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An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.

Ashin !en"a#in
An Anna University-Centric
Guide to Applying to
Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S.
version 0.80
Ashin &. !en"a#in
$ )e*er +,oreord+
% -ast Updated . /
0ece#'er1 %002
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
Although this guide is pri#arily intended *or student o* Anna University1 a'out 803 o* it is suita'le *or
use 'y all international applicants to A#erican universities. 4* you are not *ro# Anna University and
intend to use this guide1 please ignore the sections regarding transcripts and the assu#ptions #ade on
university policy (grading syste#1 research scenario1 etc.)
All 5uoted or6 has 'een used ith the per#ission o* the authors and the pu'lishing #edia involved (i*
any) unless per#ission has 'een e7plicitly granted1 in the original pu'lication1 *or pu'lic use.
4 also highly reco##end you visit http.88.u#iacs.u#d.edu89n#adnani8gre*a5.pd* to co#pli#ent
this guide. 4t covers so#e aspects 4 have not and i* *ar #ore pro*essionally done.
&his latest version o* this guide1 i* updated1 ill 'e availa'le at
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
Table of Contents
$ :hy ;ursue an <S or a ;h0=
% :hy in the US=
/ -aying the ,oundation> Starting Early (0. 0ay ? $ year)
/.$ ;ro"ects1 )esearch @ ;apers
/.% 4nternships @ :or6 E7perience
/./ Aarroing 0on Bour 4nterests
/.C Deeping Up Bour Grades @ )an6
/.2 ,or#ing a )apport ith Bour ;ro*essors
C -ong &er# ;reparation (0. 0ay ? E #onths)
C.$ G)E
C.$.$ Fer'al ? Bour Ae#esis
C.$.% !oo6s
C.$./ Additional )esources
C.$.C !oo6ing &est 0ates
C.% Selecting Universities
C.%.$ Courses @ )esearch o**ered
C.%.% -ocation
C.%./ Costs @ ,inancial Support G**ered
2 &he G)E ? &est 0ay (0. 0ay)
E Short &er# ;reparation (0. 0ay H %C hrs)
E.$ &GE,-
E.% Shortlisting Universities
I &he &GE,-
8 Additional Score )eports
8.$ G)E
8.% &GE,-
J Applying *or &ranscripts
$0 ;reparing a )esu#e
$$ )eco##endation -etters
$% State#ent o* ;urpose
$/ Gnline Applications
$C ,inancial 0ocu#ents
$C.$ University ,inancial Certi*ication ,or#8Fisa Application ,or#
$C.% !an6 State#ent
$C./ A**idavit o* Support
$2 0ispatching Application ;ac6ets
$2.$ ;ac6ing <ethodology
$2.% 0ispatching Gptions
$2.%.$ )egular ;ostal Service
$2.%.% )egistered ;ost
$2.%./ Speed ;ost
$2.%.C 4nternational Courier Service
$E ;ost-Application Co##unication
$I &he Ad#ission
$8 &he Fisa
$J Conclusion
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
0. Introduction
So you ant to go to the US to continue your education. ,ro# hat you+ve seen o* your seniors running around
college doing application or61 it see#s daunting to say the least. Dno thy ene#y. &his guide ill give you the
general steps you should ta6e to co#plete your application.
1. Why Pursue an MS or a PhD?
0eepen 6noledge in specialiKed *ields
&rue engineering status-hood
2. Why in the US?
Aot #ar6 oriented
E7cellence is rearded.
&rue learning.
&he or6ing environ#ent over there is e7tre#ely healthy.
)esearch *acilities availa'le
. !ayin" the #oundation $ Startin" %arly
<any o* you have already passed the stage 'y hich you can do anything a'out the points 4+# a'out to list out. 4* so1 you
can use these to guide your "uniors. 4* not1 good *or you1 and listen upL &hese need to 'e done at least a year in advance o*
your G)E (0. 0ay) or application or6. &hese are one o* the #ain criterion used in ad#itting students into the higher
ran6ed universities hich see# inaccessi'le to #ost. 4n *act1 a ea6 G)E score can 'e #ade insigni*icant i* you *ollo
these guidelines. <any o* these ill see# 'anal1 4 6no1 'ut i* it or6s1 stop cri''ingL
/.$. ;ro"ects1 )esearch @ ;apers
&a6ing up pro"ects regardless o* hether there is a co#petition or presentation o* so#e sort ill display to the selecting
co##ittee that you are proactive and engaging hen it co#es to practical engineering. Also1 in the university syste# to
hich e 'elong1 ith su'-par research *acilities and *unding opportunities1 it is the ne7t 'est thing to research. Getting
hands on e7perience in a *ield is not only *ul*illing1 'ut it ill help you visualiKe concepts you #ay have learned earlier or
ill cover later in class.
;apers over here are slightly di**erent *ro# papers in the US. <ost o* us ho do paper presentations here "ust collect data
*ro# already co#pleted research and present it to a panel o* "udges. :hile in the U.S. &he paper is #erely the pu'lication o*
hat research one does. As it is a *ull *ledged pu'lication1 plagiaris# is unaccepta'le and papers are #ade to undergo
detailed scrutiny. !e*ore la'eling a presentation as a paper1 #a6e sure you actually did so#e or6 in the *ield it covers or
use this 6noledge as a guideline in any paper presentation you do *ro# no on.
)esearch opportunities1 as #entioned a'ove1 is a scarce co##odity in our university circles. 4t is1 un*ortunately1 also the
#ost valued o* these three *acets. 4* you have contacts in respected institutes such as 44&s and get the opportunity to 'e an
assistant to so#e ongoing research1 please ta6e it up as 5uic6ly as possi'le. Aot only are such opportunities di**icult to
co#e 'y1 'ut candidates *or the research assistant position have to go through a lot o* co#petition and hence a di**icult
screening process.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
/.%. 4nternships @ :or6 E7perience
&his ould re*er to out industrial training hich e undergo during our holidays. &ry and rac6 up as #any co#panies as
possi'le to help you 'uild an i#pressive resu#e. 4* you haven+t decided your specialiKation as yet1 try to 'ranch out into as
#any *acets o* your depart#ent as possi'le. 4* you have chosen a *ield concentration1 try as hard as possi'le to get an
internship at a related co#pany. Bour resu#e1 hen listed chronologically1 ill then sho ho you eventually narroed
don your interests to a speci*ic *ield. Call it #aturing o* interests1 i* you ish.
:ith or6 e7perience under your 'elt1 the selecting co##ittee ill 6no that you are pursuing your <S ith at least a
rough idea o* hat to e7pect in a pro*essional environ#ent and your or6 in the university ill not 'e that o* an idealistic
student1 'ut a realist.
/./. Aarroing 0on Bour 4nterests
&he reason this is point nu#'er three is 'ecause the to points a'ove aid in doing this. Gne o* the #ain criterion *or
selecting a candidate is *ocus. 4n *act1 you shouldn+t even 'e applying *or an <S or ;h0 i* you don+t have a speci*ic *ield o*
interest in #ind. &he hole concept o* *urther studies is to cover a specialiKed *ield in #ore detail to an e7tent that your
undergraduate education couldn+t *ul*ill. 4* you didn+t have a specialiKation in #ind 'e*ore "oining engineering1 that is no
pro'le#. Bour courses1 pro"ects1 research1 papers and industrial training ould have e7posed you to a plethora o* *ields.
:hich one as the #ost intriguing to you= :hich ones did you despise= Bou can either narro it don in one go or 'y
the process o* eli#ination. Even i* you did have so#ething in #ind a long ti#e ago1 don+t 'e surprised or apprehensive
a'out your interests +#aturing+ over the course o* your !E.
/.C. Deeping Up Bour Grades @ )an6
&he reason *or this is o'vious. Since the grading syste# o* A#erican Universities is 'ased on the +Grade ;oint Average+
syste# and ours is 'ased on a percentage syste#1 a #ethod *or the selecting co##ittee to 'ridge the gap ould 'e through
ran6. Bou can either 6eep your ran6 high1 or i* you happen to 'e in a very co#petitive class ith si#ilar a'ilities1 try to
6eep your average close to that o* the topper. 0o not try to convert your average to the G;A syste#. &he university to
hich you are applying ill do it the#selves in hatever #ethod they see *it once they receive your transcripts.
/.2. ,or#ing a )apport :ith Bour ;ro*essors
4* you ish to get a great reco##endation1 you+re going to have to interact ith your pro*essors on a #ore personal level.
4* they are doing their on research (as rare as that #ay 'e) as6 the# a'out it1 and i* you are interested1 o**er to help.
4nvolve the# ith your on pro"ects or paper presentations. Get the# to see the real you and your core driving values1 not
"ust your acade#ic side.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
&. !on" Ter' Pre(aration
&his is here the actual preparation *or the applying process 'egins. 0epending on ho ell prepared you ish to 'e1 this
can start anyhere *ro# /-$% #onths 'e*ore your G)E. As you are alloed to select up to C universities to hich to send
your test scores *or *ree right a*ter the e7a#1 you should also have a rough idea o* hich universities are out there to cater to
your educational needs.
C.$. G.).E. - &he Graduate )ecord E7a#ination
4n case you have any dou'ts a'out the G)E1 there is an e7cellent list o* *re5uently as6ed 5uestions and their ansers created
and #aintained 'y Aitin <adnani. 4t is availa'le at http.88.u#iacs.u#d.edu89n#adnani8gre*a5.pd*.
C.$.$. Fer'al ? Bour Ae#esis
&his is hat everyone *irst thin6s o* hen they consider applying to the US *or their post graduate studies. And it is one o*
the 'iggest o'stacles to overco#e in your path to the United States. &hose ho aren+t *lustered at *irst1 aren+t e7actly the
sa#e a*ter loo6ing at the #a##oth /200 ord list in the G)E prep 'oo6 'y !aron+s. &he 'est ay to overco#e this is 'y
'eing syste#atic and *inding the 'est ay you can learn ords. )ead #ore in the ne7t su'-section. Another thing to 6eep
in #ind is that the G)E ver'al section doesn+t only test your 6noledge or arcane voca'ulary1 'ut your a'ility to *ind the
relationship 'eteen ords and the co##on tric6 o* using a secondary #eaning o* a see#ingly ordinary ord. &here is
nothing to orry a'out ith regard to the #ath section. 4t only involves 'asic #ath s6ills hich you learned in 8
and all you have to or6 on is speed. &hats hat practice tests are *or. &he *olloing 'oo6s can give you a 'etter study
C.$.%. !oo6s
&his is hat is going to pull you through the test1 so pay attention.
A great starting point to 'uilding your voca'ulary is 'Word Power Made Easy' 'y Norman Lewis. 4t co#pletely changes
your #indset a'out the approach to learning ne ords. ;lus it has a reasona'ly siKed ord list as an addendu#. At JJ
'uc6s1 its the 'est invest#ent you can #a6e in the entire application process.
Another good 'oo6 to prepare *or the G)E is Kaplan's GRE Exam 2005
. 4t has got so#e e7cellent test-ta6ing strategies
and a reasona'le ver'al section. 41 hoever1 ouldn+t rely solely upon it *or the 5uantitative section. Aot only does it not
cover +standard deviation+ hich is a part o* the G)E 5uestion 'an61 'ut its tests are *illed ith a#'iguities and #ista6es in
the 5uants section. 4t co#es ith a C0 ith a decent learning progra# hich goes through the content o* the 'oo6 and give
you access to tools such as a *lash card utility and ga#es to test your s6ills at the di**erent sections o* the test. ,or all this1
you have to pay a he*ty price.
,or 5uants1 4 ould reco##end the popular ow !o Prepare "or !#e GRE $es! 'y %arons. 4t has the in*a#ous and
co#prehensive /200 ord list hich is per*ect *or those o* you out there ho e7cel at learning things 'y heart. 4t has a
large 'an6 o* 5uestions *ro# all sections and a decent nu#'er o* practice tests. Bou can get it either ith or ithout the
C0. Co#pared to Daplan1 you get it at a very reasona'le price.
C.$./. Additional )esources
E&S C0 . 4* you register *or the G)E ell ahead o* the actual test date1 you should receive this co#pli#entary C0 ith a
very #ini#alistic guide to hat to e7pect on the test day. Since this is *ro# the sa#e people ho #a6e the actual test1 its
practice tests are the closest to the real thing.
/ Faries according to the year you plan to rite the e7a#.
;lease note that the *or#at o* the G)E is continuously changing and 4 cannot account *or the sa#e.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
:ord:e' C 'y Antony -eis . &his is a ni*ty little dictionary8thesaurus tool *or your co#puter. 4t is *ree *or personal use
and can 'e o'tained at http.88orde'.in*o8*ree8. 4ts really handy to 5uic6ly get the de*initions1 synony#s and antony#s o*
a tric6y ord ithout having to go through the 'oo6s #entioned a'ove or re*erring to a dictionary ith e5ually 'iKarre
de*initions. Especially use*ul hen revising an ansered practice test.
C.$.C. !oo6ing &est 0ates
Bou should try to 'oo6 your test date early as slots 5uic6ly get *illed up during the pea6 +testing season+. Also1 as #entioned
a'ove1 you ill then get the E&S C0 &e"ore the test. 4 ould reco##end you 'oo6 'oth your G)E and &GE,- at the sa#e
ti#e1 spaced a'out a ee6 apart. Soon the G)E (and #ay'e even &GE,-) ill 'e changing the syste# o* conducting tests.
&ests ill no longer 'e conducted on a daily 'asis1 'ut only a *e ti#es a #onth on *i7ed days. &his re#oves *le7i'ility and
is another reason to 'oo6 early. At the ti#e o* riting this article1 the registration *ee *or the G)E and &GE,- is M$%0 each
and registration can 'e done at
Also1 i* you don+t have a passport1 or i* it has e7pired1 no is the ti#e to get8rene it. Bou need a valid passport to rite the
test so don+t leave its application *or the last #inute ith the current punctuality o* the 4ndian govern#ent.
C.%. Selecting Universities
Since the #o#ent you *inish the test and receive your tentative scores you get to chose *our universities to send your score
gratis1 you should at least get a vague list o* colleges to put don. A good ay to start ould 'e to sign up ith a service
li6e 4* you visit it early enough1 you #ight 'e a'le to loo6 at the depart#ent ran6ings o* the top 20
graduate schools *ree o* cost. Gtherise you ill only 'e a'le to see the top /. 4* you pay1 hoever1 you get access to the
*ull list till around April o* the succeeding year.. &he *ee is around M$2 and can 'e easily split a#ongst the others you 6no
ho are applying to the US. ,ro# this list1 you can start visiting the university e'sites. &here are a couple o* points you
should note hile s6i##ing through colleges sites.
C.%.$. Courses @ )esearch G**ered
&his is o'viously the #ost i#portant criterion *or selecting a university. 4* it doesn+t have the course you+re loo6ing *or1
don+t consider it1 no #atter ho prestigious it is1 or ho highly ran6ed it is depart#ent-ise. Deep *ocused on hat you are
going to the US *or. Bou can orry a'out prestige at a later stage. Go through the courses o**ered and see i* they have
classes related to your *ield o* interest. )esearch 'eing conducted in your interest is a great ay to strengthen your
argu#ent o* selecting that college 'oth in your State#ent o* ;urpose and during your visa intervie.
C.%.%. -ocation
&his #ay not see# o'vious at *irst1 'ut location #atters. Are you a party ani#al= 0o you thin6 you ill cope ell ith a
university that is situated in a ton o* its on ith very *e ur'an a#enities. 0o you thin6 you #ight 'e distracted *ro#
your or6 i* you studied in the #iddle o* a thriving #etropolis= ,ood *or thought. Also hat 6ind o* eather can you not
stand= -i#it its geographical location accordingly.
C.%./. Costs @ ,inancial Support G**ered
Aoadays it is rare *or an applicant to receive aid 'e*ore touching don on A#erican soil. Nence you should 'e prepared
to shell out cash *or at least a se#ester. Nence you should consider 'oth the tuition and living e7penses o* your prospective
university. Nighly estee#ed institutions ill have hinger tuition rates. Universities in #etropolitans and along the coasts
and the 'order ith Canada can have very high living e7penses (so#e universities+ living e7penses are higher than their
tuition *ees). Consider the situation *ro# 'oth the point o* aid and otherise. No long can you cope ithout aid=
:hen searching *or colleges don+t li#it it to any speci*ic nu#'er at this stage1 'ut do re#e#'er to divide the# into tiers
according to the G)E and &GE,- scores hich are su**icient to even consider applying to the#. 4n each tier highlight the
*our universities you ould #ost pre*er to attend. &his gives you pools o* colleges to select *ro# according to your
per*or#ance on test day.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
). *.+.%. , Test Day
:ell1 this is hat you+ve 'een preparing *or the past *e #onths (hope*ullyL). Even i* you #anaged to study in the last to
ee6s1 don+t orry too #uch a'out it. Go in ith so#e con*idence and you+ll do surprisingly ell i* you *ollo the test
ta6ing tips in the Daplan G)E 'oo6. G* course you ill alays al6 aay ith the *eeling +hat i*+. So this is no e7cuse
not to studyL &he details a'out hat to 'ring1 the address and the ti#ing o* the test are all clearly given in an e#ail you
receive a*ter registering. ,ro# hat 4 re#e#'er1 all you are alloed to 'ring into the hall is your passport and a secondary
40 (li6e a driver+s license). Bou can optionally 'ring the printout o* your e#ail con*ir#ing registration1 'ut they have never
as6ed anyone 4 6no *or it. So#e have co#plained o* the test center 'eing too cold1 so dress in layers so that you can
ad"ust accordingly. Bou can also 'ring a list o* universities (the tiered ones). Bou can+t ta6e the list in during the e7a#1 'ut
once its over1 they ill let you 'ring it in to report your scores. &he sta** is very *riendly and they e7plain everything very
clearly so don+t orry a'out screing up.
Gh1 and try not to 6ic6 the poer cord o* the syste# you are or6ing on. 4t+s not as unco##on as one #ight thin6.
A*ter you have co#pleted the test and have received your score1 select the corresponding tier on your list and send the#
your scores. Bou can even chose one or to in the tier a'ove.
-. Short Ter' Pre(aration
E.$. &GE,-
&o 'e honest1 i* you are co#*orta'le spea6ing in English1 you are su**iciently prepared *or the &GE,-. :ith the ne
4nternet 'ased testing (4!&) hich is co#ing up1 you are re5uired to actually tal6 ith an intervieer hich is recorded. So
you should get used to tal6ing to creepy strangers ho are recording your conversation. 4t+s goes totally against hat your
#other told you1 4 6no1 'ut its *or your on good1 and hersL As ith the G)E you ill receive a C0 hen you register *or
the &GE,-. Apart *ro# this1 the 'oo6 'y !arons to get used to the testing procedure should 'e su**icient
. &he &GE,-
re5uire#ents o* #ost universities are easy to achieve and your #argin a'ove the #ini#u# re5uire#ents is hardly noticed.
Gnly i* you get an e7ceptionally high score and are a'le to display your co#*ort level ith the language in your State#ent
o* ;urpose or your *irst se#ester ill you 'e considered *or a teaching assistantship (&A).
E.%. Shortlisting Universities
Ao that you 6no your G)E score and your al#ost inconse5uential &GE,- score (*ro# practice tests on the E&S C0)
you are ready to shortlist your rather long list o* universities. ,irst o**1 decide the nu#'er o* universities you are applying
to. Deep in #ind that applications are a e7pensive a**air to #ost and you can e7pect to spend around )s. 20008- per
university (considering all charges
). Also1 you should divide your selected universities into three groups. A group hich
has a list o* a#'itious colleges (*or your pro*ile) and have a lo chance o* getting into1 a practical group hich have a 20-
20 chance1 and a sa*e group ith chances o* I23 or #ore. Gnce again go through the university e'sites o* the #ost
interesting colleges you have listed. Aote don hy they interest you and their 5uir6y application details.
4 ould highly reco##end you visit the Eduli7 #essage 'oards at*oru#8. 4t consists o* a huge
data'ase o* discussions and in*or#ation regarding the university selection and application process. 4* you decide to register
and post1 please1 ;-EASE read all the rules (announce#ents)1 stic6y posts and use the search *unction to ensure that your
dou't has not 'een as6ed 'e*ore. )e#e#'er that the senior #e#'ers are not there to serve your each and every re5uest1 nor
are they o'ligated. <ost o* the# ta6e ti#e out o* their 'usy schedules to help out hundreds o* ne'ies a day. So 'e polite1
unde#anding and understanding. 4* you are re5uesting university reco##endations1 then re#e#'er to post your co#plete
pro*ile (in a *or#at stated in the rules section) in the thread you create. Also re#e#'er to state the universities you have
selected along ith your reasons. &he senior #e#'ers appreciate ne'ies ho do their ho#eor6 'e*ore as6ing dou'ts or
*or reco##endations and you ill receive serious replies. Also as6 the# to ran6 your selected universities ithin the /
sections (sa*e1 practical and a#'itious). 4* you are reco##ended a university you haven+t seen 'e*ore1 visit its e'site and
C Again1 ith the ne testing syste#1 4 can+t 'e de*inite o* this reco##endation.
2 E7plained in #ore detail in a later section.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
repeat the steps stated in section C.%. Update your list accordingly. !e*ore you 6no it1 you ill have a *inaliKed list o*
universities. )e#e#'er to 6eep your selected universities ell distri'uted a#ong the three groups1 ith the #a7i#u#
nu#'er o* universities in the +practical+ section. )e#e#'er to 6eep noting don hy you are selecting each college.
.. T./.%.#.!. $ Test Day
&his is pretty #uch the sa#e as the G)E test day as detailed in section 2. Sa#e re5uire#ents. &he only di**erence ould 'e
indi""eren'e ith your test result. 4+# serious1 don+t orry a'out the &GE,-1 you+ve got through the G)E *or heaven+s sa6eL
0. 1dditional Score +e(orts
Assu#ing you have *inaliKed your list o* universities1 and not all o* the# ere covered 'y the *our *ree score reports1 you
are going to have to send your o**icial test scores to the re#aining universities. &his can 'e done either 'y you #ailing1
*a7ing or phoning the E&S center. !y *ar the 5uic6est and easiest #ethod ould 'e over the phone. A regular phone call
ill turn out to 'e rather e7pensive1 'ut there are alternatives. Si*y allos you to #a6e phone calls over the internet *ro#
their 'rosing centers. Contact your nearest Si*y 'rosing center *or #ore details.
Another #ore do-it-yoursel* alternative ould 'e S6ype1 *or those o* you ith a decent internet connection (4 thin6 it or6s
decently even on EC6'ps). S6ype is a so*tare hich allos you to #a6e calls to phones through your co#puter over the
internet. &his is a pay service (si#ilar to prepaid #o'ile services)1 and the #ini#u# a#ount you can get tal6 ti#e *or is O$0
viK. a'out )s.2C08-. See#s steep at *irst1 i 6no1 'ut i* you call countries li6e the US1 UD1 etc calls are at the +glo'al rate+ o*
O 0.0$I per #inute hich or6s out to less than )s. $ per #inute. -i6e a local call. So the O$0 can give you unto $0 hours
o* tal6 ti#e assu#ing you call only countries to hich the glo'al rate apply. Get the list o* countries at Apart *ro# this1 is li6e a regular phone call. 0ial the nu#'er and tal6
through your co#puter headset. Bou can use the 6eypad to enter nu#'ers hile re5uesting additional scores. 4t is a very
convenient alternative i* you call the US a lot (or ould li6e toL). Especially since you ill 'e going there in a couple o*
#onths anyay it see#s li6e a decent invest#ent. So according to your *uture usage o* international calls1 select the
#ethod accordingly. S6ype can 'e used *or internet voice chat *or *ree1 only the phone calling service is re5uires pay#ent.
,or #ore in*or#ation and donloads1 visit
8.$. G.).E.
Bou need to 6eep the *olloing ite#s ready.
)egistration or con*ir#ation nu#'er
&est date
0ate o* 'irth as on your score sheet
Credit card details (nu#'er and e7piry date)
0epart#ent codes (can 'e o'tained *ro# http.88*tp.ets.org8pu'8gre80$I/EPdcand#*clists.pd*)
4nstitution codes (can 'e o'tained *ro# http.88*tp.ets.org8pu'8gre80$I/EPiclist.pd* )
&he telephone nu#'er *or international callers is H$-E0J-II$-I%J0. Call and *ollo the instructions that *ollo.
E .pd* *iles re5uire Ado'e )eader to open. 0onload it *or *ree *ro#
http.88.ado'' 4t is re5uired *or #any college applications as ell so
donload it anyay1 as you ill use it later.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
8.%. &.G.E.,.-.
Bou need to 6eep the *olloing ite#s ready.
$E-digit appoint#ent con*ir#ation nu#'er
&est date
0ate o* 'irth as on your score sheet
Credit card details (nu#'er and e7piry date)
0epart#ent codes (can 'e o'tained *ro# http.88*tp.ets.org8pu'8toe*l80/0Cdptcod.pd*)
4nstitution codes (sa#e as G)E institution codes 'ut can 'e o'tained *ro#
&he telephone nu#'er *or international callers is H$-E0J-II$-I%EI. Call and *ollo the instructions that *ollo.
Aote that the depart#ent codes *or the &GE,- and G)E score reporting services are di**erent1 hile the institution codes
are the sa#e.
2. 1((lyin" for Transcri(ts
&he earlier you get this done1 the *aster you ill receive your transcripts. 4* you ait li6e everyone else *or +application
*ever+ to ta6e a**ect1 you+ll end up aiting *or your transcripts longer than the esti#ated 2 days stated 'y Anna University.
Bou should1 hoever1 ait at least till your E
se#ester #ar6 sheets are out. ,irst o**1 ta6e to photocopies o* each #ar6
sheet per university you are applying to. Supposing you are applying to E universities1 that ould 'e
% copies Q E se#esters Q E universities R I% sheets
<a6e sure that the photocopies are on ,U--SCA;E sheets1 AG& AC. Use paper clips to group together the originals and
the photocopies se#ester-ise. &hat is1 $
se#ester original and copies clipped together1 %
se#ester original and
copies...etc. Also 'uy one *ull scape siKed or larger envelope and rite your na#e (as it is on the #ar6 sheet)1 university
roll nu#'er and contact nu#'er (so they can contact you hen the transcripts are ready) on the *ront. Nead to the
Controller o* E7a#inations+ o**ice in Anna University and as6 *or the transcript re5uest *or#. ,ill it out. Bou ill ant %
transcripts per university1 so *ill % in the respective *ield. Sho the person you collected the *or# *ro# that you grouped the
sheets se#ester ise1 then put all o* the docu#ents into the envelope and return it. Bou ill 'e assigned a nu#'er hich
you #ust re*er to henever you call the# up to as6 i* the transcripts are ready or to collect the#. Although they say they
ill call you1 a*ter a ee6 you can call the# up and as6 i* its ready. 4* you are early enough you can get it done in the sa#e
day right in *ront o* you.
Anyay1 hen it is ready1 purchase % envelopes (*ull scape or larger) *or every university you are applying to and rite the
depart#ent address on one and the graduate school address on the other ('oth ill 'e availa'le at the university e'site). 4*
the university as6s you to send 'oth the scores to the sa#e place1 then put the sa#e address on 'oth envelopes (as counter
intuitive as it see#s). Nead 'ac6 to the university and collect your #ar6 sheets and photocopies. )earrange the copies so
that each 'undle has se#esters $to E in it and then place each 'undle in an envelope. Seal the envelopes and return the# to
the o**ice. Again1 i* you are 'e*ore the rush1 they ill #a6e the seal o**icial in *ront o* you1 otherise it #ight ta6e % days.
&his ti#e you ill also 'e assigned a pro*essor nu#'er hich you should 5uote hen pic6ing up the envelopes.
10. Pre(arin" a +esu'e
4* you have 'een going *or ca#pus place#ents1 you should already have a resu#e ready. Bou #ay have to tri# it a 'it to
#a6e it grad-school-ready1 'ut otherise it should list out all your achieve#ents1 pro"ects1 posts held1 etc. &his ill 'e the
'ase *or your reco##endation letters in case your pro*essors don+t 6no you too ell and ill 'e a part o* the additional
#aterials re5uired *or so#e universities. 4t+ll also give you points to rite in your State#ent o* ;urpose. ;re*era'ly1 try to
*it the graduate school version into one page.
I &he details o* this su'section are applica'le only to Anna University students.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
11. +eco''endation !etters
&he *irst step ith reco##endation letters is to *ind suita'le pro*essors to reco##end you. As #entioned earlier1 you
should have a good or6ing relationship ith hi#8her. &hey should also 'e in a position to co##ent on a certain *acet o*
your or61 'e it acade#ics1 a pro"ect you #ay have done or your role in e7tracurricular activities. 4t is a good idea to
alays include the head o* your depart#ent. <ost universities re5uire three reco##endation letters.
An e7cellent post 'y ;opeye o* #essage 'oards regarding letters o* reco##endation can 'e *ound at
An application spea6s to the ad#ission co##ittee on your 'ehal*. :hile your grades8scores are supposed to represent
your intellectual capa'ilities and your SG; allos you the opportunity o* presenting your point o* vie1
reco##endations 'y those ho 6no you give the university an independent assess#ent o* your s6ills and 5ualities.
:e strongly reco##end that students should not rite their on reco##endation letters. 4n case your reco##ender
is not co#*orta'le dra*ting the reco##endations1 you can give hi# your resu#e and points you ould ant hi# to
include. Get a rough dra*t #ade *ro# hi#1 it can 'e polished later.
Every school re5uires a set o* %-/ reco##endation letters. Aor#ally the schools have a reco##endation *or#at
(grading sheet) in their application *or#1 hich needs standardiKed in*or#ation li6e ran6 in class1 analytical s6ills1
attendance etc. Gne can additionally attach a letter (covering other aspects) to the grading sheet.
Choosing the right people.
-Bou need to #a6e sure that the people ho give you the reco##endations have 6non you *or a su**iciently long
ti#e and on a pro*essional 'asis.
- ,resh graduates ould need reco##endation letters *ro# the *aculty at undergraduate and8or graduate level. &he
*aculty ould 'e in a position to evaluate the student i* they have taught the# at least to courses. 4t ould 'e help*ul
i* the courses ere relevant to the study progra# applied to.
- At or6 the reporting head interacts ith us on a day-to-day 'asis and hence ould 'e the 'est person to co##ent
on our per*or#ance.
- ;ersonal Contacts are not considered valid.
Credentials o* the re*eree.
- A reco##endation *ro# a pro*essor ould sound *ar #ore i#pressive than one *ro# a lecturer.
- &he re#ar6s o* your reporting head ho plays an i#portant role in the co#pany and is an e7perienced person are
#ore valued.
- Noever a reco##endation *ro# the CEG o* the co#pany ho 6nos you personally 'ut has not interacted
regularly at or6 ould not add any value.
- An alu#ni *ro# the school one is applying to can give you an additional reco##endation co##enting on your
suita'ility *or the study progra#.
)elationship you share ith the person.
<a6e sure that the person shares a positive relationship ith you to ensure you get a good reco##endation and
ithin your ti#e *ra#e. Start approaching the people a #onth ahead o* ti#e to run through %-/ dra*ts 'e*ore
*inaliKing on it. ;repare an initial dra*t and chec6 ith the# i* they are co#*orta'le #entioning the sa#e.
:riting &ips.
,olloing points should 'e 6ept in #ind hile dra*ting a -etter o* )eco##endation.
$. &he letters should ideally 'e ta6en on the college8institution8organiKation letterhead. 4* not a letter head then the
na#e1 contact details and designation o* the person should 'e clearly #entioned. )e*er to the sa#ple *or#at.
%. Nave *ocus on *eer 5ualities in each reco##endation so that it stays in the #ind o* the reader at the end o* it.
0ivide the points 'eteen the three letters.
/. 0o not include too #any ad"ectives or superlative degree re#ar6s in the reco##endation. &he state#ents should
sound positive 'ut not *lattery.
C. Avoid redundancy in the style o* riting. ,or e7a#ple starting every sentence ith TShe has 'een very active in
class1 She has a'ove average analytical s6ills etcU. &he letter should have a *lo and not see# li6e a list o* state#ents
a'out you.
2. Get a third person opinion a'out the dra*t 'e*ore *inaliKing it. &here are cases hen state#ents that #ight sound
positive to us #ight 'e interpreted in a di**erent #anner 'y others.
E. Avoid structural #ista6es and use si#ple language. 0o not #anipulate *acts. ,or e7a#ple. 4* your pro*essor puts
you in the top 23 in every category that he+s 'een as6ed to ran6 you1 and your transcripts sho that you averaged in
the 'otto# %23 o* your class1 it+s 'ound to raise so#e eye'ros.
I. &he letter should 'e crisp and to the point. Avoid repetitive stu** and irrelevant details.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
)e#e#'er that reco##endation letters have to 'e on the college letterhead.
Fery o*ten1 universities have their on reco##endation *or#s to acco#pany the letter. 4t isn+t alays re5uired1 'ut it is
pre*erred. ,ill out as #any *ields you are a'le and alloed to *ill out on your on (no *illing o* evaluation ta'lesL). Sign
the aiver *ound on the *or# stating that you aive your right to access the reco##endation letter once you are ad#itted.
&hen ta6e the *or#s to the pro*essors and go over all the *ields ith the# and #a6e sure they understand hat each *ield
#eans. !e*ore leaving the rest to the#. Also provide the# ith a la'eled envelope *or the# to seal the letter and
reco##endation *or# in. &he envelope *lap #ust then 'e signed over and sta#ped ith the college seal.
<ost pro*essors are #ore co#*orta'le ith sending the reco##endations through you1 'ut i* they o**er to #ail it
the#selves1 then let the# as long as they use a relia'le #ail service. 4n that situation #a6e sure the envelope has su**icient
identi*ication (li6e an application 40) on it to allo the receiving university to identi*y it as yours and place it in the *ile
hich is created hen you su'#it your online application
12. State'ent of Pur(ose
&his is the cru7 o* your application. 4ts even #ore i#portant than your G)E score or your acade#ics. &his provides you a
plat*or# to present yoursel* to the selection co##ittee. Bou can use to it to e7plain lo grades or your #otivating *actor.
Consider it your to pages o* *a#e. Although so#e universities as6 speci*ic 5uestions and e7pect very speci*ic ansers in
a li#ited nu#'er o* characters1 #ost allo you to rite hatever you ant and #erely reco##end li#iting your length
'eteen one and to pages. Gne co##on #ista6e people #a6e hen riting their SG; is "ust riting a long list o*
acco#plish#ents and ones on attri'utes. As the na#e i#plies1 hat the pro*essors e7pect *ro# you are your intentions *or
graduate study and possi'ly even your pro*essional goals. G* course1 it is possi'le to state that the #otivation *or the *uture
lies in the past and then connect the to.
Another #ista6e is to #a6e an SG; *or each college one is applying to. A #uch #ore e**icient #ethod ould 'e to lay
don a co##on *ra#eor6 *or all your SG;s and then *ill in as #any co##on details as possi'le 'e*ore 'ranching o** into
college-speci*ic state#ents. A guideline to creating a *ra#eor6 is ell e7plained 'y Eduli7 *oru# #e#'er ;opeye once
again in the sa#e thread as #entioned a'ove. (*oru#8vietopic.php=pRE822CSE822C)
8 0iscussed in section $/.
SG; !4A0E)
,or all graduate and undergraduate applicants to US schools1 SG; is an i#portant part o* their application
pac6et. &he ad#ission co##ittee gives the applicant a chance to1 pro"ect oneVs 'est 5ualities1 "usti*y the
inconsistencies in the acade#ics or test scores and convince the co##ittee that one has the spar61 the thirst
*or 6noledge that could add value to the e7isting student co##unity.

:riting a reasona'ly good State#ent o* ;urpose is not an i#possi'le tas6. 4t re5uires care1 attention and
patience. 4t is necessary to put in this hard or6 to co#e up ith an essay that is uni5uely yoursel*.
;ersonal Wualities that can 'e #entioned in the -G).
Bou donVt have to include all points #entioned 'elo1 choose the relevant ones.
X Acade#ic ;er*or#ance
X Attendance and class participation
X Analytical s6ills and pro'le# solving a'ility
X Co##unication s6ills
X &ea#or6 A'ility
X -eadership Wualities and 0ecision <a6ing
X GrganiKed and particular a'out deadlines
X Crisis <anage#ent and or6ing under pressure
X Achieve#ents li6e 'eing a class topper1 inning the 'est pro"ect priKe etc1 playing a strategic role in a co#pany pro"ect
X 4nterpersonal s6ills1 relationship ith peers.
X Suita'ility o* the applicant to the study progra#
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
:riting &ips.

$. Start o* the SG; needs to 'e stri6ingly interesting. Gne could start ith a *a#ous 5uote1 so#e prover'
that you very strongly 'elieve in etc
%. !rea6 up the content into paragraphs or su' headings under hich you ould ela'orate.
/. Each paragraph should #a6e a co#plete state#ent independently. Start a ne paragraph henever
discussion goes to a ne issue.
C. &here should 'e a logical *lo o* ideas 'eteen paragraphs. 4n other ords there should not 'e an a'rupt
shi*t o* ideas in paragraphs.
2. Avoid slang and a''reviations1 re#e#'er the reader is an international person and #ight not 'e *a#iliar
ith so#e ter#s e nor#ally use.
E. 0o not put in*or#ation that is already availa'le through transcripts and application *or#.
I. Nighly personal content and e#otional stu** should 'e avoided unless it #a6es a uni5ue and creative
8. Bou can #ention e7tra-curricular activities that ould help you 'eco#e a 'etter graduate student.
E7a#ple. <e#'ership in associations li6e 4EEE1 AS<E etc.
J. &he SG; needs to touch all the relevant points 'ut at the sa#e ti#e 'e concise and crisp in its contents.
4deally it should 'e around 200 ords long.
$0. Bou can add anecdotes1 5uotations and tal6 a'out your #ottos and principles 'ut that should #a6e your
SG; #ore interesting and reada'le.
University re#ar6s on the concept o* a SG;.

UC !er6eley.
Usually the purpose is to persuade the ad#issions co##ittee that you are an applicant ho should 'e
chosen. Bou #ay ish to sho that you have the a'ility and #otivation to succeed in your *ield1 or you
#ay ish to sho the co##ittee that1 on the 'asis o* your e7perience1 you are the 6ind o* candidate ho
ill do ell in the *ield.
SG; gives a chance *or <4& to get to 6no you as a student. 4t helps the Ad#issions sta** get ac5uainted
ith you as a hole person. :hat e7cites you= :hat #otivates you= :hat is your career plan=
&he state#ent o* purpose is o* particular i#portance. :e see6 to ad#it students ho have an in*or#ed
interest in the su'"ect and ill success*ully apply their education in challenging "o's.
San Yose State University.
Bou are the su'"ect o* the state#ent. &he school is interested in the *olloing.
X Bour purpose in graduate study
X &he area o* study in hich you ish to specialiKe
X Bour *uture use o* your graduate study
X Bour special preparation and *itness *or study in the *ield
X Any pro'le#s or inconsistencies in your records or scores
SG; contains. (&he order o* the content varies *ro# student to student)
$. A #ention o* your career goal or *uture o'"ective
&he schools see6 to ad#it candidates ho have an in*or#ed interest in the su'"ect and ill success*ully
apply their education in challenging "o's. &he study progra# should add value to your current pro*ile.
%. 0escription o* your personality as a person and #ore i#portantly a student
So#e o* the Wualities that one could spea6 a'out are.
X Creativity and Curiosity
X ;ride in your or6 and an enthusias# *or learning
X A capacity *or tea#or6
X &he a'ility to thin6 independently
X Sho yoursel* as a ell-'alanced person
/. )e*lection on your undergraduate education1 learning1 your research interests and research or6
X Acade#ic per*or#ance
X Courses that interested you 'eyond class
X Class participation
X )eadings through "ournals
C. 0escription o* pro"ects and se#inars done 'eyond the course curriculu#
X 4nternships and Su##er pro"ects
X :or6shops and Se#inars attended
X -earning *ro# the a'ove
2. :or6 e7perience details
X )ole in the Co#pany
X 4#portant ;ro"ects in line ith your research interests
X Contri'ution to research
E. )easons *or choice o* the university *or *urther studies.
X ,aculty ;ro*ile
X Nigh inta6e o* international students
X )esearch areas the university is active in
X -o cost o* living
X Cultural diversity
X )esources *or students
X -o student *aculty ratio
I. Concluding ith a conviction o* proving an asset to the university.
X Sound con*ident a'out success*ul co#pleting the course
X 0e#onstrating your #otivation and deter#ination
X 4ntegrity1 co##on sense1 relia'ility1 and personal capacity to e7cel in a challenging progra#
!ac6ground or6 )e5uired to 'e done to rite an SG;.
$. ,ill up the SG; or6sheet provided to you sincerely.
%. )esearch on schools you are trying to apply and learn a'out the school and the or6 in areas o* your
/. :rite to students at the universities and *ind *acts a'out the school and the re5uire#ents.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
:es Nuang Assistant ;ro*essor
0epart#ent o* Co#puter Science
State#ent o* ;urpose Advice
4+ve read #any applications to our graduate progra#1 and 4+ve seen a lot o* state#ents o* purpose that1 *ran6ly1
aren+t very good.
Nere are so#e thoughts and co##ents that ill hope*ully help you rite a 'etter state#ent o* purpose. &hese
are #erely #y on thoughts and should not 'e construed as o**icial guidelines o* any sort.
:hat the state#ent o* purpose is not
<any students (particularly *oreign students) thin6 that the state#ent o* purpose is a'out character. :hile
honesty1 sincerity1 conscientiousness1 etc. are i#portant attri'utes1 4 assu#e students ith good acade#ic
records applying to graduate school have these traits.
<any students thin6 that the state#ent o* purpose should 'e an auto'iographical s6etch. !elieve #e1 the story
o* your *irst co#puter hen you ere $0 years old and ho it inspired you to devote your li*e to Co#puter
Science does not #a6e particularly interesting reading1 nor does it tell #e the things 4 ant to 6no.
Wuestions that your state#ent o* purpose should anser
:hen 4 read a state#ent o* purpose (hich 4 thin6 is one o* the #ost i#portant parts o* a graduate
application)1 4 have the *olloing 5uestions in #ind.
0on+t structure your state#ent ith these 5uestionsL (4 can "ust see the applications pouring in no ith #y
5uestions used as section headings.)
&G; $0 )U-ES &G :)4&E !B

$ 0G strive *or depth rather than 'readth> narro your *ocus to one or to the#es1 ideas1 or e7periences.
% 0G tell the reader hat no other applicant could honestly 'e a'le to say.
/ 0G provide the reader ith insight into hat drives you--hat #a6es you Ztic6.Z
C 0G 'e yoursel* rather than pretending to 'e the ideal applicant.
2 0G get creative and i#aginative1 particularly in your opening re#ar6s.
E 0G address the particular school+s uni5ue *eatures that attract you.
I 0G *ocus on the a**ir#ative in the personal state#ent itsel*> consider using an addendu# to e7plain
de*iciencies or 'le#ishes.
8 0G evaluate your e7periences rather than #erely recounting the#.
J 0G enlist others to proo*read your essay *or gra##ar1 synta71 punctuation1 ord usage1 and style.
$0 0G use a highly reada'le type*ace ith conventional spacing and #argins (i* you+re su'#itting a paper-
'ased application).

&G; $0 ;E)SGAA--S&A&E<EA& ;4&,A--S

$ 0GA+& su'#it an e7pository resu#e> avoid #erely repeating in*or#ation that you+ve provided elsehere in
your application.
% 0GA+& co#plain or hine a'out Zthe syste#Z or a'out your circu#stances in li*e> hoever1 constructive
criticis# is *ine as long as it relates directly to your career goals.
/ 0GA+& get on a soap'o7 and preach to the reader> hile e7pressing your values and opinions are *ine1
avoid co#ing across as *anatical or e7tre#e.
C 0GA+& tal6 a'out #oney as a #otivating *actor in your plans *or the *uture.
2 0GA+& discuss your #inority status or disadvantaged 'ac6ground unless you have a co#pelling and uni5ue
story that relates directly to it.
E 0GA+& re#ind the school o* its ran6ing or prestige a#ong the various progra#s o* its type.
I 0GA+& aste your personal state#ent opportunity ith a hac6neyed introduction or conclusion.
8 0GA+& use a gi##ic6y style or *or#at.
J 0GA+& su'#it supple#entary #aterials unless the ad#issions o**ice re5uests the#.
$0 0GA+& get the na#e o* the school rongL
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
A special than6s to ;opeye *or the great or6 he did ith the thread.
Bour state#ent o* purpose should 'e a cohesive piece o* prose. (So#e use o* section headings is GD1 'ut not
ith #y 5uestions.) 4t should present yoursel* to the reader. Gne ay you can thin6 o* your state#ent is as an
e7tended (and so#ehat #ore *or#al) anser to the intervie 5uestion1 T&ell #e a'out yoursel*...U
:hile so#e o* #y 5uestions 'elo can (and should) 'e ansered directly1 the rest should 'e addressed 'y
relating relevant e7periences and acco#plish#ents.
Why do you 3ant to "et a PhD 4or MS5?
What are your research interests?
!e as speci*ic as possi'le1 'ut 6eep in #ind ho ill 'e reading your application.
4n the )ensselaer CS depart#ent1 research groups read applications [ the one(s) you speci*y on your
application. At other schools1 a depart#ent co##ittee #ay read all applications and decide upon ad#issions on
'ehal* o* the hole depart#ent.
,or the )ensselaer CS depart#ent1 unless you are an e7ceptional student ith a 'road range o*
e7perience8acco#plish#ents1 you should target your application to "ust one research group [ a student ho
speci*ies interest in ro'otics and netor6ing1 *or e7a#ple1 #ay not 'e ta6en seriously 'y either group.
<ultiple *aculty ithin a research group ill read your application.
Why are you interested in these research to(ics?
0on+t rite an auto'iographyL
Do you ha6e the 'oti6ation7(erse6erance to co'(lete a PhD?
4* you have an undergraduate degree in so#ething other than Co#puter Science or Co#puter Engineering1 then
another 5uestion is. do you ha6e the bac8"round to (ass the PhD 9ualifiers?
&he state#ent o* purpose is also an opportunity to descri'e so#e o* your acco#plish#ents and their
signi*icance. &he reader ill not 'e *a#iliar ith the progra#s1 co#petitions1 e7a#inations1 etc. *or all parts o*
the United States1 not to #ention other countries.
Gther things to 6eep in #ind
#or'at. Single spaced (or #ay'e even Zone and a hal*Z spacing1 'ut de*initely not dou'le spaced) ith at least a
$0 point *ont and reasona'le #argins (at least $ inch on all sides1 pre*era'ly #ore on the le*t and right ith a $0
point *ont).
!en"th. 0e*initely not #ore than % pagesL (:ho has ti#e to read #ore than that=)
:hen 4 as applying to graduate schools1 4 as advised to 6eep #y state#ent o* purpose to a single page. 4 no
thin6 that this as not good advice [ one page tends to 'e too short i* you+re covering everything you should.
0on+t try to Zcra#Z #ore into your to pages using typographical tric6s (line spacing1 *ont siKe1 #argins1 etc.)
Bou+re not *ooling anyone. 4na'ility to rite a concise state#ent o* purpose indicates a lac6 o* critical thin6ing
4 should duly note that #ost undergraduate Co#puter Science students con*use ZconciseZ ith ZshortZ.
ZConciseZ #eans that you have given thought to the co#position o* your state#ent to #a6e it a clear and
cohesive piece o* prose (ith a natural8logical *lo) that covers all the necessary points and doesn+t cover
unnecessary points. ZShortZ pieces o* riting are usually too short 'ecause they o#it i#portant points1 aren+t
cohesive1 etc.
Spell chec6 itL Get so#eone else to proo*read itL
Special note to Chinese (and so#e 4ndian) *aculty...
,er cryin+ out loud1 stop saying that every student is your *avorite studentL
4 never really 'elieve it anyay...
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
As #entioned earlier1 so#e universities as6 you to rite e7tre#ely short state#ents. 4* your regular SG; is su**iciently
co#prehensive1 you should 'e a'le to create these #ini SG;s 'y copying and pasting the re5uired paragraphs or 'y
paraphrasing paragraphs into long sentences. )e#e#'er to use your earlier notes top speci*y hy you are selecting that
university. Bou can optionally rite your na#e1contact and application details on the top right corner o* the page in the
*or# o* a header.
1. /nline 1((lications
Aoadays1 all A#erican universities have the option o* *illing in the initial application over there internet. So#e re5uest
only 'asic in*or#ation li6e contact details1 courses co#pleted1 depart#ent and degree you are applying *or1 etc. Gthers go
as *ar as to allo you to su'#it your State#ent o* ;urpose and reco##endation letters online as ell. Noever detailed
the online *or# #ay 'e1 6eep as #any details as possi'le at hand. &his could include
Aggregate score *or the past E se#esters
Aggregate score *or each se#ester
Class ran6 or percentiles
;ercentage o* class8college8university topper
Courses ta6en in the past E se#esters or detailed course description o* upco#ing courses
G)E General &est scores and percentiles
&GE,- test scores
&he na#es and contact details o* your reco##ending pro*essors
State#ent o* ;urpose84ntent8;ro*essional G'"ectives
&his is 'y no #eans co#prehensive1 'ut should give you an idea o* hat to e7pect hen *illing out *or#s. 0on+t orry
a'out not having all the ansers in one go. Bou can start *illing it out at one ti#e1 leave it aside and return to it later. All
entered in*or#ation ill 'e stored in a data'ase so nothing ill 'e lost. &his is especially use*ul *or continuously updating
an SG; su'#itted online.
:hen you start an online application1 you ill usually 'e as6ed to create an account *irst. 0i**erent colleges have di**erent
re5uire#ents *or your user na#e and passord selecting sche#es1 so you are 'ound to end up ill #ultiple login ids and
passords. Create a *ile containing all this data *or *uture re*erence.
Again1 do not *ill out any *ield re5uesting your G;A unless it allos you to speci*y hat grading syste# you are using1
hich in our case is a percentage. &he universities ill calculate it *ro# the transcripts.
)e#e#'er to 6eep a valid credit card at hand. Gnce you su'#it your application (hen everything has 'een *illed out) you
ill 'e re5uested to enter your credit card details. &he online application *ee see#s to predo#inantly range *ro# MC0 to M20
'ut occasionally goes higher or loer. Gnce the pay#ent has 'een cleared1 so#e colleges provide you ith an electronic
receipt hich you can print out *or *uture re*erence o* the transaction. Bou should also receive an e#ail stating that your
application has 'een success*ully su'#itted. Bou should also receive a student8application identi*ication nu#'er at this
ti#e. 4* you have not1 ait a couple o* days *or an e#ail. 4* you still have not received it1 you can e#ail the grad school to
send\assign you one. &his student id ill 'e the #ethod 'y hich you re*er to your application in any *uture
correspondence or application #aterial you send to the university1 so 6eep it sa*e.
So#e universities have a list o* the additional #aterial to 'e sent to the# listed on the site. So#e list it in the online
application and so#e send it in the post-su'#ission e#ail. :here ever it #ay 'e1 it is your responsi'ility to *ind out the
re5uire#ents o* each university and here hat has to 'e sent. <ost universities re5uire you to send so#e #aterial to the
Graduate School Ad#issions G**ice and the re#aining docu#ents to the 0epart#ent Ad#issions G**ice. &his1 hoever
isn+t alays the case. So#e grad schools "ust re5uire you su'#it the online application and registration *ee and any *urther
correspondence is ith the depart#ent. Gther grad schools handle all the paperor6 and nothing goes to the depart#ent.
As 4 said1 you have to *ind this out *or yoursel*. <a6e sure you docu#ent the re5uire#ents o* each university in a *ile.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
:here ever you *ind the list o* additional re5uire#ents1 there are usually lin6s to the additional *or#s hich acco#pany
the#. 0onload the ones that apply to you and print the# out. 4+d advise you to clip all related *or#s together to #a6e it
easier *or the ad#issions o**ice to handle.
A 'ommon distri'ution o* additional docu#ents is so#ething li6e this.
Graduate School Department
;rint out o* online application (op!ional) rare*
$ copy o* your transcripts
Bour o**icial G)E and &GE,- test scores (sent 'y E&S)
,inancial certi*ication8Fisa application *or# and respective
supporting docu#ents ('an6 state#ent and a**idavit o* support).
0epart#ent application *or# (i" no! su&mi!!ed online*
$ copy o* your transcripts
A photocopy o* your G)E and &GE,- test scores
/ -etters o* reco##endation
State#ent o* ;urpose
4 reiterate1 this is no! ne'essarily the actual list. 4t varies *ro# college to college.
1&. #inancial Docu'ents
&his is one o* the last *e step you can do in a short ti#e *ra#e 'e*ore dispatching your application pac6age. !asically1 i*
you are an international student1 A#erican visa la states that any in'ound student should sho a satis*actory supply o*
*unds to support hi# through his education. Gnly upon receiving this proo*1 ill the university 'e alloed to issue you an
4-%0 *or# to allo you to 'oo6 a visa appoint#ent. G* course this is all assu#ing you have 'een ad#itted into the institute.
,or this reason it is optional to send the *inancial certi*ication *or#s and its supporting docu#ents at the ti#e o* your
application. Bour are also per#itted to send it upon receiving con*ir#ation o* your ad#ission into the university. Sending
it along ith your application1 hoever1 saves ti#e *or 'oth you and the university here there is no aiting *or the
*inancial *or#s on their end and 4-%0 on your end. Additionally1 you save on postal charges.
$C.$. University ,inancial Certi*ication8Fisa Application ,or#
!oth these ter#s re*er to the sa#e *or# as *inancial certi*ication is re5uired *or issuance o* a visa application. <ost
universities have one o* these *or#s on their e'site1 hile others re5uest you to "ust send a 'an6 state#ent and an a**idavit
o* support. 4* they do have one1 print it out and *ill in the necessary details. ,or the *or# o* *unding1 #ost o*ten it is your
parents1 relatives or close *a#ily *riends ho ill 'e either *unding you1 or shoing *unds ready to support you in case o*
need. Accordingly1 *ill in the corresponding ro in the ta'le. As *or the a#ount o* *unding1 rite the annual costs *or
attending the university (includes tuition1 residence1 living e7penses1 'oo6s and #edical insurance). Usually an esti#ate o*
this value ill 'e printed on the *or#1 or on the e' page you donloaded it *ro#. Get your sponsor (your earning *a#ily
#e#'er1 relative or *a#ily *riend) to sign in the re5uired places.
$C.%. !an6 State#ent
G'viously1 stating that your sponsor is *unding you isn+t su**icient. Bou ill have to prove that they have ade5uate *unds to
do this. &his re5uires a 'an6 state#ent ith the account 'alance in )upees and its e5uivalent a#ount in A#erican 0ollars
at the current e7change rate. So#eti#es the 'an6 #anager ill add a line stating that the account has 'een in good standing
and #aintained 'y so-and-so since such-and-such a date. Aeedless to say1 the account should 'elong to your sponsor.
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
$C./. A**idavit o* Support
&his is a legal docu#ent stating that your sponsor is1 in *act1 illing to sponsor you through your education. 4t is attached
ith the 'an6 state#ent and sent to the university. 4t is to 'e #ade on a )s. %0 sta#p paper1 signed 'y your sponsor and
notariKed 'y a suita'le o**icial. An easy ay to get this done is through an auditor. &he general *or#at o* an a**idavit o*
support is as *ollos1 though so#e people #ay pre*er to include #ore legal "argon in it.
Clip the a'ove three docu#ents together and 6eep the# ready *or the application pac6age.
1). Dis(atchin" 1((lication Pac8ets
,inally1 the run to ho#e 'ase. !e*ore you seal everything it its envelopes1 re#e#'er to dou'le chec6 that you have A--
the re5uire#ents *or each university. Also #a6e sure you have the correct addresses and applicant ids at hand.
$2.$. ;ac6ing <ethodology
0espite the *act that universities re5uest you to send the pac6ages to their respective addresses (grad school and
depart#ent)1 there is a #ore e**icient #ethod o* doing this ithout #a6ing it #uch #ore inconvenient *or the grad school.
;lace all the docu#ents to 'e sent to the graduate school in one envelope and address it to the grad school. ;lace all the
docu#ents to 'e sent to the depart#ent in another envelope and address it to the depart#ent. Bou can also place a +;lease
*orard to.+ a'ove the depart#ent address. &hen place 'oth these envelopes into a larger envelope ith a covering letter
and a chec6list (i* provided 'y the university). &his envelope is addressed to the graduate school. &he covering letter
'asically states that this is the application #aterial *or so-and-so (re#e#'er to state your application id)1 the contents o*
each envelope1 instructions to *orard it to the respective o**ices and to in*or# you o* any #issing #aterial. &he *or#at o*
the covering letter is on the ne7t page. 4t varies according to hether or not you have to actually send #aterial to to
di**erent addresses.
]]applicant+s address^^

Su'"ect. A**idavit o* support *or ]]applicant+s na#e^^

&his is to certi*y that 41 ::na'e of s(onsor;;1 ill underta6e the educational e7penses *or ]]relationship
ith applicant^^1 ]]na'e of a((licant^^< *or pursuing his #a"or in ]]'a=or na'e^^ at ]]uni6ersity
na'e^^< ::location of uni6ersity;; until the co#pletion o* the course.
4 understand the lia'ility to 'e incurred is appro7i#ately ::T/T1! cost (er year;; per annu#.

4 a# su'#itting this a**idavit o* support and the attached 'an6 state#ent to assure you o* the credi'ility o*
our *inancial position.

]]Aa#e o* sponsor^^
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
&his is *or the #ultiple envelope *or#at. 4t can 'e suita'ly edited to cater to a single envelope *or#at.
]]na#e and contact details as a header^^
]]applicant+s address^^


Su'"ect. Covering letter *or application pac6age contents

&o :ho# 4t <ay Concern.

&his is ith regard to the application o* ::a((licant na'e;; 4Applicant Ao. ::nu'ber;;). &he application pac6age has
'een separated into to envelopes. Gne contains *or#s *or the graduate school1 hile the other is intended *or the depart#ent
(#echanical engineering). Dindly *orard the envelopes to the respective o**ices. ;lease *ind enclosed the *olloing
docu#ents *or your perusal.

4. Application Chec6list *or 4nternational Students
44. 0epart#ent Envelope.
$. &ranscript 7 $ ? &ranscript o* se#esters $ to E o* #y undergraduate studies duly attested and sealed 'y #y
%. State#ent o* ;urpose
/. -etters o* )eco##endation 7 / ? Sealed. <y pro*essors *elt #ore co#*orta'le sending these along ith the
#ain application.
C. )esu#e
444. Graduate School Envelope.
$. &ranscript 7 $ - &ranscript o* se#esters $ to E o* #y undergraduate studies duly attested and sealed 'y #y
%. ,inancial 0ocu#ents
a. A**idavit o* Support
'. !an6 State#ent
c. ,or# on university e'site
/. Copies o* G)E and &GE,- Scores ? ,or re*erence only. G**icial score reports have 'een re5uested to 'e sent
to the #echanical engineering depart#ent.

&he 4nternational Graduate College Application *or# has 'een su'#itted online.

4 ould 'e grate*ul i* 4 ould 'e in*or#ed o* any #issing docu#ents at ]]e#ail address^^

]]applicant na#e^^
An Anna University-Centric Guide to Applying to Engineering Graduate Schools in the U.S. (v. 0.80)
Ashin !en"a#in
<a6e sure all the envelopes are sealed ell and use tape to rein*orce the *lap. Gn the outside o* the large envelope rite the
return address and that the envelope is an application pac6age *or so-and-so na#e (ith application nu#'er)1 *or hichever
depart#ent and se#ester (eg. ,all %00E).
$2.%. 0ispatching Gptions
&here are a variety o* ays to dispatch your pac6age depending on your 'udget. Deep in #ind that the pac6age contains
al#ost irreplacea'le docu#ents and ho #uch ti#e you spent on putting it together.
$2.%.$. )egular ;ostal Service
)s. /28- onards 'ased on eight. Bou ould have to 'e either craKy or plain 'ro6e to go ith this option. Aot only are
you not guaranteed a sa*e delivery or a ti#e *ra#e1 'ut ho 6nos hat condition the docu#ents ill 'e in i" they get there.
$2.%.%. )egistered ;ost
)s.C008- *or the *irst %20 gra#s and a'out a rupee #ore *or every gra# o* additional eight.
$2.%./. Speed ;ost
)s.C%28- *or the *irst %20 gra#s and a'out a rupee #ore *or every gra# o* additional eight. Usually charge you an *lat )s.
$008- e7tra i* it e7ceeds %20 gra#s. Esti#ated 2 days delivery ti#e1 'ut not guaranteed. &i#e varies *ro# 2 to $2 days.
Fery relia'le and e**icient *or the price. Gnce it reaches A#erican soil1 it can 'e trac6ed at**ro#Rho#e@pageR00/2trac6andcon*ir#.
$2.%.C. 4nternational Courier Service
&his includes the li6es o* ,edE7 and 0N-. As *ar as 0N- is concerned.
0N- University E7press - )s. 8208 - *or *irst 200 gra#s. Noever1 as there are di**erent deals availa'le at di**erent ti#es1
call up $-E00 $$$ /C2 ( &oll *ree ) *or details. Guaranteed to 'e delivered on the 2
or6ing day and the pac6age is insured.
Can 'e trac6ed at'
1-. Post 1((lication Co''unication
&his is popularly 6non as +pro*-lettering+ or +pro*-letting+. 4t is a poer*ul tool hen used correctly1 'ut plain annoying in
ordinary hands. <a6e sure you are up to it 'e*ore pursuing it *urther. 4t involves co##unicating ith a pro*essor hose
research interests #atch your on.
A detailed e7planation can 'e o'tained *ro#;ro*
1.. The 1d'issions
10. The >isa
12. Conclusion
<uch o* this docu#ent is inco#plete and ill re#ain so until 4+# in a position to give advice in the respective topics. 4
ould li6e to than6 the #e#'ers o* the Eduli7 co##unity *or helping #e through #y application and *or generously
providing #e ith content *or this guide. 4 hope it ill #a6e the application process easier *or the readers than it as *or
#e and save at least one or to sleepless nights ahead. Good luc6 ith your applications and see you in the U.S.L

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