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GRUPO: 608
Matricula: 111610481-9

Reading summary
Boy in the shadows
Is it true that love is stronger than death? Spirirt that human can
survive the grave?
Perhaps the answer can be found in the strange experience of Irene
and ernest Platt:
The plats had always lived in cities, but when he retired ernest decided
they wanted to spend the rest of their lives in the country.
They bought a small house tucked away in the foothills of the Ozark
Mountains while Irene planted a garden.
With what he could grow and fly once a week to the supermarket in the
nearest town that should have all the food they needed.
She had been working in the garden when she realized that someone
was watching her.
He looked up and was not standing on the edge of the field was the
child a child with sunken eyes slim jeans worn without shoes.
Irene raised her hand and waved, but the boy did not return the
Maybe he did not have the strength to shake, he thought to himself.
Was very thin, and it clearly showed his ribs.
The boy stood there a few minutes. The as if he had seen all he
wanted, he turned and walked away from leakage between the thicket
of trees at the edge of the field.
Two days later he was back. With him was a woman of about 40
haggard. When I saw Irene, she came straight to the fence. The boy
was a little behind, his head hanging listleesly.
"Are you the lady who bought this place," she asked.
"Im Mrs. Platt" said Irene. "Too bad I do foy you?"
"I have come to what we can do for you, ma'am," replied the woman
"This is my son here, jayse.he 's a good worker and a stronger value
than it looks.
Hell work for you and make your garden tasks for tw dollars a day.
Irene was about to say that she did not need any help, he liked to do
his own chores.but the singht thin, arms hanging Jayse face and
sunken cheeks stopped him.
"The very young and not his looks strong, began, but the woman
helping a work-scarred hand to stop her.
"Theirs 16," she said, "but hes small ish and looks younger.and much
stronger than it looks, as I said hes. You have no cause for complaint
jayses a good worker."
"All right," Irene said. Two dollars a day was not much, and have jayse
on their own ground would give the opportunity to feed properly.
It is a good worker, is jayse. He never gets tired, never complains.
Youu'll see.
Irene decided to try again. "I want to Hayse a hot meal every day."
She told her mother. "Otherwise I can not let it go to work here as he
does.'s Getting thinner all the time.'m Afraid I will get sick."
There was a glint of fear in the eyes of women.
You do not understand, Platt mrs. Jayses like his father. He can not
take salt your system can not handle it.
Please lady, let things be. Do not say you will not let it stay. Hes the
onlu children and I can trust. But what wins here, brothers and sisters
starve. "
Irene gave in. "Okay can stay. Gotta admit that is a worked wonderful
but does not seem happy to be with us. He never smiles or laughs and
he has never said a word to either my husband or myself."
The woman shrugged. "Never" means nothing, ma'am. Jayses
different. He does not feel things as most do.
All he cares about me and is helping other children. Do not worry about
it. He's doing what he wants to do. "
But what is it you want? Irene asked. He stood at the window of his
bedroom later. He could see the shed where he slept jayse but was not
asleep. He was sitting in the doorway, his arms resting loosely on his
kenees looking unmovingly in the moonlit night.
"Something bad," he said aloud
malnutrition. I do not care what your mother says. I'll get some decent
food in it. morning you can drive into town to see the doctor.
irene protein thought. jayse needed some high quality protein, and fast.
went to the kitchen and began to prepare a good meal of ham and
irene slep wrong that night. she got up before dawn, walking in garden.
as she feared, jayse had not returned. but shortly before noon, her
mother appeared.
irene walked straight, his mouth in a hard line foxed. You did, right?
Are you sick of my son after I said no. what you've been fed?
for a moment the lady was silent and then laughed without mirth.
yes, ma'am. I'll take it. come with me and see whta you did.
that's where you sent. he and his pa died two years that bad winter,
pneumonia ago. I wished to return, but only came jayse. heknew I
needed him, you see. wanted to take care of me that was a good kid,
Lowered bajada proteinproteina
Covered cubierto linelinea
Machine mquina fearedtemido
Plainly claramente needednecesario
Sick enfermo walkingpara caminar
Depend depender afterdespues
Unmoving inmvil
Helping ayudando

1- Is it true that love is stronger than death?
Perhaps the answer can be found in the strange experience of Irene
and Ernest Platt
2- Where they had always lived plats?
had always lived in cities
3- That character retired to live in the country?
4- Where they bought a small house?
in the foothills of the Ozarks
5- How many days per week flocked to the supermarket market?
once a week
6- Irene who met while working in the garden?
a child with sunken eyes slim jeans worn without shoes
7- Few days later he returned to see the child?
two days
8- With whom she was accompanied in that aspect and child had?
With him was a woman of about 40 haggard
9- I take that target women with irene child?
to work with them
10- not let that give the child a good meal?
He can not take salt your system can not handle it.

11- I believed that I needed irene child?
12- I fed him irene a child as "good food"?
eggs and ham.
13- Few months the child had when he was called to eat?
three months
14- Happened when the child took a couple of bites?
He put down his fork and stood up from the table
15- I ran to where irene looking for the child?
to the garden
16- to where the child is directed to leave?
to his house which I ignored Irene
17- Who appeared the next day's departure child?
his mother
18- Who believed the mother to see irene?
that his son had artado
19- Irene gave that explanation?
if the child had been sick would pay all medical expenses
20- Where they took irene?
an old cemetery
21- with which purpose?
to see where it had sent the child to feed

22- How long had the child dead?
two years
23- That he died?
24- That the child was?
irene care miss not knowing the truth
25- Irene food for the child?
thought that nursing

Personal opinion
my opinion is that reading is interesting because it is a bit confusing but
later you discover that all the things caught my attention irene
character because while read imagined as an elderly woman but good
person which only sought the good of his home and treat the child with
good working tube.
her husband's character seems very little participation in reading and
very minor because it was never a major part or piece or to achieve
something from a different point for writing a story that read
the character of the child is the most important because in the story
around and at first did not understand that but at the end of the reading
and understand that's a little weird that I saw or maybe I understood
that no return assumed was dead two years ago not understanding the
mention of his father at the end is not something about and not
mentioned as killed in a reasonable manner
Woman with child reaches me that also seems essential that explains
and gives reasons to end.

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