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Venecia Dorado
Professor Ditch
6 May 2014
Women Can Do It Also!!!
American women played many important roles during World War II. They either stayed
home and played the role of a mother/wife or would put on the uniform and serve their country.
They also volunteered in the army, navy, marines, and etc. They basically were put first in many
armed forces duties to be killed first instead of men. Many women who fought in combat zone
died. As war was coming to an end, even though many women wanted to keep their jobs, they
werent able to keep their job because men were returning home from war. The men needed the
jobs that women took over during the time they were at war. I argue that women should be given
the opportunity to choose where they want to work and not be limited just because of gender
roles. Unlike Juliet Ashton how was portray in World War II, where they had to be working and
basically doing things men would do on a daily basis, therefore the men went to war women
replaced them and took their responsibilities. That didnt stop Juliet from becoming a writer, she
did the opposite of what women were doing during that time period. She wanted to be dependent
and do things she loved to do which was being a writer.
Women played a very important role during World War II. This gave women the chance
to show that they were able to do things that men did. World War II made many changes for
women, they were able to get jobs that they wanted to do. They were given the opportunity to
work in factories or field work. In the article Women in Word War Two by Chris Trueman
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states Many women decided that they would work in a factory I believe they decide to work in
the factories because it was better than being under the hot sun. They worked making many
things that came in handy. For example: army goods, uniforms, and airplanes. Trueman also says
They were paid less than the men who were unskilled workers even though they were skilled
workers and were experience and knew what to do without making mistakes. Men would get
hired even if they were useless for the factory jobs. They should have had a better wage then
men did since they had more experience in the factories they were basically discriminating them
for being women. One of the many articles called FOCUS ON: WOMEN AT WAR from the
website The National WWII Museum in the first three paragraph it informed me with the
military fields that women were able to join and serve in and they were the Navy, Army, Air
Force, Coast Guard, and Marine Corps. Many women joined the US armed forces more than
288,000 women stated in the article by The National WWII Museum. The job they had was
only going to be temporary which was really not fair. They should have been able to keep their
jobs since they worked really hard to get it and were more experience than the men. They proved
that they cannot only do jobs women do but also jobs that men left behind when going to war.
The image society portrays of women is to either be a wife or mother. They should be
able to be whoever they want. They shouldnt be limited to what society portrays them as. For
example: they should be able to serve their country, get educated, and are involved in politics.
Women want to show society that they can also do stuff that men do. In The Image and Reality
of Women who Worked During World War II by Aja Sorensen it states that The image of
the woman worker was important during the war, the prewar image of women as wives and
mothers by no means disappeared. Basically saying that they played a major role in World War
II and did things they would normally wouldnt do. Society didnt really focus on the image that
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women were portrayed as before. Ladies were seeking for that revolutionary independence and
they found it. They didnt need a man to support their families they were able to do it on their
own. Eventually, over time when the war had ended everything when back to how it was women
were given minorities jobs once again. A great example is, The Guernsey Literary and Potato
Peel Society by Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows the protagonist Juliet Ashton played a
major role in World War II. She was a writer and back then during World War II women werent
really known to be writers. Her personal independence is one of the important part throughout
the novel. She didnt want to depend on a man because she would rather struggle on her
own. Their roles during that time were to serve in the armed forces, work in industrial, or farm
work. I think its ironic that they werent allowed to work before but during World War II
women were able to. They took the responsibilities that men were in charge of doing which was
something very major. They should have been allowed to do anything they wanted to since the
beginning. Why keep them from fulfilling what they want to do with their lives. No one should
prevent that from happening because everyone should be able to do their thing. Society often has
something to say about every little thing nothing really escape from getting judge by them. Treat
people the way you want to get treated. No one should be treated less or higher just by the sex
that they are. This quotes the Declaration of Independence: We hold these truths to be self-
evident: that all men and women are created equal. Deprives from the article The Womens
Rights Movement, 18481920 stating that we are all equal. If one can do things that the other
could do why not be able to do so there should be no limits.
Women want to be equal and not treated less than men. They felt like men taught of them
as being weak and felt unwanted. In The Image and Reality of Women who Worked During
World War II by Aja Sorensen, also says that Women wanted to be treated like the male
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workers and not given special consideration just because they were women this is trying to say
that women shouldnt be limited in jobs just because they are women. They wanted to show that
men are not the only can do stuff. The equal right amendment was made to guarantee equal
rights for women so there would be no inequality between a female and a male. This was meant
to make a change, but somewhat did actually gave some equal rights to women. For example,
they werent able to vote which was something really major for them. They got the chance to get
their opinion out there and elect people that they wanted to be in charge for their country.
RIVERSIDE: Woman, 92, recalls days as WWII aviator by Stephen Wall is an article that
states Margot DeMoss experience during the World War II. She was a member of the Women
Air force Service Pilots (WASPs), her role was being an aviator during that time period. She
risked her life many times, but that was her passion. This article say that Women pilots were
needed to deliver battle-ready aircraft from factories to ports and military training bases.
basically women pilots were used during training and they were used as targets for men pilots to
shoot at to practice on their shooting to be prepare if they had to go to war. Why would they do
this its very unfair that a womans life is like first priority to die rather than a man. They gav9oe
them tough jobs because they were women and because they taught they couldnt do it, but that
didnt prevent them because they work even harder. This didnt prevent them from succeeding
they actually would pump them to be better to show that they can do it. This relates to the
reading because like Juliet didnt give up on become a writer these women that serve their
country didnt give up either. They similarities in a way because they both wanted independent.
As Rosie the Riveter said We Can Do It! this a really known quote. The image that is shown
with this quote exposes a strong independent woman. Rosie and Juliet were two women that
seeks for the revolutionary independence. In the Rosie the Riveter Trust it states that In 1997, a
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group of Richmond citizens formed the Rosie the Riveter Memorial Committee to create a
memorial that would honour the women who had worked on the home front during the war. We
should always remember those women who put their lives in danger during World War II or any
other war. Women have fought for equality and also for independence for a long time its time to
make a change.
My counterargument is that although this claim seems realistic, women should stay home
and focus more on caring for their family. The image of women most of the time is shown as
taking care of their husband and children. They shouldnt worry about getting a job because their
roles are to be wives and mothers. The men should be the ones who work and provide for their
families thats their role. They are the ones to guard their families and lead the way society
portrays them like this. Many times women dont get the chance to give their opinions because
man are more superior. Women are seen as minorities. For example, in The Guernsey Literary
and Potato Peel Society, Mark one of Juliets lovers wrote to her saying For Gods sake
marry me. during World War II time most women were getting married, but she did the
opposite and wanted to be independent. Women should be dependent on their husband. No need
to get a job because theyre housewives. They dont have to worry about paying bills men work
to the money to pay for them and to buy anything their family needs. Women just need to stay
home and be housewives is being like that for years. Basically, watch their children, cook meals
for their family, and to clean the house. Its a tradition for some cultures for the women to be
Women can do it on their own no need for a man in their lives. For example, the
protagonist from The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society which is Juliet Ashton was a
successful woman she was very well-known writer. She didnt need any help from a man to get
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where she is at. She was an independent and adventurous woman. Even though, she had Mark
one of her lovers which was handsome and rich bugging her to get marry to him, she would
refuse to. Is not all about the money not all women care for the money. Theres some that are just
using men for their money even if they dont want like or love them. Its not the cause in this
situation. This was something rare during that time because women werent thought as being
independent back then. Most were marry and werent allow to do much but just to stay home and
care for either the children or husband. Her being independent during this time was something
major and the fact that she was a writer as well.
Gender roles shouldnt limit women, they should be able to do things they enjoy doing
and not be judge. Their image shouldnt always be portray as being a mother or a wife. They
shouldnt be judge just because they didnt follow as society sees them as. This is shown
throughout history, peoples experience, and articles. This will benefit women in the way that
they will have freedom to do stuff that they would be happy doing. Women should create groups
and protest for equality so we can make a change faster. Women must show society that theyre
strong and not willing to give up because they will be seen as useless people. Always give it our
all to show that we are also committed to do challenging stuff. If we fail at doing something its
okay because everyone makes mistakes we just need to get up and keep trying till we finally
achieve our goal for equality. Eventually, one day we will all be equal and there will be no
judging against women by prevent judgments until then we should start making a change for
better. Women power!!!!

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Works Cited
About Us. Rosie The Riveter Trust. PowerPro Live. Web. 18 February 2014.
Ambrose, Stephen. "FOCUS ON: WOMEN AT WAR:." The National WWII Museum. N.p., n.d.
Web. 05 May 2014.
History, Art & Archives, U.S. House of Representatives, Office of the Historian, Women in
Congress, 19172006. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 2007. The
Womens Rights Movement, 18481920, Web. 06 May 2014.
Shaffer, Mary Ann, and Annie Barrows. The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society.
New York. Dial Press Paperback Edition. 2009. Print.
Sorensen, Aja. Rosie the Riveter: Women Working During World War II. National Parks.
Service. 2004. Web. 18 February 2014.
Trueman, Chris. "Women in World War Two." Women in World War Two. N.p., 2000-2013.
Web. 05 May 2014.
Wall, Stephen. RIVERSIDE: Woman, 92, recalls days as WWII aviator. The Press-Enterprise.
19 December 2013. Web. 18 February 2014

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