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"10 Interview Success Tips"

Basically no-one likes the prospect of being interviewed.

ey! so"eti"es it works out ok.
But it#s the not knowing what to e$pect ... the prospect of so"e tough interviewer #hitting# you with
all these awkward %uestions ... feeling unco"fortable ... not knowing what to say ... u""ing and
erring ... or the dreadful feeling that you#re waffling on too long.
It "ay be a panel interview - with like! & or ' interviewers casting their beady eyes and ears on
you. It "ay be a line "anager! it "ay be (! it "ay follow a pre-defined script! it "ay be loose
and rela$ed. )uestions "ay be asked to throw you off guard. It "ay focus on your soft skills!
"anage"ent skills! technical skills! ability to work in a tea"! your attitude. *nything.
+r perhaps it#s so"e snotty-nosed little punk that#s interviews you - he doesn#t know you. e
doesn#t understand what you do - or what difference you can "ake. But because he#s a link fro"
where you are to where you want to be! you indulge his little power-trip! attitude and
So"eti"es it goes ok. So"eti"es it#s a total waste of ti"e. So"eti"es you ace it. So"eti"es
you ,ust don#t know. That#s interviewing for you.
+k - so let#s e$a"ine so"e key ideas on how you can get yourself ready! walk in! and "take it
away" successfully.
Interview Success -1. /reparation-/osition
The first bit of info you need in order to prepare properly is what position you#re applying for.
0hat#s the title1 0hat#s the role or function1 2ou#ve got to have so"e idea. *void taking the "I#ll
take anything that co"es up" ,ob hunting strategy. It#s for losers. 0inners are focussed! they
know what they want! they don#t leave things to chance. So! know what position you#re
interviewing for.
Then your ho"ework begins. Brainstor" the position - what will it likely involve1 0hat will the
different duties be1 ow does the position fit into the success of the depart"ent or organisation1
0hat will likely be what#s e$pected of you in the role1 If you#re struggling to co"e up with ideas -
speak to so"eone who fills a si"ilar role or speak to "ore e$perienced people to get ideas.
0hy do this1 3 (easons. 2our "ind will be getting itself ready! getting into the groove of the
role4sub,ect for discussion. *nd secondly! knowledge like this will give you the basis for knowing
what#s likely to be discussed in the interview! and therefore you#ll be able to prepare "ore
thoroughly. 5ore on this later.
Interview Success -3. /reparation-6o"pany
"7o so"e research on the co"pany." 8othing new here. So you visit their website take a look
around and there you go - you#ve done "so"e research on the co"pany". (ight1 0rong.
8ow first - "ost often when going to agency interviews they won#t divulge the na"e of the
e"ploying co"pany at all until perhaps the last "inute before your co"pany interview. That#s
typical. *nd infuriating. *nyway ... let#s take two angles on this sub,ect.
19 0hen you know the na"e of the co"pany. 0hen researching the co"pany! here#s what you#re
looking for.
: ow do they "ake "oney1 0hat processes are involved1 0here do you fit in1
: 0hat news is there - what#s recently been launched! what new technology is affecting their
business or sector! what contracts have been won! what#s the industry outlook1
: 0hat proble"s! challenges! obstacles and co"petition are being faced1
: 0hat keeps the business people in this sector awake at night - worrying1
: 0hat could be #hurting# the" - their efficiency! s"ooth running of co"pany4depart"ent etc1
: 0here are they losing "oney4efficiency4clients4profits4ti"e and why1
: In what areas do you see yourself fitting in and "aking a strong contribution1
ere#s your purpose. ;nowledge is power. It i"presses. It helps you to envision how you can help
"ake things better - don#t leave that to the last "inute! or to the interview roo". 2our "ind needs
ti"e to process what you learn and co"e up with answers that could "ake all the difference.
6heck out websites! speak to contacts! read relevant trade ,ournals - gather your intelligence.
39 If you don#t know the na"e of the co"pany. ere#s what you should try.
: /ush the recruiter hard for infor"ation on the co"pany. Tell the" you don#t necessarily want the
na"e but you want as "uch info as possible to prepare properly - re"ind hi"4her tactfully that
they stand to "ake a big co""ission if you get the ,ob. But if no luck with that - you#ll have to ask
so"e %uestions in the interview with the e"ployer.
: Tell the interviewer how you were not told the co"pany na"e until the last "inute - then ask if
you can ,ust %uickly discuss the co"pany <see %uestions above in scenario 19. It#s not "uch but
it#s so"ething. =ust don#t forget to do it.
Interview Success ->. /reparation-*ttitude
This point is brief but crucial. 5anage your e$pectations. 7on#t e$pect that you#re going to get the
,ob. 2ou probably won#t. arsh1 5aybe. But the statistics show it. 8egative1 2es! a little! but by
#negative# I don#t "ean insolent! cynical! bitter! depressed! down on yourself! or pessi"istic. The
,ob "arket is ,ust like that - people get hired for all sorts of cra?y reasons - you "ay be the best
person for the ,ob - but you won#t get hired. It happens. *ll the ti"e. So ,ust understand that that#s
how it works.
The benefit of being a little #negative# in your attitude1 2ou#ll feel "ore rela$ed. It#s a "istake to
rest all your hopes on one interview to get your ne$t ,ob. /repare as if it#s the only interview - but
don#t invest too "uch in the result <one way or the other9 of that one interview.
It#s "uch better for your nerves and stress levels to line up as "any interviews as possible.
Interview Success -&. /reparation-;ey )uestions
So you know the position. 2ou know the co"pany.
In your e$perience! using co""on sense too! what are the ' key tasks4functions and outco"es
you#ll likely be asked to deliver if given that ,ob1
7one it1 +k - well there you have a rough blueprint of what#s likely to be e$plored in the interview.
The interviewer will be trying to establish whether you can deliver on those ' key things or not.
*s a person of so"e e$perience yourself <or in discussion with so"eone who has9 what
%uestions would you logically raise if you were in the interviewer#s seat1 0hat would you want to
know1 0hat e$a"ples would you ask for1 0hat would you be looking for and how would you go
about e$tracting it1
Brainstor"! discuss - get clarity. *gain! get your "ind in the groove - so that when you face the
#fire# of the interview! you#re ready and waiting.
Interview Success -'. /reparation-*nswers
So you know the position. 2ou know the co"pany. 2ou have a good idea of what %uestions will be
8ow - how do you answer1 =ust two tips here.
19 ;eep it short. 7on#t be inti"idated by long silences. They#re a tool used by the interviewer to
"ake you go on and on and divulge irrelevant! so"eti"es co"pro"ising infor"ation which is
then interpreted as representing the "real" you. So! answer the %uestion %uickly. Then shut up.
7on#t waffle. (ather ask the interviewer if they#d like you to e$pand on any one facet. @et the"
lead you. 7on#t assu"e you know what infor"ation they want - you#ll risk being very dull and
boring! and totally off track.
39 Ase lots of e$a"ples in your answers. They add credibility. They add interest and believability.
It#s all good. ow to do it1 Ase the / - * - ( for"ula. /roble" faced. *ction taken. (esults
achieved. Tell a little story. But keep it short. *nd be specific when dealing with results - use
figures! percentages! situation before vs. situation after! etc. *nswers given in this fashion are a
strong persuader. Ase it.
Interview Success -B. Ti"ing
Be early. But on-ti"e early. 8ot "what#s this person doing here an hour early1" early. Be ' "inutes
early. 8ot &' "inutes early. Cet to the building as early as you like - but don#t walk in to the office
earlier than ' "inutes early. Too early has an air of desperation about it. +f course! on the other
hand! don#t be late. 2ou#ll feel rushed! sweaty! and you#ll have no ti"e to catch a breath and
co"pose yourself.
Interview Success -D. *ppearance ere are so"e points - obviously for unusual ,obs! like fashion
"odel! "usician! etc you#ll have to use your own discretion! but here are so"e general rules.
: 7ress up rather than down.
: Be s"art rather than casual.
: 7on#t be flashy! be conservative.
: Be clean.
: Brush4co"b your hair.
: Be fresh - not sloppy! not ,aded! not stale or worn.
: 0ear deodorant. *lthough 7+8#T wear perfu"e4aftershave. =ust don#t. In the confines of a
s"all interview roo" it can be overpowering. It#s irritating for the interviewer to go around the rest
of the day with your aftershave ever present on their hands or papers or desk! etc.
: 7on#t s"oke ,ust before the interview. In fact don#t s"oke at all. It#s such a big turn off to a non-
s"oker that it could ,ust pre,udice your chances <you "ay get one of those "you#re over%ualified"
type feedbacks9.
: Take a tooth-brush4paste and use it before the interview.
: 7on#t try to be se$y and don#t dress se$y. 7on#t wear short skirts. 7on#t reveal your cleavage. It
"ay be your best asset - but really! if you want to be taken seriously! rather tone it down. Invest in
an e$pensive suit4outfit. Be professional.
Interview Success -E. Send the (ight Signals
Following on fro" the above! but on a behaviour the"e.
: /ractice your s"ile. /ractice a fir" <and dry9 handshake. /ractice looking people in the eye -
not in a weird! prolonged way - but ,ust enough to look confident! friendly and strong.
: Show propriety - orderliness! politeness! be agreeable! show courtesy and decoru"! be "odest!
well "annered! etc. Sure! you want to be yourself! and confident! but ,ust reign it in a little! ok!
until you#ve established "ore of a relationship. *nd guys! don#t flirt with the receptionist.
: Sit upright. 7on#t lean back or forward. Be rela$ed but not sloppy.
2ou want to co"e across as a nice person to have around - not as a risk! liability or
Interview Success -G. )uestions to *sk
2ep - asking %uestions is i"portant. But only if you ask the right ones. There "ay be %uestions
burning in your bones! like "what#s the "oneyH1" but resist! resist! resist asking the"! the ti"e to
ask the" is once interest has been established fro" both sides <3nd or >rd interview perhaps9.
*lthough the one e$ception is "oney - it#s good to establish early <the recruiter or ( person will
want to establish this too9 that the position is co"patible with your e$pectations. But rather focus
"ost attention on %uestions like these.
: ow did the vacancy arise1
: 0hat are so"e of the failures in the position so far1
: 0hat are so"e of the successes in the position4depart"ent so far1
: 0hat would you like to see the new person acco"plish in the first > "onths1
: 0hat does 5anage"ent value "ost in the person filling the role1
* warningH *sk these %uestions in your own words. *nd know why they#re good %uestions - if you
don#t! don#t ask the". 2ou don#t want the interviewer saying - "what do you "ean1" and then you
say "uu"! I#" not really sureH1". +kay1
0hy are they i"portant1 They #"ine# crucial infor"ation. They provide insight and help you to
tailor your presentation to suit the client. They show confidence. They show you want to get to the
heart of the position - in order to provide a solution. 8ot "any other applicants will ask the"! so
you#ll stand out.
Interview Success -10. *nswering Tough Interview )uestions
There are any nu"ber of tough %uestions. *nd any nu"ber of slick answers that could work or
backfire badly. The botto" line is - the interviewer knows it#s a tough %uestion. They#re e$pecting
it to be unco"fortable for you. So the first thing you should do is s"ile and take a breath. @isten
carefully to the %uestion <every %uestion in fact9! "ake sure you#ve understood it correctly! ask for
clarification if re%uired! and then take a "o"ent to gather your thoughts. 7on#t hurry your
ere are so"e e$a"ples.
0hy do you want to work here1 - 7on#t "ake stuff up. +nly speak fro" your research and about
things that have truly i"pressed you. +therwise ,ust say! well I haven#t really seen enough of the
co"pany to answer that - but "y first i"pressions have been good so far <give i"pressions9.
So tell "e about yourself1 - Cive ' seconds on your personal life! give 30 seconds on your
professional history4life! give ' seconds on so"e interests you have! a little bit of trivia to end off
0hat are your strengths and weaknesses1 - For strengths! focus on 3 or > %ualities you have -
and be prepared to back the" up with e$a"ples. ;eep your co""ents relevant to the position
you#re interviewing for. (egarding weaknesses - 19 Focus on an area that you#re lacking in for that
position! perhaps a lack of knowledge of a co"puter progra" the co"pany uses or
specific4uni%ue body of knowledge - a lack that can be easily addressed4developed through a
course or by reading a book. +r 39 Take a weakness fro" your distant past - discuss briefly how
you#ve re"edied it over the years so that it#s no longer a proble".
It#s useful to have a "entor! so"eone you respect! so"eone with e$perience who can guide! test!
and coach you. It#ll be ti"e well spent.
(ight! so you don#t like being interviewed. But if you#re better prepared. If you know what to
e$pect and how to deal with the challenges then you#ll be "ore effective! you#ll get better results!
and you#ll land better ,ob offers.
Cerard le (ou$ is a /rofessional 6I 0riter and =ob unting 6oach - for free ,ob hunting advice
and insights to help you find a better ,ob fast please visit www., and (egister free for his free 10 7ay =ob unting J-6ourse by sending a blank e-
"ail to" - you#ll be sent "7ay1" i""ediately.

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