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We are all born equal but only some people create the life they really want, while others
struggle with unhappiness throughout their lives. Yes, we all possess equal amounts of
the same creative power within our minds. Most people, however, do not recognize it,
believe in it, know how to tap into it or use it. The magic is in believing. You must
believe the power exists before you can tap into it.

Do your wishes come true? Do the goals you set get easily accomplished? Do your
daydreams ever become fulfilled desires? If your answer is yes to more than one
question, then you are probably already living a "charmed" life able to manifest what
you desire. If you answered no, then you are like most people. You haven't learned how
to tap into this unfailing power.

Before you can tap into this creative power you need to know more about how the mind
and body are connected, as well as, how your thoughts can influence your life. Your
mind is a part of your body, but it functions separately from your body and has its own
electro-magnetic energy.

Your body is surrounded and infused with electromagnetic energy. Every cell in your
body is electrically charged and contains the image and pattern of your body indelibly
imprinted in each cell. If a cell is destroyed, other cells take its place and function in the
same way as the cell it replaced. Our cells have no intelligence of their own. A cell does
not know where to stay or where to go, until it receives its orders from intelligence. The
cells in your body actually follow the direction of your mind. Therefore, your mind is a
key in creating your future, once you know how to use it.

How and what you perceive is expressed in thought, which is intelligence in action. Each
thought is electrically charged by your mind and can only be expressed through form.
The thought must seek manifestation in the physical world. If it cannot express outside
the body, then it will express itself in some form inside your body. All thought seeks to
fulfill its destiny and purpose. Repressed thoughts can cause a short circuit in the body,
clog your system and cause physical and emotional illness. Can you now imagine just
how powerful a thought can be?

Ten Key Steps

1. Learn how to relax. Meditate to open your sixth sense. Your creative power is
strengthened if your extra-sensory perception is fully functioning.
2. Believe it is possible or your efforts will end in failure.
3. You do not think in words. Instead you think in pictures. Therefore, visualize
what you want.
4. Picture the mental image strongly and persistently to reach the creative level of
your mind.
5. Do not just give it a quick glance or the mental image will register in your mind
only as "wishful thinking" and not what you want to create.
6. There is no limitation in time and space unless you put a limit to it with your
wishful thinking. If you hold a mental image, support it and have faith, and it will
keep working for you.
7. Practice patience. Do not try to "force" what you're picturing to come true. It will
block the outcome of what you are trying to do.
8. Remember to picture the outcome in your mental image as though it has already
9. Do not forget to "feel" what you desire.
10. Stay positive and don't give up believing in your success to create.

Source: How to Foresee and Control Your Future by Harold Sherman, Fawcett Gold
Medal Books, 1970.

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