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Joseph Oliveira


The last time I was ever in Brazil was years and years ago. Sixteen to be exact. So probably back
in 1997-1998. Since that time, I have been wanting to go back to Brasil. So I have the question
on my mind of what is life like in Brasil? So before I started to do research. I thought about
what I knew about so far. For starters, the price is 2:1. Meaning everything in the United States
is double in Brasil. I also know that, at least according to my uncle, the latest trend in Brasil is
that everything must be new. Everyone likes to walk everywhere in the blistering heat of Brasil
because no one can afford cars there. Also the famous cell phone in Brasil is the Nokia. For
some strange reason. Every Brasilian I have seen, even in America, has a Nokia Lumia, but this is
now. Lets discuss about the past sixteen years of Brasil. I asked my brother-in-law about this
topic and he was luckily able to provide me with an answer. He says that within this time. Brasil
improved in economic stability. As well as the end of hyperinflation. An example of this would
be, lets say you went to the supermarket to buy a cookie for 1$. Tomorrow you would go back
and buy the same cookie for $5. This has caused others to live a much better life. Brasil has also
had an increase in the technological field. Giving an increased field of education. This has
helped to create businesses, create jobs, and pretty much increase the lives of others. With all
of these excesses, the people of Brasil finally came to a realization of their citizenship. Meaning
that the citizens became aware of their rights. They also no longer have accepted what is wrong
and only want what is right. A quick summary of this would be that the Brasil has improved. The
people have better lives. They are happier, live longer, and live better. I also asked my cousin
Mariam Jeha on the subject and she gave me some very interesting news. One of them being
about the newly Brasilian president, Dilma Vana Rouseff. In accordance to Wikipedia, she was
elected January 1
, 2011. She was also the first female to hold office. She was previously the
Chief of Staff to President Luiz Incio Lula da Silva from 2005 to 2010. ( Her
father was a Bulgarian entrepreneur. She was raised in an upper-middle class society in Belo
Horizonte, Brasil. The road to her election started in her youth. When she became a socialist.
Following the 1964 coup dtat, she joined many different left-wing and Marxist Urban
Guerilla groups that fought against the military dictatorship. Rouseff was eventually captured
somewhere between 1970-1972. Where she was reported tortured ( Once she
was released, she went to rebuild her life in Porto Alegre with Carlos Araujo. He would become
her partner in 30 years. With both of their helps, the Democratic Labour Party (PDT) was
founded in Rio Grande Do Sul which participated in many of the partys electoral campaigns.
She soon became the Secretary of the Treasure of the City of Porto Alegre in the Alceu Collares
Administration. Later she would become the Secretary of Energy of the state of Rio Grande do
Sul under both the Collares and Olivo Dutra Administrations ( In the year 2000,
after a misunderstanding in the Dutra cabinet, she left and joined the workers party (PT). In the
year 2002, Rouseff entered the committee answerable for the energy policy of presidential
candidate Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva. That after his electoral victory, invited her to be the Minister
of Energy. In 2005, a crisis caused by a corruption scandal led to the departure of the Chief of
staff Jose Dirceu, a former politician. Rouseff took over the position. She remained in office
until the 30
of March, 2011. When she stepped down to run for President, she was victorious
in a run-off October 31
2011. Another important thing that happened in Brasil is an increase in
law enforcement. I dont know if any of you guys reading this remember this, but back in 2000.
A Brasilian woman gave childbirth to a boy in America. Her husband David Goldman and the
wife decided to name the boy Sean. Nine years later, in 2009, the woman began to hate
America. Without letting David know, she left with Sean to go live in Brasil. David received a
phone call from her saying that she was sending divorce papers to America for him to sign
because she decided to marry a Brasilian Lawyer named Sergio. The Brasilian woman was about
to go through another childbirth but past away due to some sort of infection. When David
found out about this, he wanted to get Sean back, but Sergio would not give him back to David.
David was allowed to visit Sean, but that was it. After many months of fighting, in September,
the Brasilian government decided to return Sean back to his rightful parent. Sergio, since he
was very wealthy, did whatever he could to buy Sean from the government, but Brasil would
not allow it. That month in 2009 marked a trademark for the Brasilian Law system. Some today
news would be probably about the 2014 World Cup in Brazil. This caused a massive Riot called
the 2013 protests in Brasil. These lasted from Early June 2013-July 2013. According to a little
chat I had with my Mother (From Minas Gerais, Brasil), these riots occurred because of
Madame President Dilma Rouseff. She is spending too much money on the World Cup, causing
the Brasilian population to be pretty upset. Causing mass riots. With signs being help up on the
streets of Brasil saying, Nos nao quereim Copa do Mundo, Nos quereim dinheiro (We dont
want World Cup, We want Money) In fact, they were planning on moving the World Cup to
London because they thought that Brasil would be too dangerous of a place for it to be held,
but they decided to keep it in Rio De Janeiro. Since I was in Brasil back in 1997, things have
dramatically changed. It is hard to believe what has happened in 16 years. I hope to go back
there for the World Cup. Perhaps I can see the change with my own eyes.

My father-in-law (Villa Velha, Spiritos Santos, Brasil)

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