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venuoi Application:
1. Anyone wanting to sell at Celina's Fiiuay Night Naiket must agiee to the
teims of these iules anu show theii agieement by signing the application anu
submitting othei iequiieu foims, if applicable.
2. venuois must submit the application anu othei iequiieu foims if applicable,
no latei than one week piioi to the maiket in oiuei to be able to paiticipate
in the maiket
S. venuois wanting to ieseive iegulai space at the maiket foi the 2u1S season
can ieseive a spot foi the following yeai with a $2u ueposit beginning
0ctobei 1, 2u14.
4. Besignation anu allocation of selling spaces aie the iesponsibility anu at the
uiscietion of the Naiket Nanagei. Spaces will be solu as the applications aie
ieceiveu anu appioveu, until the maiket is at capacity.
S. venuois will, if applicable, pioviue a Sales Tax Ceitificate to the maiket
iepiesentative. It is the venuoi's iesponsibility to comply with the State
Comptiollei's iequiiements.
6. venuois agiee at least 6u% of theii piouucemeatuaiiy is homegiown oi
theii piouucts aie homemaue. The iemaining 4u% of piouuct shoulu come
fiom within seven houis by tiuck of Celina anu venuois shoulu know theii
souices anu the piouuct giowing anu manufactuiing conuitions.

venuoi Application Fee:
7. All venuois - An application fee will be submitteu with each venuoi
application. venuoi cost when applying foi all S Fiiuay nights is $1uu ($2u
each night) oi $12S ($2S each night) if electiicity is neeueu.
8. The A la Caite fee is $2S pei space each night anu $Su each night with
9. AitisanCiaft venuois - Applications will iequiie a photo of the
AitisansCiaft venuoi booth anu piouuct being solu.

Naiket 0peiations:
1u. Celina's Fiiuay Night Naiket opeiates }une 6 thiough August 1S. The houis
of opeiation aie fiom 6:uu PN until 9:uu PN. venuois may begin aiiiving at
S:uu PN to set up anu be ieauy to gieet theii customeis foi the opening of
the maiket at 6:uu PN. No venuoi set-up is alloweu aftei S:4S PN
11. A stanuaiu venuoi space is 1u feet X 1u feet.
12. venuois that plan to paiticipate in the maiket foi the entiie season anu pay
the space fees foi the entiie season befoie the 1st maiket night pay a
uiscounteu iate on the space fees.
1S. Electiicity will be pioviueu foi an auuitional $S pei night.
14. venuois must supply theii own tents, tables, chaiis, space signage,
iefiigeiation, stoiage, anu all mateiials anu containeis foi customei sales.
1S. venuois ueteimine the piicing anu uisplay of theii piouucts.
16. venuois will be solely iesponsible foi keeping theii space anu all aieas in
anu about theii venuoi space(s) clean anu fiee of any conuitions that might
potentially iesult in oi cause injuiy to the venuois anu any othei peisons oi
17. venuois must clean up theii spaces at the enu of each maiket anu have
vacateu theii space no latei than 1u:uu PN. venuois shall not use public
tiash ieceptacles foi uisposal of piouuce boxes oi unsolu piouuce. Theie is a
$Su fee pei space when the maiket iepiesentative has to clean up the space
at the close of the maiket. That fee must be paiu befoie the venuoi can sell at
the maiket again.
18. venuois shall be solely iesponsible foi uamages iesulting fiom the sale of
unsafe oi unsounu goous at the maiket.
19. No smoking is alloweu at the maiket.
2u. venuois will not be alloweu to biing any pets to the maiket.
21. No live animals may be solu oi given away at the maiket.
22. venuois must conuuct themselves in a piofessional mannei anu in
accoiuance to the law.
2S. No fiieaims, alcoholic beveiages (excluuing wine when solu by an appioveu
wineiy with appiopiiate TABC peimitting) oi uiugs will be alloweu at the
24. Cancellations iequiie a minimum 24 houi notice piioi to the stait of Fiiuay
Night Naiket.

2S. violations of the iules anu complaints that aiise will be iesolveu by the
Fiiuay Night Naiket Committee. A uecision of the Fiiuay Night Naiket
Committee may be appealeu to the Nain Stieet Boaiu of Biiectois. venuois
agiee to abiue by the final uecision.

26. violation of any piovision of the Naiket Rules of 0peiation will iesult in a
venuoi being iequiieu to vacate the maiket immeuiately. Theie will be no
iefunu foi spaces foi this uay.

27. The maiket iepiesentative ieseives the iight to cancel any venuoi's
paiticipation at any time if anu when the venuoi shall be founu to be in
violation of any maiket iule oi eligibility iequiiements.

28. The maiket shall ieseive the iight to ievise the Naiket Rules of 0peiation at
any time anu shall post notice of such ievision to venuois.

Aumission of venuois anu Piouucts:
1. All peisons oi theii uesignateu iepiesentatives who giow oi piouuce foou,
agiicultuial oi othei piouucts, which have met the guiuelines establisheu in
Celina's Fiiuay Night Naiket Rules of 0peiation, aie eligible to sell at the maiket.

2. venuois shall comply with the City of Celina's Peimitting Bepaitment oi moie
infoimation, please contact 0scai Nejia, Peimits Cooiuinatoi, at 972.S82.2682
x1uS2 oi

1. All venuois must sign the acknowleugement anu inuemnity statement on
application befoie they can sell at Fiiuay Night Naiket.
2. venuois of tempeiatuie contiolleu oi potentially hazaiuous foou piouuct
must be appioveu anu peimitteu by the City of Celina. Foi moie infoimation,
please contact:
City of Celina's Peimitting Bepaitment, 0scai Nejia, Peimits Cooiuinatoi, at
972.S82.2682 x1uS2 oi
S. venuois of foou items piouuceu in theii home must follow iules outlineu in
the Texas Cottage Foou Legislation effective 912u1S (BB97u) Foou must
be labeleu accoiuing to the piovisions of the law.

4. venuois aie !"#$%%"&'"' to obtain Piemise Liability Insuiance.
S. All piepaieu foou venuois must submit a copy of theii foou hanulei's
ceitificate oi caiu !""#$%&' )* +,& -&.!/ 0&"+ $1 2+!+& 3&!4+, 2&#%56&/
to the Naiket Nanagei piioi to selling at the maiket.
6. A foou hanulei's ceitificate oi caiu is offeieu online foi about $1u.
The couise takes an houi anu theie isn't a test. You may piint youi
ceitificate out at home. foou hanulei
Souices foi infoimation on Cottage Law :

7. All sampling must follow safe foou hanuling pioceuuies.
8. venuois using a canopy must have them secuieu in a safe mannei.
9. venuois must fall into one of the following categoiies:
a. Faimei: venuois must giow foou piouucts, incluuing vegetables,
mushiooms, fiuit, nuts, seeus oi giains, anu hoiticultuial goous.
b. Foou Specialty: venuois must piouuce foou piouucts, incluuing
bakeu goous, canuies, jams, jellies, spices, conuiments, cheeses, yaiu
eggs, milk, honey, meats, fish anu pasta.
1.Cottage Law venuois with a Foou Banuleis caiu
c. Aitisans: Aits anu ciafts venuois who hanuciaft all items solu.

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