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T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 08:4& A' ()T
ALEC Takes over Kansas. A story in pictures & video
*y tmsero4++

This diary sho#ld "ot *e see" as the ,i"al word o" this. A,ter spe"di"- the last two days talki"- to
le-islatie co#"sel a"d attor"eys ,amiliar with this matter% . thi"k there are a lot o, steps that are le,t to *e
take". The !a"sas le-islatio" that passed this weeke"d still awaits the -oer"ors si-"at#re% a"d still
,aces some h#rdles. The le-islatio"% as prese"ted /!0-12230&4 e,,ectiely com*i"es appropriatio" a"d
policy% somethi"- that is a-ai"st the le-islatie r#les o, the *ody. As a res#lt% there are a lot o, le-al
mi"ds who are worki"- o" ways to challe"-e some o, the te5t withi" the *ill.
., yo# are a teacher i" !a"sas% all . ca" say is: do"6t -ie #p hope. 7o# are yo#r *est adocate. The
-oer"or ca" still eto /#"likely4 *#t i" the e"d 789 hae the eto that matters i" a" electio" this
:oem*er. !a"sas is o" a scary a"d da"-ero#s path; a path that moes to create a perma"e"t lower
class o, citi<e"ry% *y which those who hae wealth -et *etter access to all cr#cial serices.
!a"sas has c#t ,#"di"- ,or eerythi"- ,rom pre-"atal care to p#t stri"-s aro#"d p#*lic ed#catio". =e6e
moed to make L>2T #"com,orta*le i" o#r state while telli"- those with special "eeds childre" that
serices will cha"-e.
The le-islatio" this weeke"d droe a stake thro#-h the heart o, teachers who are i" the di,,ic#lt positio"
o, ar-#i"- ,or .E(s% especially those o, special "eeds childre"% who "ow will ,eel the press#re to side with
admi"istratio" a"d costs oer a child ,or ,ear o, their ?o*.
2#t ,or today% . wa"t to tell a pict#re i" story a"d ideo% a*o#t how . e5perie"ced the capital this

. *e-a" really taki"- shots ,rom the -allery early i" the mor"i"- o, the &th. Tha"ks to some help ,rom
sta,,ers a"d ,rie"ds% most o, 0at#rday was spe"t either i" 8erla"d (ark /at a *it o, a dista"ce4 or later i"
a" o,,ice o#tside o, the mai" areas i" Topeka.
.t did"6t take me lo"- to reali<e that so ma"y o, these people were *#r"i"- mo"ey o#t o, their ow" pocket
*ooks% ,i-hti"- "ot ?#st ,or their ?o* *#t ,or kids. . had chipped i" ,or ,ood the "i-ht *e,ore% *#t ,or
l#"ch% . took time to walk dow" to the 0#*way "ear*y a"d wipe them o#t. . hae "o pro*lem sayi"-:
there were seeral ho#se mem*ers who -r#m*led a *it that . ,orced 0#*way to make +1 ,ootlo"-s i" the
middle o, the day :4
The teachers% howeer% at least had somethi"- to k"ow that pare"ts -ae a dam" a*o#t their e,,orts.

As the "i-ht wore o" i" !a"sas% . took my ,irst sta* at -etti"- i"to the -allery% to see ,irst ha"d my ta5
dollars i" actio".
This is ,rom later i" the mor"i"-% i" the 0e"ate% which reco"e"ed a,ter a lot o, waiti"- aro#"d.

0e"ator Tom 1awk took the ,loor a"d -ae a" impassio"ed a"d heart,elt speech a*o#t the impact o,
teachers. =hy teachers are "ot ?#st the adocate ,or ed#catio"% they are the adocates ,or the childre"
they represe"t. . had time to talk to Tom the day *e,ore /0at#rday4 d#ri"- a *reak% a"d . told him the
story o, o#r special "eeds so". This le-islatio" allowed ,or people witho#t a teachi"- certi,icate to teach.
)e-ree o"ly re@#ired. . told Tom: 1ow lo"- *e,ore 0pecial :eeds hae "o adocatesA (oorly trai"ed
sta,, who ca" *e hired cheap *eca#se they hae a 6de-ree6A =he" Tom took the ,loor% . tho#-ht o, that
co"ersatio" a"d . k"ew that as a" ed#cator he 6-ot it6.

A short ideo o, his de,e"se:
=he" 0e"ator (at (ettey rose to speak o" this le-islatio"% she deliered a poi"t *y poi"t disma"tli"- o, it.
0he walked thro#-h the le-islatio" with k"owled-e a"d ,acts at her side. 0he asked critical @#estio"s o,
the *ody - @#estio"s that wo#ld -o #"a"swered.

=hile (ettey mo#"ted a *listeri"- take dow"% armed with ,acts% Bep#*lica"s lar-ely le,t. Bep#*lica"s
*e-a" *y h#ddli"- i" the cor"ers% a"d at this poi"t% seeral sta,,ers *e-a" letti"- me k"ow that ho#se
mem*ers were still wa,,li"-.
Bather tha" liste" to her ,ellow se"ator - or a"y democratic se"ator% the Bep#*lica"s h#ddled i" cor"ers
a"d -ra**ed cell pho"es. 2elow is 0e". =a-le% -ra**i"- a pho"e call.

As the de*ate ra-ed o"% . was messa-ed to meet someo"e who had helped proide me i",ormatio" all day
o" the ,irst ,loor. Checki"- o#t o, the se"ate sessio"% . took time to capt#re the !a"sas teachers% camped
i" ,ro"t o, the se"ate. They had stayed there all mor"i"-.

. met with the people who had *ee" talki"- to me thro#-h the weeke"d a"d was i",ormed that the se"ate
de*ate wo#ld co"ti"#e #"til they were s#re they wo#ld -et the otes i" the ho#se. . asked how close they
were a"d at this poi"t it was a" #"k"ow". Two sta,,ers let me k"ow dead o" that their *osses had
a*sol#tely *ee" press#red: ote with #s or yo#6re do"e. This was a litm#s test. .t was"6t ?#st a*o#t
oti"- with teachers this time% they told me. ., they did"6t make it o#t o, a primary% it wo#ld mea"
someo"e ,ar more co"seratie the" their *oss wo#ld likely wi". =ho wo#ld *e le,t to p#t a stop to ee"
more hei"o#s le-islatio". Co#ld yo# -o 6all chips i"6 o" this piece o, le-islatio"A
=ord came dow" to me thro#-h a sta,,er that a ote was a*o#t to take place i" the se"ate. The se"ate
m#st hae *ee" ass#red they had the otes.

)espite the ote -oi"- a-ai"st teachers% the teachers did"6t *oo those who oted a-ai"st them. ." o"e o,
the acts that remi"ded #s why we were i" the capital% teachers stood #p a"d cheered eery time a
le-islator who worked with them came o#t o, the doors to the se"ate.
=he" le-islators who were "ot with them passed *y% Teachers raised their ha"ds the way childre" i" their
classroom do to ask a @#estio".

.t was a *ea#ti,#l piece o, political theater. A remi"der that we were all childre" o"ce% that all o, #s had
to raise o#r ha"d ,or atte"tio". The teachers desered their atte"tio"% atte"tio" they wo#ld "ot receie.

As the se"ate *roke% !:EA held a @#ick meeti"- i" the corridors o, the *#ildi"-.

There wo#ld *e a ,ew ho#rs *reak% ?#st e"o#-h time to p#t teachers who had come ,rom a dista"ce i" a
di,,ic#lt positio". They co#ld stay a"d ,i-ht ,or their ?o*s% or they co#ld -o home a"d teach their childre".
A lot o, teachers were ,orced to leae. 'a"y who were closer stayed. =hyA 2eca#se they p#t the
kids ,irst% a s#*?ect that the le-islators co#ld"6t #"dersta"d.
8er the "e5t ,ew ho#rs . was -etti"- te5t messa-es ,re@#e"tly a*o#t ote co#"t. The sessio" i" the
ho#se wo#ld *e p#shed a"d moed. =ith a" ho#r a"d a hal, to -o% there was a *rie, mome"t o, hope
whe" some moderate Bep#*lica"s *ecame co"cer"ed a*o#t scori"- iss#es with the ta5 i"ce"tie ,or
corporatio"s. .t was a slier o, hope that we had. =e had lear"ed earlier i" the day that at least 9
Bep#*lica"s wo#ld ,lip pretty m#ch 6"o matter what6 *eca#se the ,ear o, ,aci"- a primary oppo"e"t with
mo"ey was too stro"-.
2y the time we -aeled i"to the ho#se% tho#-h% the early head co#"t was se"t to me. 2e,ore a ote was
take" . sat o" the raili"- with !:EA% teachers a"d others a"d told them: This is -oi"- to *e a *ad *eat.
.t will "ot *e close. 2#t yo# ca" take this *eat a"d yo# ca" l#mp it% or yo# ca" take this *eat a"d do
somethi"- a*o#t it. 7o# ca" *e a oice ,or others. 2e that oice.

A,ter a ote that we"t a-ai"st them% 1o#se )emocrats came o#t a"d spoke to the teachers% #r-i"- them to
"ot ,or-et this. To sta"d with their ,rie"ds who ,o#-ht ,or them this weeke"d. )o"6t ,or-et what
happe"ed here. )o"6t let this co"ti"#e.

At the e"d o, the "i-ht% (a#l )ais% spoke to teachers.

0o% what happe"s "e5tA 'a"y o, these le-islators are ret#r"i"- home to talk to their people. A ,ew o,
these meeti"-s are close% some are ,ar away.
=ho ,eels like ?oi"i"- me i" >ard"er to see what ,or 7EA otes hae to say a*o#t this sessio"A"ator?#lialy"".com/...
=hat happe"ed this sessio"A
=e de*ated t#r" -ay away.
=e had a ho#se mem*er propose e"di"- "o-,a#lt diorce.
=e had more a"ti-a*ortio" cha"-es proposed.
=e e"ded the ri-ht o, city m#"icipalities to set -#" ope"-carry r#les.
=e tried to stop >oo-le Ci*er a"d small comm#"ities ,rom i"esti"- i" the i"ter"et ,or their citi<e"s.
=e took #p a de*ate o" remoi"- ,lo#ride ,rom o#r water.
=e moed o" policy that wo#ld make e",orceme"t o, ,ederal wildli,e sta"dards a ,elo"y a"d "oted we6d
?ail ,ederal employees ,or tryi"-.
=e a#thori<ed mo"ey to s#e other states ,or e"iro"me"tal clea"#p to make s#re we wo#ld"6t hae to.
A"d so m#ch more. This was a sessio" ,#ll o, mad"ess. Le-islators who played ,rom a play*ook o"
co"spiracies a-ai"st the people. (olitical mo"ey threate"ed a"d ca?oled to *#y o,, politicia"s a"d to
promote a doctri"e oer -ood policy.
This weeke"d i" >ard"er% !a"sas their are ,o#r mem*ers who oted 67EA6 who are -oi"- to hear a ,ew
tho#-hts ,rom me. They wo"6t *e the o"ly o"es. .6e -ot time.
." a priate messa-e this mor"i"- ,rom a"other pare"t o, a special "eeds child:
D has *ee" a -odse"d ,or my so". . do"6t k"ow what we will do i, they lose their ?o*. 1e6s
*acked me i" so ma"y .E(s. .t6d *e easy to ,ire him to sae mo"ey. =hat ca" we doAD
. told (a#l )ais: 2illio"aires hae mo"ey. =e hae shoes. 2illio"aires hae press#re. =e hae
otes. :ot eeryo"e ca" *e *o#-ht. :ot a-ai"st o#r ow" childre"% "ot a-ai"st o#r ,ellow citi<e"s% "ot
a-ai"st what is ri-ht.
'o"ey does"6t wi" electio"s. Eotes do.
:ew (olls poi"t that o#t.
A "ew poll released *y the (#*lic (olicy (olli"- shows >oer"or 0am 2row"*ack *ehi"d
Bep. (a#l )ais i, the electio" were held today.
Accordi"- to the poll% 43F o, those polled said they wo#ld ote ,or )emocratic co"te"der
(a#l )ais while 41F said they wo#ld ote ,or rep#*lica" i"c#m*e"t 2row"*ack. 14F said
they were "ot s#re.
88& re-istered !a"sas oters were polled i" the rece"t s#rey with 'edicaid o"e o, the topics
asked a*o#t.
Accordi"- to the (olitical Actio" -ro#p 'oe8".or-% the poll also i"dicates that >oer"or
2row"*ackGs re,#sal to e5pa"d 'edicaid i" !a"sas co#ld h#rt him% a"d other !a"sas
Bep#*lica"s% electorally i" 2014.
The s#rey ,o#"d that 33F o, !a"sas oters thi"k the state sho#ld accept ,ederal 'edicaid
e5pa"sio" dollars% a"d +9F o, oters said they were more likely to ote ,or (a#l )ais as a
res#lt o, his positio" o" 'edicaid e5pa"sio".
The tide is t#r"i"-. A"d we hae "o @#it i" #s.
., yo#6re o#t o, state% a"d yo#6e waited.. please% chip somethi"- to (a#l )ais. 1e has worked with #s o"
so ma"y o, these iss#es a"d deseres o#r s#pport. :ot ?#st ,or those who lie here% *#t *eca#se i,
#"checked !a"sas will *ecome the si"khole that leads other states dow" this same path.
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2 comments ! Perma"ink
Tip #ar $%&' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
>ooserock% ?#sticep#t"am% :e*raska&884I)em% h"ichols% a2"ite% 0yoho% Take0ake% 0t#de
)#de% .*eria"% >i""y i" C8% 0iler=illow% cotterperso"% 0tepLe,t0tepCorward% ?e""yp%
(olly 0ylla*ic% o,,-rid% A<a<ello% Lo#isia"a 19I&% terry*#ck% "aa?o% 8re-o"=et)o-%
Toke"Li*eral% ker,looey% 7#cata"'a"% t-rshark1+% 2'0cott% st#r#""er% r?a% 0tee" )%
poliwra"-ler% e<tempo% smrichmo"d% kd4dea"% 2lack0heep1% c,k% 'BA :7% Clami"-o>rrl%
marti"i% skyo#"ki"% 1al,to"81% osly"I% okpkpkp% 8h 'ary 8h% *#"sk% "ot a lam*% thomask%
ee,,% tele*o*1% Eric :elso"% a<"ay% old wo**ly% k,#"k9+I% ."isi-oth92% 'oderateJosh%
B#th'ays% 0hippo1II&% st"?o"% !are" 1edwi- 2ackma"% 2o* Joh"so"% dewol,99%
Cish8#to,=ater% wilywascal% cpr4li,e% politically i"di-o% Te5)em% h,?ai% Lilredhead% mari"a%
ptressel% Jim=ilso"% Asto"ishi"-ly Am#sed
>a"dhi6s 0ee" 0i"s: =ealth witho#t work; (leas#re witho#t co"scie"ce; !"owled-e witho#t
character; Commerce witho#t morality; 0cie"ce witho#t h#ma"ity; =orship witho#t sacri,ice;
(olitics witho#t pri"ciple
*y tmsero4++ o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 08:4&:+9 A' ()T
,ood -o./ tmservo $&0' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
tmsero4++% ?#sticep#t"am% 0yoho% cotterperso"% 0tepLe,t0tepCorward% 0iler=illow%
?e""yp% Lo#isia"a 19I&% 8re-o"=et)o-% 7#cata"'a"% 2'0cott% e<tempo% kd4dea"%
2lack0heep1% c,k% Clami"-o>rrl
This is a to#-h pill to swallow.
!a"sas has *ee" *o#-ht *y the !och *rothers.
This ai"6 oer.
0#dde"ly% it daw"s o" me% Ear"est T. 2ass is the i"tellect#al a"d philosophical i"spiratio" o, the
*y :e*raska&884I)em o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 08:3&:3& A' ()T
1ey t2ere... $0' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
tmsero4++% 0t#de )#de% 0iler=illow% Lo#isia"a 19I&% "aa?o% kd4dea"
... le,t a kosmail ,or yo#.
Liste" to The A,ter 0how K The J#stice )epartme"t o" :etroots Badio. Joi" #s o" The (orch T#e
K Cri at 2lack !os% all are welcomeL
*y ?#sticep#t"am o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 09:00:49 A' ()T
3 appreciate $&)' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
?e""yp% 0tepLe,t0tepCorward% Lo#isia"a 19I&% "aa?o% 8re-o"=et)o-% 2'0cott% e<tempo%
kd4dea"% short-irl% Clami"-o>rrl
all that yo# hae do"e to keep #s i",ormed.
. wish yo# all the *est i" this *attle. . -rew #p i" !a"sas% a"d it appalls me to see what they are
doi"- to the state.
There are -ood people who lie i" !a"sas% . hope they wake #p i" time to ,i5 this.
*y 0iler=illow o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 09:21:08 A' ()T
E4ce""ent. $5' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
tmsero4++% 2'0cott% e<tempo% kd4dea"% short-irl
>reat to see yo#r photos a"d ids. . especially loed the teachers raisi"- their ha"ds as 7EA
le-islators emer-ed - wo"der,#l ima-eryL
.6m co"sideri"- -oi"- to >ard"er - . -e"erally work 0at#rdays *#t co#ld pro*a*ly take that day
o,,. =ill kosmail yo# i, . do -o.
*y 0tepLe,t0tepCorward o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 10:4I:0+ A' ()T
6ig2ting despair $5' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
tmsero4++% 0tepLe,t0tepCorward% 2'0cott% e<tempo% kd4dea"
This was a sessio" ,#ll o, mad"ess.
Tha"k yo# ,or this report. . am i" awe o, yo#r hard work a"d dedicatio". 7o# are a" i"spiratio".
'y heart is with yo# /a"d a small do"atio" to (a#l )ais.
do- *less yo#.
*y 8re-o"=et)o- o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 10:4I:24 A' ()T
T2ank you $&' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
.6m hope,#l% *#t at the ery least% . wa"t the midterms to cost the !ochs more mo"ey tha"
they -et *ack o" their i"estme"t. The more we ca" spe"d the more they hae to spe"d.
DThis is a street ,i-htL 7o# ca"6t play "ice i" a street ,i-htLD B. 0pa"o% 200+
*y kd4dea" o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 0+:48:44 (' ()T
M (are"t N
T2ank you for t2e update. 3 "ove seeing t2e pics $5' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
tmsero4++% 2'0cott% e<tempo% kd4dea"% short-irl
The !a"sas Capitol is a *ea#ti,#l *#ildi"-. Too *ad there are so ma"y low-li,es maki"- law there.
MCor a"yo"e who does"6t k"ow: ., yo# look at pict#res + a"d 4 ,rom the top% those ."ack
rectangu"ar co"umn .ases with the circ#lar -rills a"d metal col#m"s /copper or *rass or *ro"<eA4
were act#ally stoes with their chim"eys% #sed to heat the cham*ers i" 6the old days.6 A small ,ire
i" each stoe kept the ast rooms ee"ly heated i" the *itter !a"sas wi"ters.N
DThe law is mea"t to *e my sera"t a"d "ot my master% still less my tort#rer a"d my m#rderer.D --
James 2aldwi". J#ly 11% 19&&.
*y 7#cata"'a" o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 11:49:04 A' ()T
7o8 t2ey 2eat it 8it2... $0' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
7#cata"'a"% 2'0cott% e<tempo% kd4dea"% short-irl% 1al,to"81
hot airA
The 9"ited 0tates ,or All America"s
*y Take0ake o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 12:1+:19 (' ()T
M (are"t N
9r .urning pi"es of Koc2 money. $&' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
*y 1al,to"81 o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 0I:19:+I (' ()T
M (are"t N
T2ank you. eom $' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
7#cata"'a"% 2'0cott% e<tempo% kd4dea"
*y ?#st like that o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 11:33:4& A' ()T
:ounds "ike ;.att"e ground; <isconsin $=' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
tmsero4++% e<tempo% kd4dea"
*ee" there see" that% -ood l#ck ,i-hti"- the -ood ,i-ht% it does"6t come easy this D*ad-erD ca" tell
yo# that.
*y #"kada" o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 12:31:4& (' ()T
T2anks for t2e pi4 & persona" ."o8*.y*."o8 $=' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
kd4dea"% tmsero4++% Clami"-o>rrl
.t6s *ee" -rippi"-% spe"di"- the weeke"d with yo#% tmsero4++. .6m -lad yo# ca#-ht the si-hts K
so#"ds alo"- with writi"- yo#r ow" "arratie.
'oe8"6s poll was take" before this weeke"d helped *oost (a#l )ais6 pro,ile as o"e that6s
willi"- to sta"d #p to the e5tremes o, 2row"*ack6s a"d the !och *rothers6 a"ti-people policies.
Ee" the"% amo"- i"depe"de"ts% 2row"*ack was losi"- to a relatie #"k"ow" *y +3F to 48F%
a"d oer a @#arter o, sel,-descri*ed Bep#*lica"s wa"ted "othi"- to do with himL
There6s hope.
*y e<tempo o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 0+:01:+2 (' ()T
3 2eart tmservo== $2' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
tmsero4++% Clami"-o>rrl
1ope to meet yo# soo".
DThis is a street ,i-htL 7o# ca"6t play "ice i" a street ,i-htLD B. 0pa"o% 200+
*y kd4dea" o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 0+:31:41 (' ()T
3>"" .e ? 77/ and every82ere 3 can in K:(M9 $&' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
., yo#6e -ot somethi"- happe"i"- i" !0/'8% . will make my way there. 9"til the"% .6ll
*e at :: this year. 2#t i, yo#6re i" !a"sas or 'isso#ri% let me k"ow.. :4
>a"dhi6s 0ee" 0i"s: =ealth witho#t work; (leas#re witho#t co"scie"ce; !"owled-e
witho#t character; Commerce witho#t morality; 0cie"ce witho#t h#ma"ity; =orship
witho#t sacri,ice; (olitics witho#t pri"ciple
*y tmsero4++ o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 04:+0:+I (' ()T
M (are"t N
7eeds a "ig2t .rigade@ nt $&' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
*y marti"i o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 0&:29:32 (' ()T
<2at>s T2e Matter 8it2 KansasA $)' ( )*+
. hae read a*o#t these attempts i" !a"sas...the attempti"- to limit *road*a"d to r#ral areas% the
a*ortio" restrictio"s% remoi"- ,lo#ride ,rom dri"ki"- water...
As a" o#tsider% please tell me-is this mad"ess drie" *y the !ochs a"d their small *a"d o,
retro-rade idiots% or is this a -e"eral moeme"t across the stateA
. hope the teachers co"ti"#e to make their sta"d-it6s like they are the last li"e i" the o, de,e"se o,
*y 'a#ricio o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 0&:34:2I (' ()T
,ood "uck/ Kansas@ $&' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
=hat . tell my so" is yo# may hae *ee" *or" i" !a"sas /=hile daddy was seri"- i" the Army at
Cort Biley4 *#t yo# were made with m#ch loe i" 0a" Cra"cisco.
*y okpkpkp o" T#e Apr 08% 2014 at 08:29:02 (' ()T
;if unc2ecked Kansas 8i"" .e t2e sink2o"e... $)' ( )*+
...that leads other states dow" the same pathD. =ish . co#ld a-ree with that se"time"t *#t
=isco"si" has already *ee" hit *y the !och 2ros pla-#e a"d appare"tly =. are *ei"- #sed as a
template ,or their r#ssia"-style o, i"timmadatei"- takeoer state politics to -ai" co"trol o, policies
that will allow them ,ree ra"-e to do as they please i"cl#di"- cr#de oil pipeli"e% rail etc.
8#r "atio"s @#ality o, li,e is *ased o" the ri-hto#s"ess o, its people.
*y kalihika"e o" =ed Apr 09% 2014 at 10:10:+9 A' ()T
Time to organiBe mass emmigration from KansasA $)' ( )*+
'ay*e we "eed to or-a"i<e tra"sportatio" assista"ce ,or those "eedi"- to moe% *#t too poor to do
., they wa"t !a"sas to *e like the old west i" i"ta-e moies% let them do it with whomeer is le,t.
*y ':wise-#y o" Th# Apr 10% 2014 at 0I:12:2& (' ()T
3 t2ink t2e ot2er direction $)' ( )*+
Childre" a"d ,amilies ca"6t chose where they are *or". 'ost ,amilies do"6t hae the
mo"ey or reso#rces to @#ickly ,lee the state.
:o% !a"sas lost 10%000 people si"ce 2010. The strate-y i" !a"sas is"6t to -et people to
leae% it6s to cha"-e the mi"ds o, a ,ew a"d shi,t some electio"s to help all o, those who
stay ;4
>a"dhi6s 0ee" 0i"s: =ealth witho#t work; (leas#re witho#t co"scie"ce; !"owled-e
witho#t character; Commerce witho#t morality; 0cie"ce witho#t h#ma"ity; =orship
witho#t sacri,ice; (olitics witho#t pri"ciple
*y tmsero4++ o" Th# Apr 10% 2014 at 0I:+&:32 (' ()T
M (are"t N
Kansas Po"itica" 82isper over2eard. $&' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
D1ail 1ydra ALECLD
*y ':wise-#y o" Th# Apr 10% 2014 at 0I:22:12 (' ()T
3 "ike t2e positive ending... $&' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
...DThe tide is t#r"i"-. A"d we hae "o @#it i" #s.D
*y redl#m ?ak o" Cri Apr 11% 2014 at 08:19:4I A' ()T
CCC $2' ( )*+
Becomme"ded *y:
politically i"di-o% tmsero4++
Dote with #s or yo#6re do"eD
That6s *lackmail% "ot democracy.
0hame o" the !och6s a"d shame o" the le-islators who *e"d to their will K accept their dirty
*y cpr4li,e o" 0at Apr 12% 2014 at 01:04:+1 (' ()T
$) ( )+
*y yo# o" soo"
3f t2is is 9K/ c"ick Post:
8r yo# may make cha"-es *elow a"d (reiew a-ai"% or Ca"cel this comme"t.
(ost Comme"t
Dou must enter a su.-ect for your comment.



2o* Joh"so"% 1#"ter% (hoe"i5 =oma"% kd4dea"% >ooserock% cotterperso"% h"ichols% 2lack0heep1%
kalihika"e% whe"we-o% *oadicea% .*eria"% "aa?o% Te5)em% Jim=ilso"% 0tee" )% Je" 1ayde"% e<tempo%
mari"a% 7#cata"'a"% c,k% skyo#"ki"% >i""y i" C8% *#"sk% marti"i% >orette% ?#sticep#t"am% old wo**ly%
Clami"-o>rrl% o,,-rid% Cish8#to,=ater% smrichmo"d% Toke"Li*eral% !are" 1edwi- 2ackma"% short-irl%
Lo#isia"a 19I&% ?#st like that% (olly 0ylla*ic% r?a% 8h 'ary 8h% t-rshark1+% redl#m ?ak% ker,looey%
ladywitha,a"% :e*raska&884I)em% thomask% 'BA :7% poliwra"-ler% 0tepLe,t0tepCorward% A<a<ello%
'o"sie#r >eor-es% 0iler=illow% Eric :elso"% a2"ite% 0yoho% Lilredhead% a<"ay% terry*#ck% st"?o"%
0t#de )#de% 1al,to"81% 8re-o"=et)o-% osly"I% ptressel% politically i"di-o% wilywascal% k,#"k9+I%
li*eraldad2% 2'0cott% tele*o*1
0#*scri*e or )o"ate to s#pport )aily !os.
Eiary Fecommended Gy
2o* Joh"so"% 1#"ter% (hoe"i5 =oma"% kd4dea"% >ooserock% cotterperso"% h"ichols%
2lack0heep1% kalihika"e% whe"we-o% *oadicea% .*eria"% "aa?o% Te5)em% Jim=ilso"% 0tee" )%
Je" 1ayde"% e<tempo% mari"a% 7#cata"'a"% c,k% skyo#"ki"% >i""y i" C8% *#"sk% marti"i%
>orette% ?#sticep#t"am% old wo**ly% Clami"-o>rrl% o,,-rid% Cish8#to,=ater% smrichmo"d%
Toke"Li*eral% !are" 1edwi- 2ackma"% short-irl% Lo#isia"a 19I&% ?#st like that% (olly 0ylla*ic%
r?a% 8h 'ary 8h% t-rshark1+% redl#m ?ak% ker,looey% ladywitha,a"% :e*raska&884I)em% thomask%
'BA :7% poliwra"-ler% 0tepLe,t0tepCorward% A<a<ello% 'o"sie#r >eor-es% 0iler=illow% Eric
:elso"% a2"ite% 0yoho% Lilredhead% a<"ay% terry*#ck% st"?o"% 0t#de )#de% 1al,to"81%
8re-o"=et)o-% osly"I% ptressel% politically i"di-o% wilywascal% k,#"k9+I% li*eraldad2% 2'0cott%
Fecommended .y tmservo==
!a"sas K the !ochs !are a*o#t the Elderly... :8TL
)#ri"- the 2012 Le-islatie 0essio" 0e"ate 0#*stit#te ,or 1o#se 2ill 211I was passed a"d si-"ed
i"to law. 0ectio" 40 o, the 2ill proides that as o, Ja"#ary 1% 201+% the ,ood sales ta5 re,#"d ...
*y skip943 + comme"ts + Becs
Collowi"- orders- a peek i"to 2row"*ack6s smoke ,illed *ackrooms
The da"-ero#s ed#catio" *ill *ei"- ,orced dow" the throats o, !a"sa"s did"6t ?#st write itsel,. The
people dema"ded a clea" *ill% o"e mea"t to improe p#*lic ed% *#t i"stead the 0e"ate a"d
1o#se ...
*y *l#e*ar"stormer I comme"ts 9 Becs
Three )ead i" (re-(assoer 0hooti"- at Jewish Comm#"ity Ce"ter
Three people are reported dead a,ter a shooti"- at a Jewish Comm#"ity Ce"ter a"d the Eilla-e
0halom retireme"t illa-e i" 8erla"d (ark% !a"sas. .t is reported that police took a ma" i"to
c#stody ...
*y 'ets102 232 comme"ts 2I4 Becs
1#cka*ee Co",irms .diocy: 6'ore Creedom ." :orth !orea Tha" The 906
9*i@#ito#s dimwit% >od-*otherer a"d cl#eless mope 'ike 1#cka*ee is playi"- the persec#tio"
card a-ai". 2eca#se% y6k"ow% white% Christia" males i" the 90 are ictims /=aaahh4. =hat with
the !e"ya" ...
*y Betroactie >e"i#s 38 comme"ts +8 Becs
2row"*ack threate"s !a"sas teachers with layo,,s
." a pathetic attempt to distract ,rom reality the >oer"or says he m#st si-" the ed#catio" *ill
immediately or he will hae to se"d layo,, "otices to teachers. 2#t ,or those o, yo# who lie i" ...
*y *l#e*ar"stormer I comme"ts 1I Becs
J#st -ot the "ews: . am "ow #"employed
. did "ot see it comi"-. . woke #p today with a ,#ll time ?o* with a compa"y that . had *ee" with
,or 10 yesars% ery happy with my ?o* ... a*le to work ,rom home doi"- somethi"- that helped a
lot ...
*y 2C0ki""er 122 comme"ts 28& Becs
:o% The Ci5% 0hahee" a"d 2row" are "ot e@#ally likea*le
0cott 2row" is as #"liked i" :ew 1ampshire as he was i" 'assach#ssets. 2#t do"6t let the
=ashi"-to" (ost *other themseles with DrealityD There is "o worse p#reyor o, stale 2eltway
co"e"tio"al ...
*y kos 10+ comme"ts &I Becs
8pe" thread ,or "i-ht owls: (at Bo*ertso" asks iewers to 6pray to *e deliered ,rom this
Eia Bi-ht =i"- =atch : (at Bo*ertso" today asked >od to DdelierD the 90 ,rom (reside"t
8*ama *e,ore it6s too late. A,ter implyi"- that 8*ama is a '#slim% Bo*ertso" ...
*y 1#"ter 112 comme"ts 44 Becs
8opsL =is Bep#*lica" Leader Talks A*o#t Cormi"- .lle-al (AC o" Eideo
=isco"si" 0tate 0e"ate (reside"t 'ike Ellis was ca#-ht red-ha"ded or perhaps red-to"-#ed a"d
"ot *y some )emocrat% *#t *y the odio#s James 8-!ee,e /missi"- his pimp cost#me4 a"d his
(ro?ect Eeritas :
*y (#ddytat I4 comme"ts 1+& Becs
!och ."d#stries Cires !a"sas Teachers
Cirst o,,% let me -ie a sta"di"- oatio" to !ossack% tireless hero o, pro-ressie actiism i" !0 K
'8% tmsero4++ % ,or his e5celle"t reporti"- o" Twitter a"d here o" o#r ery ow" )aily !os%
where ...
*y 0tepLe,t0tepCorward 130 comme"ts ++3 Becs
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