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Heroic Garrosh 25 Man

Raid Comp
3 Tanks, 4/5 Healers, mixed DPS (higher single target
damage the better)

New Mechanics
1. Garrosh hurls corruption orbs at his enemys
until he is engaged, these deal a lot of damage if
you are struck by them. Theyre visable by pools
on the ground, after a few seconds the pools will
be struck. It doesnt say anywhere how much
these hit for but getting hit by them is sometimes
fatal, just avoid getting hit.

Temple of the Jade Serpent

In this one well need each different group to go to a
different quadrant. Once each group has killed their
adds and the orb has spawned they must gather
around the orb, once everyone in the group is
gathered around the orb you can grab the buff and
run to garrosh.

ToTJS new Mechanic: Any Embodied Doubt in the
Temple of the Jade Serpent will cast Embodied Doubt,
inflicting 150,000 Shadow Damage to all enemies
within the Realm of YShaarj. Increases damage taken
by Embodied Doubt by 100%. Stacks.

Its very important that these adds gets engaged
before this cast goes off.

Terrace of Endless Spring

Move up the middle dodging the pools on the ground.
Adds tanked on red, theyll spread the orbs in the
even circle around them when theyre killed, people
need to stand outside and pick up 1 orb when they

ToES new Mechanic: While in the Terrace of Endless
Spring, random enemies are targeted with Crushing
Fear, Crushing Fear inflicts 400,000 Shadow Damage
and inflicts fear on enemies within 8 yards for 3
Temple of the Red Crane

Apart from the adds new mechanic this part is pretty
much the same as normal. When the Embodied
Despair dies try and be right on top on him with your
camera facing straight down, hell throw the orb up
and then either forward or backwards, by doing this
you will have enough time to move forward/back to
get the buff when it lands.

TotRC new Mechanic: Death of an Embodied Despair
causes the other the cast Ultimate Despair, Inflicting
100,000 Shadow Damage and increases damage taken
by Ultimate Despair by 30%. Stacks.

Phase 1

Boss will be tanked at Red, 7 Ranged DPS (ill call
them DG, for Desecrate Group) must run up to purple
(on the throne) to drop desecrated weapons, we will
be killing these. Well be killing the engineer at
Orange so the iron star spawns behind us. Adds must
not be attacked until theyre in melee, especially the
wolf rider, these will naturally get hit by the iron star
if left alone.

Phase 2

When we come out of the intermission Garrosh will
be pulled to red and DG will run to black, after the
weapon is thrown the DG must stack in melee with
everyone else, well stay stacked mcs and whirling
corruption to make full use of our raid cds. After the
whirling corruption DG will move the corner at
purple to drop the second weapon. For the next 2
Weapons these must be placed next to the previous
weapons on the right side wall.

Once we drop down from the 2
intermission well be
referring to the Phase 3 diagram.

Phase 3
So when we come out of the 2
intermission well
pull Garrosh to Red and DG will move to blue for the
first weapon, after this is thrown we will move into
red for MCs, after MCs the tanks and melee dps will
move to brown, ranged and healers will stay on red.
As Whirling Corruption is cast ranged / healers will
move from red to green, this makes it a lot easier for
panda to pick up the adds as they will be in a straight
line from red > green. DG will stay at green to drop
weapon while everyone else runs back into melee for
mcs. After the 2
round of mcs tanks/melee move to
orange ranged/healers stay on brown, for whirling
corruption move from brown to purple. Move into
melee after this is finished and DG stay at purple for
weapon. Move back into melee for mcs, after mcs
tanks/melee move to teal ranged/healers stay at
orange, moving from orange to black for whirling
corruption. DG staying out for weapon while
everyone else moves into melee.

Phase 4

This is the positions for this phase, Red is where the
boss will be and Green is where the rest of the raid
will be. Well get 2 Malices on the first position and
on the seconds position and only 1 on the third and
fourth. The Person who gets malice cast on them will
stand in the middle of the dps / healers, everyone else
must stand on the edge and run out when you get a
tick of malice, then back in when its dropped off.

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