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P a p i l l o m a v i r i d a e
(a.k.a. Human Papillomavirus)
This little sucker can range in size anywhere from 20 to 300 nanometers so be on the lookout for both big and
small ones. Its round in shape, and has a protein coating called L1 that degrades once its inside a cell (so its DNA
can integrate into that of a healthy cells).
bodily plan of attack:
It attacks via direct genital area contact (skin to skin) from any type of intercourse: anal, vaginal, and oral. Once in
the body, it spreads throughout, latching onto skin, genital, and in women, cervical cells. WARNING: it cannot live
on its own so once it finds a body, HPV will stay a while.
where in the world is it?!:
HPV is extremely common, being prevalent almost everywhere in the world. But two of the best places to be on
the lookout for it are the United States and Sub-Saharan Africa, as those two countries have large numbers of
common victims:
HPV is most common sexually transmitted infection, attacking about 80% of all people throughout their sex life
(the vicious little bugger). So everyone should be on alert for it, but those most at risk are women and people who
are very sexually active, especially those with multiple partners because more intercourse means a higher risk of
contracting it.
danger, will injure:
The most common mark left by this bandit is warts, commonly in and around genital areas and the mouth but
also on other palces as well such as the hands and feet. HPV can, however, also cause cervical cancer, and
although this is more rare it deos happen.
weapons (medicine and prevention):
In its low risk form, which is much more common, this outlaw usually goes away on its own. The warts disappear
or the virus never even shows symptoms. But to treat the warts, various topical creams can be used such as
Salicylic acid for non genital warts and Trichloroacetic acid for the gentical areas. As for the more rare but high
risk form, being cervical cancer, the best method is to prevent it by getting pap smears and cancer screenings.
The vaccine is also suggested for children pre sexual activity, about ages 11-12.
HPV hides dormant in the body unless the warts appear or cervical pain resulting from the onset of cancers
occurs. The warts are usually clusters, flat or raised, but a doctor should be contacted if you are even the sligthest
bit convinced that any symptom you show is due to this nasty viral outlaw.
image taken from:

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