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Northern Gateway Review Statement

My name is Dr. Andrea Sussmann. I grew up in Kitimat, and have many fond memories
fishing the rivers with my dad and spending time near the ocean. I developed a deep
appreciation and love for nature, which I now try to share with my students as their
Ecology instructor.
I was saddened to learn of the Enbridge proposal for an oil pipeline to Kitimat and the
associated oil tanker traffic. Such a project would undoubtedly impact the region
negatively. Sooner or later an oil spill would happen; that is a given. Enbridges track
record for oil spills is abysmal and the company can not guarantee that super tanker
accidents would not happen off the BC Coast. Countless watersheds in the BC interior and
in Alberta, as well as the ecosystems of coastal BC will be threatened if this project
proceeds. These regions attract huge numbers of tourists, provide First Nations with their
way of life and support some of the worlds greatest biodiversity. How can we risk this for
the benefit of so few?
This brings me to my next point, namely that only a few would actually benefit from this
project, contrary to what the federal government and Enbridge would have us believe.
British Columbians would benefit very little after the initial construction phase, there
would be few full-time, long-term jobs, and an oil spill would be extremely costly, most
certainly negating any revenue from royalties. The Harper government is very vocal
regarding the economic benefits for all Canadians. Again, there seems to be disagreement
on this point. Economist, Robyn Allan, mentioned earlier tonight, conducted a detailed
study on the Northern Gateway Project that was submitted to the National Energy Board -
the findings unequivocally reveal that the average Canadian will not benefit, and, in fact,
will be negatively affected, for example, with higher gas prices at the pump. I urge this
Review Panel to consider this and other such studies when determining if this project is in
the best interest of all Canadians.

I also reject the Enbridge Pipeline project on the principle that Canada must be a leader in
transitioning away from hydrocarbon fuels and investing in new clean energy alternatives.
This reckless race to extract the very last of our hydrocarbon stores, with no regard for the
fact we are squandering valuable water, destroying Albertas boreal forest ecosystem,
poisoning First Nations people and contributing big time to global greenhouse gas
emissions is, in my opinion, not the path for Canadas future or for the worlds future.
Perhaps we could learn something from the people of Ecuador that have chosen to keep the
Yasuni Forest sacred and leave the oil below it, in the ground.
Given whats at stake for British Columbia, and the strong opposition to the project, I
strongly urge the Review Panel to reject the Enbridge Northern Gateway project.

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