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Brianna Atley
English 12
23 May 2014
Benefits of School Uniforms
Even though most students would say that school uniforms sound like a terrible idea, it is
necessary to look at the pros and cons before really considering the issue. When looking at the
evidence, the pros clearly outweigh the cons. Many kids and teens are being bullied daily in
school because they are considered different, weird, a goodie-good, a slut, a prep, or other
hateful words. If they wore uniforms to school, this could eliminate some of the bullying brought
on by appearance or clothing. If all public schools required uniforms, fewer students would be
judged and bullied and students would be more likely to learn to respect each other based on
personality rather than appearance.
It is always hard to make new friends; kids are judged on their appearance, so if the
appearance is the same, they would take the time to get to know one another sine they are all
dressed alike. They could not compare who has the best jeans or shirt, and they would not just go
to the group of friends that looks like them.
Another plus for uniforms is that it is easier to identify outsiders in the school. They
would stand out because they would not know what the schools exact uniform is. There would be
less chance of harm in schools and danger because you could identify them.
Having school uniforms would help in inner cities in a big way. Inner cities have gangs and each
person in he gang wears the gangs colors to represents the gang. Dressing in gang colors can be
dangerous in school because when they wear they wear their gang colors, it causes confrontation
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between the gangs. That could cause violence in the school. Having uniforms would keep gang
colors out.
Having school uniforms is easier on the families. It helps by reducing the morning hassle of what
students can and cannot wear. They will already know what they have to wear every day. It also
saves by saving money. Parents wouldn't have to stress on shopping season because having a few
school uniforms is a lot cheaper.
When a school is dressed the same they develop a stronger team mentality, they all work
together better. Test scores show increases in schools that have uniforms because less focus on
fashion and more focus on academics.
Statistics show that when schools have uniforms they show increase in attendance and a sense of
belonging and pride within the school. There are decreases in cliques,fights, and discipline
problems. In urban districts they have done studies after adopting uniforms the crime in schools
decreased 76%, that was the school's all time high.
School uniforms have improved many other schools that are not urban. For example, Long
Beach District had an overall crime decrease of 91%, school suspension of decrease of 90%,
assaults decreased 86%, leaving class without asking decreased 46%, and fights within the
school decreased 38% (source). A study done by Dr. Alan Hipler, psychologist, proved
uniforms eliminate competition, pressure, and assaults perpetrated by other kids, and older kids
on younger kids (source). Studies show better behavior in schools after adopting uniforms.
Students act more professional and take school more seriously.

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Works Cited
Fetzer,Kent uniformsof expressions. School politics. EdJamuna carral. Petroit: Green
haven press, 2008. Opposing view points: Rpt. From Erosian of freedom salt lake tribune, 18
Apr. 2002: F2. Opposing veiwpoints in context, web 14 Jan 2014
The pros of school uniforms: why students should wear school uniforms kids
fashion N.P,N.d,Web. 12Jan2014
school uniforms: pros and cons. School uniforms and teen violence. N.p, N,p, web. 13 Jan
school uniform statistics. Statistics. Statistic brain RSS. N.p, N.d.web. 11 Jan 2014

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