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big 10 new/young
2. short 11 ugly
3. easy 13 poor
4. safe 6 dirty
5. empty 16 big
6. clean 5 full
7. fast 12 thin/slim
8. hot 15 boring
9. good 17 expensive
10. old 1 small
11. pretty 14 sad
12. fat 8 cold
13. rich 3 difficult
14. happy 7 slow
15. funny 9 bad
16. small 4 dangerous
17. cheap 2 long/tall

1. usually her late sister arrives her sister usually arrives late
2. everyday sleep cats the the cats sleep everyday
3. lunch has at Caroline 2 always Caroline always has lunch at 2
4. movies rarely action see I I rarely see action movies
5. bus his the take never children his children never take the bus
6. parties goes week once to a Paula Paula goes to parties once a week
7. eats My weekends dinner on aunt My aunt eats dinner on weekends

Add can or can't.
1. Monkeys cant talk.
2. Pigs cant fly.
3. I can play the piano, but Cory can't.
4. You cant go on vacation. It's too expensive.
5.Can I borrow some money?
6. I don't know the answer. Can you tell me?
7. Tony cant come tonight, he's too busy.
8. Jim makes great food. He can cook really well.
9. Excuse me, we cant see the movie.
10.It's too noisy. We cant study well.

Write the correct preposition (IN/ON / AT)
1. I'm leaving on June 12th.
2. The company was founded in 1963.
3. John joined the company in March.
4. The train arrives at 10:05.
5. The meeting is in the morning.
6. He arrived on Tuesday afternoon.
7. The staff meeting is on Friday morning.
8. He phoned me at half past six.
9. We plan to start production in the summer.
10. Phone me at lunchtime.
11. The children start school at 8.30.
12. We're going skiing at Christmas.
13. We went to the cinema on Wednesday evening.
14. England is very cold in the winter.
15. I met him in New York in February.
16. We sent the order on March 10th.
17. The meeting finished at midnight!
18. I start my vacationon July 14th.
19. We are going to California in August.
20. Thefactoryopenedin1987.

Select the correct word

1. ______ are going to New York. (we/us)
me and you Yesterday he talk
He gave it to_________ (they/them)
are washing You * (to wash) t
Webrush our teeth (always/every 3 hours).
both me and you He gave it to *.
The teacher did it for me (I/me)
are brushing We * (to brush) o
Solangegoes _________(dancing/dance) to
a disco.
you and them She and I are tea
It is important that_________ have to be on
time for class. (your/you)
We and they * are going to see
She and I are teaching_________ (you/he)
is crying Robert * (to cry).
You________ (never/every week) wash the
He and I * are going to New
Yesterday he talked to_________ (him/her)
he and I It is important that
Please give half of your candy bar
to_________ (me/I)
He and she * are having a gre
You and I can do this as well as_________
is writing Suzy * (to write)
Robert likes __________ (crying/cry).
us and them The teacher did it
_________ are going to see the next home
game. (she/we)
14. I sleep very much ________ (on/in) weekends.
15. Lucy and Mary dont like _________ (standing/stand) in line.
are standing Lucy and Mary *(
Suzy can _______ (write/to write) a letter.
me and him Please give half o
_________ are having a great time.
is going Solange * (go) to
Lela plays the guitar _______ (on/in)
is playing Lela * (play) the g am sleeping I * (to sleep).
is breaking Yana * (to break)
The cat hates __________
(sleeping/sleep) on its bed.

Select the correct alternative (possessives)

1. Was ________ grammarbookexpensive?
A. your
B. yours
C. you

2. These grammar books are different. ________ has 278 pages, but ________ has only
A. Yours / mine
B. Yours / my
C. Your / mine

3. My telephone is out of order, but ________ is working.
A. our
B. his
C. their

4. This bird has broken ________ wing.
A. his
B. hers
C. its

5. Jody has lost ________ book.
A. mine
B. her
C. hers

6. You can't have any chocolate! It's ________!
A. your
B. her
C. mine

7. Junko has eaten her lunch already, but I'm saving ________ until later.
A. hers
B. my
C. mine

8. ________ pencil is broken. Can I borrow ________?
A. Mine /yours
B. My / yours
C. Yours / mine

9. We gave them ________ telephone number, and they gave us ________.
A. Ours /their
B. Ours / theirs
C. Our / theirs

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