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Brian Nguyen
Ms. Oberg
English 11
17 February 2014
Pledge of Allegiance
If you have ever gone to school, then you have most likely recited the "Pledge of
Allegiance" numerous times. Did you ever notice the part of it that said "under God?" The
Pledge was written in 1892 by Francis Bellamy that was to be said in school when the flag is
being raised daily. In 1954, Congress added the words under God to the Pledge to make it not
only a patriotic oath but also a public prayer. So why do people support keeping under God into
the Pledge? Because the U.S. is a nation founded by religious and righteous people, "God," and
laws, plus the country was founded by Catholic people
Before the U.S. was founded, a man named Christopher Columbus discovered America
on his voyage to India for spice. The Europeans now claimed the land, who were Christians at
the time and they believed in three things: Glory, Gold, and God. The Pledge is related to this
because of under God is a position with respect to the purely religious question of the
existence and Identity of God, ( which is supported by Christianity, but
the government of this time said under God had minimal religious content. Today, under
God is still in the Pledge, and it is still being decided if it should be taken out or not.
How is God related to the Pledge? It is related to it because of how much it is connected
to Catholicism, considering the fact that there are many Catholics in the country of America. The
phrase under God actually involves patriotism, not religious faith, but many see it as an
endorsement of religion, but actually, its an endorsement of government. To Judge Carlos Bea,
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he acknowledged that under God has religious significance. One of the supreme judges at the
time who was against congress because of it being the violation of the first amendment. The
Ninth Circuit Court reverses ruling saying that under God does not violate the Establishment
There was a law that was set up for people that it was mandatory to recite the pledge in
schools. It was mandatory in the past because basically the name Pledge of Allegiance was to
for people to recite it to see if theyre loyal to the U.S. or not. The Government said under
God had minimal religious content.
It's still important for children to learn to respect and even love the liberty and freedoms
afforded to American citizens. Reciting the pledge, learning the provisions of the Constitution
and taking a basic civics course should be mandatory in public schools. Making students stand
up and say the pledge each morning is not a jingoistic act of American imperialism or a violation
of a student's rights, as some would argue. It's simply a statement of patriotism.

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Works Cited
The Pledge of Allegiance A Short History 2012. 15 October <
www.oldtimeislands.ord/pledge/pledge.htm >
Pledge of Allegiance Resources 2006. 17 November 2006 < >
One Nation Under God? A Constitutional Question 2004. 19 March 2004
The U.S. Pledge of Allegiance Background Material 2002. 26 June 2002 < >
The pledges refuge for scoundrels 2006. 14 November 2006 <,1,5392671.story?coll=la-
news-comment >

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