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Half past seven

Sentence 2 ;
Siska helps her mother at 07.30 every day
The question
1. Who ..?
2. What does she do?
3. Whom does she help at 07.30 every day ?
4. What time does she help he mother every day ?
5. When does she help her mother at 07.30 ?
6. Does she help her mother at 07.30 every day ?

I, you, we, they : v1 do/ do not
He,she,it : v1(s/es) does/does not
Penambahan s/es tidak berlaku apaila dlm bentuk pertanyaan.

Question Words :
Who Whom

I. Mengisi
1. My father reads newspaper every day.
2. Ana and Ani speaking English.
3. she help you ?
4. They study In the class
5. Toshi sitting on the chair

II. Menentukan kalimat yang benar !
- They does not drink coffee
They do not drink coffee
- I are in my office
I am in my office
- My uncle talks to my father
My uncle
- You am a good student
You are a good student
III. Rubahlah kalimat berikut menjadi kalimat (-) dan (?) !
1. Mother is cooking rice in the kitchen
(-) mother is not cooking in the kitchen
(?) is mother cooking in the kitchen ?
2. Andi reads a novel every day
(-) andi does not reads a novel every day
(?) Does andi read a novel every day ?

IV. Membuat kalimat tanya
1. Riska sings a song in her room on Sunday
1 2 3 4 5
1- Who sings a song in her room on Sunday ?
2- what does she do ?
3- what does she sing in her room on Sunday?
4-where does she sing a song on Sunday?
5-when does she sing a song in her room?
6-Does she sing a song in her room on Sunday?
2. I and your sister are discussing about English lesson now
1 2 3 4
1 Who discussing about English lesson now?
2 What do we do?
4 When are we discussing about english lesson?
5 Are we discussing about English lesson now ?

I. Isilah dengan subjek dan kata kerja (verb) yang benar.
1. Andri and Anton shopping in the shopping centre
a. Go
b. Goes
c. Going
d. Gone

2. does not go to the University any more
a. Ida
b. Ida and her friend
c. They
d. You

3. They do not their homework
a. Does
b. Doing
c. Done
d. Do

4. Do discuss about our activities on Sunday?
a. Ana and her sister
b. We
c. Iva
d. Brother

5. Sam and his father are a newspaper now
a. Sleeping
b. Writing
c. Reading
d. drinking

II. Tulislah pertanyaan dan pertanyaan yes, no question sesuai
dengan kata/ frase yang di garis bawah
1. My uncle drinks coffee here every morning
1 2 3 4 5
2. The students are playing football in the school yard at 08.30 right now
1 2 3 4 5 6
III. Tulislah kalimat 2 kalimat berikut yang anda anggap paling benar
1. Our class begin at 08.00 every day
2. My house are very beautiful building
3. Jojo can handle his problem although he is ill
4. Dont angry, please
5. Our lecturer is giving English instruction
6. You and goes to Arinas house on Sunday
7. Be drink, please
8. Who is your name?

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