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34 Easy Questions

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1. How often do you play tennis?
a. On Tuesday.
b. For two hours.
c. Almost every day.
d. ith !ohn.
". here do you usually eat lunch?
a. #andwich.
b. ith !ane.
c. At 1"$%%.
d. &n the cafeteria.
'. How lon( did you study last ni(ht?
a. ith )ob.
b. &n my room.
c. *n(lish.
d. For three hours.
+. hat kind of novels do you like?
a. ,es- & do.
b. & like spy novels.
.. hat kind of work do you do?
a. & work every day.
b. &/m a piano teacher.
c. & worked for two hours.
0. How many hours a day do you watch T1?
a. About two hours.
b. &n my livin( room.
c. & watch the news.
d. On Tuesday.
2. hat is your busiest day of the week?
a. &n the mornin(.
b. *very day.
c. Tuesday.
d. 3ast week.
4. 5y mother is a (ood cook.
a. & a(ree with you.
b. & a(ree you.
c. & a(ree to you.
d. & a(ree for you.
6. hat does 7T17 mean?
a. For one hour.
b. ,es
c. Television.
d. For one hour.
e. On Friday.
1%. How do you spell 7do(7?
a. 8o
b. 9:O:;
c. 8o
d. & don/t
e. Cat.
f. & have one do(.
11. hat did you do yesterday?
a. & am swimmin(.
b. & swim.
c. & will swim.
d. & swam.
1". hat do you like to drink?
a. Coffee.
b. #aturday evenin(.
c. Two.
d. ith my friends.
1'. hat did you eat last ni(ht?
a. At si<.
b. #pa(hetti.
c. ith my family.
d. At home.
1+. hat are you doin(?
a. &/m eatin(.
b. & ate.
c. & will be eatin(.
d. & have eaten.
1.. hat will you do this afternoon?
a. & play soccer.
b. & played soccer.
c. &/ll play soccer.
d. & was playin( soccer.
10. &t seems to me that most restaurants are too e<pensive?
a. & don/t think it.
b. & don/t think.
c. & don/t think so.
12. here/s 5ike?
a. At school.
b. At ei(ht.
c. For three hours.
d. 8o- he isn/t.
14. here do you do your homework?
a. ith !ohn.
b. &n the evenin(.
c. About one hour.
d. *very day.
e. At home.
16. hen did you (o to that restaurant?
a. #pa(hetti.
b. ith !ane.
c. 3ast ni(ht.
d. About '% minutes.
"%. hen was the last time you took a picture?
a. A picture of !ane.
b. #even pictures.
c. About four days a(o.
d. ith my camera.
"1. hat were you doin( last ni(ht at 2$%%?
a. & sleep.
b. & slept.
c. & will be sleepin(.
d. & was sleepin(.
"". hen will you mail that letter?
a. 3ast ni(ht.
b. To !ane.
c. After school.
"'. hat are you (oin( to do after dinner?
a. & took a bath
b. &/ll take a bath.
c. & take a bath.
"+. How lon( have you been playin( the trumpet?
a. About .% cm.
b. For four years.
c. &n my room.
d. )y myself.
".. How many hours a day do you sleep?
a. & have slept 2 hours.
b. & am sleepin( 2 hours.
c. & slept 2 hours.
d. & sleep 2 hours.
"0. How often do you write letters?
a. Two pa(es.
b. Two times a week.
c. Two people.
d. Two hours.
"2. here can & buy beer?
a. hen you are twenty years old.
b. About two bottles.
c. ith !ane.
d. At a li=uor store.
"4. hat/s your favorite sport?
a. #wim.
b. #wimmin(.
"6. hen was the last time you went shoppin(?
a. ,esterday.
b. Tomorrow.
c. 8ear the #tation.
'%. How often do you speak on the telephone?
a. At least once a day.
b. &n the evenin(?
c. For about '% minutes.
'1. How many times have you (one campin(?
a. Three people.
b. Three days.
c. Three times.
'". hen/s your birthday?
a. 8ovember two.
b. 8ovember twice.
c. 8ovember second.
''. here are you from?
a. 8ew ,ork.
b. 164".
c. At school.
'+. How do you (et to school?
a. ith train.
b. &n train.
c. )y train.

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