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Complete Backstage Instructions

1. On stage-
i. Bed (benches) with spread
ii. Side table with radio L of bed
iii. Cyc/skrim should be in use
iv. Table and chairs should be set R of bed with soup props
v. Park bench should be set LC
2. Off stage-
i. All hand props should be where they can be found and reached. If it is not yours, do not touch it.
This also applies to costumes.
ii. All stage props (furniture, etc.) that will be used should be in the immediate wings. This means:
Table/chair for gloop scene and candy cart.
iii. All act II stage props should be stored in a safe area where they cannot be seen from the audience.
iv. There should be no mobile set props (read: tables, chairs, dcor, etc.) behind the cyc. The only set
pieces behind the cyc should be the platform and the periaktoi.
1) Should be set ASAP:
i. The benches for the bed, round table, and chairs should be stored outside in the hallway adjacent
to the R wings by the Bucket Family.
ii. The bed spread(s)/etc. should be neatly folded and placed in the prop closet by anyone available
to do so.
iii. All costumes not in use should be hung up in the prop closet by the owners/users of the costume.
iv. The cyc should be pulled back and tied so that the platform/periaktoi may be seen. If it is not your
job, do not do it. The periaktoi should be set to red, green, yellow, in that order.
v. The decorations (assorted candy objects) should be placed for the Factory Reveal.
vi. The projection cloth should be attached to the screen and set up (it should be on the projector
vii. The projection should be completely set up.
Act 2
2) The curtain should open as the line We start with a contract is being said. The curtain should only be opened far
enough to see the projection.
3) At the beginning of In This Room:
i. Curtain must close.
ii. The materials for projection, including the cloth, should be placed back on the cart. The cart will
be stored in the prop closet.
4) After In This Room:
i. Curtain opens completely for Factory Reveal. No crew should be setting props at this point.
ii. Crash pad should be set for Augustus fall.
iii. Someone should be ready with chocolate sauce for Augustus.
5) After Oompa Loompa I:
i. All candy decorations should be taken offstage.
ii. Pink candy boat should be set up.
iii. Machinery/etc. for fizzy lifting should begin coming out piece by piece during blackouts only.
Nothing should be set while a scene is happening and/or lights are up.
6) After Theres No Knowing:
i. Oompa loompas should be ready to present the balls.
ii. Pink candy boat should come offstage.
iii. Periaktoi should all be turned to the yellow sides.
iv. Balloon and hand mic should be ready for Violets death.
7) After Oompa Loompa 2:
i. Bubble machine, fan, box, and towel should be set by this point.
ii. Side table used in act one should be covered with the black tablecloth and set at the central axis.
iii. The green bottle should be set on top of the side table.

8) When Flying begins:
i. Black rolling chairs should be rolled out by two crew members in complete bunraku attire.
9) After Flying:
i. The side table and bottle should be stored to the side, near the piano in the stage R wings.
ii. The two stools should be rolled back off to their respective wings and placed in a position where
they are not a threat.
iii. The nut machine (big stairs) should be rolled out by two people. The pillow should be set behind
iv. The lights for the nut machine should be placed onstage. Whoever is operating the lights should
have the hand mic.
v. The periaktoi should all be turned to their red sides.
vi. The nuts should be ready in the stage R wing for squirrels to use.
10) After Oompa Loompa 3:
i. The nut machine (big stairs) should be rolled back offstage. The pillow should be placed either
underneath or on top of the stairs.
ii. The lights should be turned off and moved back offstage.
iii. The small TV screen should be moved onstage from R.
iv. The large TV screen, camera, and switch should be moved onstage from L.
v. The Mike Teavee doll should be ready offstage R.
11) After the TV room scene, before Oompa Loompa 4:
i. All TV screens and related props should come offstage.
12) After Oompa Loompa 4:
i. Front curtain should close completely.
ii. Back curtain should open enough to remove the Wonkavator. It should be set C on the platform
and plugged in.
iii. The back curtain should be closed completely. Lights on Wonkavator should be on, but dim when
the front curtain opens. They will twinkle in the next scene.
iv. The front curtain will open.
13) After curtain call:
i. Cleanup everything.
ii. The stage should be cleared of all non-permanent set props.
1. All set props should be in the wings. Benches, etc must be brought back in from the
2. All costumes should be hung up.
3. All hand props should be in their designated places (typically on the piano for actors on
stage R. In the office for actors stage L).
Additional Notes:
If it is not yours, do not touch it.
Attempt to cooperate with your Stage Managers. This entails: no use of cell phones, no talking in the wings, and
no leaving the auditorium (except for crossing). Exigent circumstances may occur.
Treat your fellow actors, as well as the crew, with respect during the show. Attitude is not required.
Acting is not the same as acting out.
Everything has an intended place. If you do not know, find out.

Acting is a group enterprise. The finished performance is the first concern of the
player, as well as of the director. Discipline is indispensable.

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