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Known Powers:

Telepathy: Psylocke is a powerful telepath that

can perform the following feats:
Mind Link: Creating mind links of AM (50) strength, allowing her to communicate with others up to several
miles distant and read their surface thoughts (only possible with willing targets).
Telepathic Projection: IN (40) ability to "see items in the surrounding area (the Mind link and telepathic
projection each manifests itself as a glowing butterfly-shaped set of eyes).
Mental Probe: IN (40) ability, allowing Psylocke to read any deep or hidden thoughts of a live victim (the
intensity is determined by the target's Psyche, and Psylocke cannot read the minds of those with psyches of higher
than In or breach protective shields of those levels).
Mental Bolts: Psylocke can project mental bolts up to 2 areas. She uses the IN (40) column to hit with these
attacks. These bolts are of two sorts:
Psi-Bolts: IN (40) Stunning attack. Opponents must make a Yellow psyche feat to defend against it.
Psycho-Blast: IN (40) Force spiral that can slam opponents up to 4 areas away.
Psionic Shadow: Psylocke is able to mask her presence from others with IN (40) ability. Her abilities can go
undetected and are very difficult to track, even by very powerful telepaths such as Shadow King. She can extend
these defenses to others around her as well.
Psionic Shadow: She is able to mask her presence from others with IN (40)
ability. Her abilities can go undetected and are very difficult to track, even by
very powerful telepaths such as Shadow King. She can extend these defenses to
others around her as well.
Psychic Knives: Being the summation of her psionic energy, Psylocke can
produce a psychic knife that can do AM (50) Energy to a living target and the
target is required to make a Psyche FEAT vs. EX (20) intensity when a hit is
scored, vs. IN (40) intensity when a stun is scored, and vs. MN (75) intensity
when a kill is scored.
Psychic Detection: Psylocke has the ability to detect those around her with IN
(40) ability. This means Psylocke cannot be surprised in addition to the normal
use of this power.
Mental Probe: Psylocke has an IN (40) ability to anticipate what her opponent
is going to do Psylocke gets +2cs on her attacks, dodges or evasions. Every
round she must make a power FEAT vs. the opponent's Psyche so people with a
Psyche higher than AM (50) are immune.
Telekinesis: UN (100), Psylocke is able to perform the following power stunts with her telekinesis:
Blast-wave/Shockwave: UN (100) ability to create a 1-10 radius shock-wave of UN (100) damage!
Floating Disk: AM (50) ability to carry up to 8-10 people.
Leaping: IN (40) ability to leap up to 40 feet.
Disruption on a quantum level:
Reflection/Deflection: IN (40) ability to reflect and deflect physical and energy damage projected at her.
Martial Striking: AM (50) ability to strike vital areas and cause damage through body armor (but not force
Kinetic Control: AM (50) Paralysis/Momentum.
Force Field Generation: AM (50) can perform the following power stunts:
Force Field with Micro-Environment: AM (50) Containment/Entrapment
Force Attack: IN (40) ability to project kinetic damage up to 4 areas away.
Psychic Weaponry: UN (100), Able to cut through up to UN (100) material
strength. This includes Katanas, Crossbows, and other weapons that she needs.
Flight: Shift-X (150) ability to reach sonic airspeeds.
Psi-Screen: CL1000 ability to protect herself from psychic onslaughts.
Resist Power Manipulation, Reality Manipulation: CL1000
Body Resistance: RM (30) ability to keep a small telekinetic field around her at
all times.
Regeneration: EX (20) ability to telekinetically control her body and mend it
Martial Arts Supremacy: Psylockes skills have been said to rival those of a ninja
grandmaster (10th Dan level black belt or above). Psylocke has also received
additional training from the Age of Apocalypse version of Sabretooth and an alternative reality version of Ogun that
vastly developed her skills in this area. Psylocke is also very well versed in the use of all Ninja weapons, stealth
methods, silent movement, infiltration, concealment, escape & evasion, covert methods, Ninja espionage, and Ninja
acrobatics all with Amazing (50) ability. This allows her the following fighting Feats:
Iron Fist: +1 CS to damage with each fist attack.
Spatial Awareness: Aware of all in your immediate area to include behind you.
Light Step: move rate, leave no tracks and move in total silence.
Prone-fighting: Psylocke gets no penalty for fighting on the ground and opponent gains no bonuses.
Fall: damage from falls and needs to make no Endurance rolls to check for broken limbs
Blind-fighting: Only penalty is -1CS to FEATs in complete darkness.
Leap: +1CS standing jump and +2CS running jump.
Snap Kick: Normal damage with a -1CS to opponents defense roll.
Hurl: +1 CS damage and green Endurance check or stunned, also thrown 1-10 ft.
Quick-strike: +2 to initiative rolls
Suppressed Desire: Go without food, water, or sleep for Endurance number in days with no penalties
Palm: Normal damage and requires Endurance check at -2CS to resist stun
Speed: Double move rate and attacks for 5
rounds and requires 1-10 rd.'s rest after use.
Katana Swords: IN (40) material strength. It
does RM (30) Edge damage.

Talents: All Martial Arts, Acrobatics,
Tumbling, Oriental Weapons, Weapon
Specialist: (Psychic Weapons), Multi-
Lingual, Espionage/Detective, Crime, Escape
Artist, Stealth, Performer: (Modeling,

Contacts: X-Men, Captain Britain, Hellfire
Club, Roma

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