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wlll l|E C.ltsor
A Karelian Fairy TI e
ranslated by lrin Zheleznova
Drawings by K. ovhinnikov

RoGRss UBL|s|-lRs * rtOsw

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n upon a tim thr livd two littl orphans, a brothr
and a sistr. Thir pants had did, laving thm nothing
but a ok with a rimson omb.
on day, whn thr wasn't so muh as a rumb of brad lft to
eat in th hous, th brothr said to th sistr:
to the barn and se if
an find anything thr. I 'm so
girl went to thr barn, but it Was mpty, so she took a broom,
swpt th bin and found onr ry grain.
She showd th grain to hr brothr and thy didd to
plant it.
They dug a littl hol bhind th hotlse,
put the
grain in it and
overd it with arth.
arly in th morning th brothr looked, and what did h se but
that th grain had sprung up into a stalk as thik as a
so long that its rown rahd the sky!
marvl if thr vrr was onr!'' thought th boy.
think I 'll
s what is on top ther.,,
And h bgan limbing th stalk.
H limbd and h limbd and rvhn he rahd the louds
saw that th stalk had
pird thm and Was" strthing up evrn
higher. So then he stpped out on to th louds and st off straight
aoss thm. H rvalkd and he rvalked and by and by am to a tiny
littl house. H opned the door and am inside, and thr, sitting
in a orner' was an ugly old womah. She had but one y' a bulging
onl, and it
glamed like that of a kite. Th o1d Woman was turning
th handl of a millston, and
and cakes Wrre flying out from
undr it!
To look at the old woman was frightning, but to see her turning
out th
pis and aks made n laugh, for thy wrre whizzing aross
th room and landing in a sak that stood upright besid the stov!
Th boy Was vrry hungry and, without stopping to think, snathed
up th sak, threw it over his shouldr and mad off with it at a run.
got to the stalk and Was down on the
ground in no tim.
'* ,
what I have brought!,, said h to his sistr.
Nw that thy had th sakful of
pis and akes the brothr and
sistr did not lak for food, but nothing lasts forvr, and at last
thre ame a da whn they dipped into th sak only to find it empty!
What was thr to b don! They ould not very well
go hungry,
so the boy deided to limb th stalk again.
m with
brothr!'' said his sistr.
an't do that,', th brothr rplied.
might ry out in far
sre th old woman or burst out laughing at sight of th
millston, and thn will b aught.''
But th sistr
pleadd with him again, saying:
won't ry out or laugh, ithr. Do tak m with
So h took hr with him and thy bgan limbing the stalk
togther. Thy reahd the sky, and, stpping out on to the louds,
found th road and walkd along it.
Thy walked and they walked and by and by rahd th tiny
littl house.
They amr inside, and thr in the ornlr' tuning the handl of
the millston, sat th ugly old woman. Sh had only one eye' a bulging
on' and it
glamd like that of a kit.
oh! I 'm frightnd!'' th sister rid out softly.
But the bothr said nothing and only
gav her a little nudg to
remind hr that th old woman might hear them and then they'd b
in troubl.
Th old Woman wnt on millstone handl and-wondr
of wondrs!.th
and akes amr flying out from undr it one
aftr anothr and whi zzing thrugh th air. So strang and funny did
this seem to th sistr that sh ould not stop hrself and burst out
I t *as a tinny littl laugh, nt loud, but the old woman hard her.
Sh turnd, and seeing the brother and sistr rid:
I 'v
got you
now! You Wrr th ons
arrid off all
and aks.',
Th brothr and sister said nothing
than aliv.
Th old Woman lit the stv.
and stod thr more dad
. . :
..I ,m
going t roast and eat
said she.
my lad, b
on my spad. You'll go into the stov fist!,,
The boy sat down on th spade, but he thrust out his lgs and his
alms so that the old woman, try as sh would, ould not get him
into th stov.
Said th old Woman:
done it all wrong! You must sit with
had to th
stove, not
your fet.,,
Said th boy in reply:
don't knorv what
grandma. Why don,t
sit down on
th spade
yourself and shorv m how to do it?',
The old rvith sat down on th spade, hr body bent dubl and
hr head to th stov, and th boy at one thrust hrr into it!
The brothr and siste Wer safe now and happy, and, taking the
millstone, limbd down the stalk and went home.
With th millstone to grind
out the
pis and aks for them and the
ok with th rimson omb to kp them ompany, they had not
a carc in the world and
passed th time vrry
gaily inded!
But on day the tsar hard of the magi millstone. H snt his
srvants aftr it, and they ame and took it away from th brother
and sist.
The poor littl orphans soon ran out of all their food and rvent
hungry again.
Thr sister wpt and th brothr wept, but the ok heard thn,
and, strutting aross the hut to thir.side, said:
going to tak the millstone away frorn
th tsar!''
And off he wnt to s th tsar
H walked and h walked and h mt a bear.
you going?',
asked the bar.
gt bak the millston from th tsar. took it away from
two little orphans."
I om with
you?,' askd th bar.
ahrad! J ust
undr my right wing.',
Th bar
undr th ok,s right wing, and th k st off
on his *ay aguin.
t- ,,
l i r
- , l
" " , t t ,

* '

H walkd and h walkd and h rt a wolf.

you going, ok?,, askd th wolf.
gt bak th millston rom th tsar. H took it away from two
littl ophans.''
I om with
ahad! Gt undr my lft wing.''
Th wolf
got undr th ok's lft wind, and th ok st off
his way again.
H walkd and h walkd and h amr to a littl lak
th wavsid.
you going, ok?', askd th lak.
gt bak th millston from th tsar. took it away rom two
littl orphans.',
..:,.J ii,Hli
fit in my rop.,,
Th ok drrnk r-rp th lak and wnt on again.
H amr to th tsar's hous, and standing undr
th tsar's
window sang out:
,,I ,
Z ok, hav a rimson omb, but th wikd tsar has nothing
lik it! H tok away thir millston from two
po-or littl orphans,
and h dins in styl whil thy
go hungry.''
Th tsar was vrry angry and h bad his srvants driv away th
ok. But th ok
out of thir rah and alld out again:
..I ,
o ok, hav a rimsn omb, but th wikd tsar has nothing
lik it! H took away thir millston from two
por littl rphans,
and h dins in styl whil thy
go hungry.''
Th tsar thn bad his svants siz th ok and throw him in
th stabl for his wild hrss to trampl to dath. Th srvants
sizd th ok and thrw him in th stabl, but th ok lt out
th bar from undr his right wing, and th bar killd th horss.
on th following morning the srvants amr to th stabl and
unlokd th dor, but th ok rushd out, flw up to th window
of th tsar's bdharnbr and sang out:
,,I ,
4 ok, hav a rimsn omb, but th
lik it! H took away thrir millston from
and h dins in styl whil thy
g hungry".',
wikd tsar has nothing
poor littl orphans,
&- &, &
di\ * . . *
,"',t .,
lo.j -"-
. i+- :
, -
At this th tsar flw into a trribl rage
srvants throw th ok in a shp
pn for
gor him to dath.
Th srvants did as h told thm, but th ok was
H lt out th wolf from undr his lft wing, and
all th rams.
not frightnrd.
th wolf killd
on th following morning th tsar's srvants amr to s what thr
was to s, and th ok rushd out, flw up to th tsar's
and standing undr his bdhambr window sang out:
Z ok, hav a rimsn omb, but th wikd tsar has nothing
lik it! H took away thir millston from two
poor littl orphans, and
h dinrs in styl whil thy
go hungry.''
Th tsar shook with rag and hlplssnss,
fr h did not know
how to
gt rid of th ok.
alld his srvants and bad thm hat his iron bath.hous
till it was rd-ht and throw th ok in it tbr him to b roastd
to dath.
Th srvants thrw th ok in th bath.hous,
but th ok lt out
all th watr from his rop
and 1o !
th bath.hous was floodd
and as oo1 as oo1.
on th following morning th tsar's srvants
amr to th bath.
hous and opnd th door, and th k rushd out, flw to
th tsar,s
pala, and standing undr th tsar's bdhambr
sang out:
..I ,
a ok, hav a rimson . omb, but th wikd tsar has
nothing lik it! H took away thir millston from two
little oiphans, and h dins in styl whil thy
go hungry.''
Th tsar's had wnt round with his trying to think what to do
with th ok. H bad his srvants siz him and ook him for his
brakfast. But so ovromr was h with rag that h ould not wait
for thm to do it but swallowd thr ok aliv and whol.
Th ok sang out from th tsar's blly:
,,I ,
& ok, hav a rimson omb, but th wikd tsar has nothing
lik it! H took away thir millstne from two
poor littl orphans,
and h dins in styl whil thy
go hungry.''
Tlr tsar bgan to
plad with th ok.
and h bad
th wild ams
om out frm my belly, littl ok, and lave mr alone,''
said h.
won't touh you
again, I promis you!''
I won't!'' said th ok.
you giv
bak their millston
to th two little orphans.,'
And h sang out again:
a ok, have a rimson omb, but th wikd tsar has nothing
lik it! H took away thir millston from two
poor littl orphans, and
h dins in styl tvhile they go
people stood thre and listned and thy laughd at the
rvikd tsar. Thr Was nothing to be dn, so the wikd tsar
bak thir millston to th orphans. And as for th ok,
out from th tsar,s blly and ran home.
Th both and sistr wer overjoyed to se him, and from that
timr on th thr of thm livd happily together. So many pis
aks did th millston turn out that thy never rvnt hungry again
and always had nough lft over to shar with othr
poor fo1k lik

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First printing 1976
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O Translation into nglish' Progrss Publishrs' 1976
Printd in th Union f Sovit Soialist Rpulis

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