not take in to account breakfast or lunch or the food he bought
at home that is just sitting there. Eating out is very costly and is what people call a want
instead of a need. Money is not the only aspect here that should be focused on. Would the meal
be healthy? How much extra money did this man spend?

Savor the Flavor
Does the taste of something affect the cost of it? The answer to this question would be
yes. Take for example a fast food place like McDonalds. Someone could walk in, order an entire
meal, eat the meal, and then leave all within fifteen minutes of each other. The cost of these
items would be no more than six dollars a head and thats if the most expensive item has been
bought. At a fancy restaurant, something of this nature would not work at all. A fine dining five
star restaurant is more expensive for not only the way the food tastes but also the environment.
McDonalds is known as a quick sit down or drive thru place. The people get for what they pay
for. A few mcdouble burgers from McDonalds would cost around three to five dollars with tax
included but a plate from somewhere like Olive Garden would cost from a range of nine to
fifteen dollars more. The flavor of these items would vary greatly. Chicken Parmigiana which
would include spaghetti, a drink, salad, and breadsticks would cost around $14.25 for the plate
which does not include tips or any other type of essentials. The flavor of the food would matter if
the food was cooked at home compared to the food cooked at Olive Garden.
When something is cooked at home, the cook or chef can control the flavor of that food
by adding various spices or ingredients to it to make the taste the way they want it. Now the food
cooked at Olive Garden is cooked the same way almost every time depending on the chef.
Overall, the taste of something does affect the cost of it because of several things. The way that
food is prepared and the ingredients involved to cook it. Preparing food takes time and effort as
well as costly ingredients to make it taste the way the consumer would prefer. Cooking and
making chicken parmesan would be more costly than just eating something bland and taste wise,
average. How does someone measure something that tastes satisfactory? Does the taste of
something expensive taste better then something less costly?
Science of Food (Placebo effect)
There is a topic in psychology called the placebo effect. The placebo effect can be used
in different categories of things such as medications or just anything that can be consumed.
How Your Brain Eats takes the placebo effect in to play. The information highway of brain,
spinal cord, and nerves is like a telephone system through which your mind communicates with
your digestive organs.(Mind Over Food) The mind designates the foods that taste good to the
consumer or the foods that are not wanted too. The placebo effect on an easier level is the minds
way of saying that something taste better because the mind thinks it is better not because the
actual taste. There is a science to eating food and it all starts with the brain. For example, if
chocolate ice cream is someones favorite flavor. When this person consumes this chocolate ice
cream, the hypothalamus will take these positive inputs and send signals to the salivary glands,
esophagus, stomach, intestines, pancreas, liver, and gallbladder signifying if the person likes this
taste or not. The hypothalamus is a series of tissues in the brain that takes things that people feel
physically and transforms them in to physiological thoughts. (Mind Over Food) The way people
can digest food is affected by their brain, too. If youre feeling guilty about eating the ice cream
or judging yourself for eating it, the hypothalamus will take this negative input and send signals
down the sympathetic fibers of the autonomic nervous system. This initiates inhibitory responses
in the digestive organs, which means youll be eating your ice cream but not fully metabolizing
it. (Mind Over Food) The taste of food does matter about the ingredients and the flavor. But
does the effort of something or cost of it affect the consumers judgment? The answer to this is
half and half. There is a reason why the taste of food is good or bad. There is a placebo effect
partially on the flavor of foods but it is mostly the way the food is prepared and how it is cooked.
The reason why a meal that took eight hours to prepare and cook is delicious is not because the
mind only thinks it is delicious. It is tasty because the meal took time and effort to be made the
way it is. Food is an art and it takes time and effort to master its creation.
Is Eating Out or Cooking at Home Healthier?
Science of Healthy Foods
The foods people eat everyday shape that persons body. The saying you are what you
eat applies to the healthiness of the food. The science of food is quite simple. A certain food has
content to it that make it healthy or unhealthy. The amount of calories, protein, carbohydrates,
sugars, fat, etc. all apply to the healthiness of the food. Calories are a source of energy that gives
you energy throughout your day. There are good and bad calories. Good calories are from
healthy foods like pasta or dairy. Bad calories can be obtained from fatty foods such as fast food
or foods with grease. The picture provided
on the left shows the percentage of calories in fast food and the US diet from 1977 compare to
2005. The picture specifies that the population as a whole has changed their ways at cooking
meals at home to eating fast food. The population is steadily getting less and less healthy and is
now consuming the bad calories instead of the positive, healthy calories.
Proteins are used for building of muscles and ligaments to keep them strong and healthy.
The strength someone has to carry a big box up a bunch of stairs is from the body consuming
that protein to make their ligaments and muscles strong and agile. Body builders are known for
consuming large amounts of protein to keep their muscles strong and make them bigger as well.
Proteins make the body tough and the muscles fulfilled. Protein gives the body the strength it
needs to pick things up or move things around to benefit its daily use. Without protein the
muscles and ligaments would not be nourished.
Carbohydrates are another source of energy. Just like calories, there are good and bad
carbohydrates. Good carbs are plant foods that deliver fiber, vitamins, minerals, and
phytochemicals along with grams of carbohydrate, such as whole grains, beans, vegetables, and
fruits. You cant judge a carb as good without considering its fiber content (unless its a
naturally low-fiber food like skim or low-fat milk). (Food Recipes) Bad carbohydrates could
turn into fat if not burned off properly.
There are good and bad fats. Good fats are used to add to the body that helps the body
pertain certain nutrition. Good fats store all the necessary nutrients the body needs and helps the
body stay healthy. Bad fats are usually obtained from greasy foods that make the body sluggish
and slow. Examples of fatty foods are French fries, chips, junk food, hotdogs, etc. are all
examples of bad fats that are not necessary for your body.
Sugars are not something the body usually needs but yet again there are good and bad
sugars. Americans are eating more sugar than ever before. In fact, the average adult takes in
about 20 teaspoons of added sugar every day, according to the USDAs recent nationwide food
consumption survey. Thats about 320 calories, which can quickly up to extra pounds. Many
adults simply dont realize how much added sugar is in their diets.(Foods and Recipes) When
the body consumes a food it will break down this food. The body will take out the nutrients it
needs from this food and then it will let the body get rid the rest of the waste. When it consumes
this food it creates and produces glucose (sugars) that the body needs and desires or else the
body would not function properly. Usually diabetics bodies cannot break down these sugars
(good sugars) that the body needs. The bad sugars are in things such as candy or fruit juice.
These are not needed by the body but the based upon the consumer and its cravings some people
need a little sugar once in a while because they have a sweet tooth and crave the taste.
Food Cost Money
Going out to eat costs money and everyone knows that. But what are the hidden aspects
of going out to eat that people dont know about. What extra costs and credentials are there that
makes going out to eat such more of a hassle then just sitting at home and making food?
The prices of gas are increasing by the year. As people use more and more gas every year
the less abundance there is of this which makes the price sky rocket. People in todays age all use
a sense of transportation to get from one area to another. This sense of transportation is more
likely to be run on gas. The gas is a vital credential that cost money for people that like to eat
out. The picture of the image below explains the increase of gas prices from 2009 to 2011.
People who enjoy eating out definitely will spend more on gas alone which overall adds to the
cost of food.

Dont forget the Tip
In the world today, there are hardworking individuals that serve people that like to eat out
to dinner. They give them a service by putting on a smile and being a kind, collective person to
their tables. Individuals that eat out usually meet these people called waiters/waitresses. When
the service is given to a table or group of people there is a tip involved that is supposed to be
based on the performance of the waiter/waitress mixed with the cost of the food and how the
food tasted as well. You bought dinner so that means I will give the tip. This is a phrase
usually said or once heard from people at least once in a persons life. The tip is a credential or
added cost to a meal. So say for example a family of four has a meal that is totaled to be $55.99.
The tip is extra cost to that which will be from 15 to 20 percent. The tip adds to the cost of eating
which in conclusion can be very pricy for someone on a tight budget.
Sometimes going out to eat is not worth the effort and time. Eating out is a different
experience every time. Some usual phrases heard or said after the meal would be the food was
bad or the waitress was not eccentric or that guy really made me mad on the drive over
here. These are all sayings heard by people when they go out to eat. Sometimes dealing with
other people and stresses that a meal takes in account is more stressful then just lets say eating at
home. Noting this, is eating out worth just taking the time out at home to cook a meal?
Americans have changed greatly in the last decade. The amount of people that have
started going out to eat instead of cooking at home has changed greatly. The meals used to be
about having family dinners and sitting around the table with people you live with or love and
just having a great family meal. Now it seems as if everyone is about going out to eat to get a
quick bite because it is easy and fast. As people keep doing this, the peoples budgets will start
varying greatly. Eating out is not excessively more expensive then cooking at home. The extra
expenses and daily stresses that eating out brings greatly outweighs cooking at home. Eating out
is not only stressful and more expensive but it does not allow for people to interact with their
loved ones. On a personal level, people do not typically talk about things that they would say at
home in public. You cannot talk about certain things and there is no such thing as eating a
peaceful dinner out. Eating at home brings comfort and easiness. Yes, the stress of getting and
cooking the meal is tough but its value is more worth then the intrepid idea of eating out. In
conclusion, money is what makes the world go round. Spending this money will be valued more
if it is spent on people they want to be with versus people that are complete strangers. Many
people take no care of their money till they come nearly to the end of it, and others do just the
same with their time. (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)

Work Cited

"Food & dining." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.

"Good Carbs, Bad Carbs: Understanding Natural and Refined Carbohydrates."WebMD.
WebMD, n.d. Web. 14 Apr. 2014. <

"Healthy Eating: Cooking at Home vs. Eating Out." Diet-to-Go. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar.
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Hoffman, Beth. "What's So Great About Cooking? Four Reasons (and Resources) to
DIY." Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 18 June 2012. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

"Johann Wolfgang von Goethe quote."BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014.

"Obesity Action Coalition Eating Out vs. Eating at Home." Obesity Action Coalition
Eating Out vs Eating at Home Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014.

"Olive Garden Menu." Olive Garden Italian Restaurants. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

"Pablo Picasso quote." BrainyQuote. Xplore, n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

"Serious Eats -" Serious Eats. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Apr. 2014.

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"6 Reasons Why You Should Stop Dining Out." / Nutrition / Healthy Eating. N.p., n.d.
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