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Understanding the text.

Answer the following questions.

1. What were the two things that made Sven’s construction job more difficult? Does the text
say whether the hard work was worth the trouble?
Ans. The two things that made Sven's construction job difficult were:
a) They were in space away from earth's gravity, so objects were floating.
b) His space suit was not comfortable for doing this kind of work.

3. Read Para 7.
a. Does this paragraph imply that Claribel was the first bird in space?
Ans. Yes, as it is mentioned that Sven wanted to see how a bird would respond in space.

b. Did Sven not get into any trouble for sneaking a bird on board the space station?
Ans. As a space station has more hiding places than one can count on, so it was not so much
of a trouble in sneaking the bird in a space station.

4. a. What was wrong with the air in the space station?

Ans. The air of the space station had become foul and poisonous.

b. How did Claribel's unconscious state help the speaker understand what the problem was?
Ans. Claribel's unconscious state helped as even after receiving oxygen she passed out again,
so the speaker doubted the quality of the air.

c. Other than Claribel's condition, what were the other clues the speaker put together to solve
the mystery? (paras 9, 10 and 20)
Ans. The other clues were that the speaker found it difficult to wake up in the morning as he
had a headache, it was unusually quite during breakfast time and Sven was missing, the
speaker felt there was something wrong in the air because of which Claribel passed out and
recalled that miners used to carry canary down with them to warn them of the quality of gas.

5. It was one of those accidents that couldn't possibly happen. (Para 23) What accident is the
speaker referring to? Was the accident someone's fault? Who saved everyone from the
Ans. The earth's shadow part of the air purifier had frozen up and the single alarm in the
circuit had failed to go off. No, it was a rare error which could happen in a space station.
Claribel, the canary saved everyone from the accident.

Appreciating the text.

Answer the following questions.

1. The writer mentions two features of life in space that differ from life on Earth. Read the
story again and say what they are.
Answer: The two features of life in space, which are different from earth are oxygen and
2. a. What incident does the writer use to turn the value of money and technology upside
down? Explain.
Ans. The accident that occurred due to which the air purifier had frozen and the alarm went
off proved to the speaker that money and technology can go upside down. As above
mentioned, instruments were half a million dollars.

b. Which two examples does the writer give to show us that what is considered 'weak' on
Earth is strong and valuable in space? Explain.
Ans. The two examples the speaker shows us are:
1) Sven had little chances of getting the job on Earth according to his built, however he was
perfect and did a very difficult job perfectly in space.
2) When Claribel passed out even after giving a dose of oxygen and later when it was found
that the instruments failed, proves that a bird might be considered weak on earth in
comparison to technology however it was not so in space.

3. Answer these questions on the basis of the examples you gave for the previous question.
What does strength mean here? Is it only physical strength or something more? Is something
valuable always obvious? Or do we have to look for it? Explain.
Ans. They are not talking about physical strength; they are speaking of mental strength and
the ability to make appropriate decisions when required.
No, something valuable may not be obvious. One always needs to recognize it during
difficult times, as it usually surfaces during time.

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