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Fill in the blanks.

School holidays _____ (1) a time _____ (2) enjoyment and relaxation. Parents
need _____ (3) plan where to take their children for _____ (4) break, after months
_____ (5) studies. School holidays are perfect for parents to spend quality time ___ (6)
their children.

Careful planning may be the key _____ (7) a good holiday. Not everyone _____
(8) the family has _____ (9) same interest _____ (10) needs. Therefore, planning and
consulting every member _____ (11) the family _____ (12) vital. This _____ (13) to
prevent any unhappiness and grumbling. That could spoil the holiday.

A good holiday, however, need not be ___ (14) long distance trip. Even ___ (15)
outing _____ (16) _____ (17) shopping mall _____ (18) _____(19) holiday, if it is
planned properly. There _____ (20) also many theme parks and nature parks. Nearby
waterfalls, hot springs and beaches are also popular holiday destinations.

(A Subsidiary of the EPF)

Choose the correct answer.

1. Everybody _____ to enjoy life.
A. wish
B. wishes
C. wished
D. are wishing

2. In summer, the sun _____ brightly in the clear, blue sky.
A. shine
B. shone
C. shines
D. was shining

3. Every person in the village, man, woman or child ____ at the festival last year.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were

4. My father and his brother ____ each other regularly at my grandfathers house.
A. met
B. meet
C. meets
D. is meeting

5. Which one of these bags ____ to you?
A. belong
B. belongs
C. belonged
D. is belonging

6. Neither Cindy nor Sara ____ the answer to the question, Ben said.
A. know
B. knew
C. knows
D. known

7. A number of students ____ away from school and go to the mall.
A. stay
B. stays
C. stayed
D. are staying

8. Salleh and Shamsul ____ birds of the same feather, so they flock together.
A. is
B. was
C. are
D. were

9. The house with its contents, _____ burnt down.
A. is
B. are
C. was
D. were

10. Neither the boys nor their leader _____ been seen around here since we made the
A. has
B. had
C. have
D. having

11. Have you got _____ glue?
A. few
B. any
C. a lot
D. plenty

12. I cant eat any _____ rice but I should like to have ____ beans.
A. a few, little
B. more, some
C. many, few
D. much, less

13. I have _____ books on Sudoku. I would like to buy _____.
A. both, other
B. any, other
C. few, others
D. a few, another

14. Please come in and help yourselves. There is _____ food inside.
A. a few
B. a number
C. not any
D. plenty of

15. The _____ we can do is to pray for his safety and that is what we are doing.
A. more
B. much
C. many
D. most

16. Scientist have _____ chance of finding a cure for cancer in this century.
A. less
B. least
C. little
D. a little

17. J erry : Do you have ______ idea where Nick has gone?
Tom : He could be with one of his friends.
J erry : he has _____ friends.
A. some, fewer
B. some, lots
C. any, many
D. any, little

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