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The Unsexy Truth About Success

Written by Christine Kane
y trainer pisses me o!!.
"he puts these heavy #ei$hts in my hands and makes me push them in various di!!erent #ays to bui%d various
%eve%s o! stren$th in my body.
&hat doesn't bother me so much. ( can p%ay that $ame.
)ut *ust #hen ( think ( can't push any more or %i!t another time+ she says+ ,Okay+ three more. -ou can do it./
&hat's #hen ( decide to hate her. "ometimes ( spe# mean thin$s to her in bet#een breaths. &his makes her
&he truth is+ ( pay her to do this to me. )ecause this is #hen ( #ou%d typica%%y stop.
&his mornin$ it da#ned on me durin$ my #ork out that this moment 0 #hen ( *ust #ant to toss a dumbbe%% at her+
but decide instead to %i!t the #ei$ht any#ay 0 is #hat success is a%% about.
(t's about the unevent!u% %itt%e choice #e make in the moment. 1very moment.
(t's so typica% 2and temptin$3 to make success about the sexiness. 4bout the ,there/ #e arrive at.
,556 pounds./
,)est-se%%in$ author./
,)i%%board 7it./
,4 mi%%ion bucks./
,8C44 Champions./
)ut the truth about success is that it's rea%%y not sexy at a%%. &hat's because it's not about the arriva%.
"uccess is about the choices you make each and every moment.
8ot each and every day.
1ach and every moment.
9 :ush the #ei$hts up three more times #hen you'd rather be in bed.
9 Write the next para$raph #hen the !ami%y is #atchin$ te%evision.
9 "it #ith your $uitar and a %yric idea #hen you have no idea o! the outcome.
9 arket yourse%! and your product consistent%y #hen you'd *ust as soon $ive up.
9 :ractice shootin$ !ree thro#s a hundred times each a!ternoon !or ; years.
4 !e# years a$o+ ( mentored a #oman #ho had bi$ dreams and $oa%s. "he'd mention a ne# idea on a ca%%+ and
to$ether #e'd break it do#n into sma%% chunks and do-ab%e activities to he%p her create this ne# thin$ in her %i!e.
)ut a!ter a #eek+ she'd $et bored. <rustrated. "he hated *ust sittin$ there #ritin$. 4nd research #asn't near%y as
coo% as the !ame and $%ory she !antasi=ed about.
"he #anted to be &71>1. &o arrive in that sexy moment o! success that is a%ready $uaranteed and spark%y. "o+
she did #hat most peop%e do #hen they're !aced #ith their o#n i%%usions o! #hat success shou%d !ee% %ike.
"he $ave up. "he #ent back to her se%!-created #or%d vie# that none o! ,this stu!!/ #orks !or her.
( #as sad !or her.
8ot because ( kne# she cou%d succeed i! she put her mind to it. 8ot because o! some $randiose outcome she'd
never have.
)ut because she #ou%d miss out on the sp%endid truth o! success: &he miracu%ous unsexy truth o! it.
When ( am succeedin$+ there's no one c%appin$.
When ( am succeedin$+ there are no artic%es bein$ #ritten about me.
When ( am succeedin$+ it is *ust me and my re%ationship to the moment.
&his is not ne#s-#orthy. (n !act+ !rom the outside it %ooks do#nri$ht borin$. )ut on the inside+ there's an a%%-out
ticker-tape parade in the streets o! my head.
)ecause ( am choosin$ to do #hat matters to me.
)ecause ( am not %istenin$ to the $an$s o! critica% voices that used to run my entire day.
)ecause ( am #i%%in$ to sit there in spite o! not kno#in$ the outcome.
&his is the mirac%e o! success. &his seemin$%y borin$ choice in this seemin$%y not-so-sexy moment.
What borin$ unsexy choices are you $oin$ to make today?
&a$$ed as: :ersona% @ro#th+ :urpose+ up%eve% your business+ up%eve% your %i!e
(! youAve ever be%ieved it #as impossib%e to be tota%%y authentic 48B make %ots o! money in your business - then
youAre not a%one. :urpose!u% entrepreneurs #ant it >14C - and ( promise to de%iver. @et my FREE VIDEO, and (
#i%% #a%k you step-by-step throu$h my o#n Uplevel Fast Track Formula !or makin$ money... on your o#n
terms and in your o#n #ay. 1nter your emai% and %etAs $et started.
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<riday <avorites
ay 5H+ IJ5; at 7:;7 am
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Cucy Chen arch IH+ IJ5; at E:;J am
,When ( am succeedin$+ it is *ust me and my re%ationship to the moment./
"o #e%% said+ Christine. (t is the chioices #e make every moment. &hank you.
( think the borin$ unsexy choice ( made today #as c%eanin$ my brushes thorou$h%y+ instead o! %ettin$
them dry or keep them in oi%s *ar. ( choose to c%ean my brushed everyday that ( paint. (t's borin$. )ut it
keeps my brush a%ive much %on$er+ and it keeps our home sa!er !or the kids.
Cucy Chen arch IH+ IJ5; at E:;E am
,When ( am succeedin$+ it is *ust me and my re%ationship to the moment./
"o #e%% said+ Christine. (t is the chioices #e make every moment. &hank you.
( think the borin$ unsexy choice ( made today #as c%eanin$ my brushes thorou$h%y+ instead o! %ettin$
them dry or keep them in oi%s *ar. ( choose to c%ean my brushed everyday that ( paint. (t's borin$. )ut it
keeps my brush a%ive much %on$er+ and it keeps our home sa!er !or the kidsM.
Cucy Chen arch IH+ IJ5; at E:;; am
"orry about the dup%icate comments+ tryin$ to type on my phone+ and it's proved to be a bit di!!icu%t
8av arch IH+ IJ5; at H:EI am
Christine+ you're the best- you rea%%y are xx
Nack arch IH+ IJ5; at F:;I am
Christine+ this is so true and #e%% timed. ('m exhausted and headin$ in !or the !irst day o! a three day
#orkshop. 4nd a%% o! my menta% ener$y is *ust !i$htin$ it simp%y because ('m tired. @onna !ind a spot to
meditate+ rea%i$n+ and re-decide to $ive my ener$y to the unsexy thin$s that carry me to my destination 0
to success... "ee ya next #eek.
andrea arch IH+ IJ5; at 5J:E7 am
7o# #onder!u% and time%y. 4s a%#ays.
&hanks !or this:3
)arb Churchi%% arch IH+ IJ5; at 55:5J am
Oh Christine ho# ( %ove thee.
What !ab timin$. ( %ove #hen the Oniverse does this. :er!ect artic%e !or me to read today as ( am %ookin$
at a mountain o! ,to dos/ and !ee%in$ stretched beyond my inner @umby. &hanks !or the reminder that the
success 0 or !or me the *oy 0 is in every moment. &his is the #ork ('m here to do. &his is the success 0 not
some ,thin$/ out there.
Cove ya.
rosemary arch IH+ IJ5; at 55:I5 am
Christine+ sooo true. today my unsexy choice is to keep p%u$$in$ a#ay at the business p%an. tomorro# (
submit it to receive my $rant monies+ but i am so tired o! it. i have been #orkin$ on it !or #eeks no#. #hy
is it #hen you are so near the end it is most temptin$ to PuitM )ut+ in my heart ( kno# ( #i%% keep on ti%% (
am !inished.. #hy. )ecause ( kno# in the end this is #hat success is made up o!. thank you so much !or
the support...... can't #ait ti%% my bud$et %ets me take your up%eve% business course............ ( #on't stop
#orkin$ to#ard that $oa% either. #hy?? because it means success in my business.. -ou are the $reatest..
"haron Ces%ie arch IH+ IJ5; at 55:66 am
&hanks Christine+ ( am continuin$ to do a %ot o! unsexy stu!!+ and ( have never been so excited+ hope!u%
and committed to my vision. &he stren$th it has $iven to me sustains me throu$h ne# cha%%en$es and
de%ays. (ts been a%most a year since ( took O-)+ and a%thou$h ( am sti%% #orkin$ on !undamenta%s+ my
#ho%e %i!e and business has chan$ed. 4%% !rom typin$ in the #ord Qup%eve%' into the search bar.
8neka+ Workin$ ystic arch IH+ IJ5; at 5I:E5 pm
WOW... 4%ready made a !e# today. ('m trainin$ !or a 5JK+ and today #as cross 0 an easy hour %on$ #a%k
a!ter poundin$ my *oints. ('m tempted to $o hard every day+ but the ones in bet#een are *ust as important.
(n business+ it's a%% unsexy today 0 ca%%s+ eRine !or vacation #eek+ and content:-3
"ometimes ( catch myse%! in the midd%e o! the day thinkin$+ ,('m rea%%y doin$ this./
)rin$s a smi%e to my !ace every time:-3
Nenn " arch IH+ IJ5; at 5I:6S pm
&hank you+ Christine. ( needed this+ today.
Nenn "
@in$er eek 4%%en arch IH+ IJ5; at 5:IS pm
"o+ my unsexy success moves are $ettin$ sexier every dayM. 4s ( remember that ( cou%d instead be a
robot sittin$ at a *e#e%er's bench #orkin$ !or someone e%se *ust assemb%in$ manu!actured partsM. $ee=
that #ou%d be so mundane and unori$ina%. ( %ove my #ay so much more.
&hanks+ Christine. "ee ya next #eek.
Bana 7i%mer arch IH+ IJ5; at 5:IS pm
7i Christine+
"o #e%% said+ thanks Christine. ('d a%so %ike to add that o!ten times #e think #e'%% be happy #hen #e reach
the bi$ shiny $oa% but it's the $oa% in itse%!+ the *ourney+ that makes one happy. "o my cha%%en$e to a%% o!
you is to $o ahead and set a bi$ audacious $oa% and that $oa% #i%% set you on a path that tru%y excites and
it's that+ that makes you happy.
Wendy Wo%!e arch IH+ IJ5; at 5:EI pm
Nust started my !irst on%ine c%ass and the %aunch and prep rePuired %ots o! unsexy *ust sit do#n and #rite
moments but #ith $reat resu%ts. (n !act+ ( need to do that ri$ht no#+ *ust sit do#n and #rite some more+
#eek I a#aits. <ortunate%y+ ( %ove #hat ( do+ even #hen it isn't sexy. &hanks !or your #isdom.
>esh%eman arch IH+ IJ5; at 5:E; pm
&hanks+ Christine. ( am !acin$ another day o! s%o$$in$ throu$h unsexy #ebsite auto-re$istration up$rades
in my uber-unsexy s#eatpants in my home o!!ice. &his is a%% in pursuit o! item #7 on your Cash <%o#
Becoder ap+ and #hen ( am !ina%%y done+ no one #i%% kno# the unsexy+ carpe%-tunne% inducin$ a$ony
that #ent into automated re$istration and payment !or my c%asses 0 but ( #i%%Mand ( am $oin$ to en*oy
that ticker tape parade in my headM( may even take it to the streets 2a!ter ( chan$e out o! my s#eatpants.3
( printed this artic%e+ and have it han$in$ up in my studio as a source o! on-$oin$ motivation 0 thanks
Cherye% 7utton arch IH+ IJ5; at I:II pm
('m savin$ this b%o$ to read on a re$u%ar basis.
('m a paranorma% romance author+ and sometimes ( $et do#n thinkin$ about that T5.HJ roya%ty check %ast
month 2honest3. &he thin$ is+ ('m a pub%ished author #ho si$ns books and $ets comp%iments on my
#ritin$. Bo ( #ant to make #ritin$ pay #e%%? 7e%% yeah+ but ( a%so kno# that in a %ot o! #ays+ ( am %ivin$
my dream.
4s !or #ritin$ that para$raph #hen the !ami%y is as%eep 2or p%ayin$ video $ames across the kitchen3 yes+
it's hard to keep doin$ that. &hat's #hy ( need to read this artic%e every !e# days/#eeks or #henever ( %ost
my ,map/. &hanks !or remindin$ me o! the importance o! that next para$raph. (t's easy to !or$et.
Corinne ehar$ arch IH+ IJ5; at E:J5 pm
@reat artic%e. ( kno# the ,ticker tape parade in your brain/ !ee%in$ and that is a #onder!u% success on the
road to ,"OCC1""/+ #hich is overrated since no one kno#s #hen or #here it actua%%y occurs. Cove you.
Nessica arch IH+ IJ5; at E:I6 pm
&his post is one o! my !avorites 0 and "O true. (ronica%%y+ thou$h+ ('ve spent the %ast E years in my
business tryin$ Q$et out o!' the unsexy stu!! because ( success!u%%y did a%% o! that and $uess #hat? (t
#orked. ('ve hired peop%e to do my #eaknesses+ house keeper 2as Christine has mentioned many times3
and ( have !ina%%y $otten to a point #here ( am doin$ di!!erent #ork and not the %ate ni$ht $rue%in$ #ork
that a%%o#ed myse%! and my husband to Puit our *obs+ support ourse%ves+ and many emp%oyees in our
business. &he on%y #ork ( kno# ho# to va%ue is the unsexy stu!!+ and %ate%y ( am #orkin$ on !indin$
myse%! #ithout these Qdoer type tasks' to !ue% my !ire. (t's %ike havin$ a #ho%e ne# *ob. One ( a%#ays
#anted+ too. 4ny tips !or this+ Christine and others? 7o# do you !ina%%y re%ax? @et into your $enius #ork
and schedu%e and en*oy bi$ picture thinkin$ tasks that aren't driven by dai%y emai% noti!ications. &hanks
Christine Kane >ep%y:
arch IHth+ IJ5; at F:J; pm
Nessica U (t sounds %ike you may have some adrena% !ati$ue at bein$ accustomed to the $o $o $o o! it a%%. (
recommend p%annin$ out and/or schedu%in$ some o! your do#n time. "et up massa$es+ hikes or somethin$
that you %ove doin$ in a p%anned #ay so that you can trick your do-er into be%ievin$ you are doin$. (t #i%%
ease o!! over time.
Boes that he%p?
Nenni!er arch IH+ IJ5; at E:ES pm
( had a c%ient cance% her 5:EJ pm session. ( #as debatin$ #hether to !ind someone to have %unch or *ust
p%ay around a bit. &hen ( decided it #ou%d be a per!ect time to di$ into odu%e H o! Op%eve% -our
)usiness. ( sti%% have ni$htmares thinkin$ about ho# %on$ it took me to #rite my !irst V<O. 8o#+ ( am
ready to do the #ork it takes to $o back and improve my most recent one.
&he $ood ne#s is ( do %ike your voice+ some mi$ht even say it's sexy.
Cora Ce<hae arch IH+ IJ5; at ;:JJ pm
Wo#+ Christine+
&his is a#esome+ can ( Puote you? >ea%%y #e%% said. ( so appreciate your approach and your do#n-to-earth
Christine Kane >ep%y:
arch IHth+ IJ5; at F:J; pm
Cora 0 @o !or it. 4nd thanks.
&racie &hompson arch IH+ IJ5; at ;:5H pm
Cast ni$ht+ it #as about choosin$ to %ose a %itt%e s%eep so ( cou%d $et my art submission sent o!! to a
$reetin$ card company. &oday+ it #as makin$ sure ( took the art #ith me to #ork that ( needed to de%iver
once ( $ot o!! my shi!t U so ( can $et paid in time to not !ret over incomin$ bi%%s. &oni$ht+ it's choosin$ to
put to$ether a proposa% !or an exhibit at a very nice art center #here ( #ou%d %ike to sho#.
( have a neck%ace ('ve been #earin$ each day+ #ith t#o pendants that represent thin$s ( #ant !or myse%!.
When ( put that on ( think o! it as ,puttin$ on my commitment/ U to do these un-specia%+ un-sexy thin$s
that are %i!tin$ me into a ne# %i!e.
7erdis :a%a arch IH+ IJ5; at 6:EJ pm
@reat reminder.
( decided to $o back to the corporate #or%d %ast 8ovember 2#as headhunted !or a V:-*ob3 but keep
#orkin$ on my business on the side+ instead o! !u%% time.
(Vm #orkin$ on chan$in$ my business mode% and that is not so sexy #ork but necessary !or me
Biane C. arch IH+ IJ5; at 7:JJ pm
( rea%%y needed to hear this messa$e. &hanks !or *ust the ri$ht #ords at *ust the ri$ht time.
Caura arch IH+ IJ5; at S:;6 pm
Christine+ as a persona% trainer you made me %au$h. ( can *ust picture you there+ ready to thro# a #ei$ht at
me.. When my c%ients comp%ain+ ( add a !e# more. Or sometimes ( add a !e# more reps !or the !un o! it.
COC @reat post. 4s ('m *ust startin$ my business+ ( so #ant to ,be there/ and have to remember it's a%% the
unsexy stu!! that #i%% $et me there.
ark arch I7+ IJ5; at H:5S am
Wo# Christine.
>eadin$ that post+ may me think+ maybe you shou%d create an entire%y ne# in!ormation product and
#orkshop to $o #ith it entit%ed: ,>ea%ity Check 5J5.
,&he >ea% O$%y &ruth 4bout Con$ &erm "uccess./ 2&hat &he @urus 4re "cared &o Beath &o &e%% -ou.3
-ou shared some abso%ute%y !abu%ous and po#er!u% points. Who #ou%d have thou$ht+ somethin$ as simp%e
your #orkout routine #ith your persona% trainer+ cou%d shed so much %i$ht on exact%y #hat it takes
menta%%y+ to reach your $oa%s.
-ou've done us a%% a rea%%y bi$ !avor by sharin$ your extreme%y po#er!u% insi$hts. &hanks.
1%%e arch I7+ IJ5; at F:IJ am
( %ove this post. ( am %earnin$ to p%ay the $uitar+ and there is nothin$ sexy about 111+ <<<+ @@@+ repeatM
but there is somethin$ sexy about doin$ it day a!ter day+ havin$ my brain remember somethin$ it cou%dn't
the day be!ore. 7avin$ my !in$ers move bet#een the strin$s and !rets the #ay they cou%dn't the day
be!ore. 4nd hope!u%%y havin$ my !in$ers $et tou$her so they no %on$er !ee% %ike they are bein$ s%iced by
the thin stee% strin$s.
( remember ho# you #rote once that you used to make yourse%! sit and #ork on son$ #ritin$. <or some
reason+ ( used to think that son$s 2and poems3 had to sprin$ !u%%y !ormed !rom one's brain+ un%ike other
#ritin$ that had to $o throu$h dra!ts and edits. )ut #hen ( remembered that the other day+ ( said ,('m
$oin$ to #rite a son$ today./ "o ( sat #ith my note pad and penci% and started to #rite ideas and then a
%ine came to me and more %ines and then there it #as. 4nd over the next !e# days ( t#eaked the #ords and
ad*usted the tune and no# ( have a son$ ( can sin$ in the car+ and someday hope!u%%y p%ay on my $uitar
once someone te%%s me #hat the chords are.
)rooke :arkhurst arch I7+ IJ5; at I:55 pm
&748K -OO. ( have 7O@1 prob%ems #ith this+ and it's very time%y 2o! course3. &hou$h ( rea%%y %ike a%%
your posts+ this is one o! the best ever. &748K -OO.
Brooke Parkhurst >ep%y:
arch I7th+ IJ5; at I:5I pm
"orry 0 don't kno# #hy it chan$ed that to ,ost Onexceptiona%/ 0 ( #rote )1"& 1V1>.
Brooke Parkhurst >ep%y:
arch I7th+ IJ5; at I:5E pm
Ok+ !ixed it )1"& 1V1>....
yo$esh khanna arch IF+ IJ5; at 5:IH am
yes Christine + u are a%#ays ri$ht . ( a%#ays need such kind o! teachin$s it reminds me tht i shud app%ause
my se%! .keep it up thanks
8ick arsha%% arch IF+ IJ5; at 55:55 am
,)ecause ( am #i%%in$ to sit there in spite o! not kno#in$ the outcome./
&his rea%%y ran$ a be%% #ith me. y #i!e and partner Ci==ie and ( have been #anderin$ a%on$ the precipice
ed$e path o! se%!-emp%oyment !or near%y EJ years no#. 4!ter a #hi%e you rea%ise that the !ear!u% ed$e is
rea%%y *ust a trick o! the mind. Workin$ !or yourse%! is %iberatin$. <or one thin$ you can't be !ired. -ou
o#n your o#n %i!e. (t may be a bit scary at times but a %itt%e !ear is a $ood protection a$ainst comp%acency.
-ou tend t be more care!u% #ith #hat you have. -ou are more inc%ined to save !or a rainy day because
those are inevitab%e. 4t the same time+ to survive and prosper+ you have to stretch your com!ort =one and
be prepared to take on risk+ to accept uncertainty. -ou $ain a menta% !reedom #hen you rea%ise that
nothin$ can ever rea%%y $o #ron$ 0 as %on$ as you are breathin$ and have a heartbeat.
>ebecca arch IF+ IJ5; at I:I7 pm
( so needed this today+ Christine. &hank you.
iche%%e arch EJ+ IJ5; at 7:JH am
( recent%y returned !rom a speakin$ event #hich had an unexpected outcome 0 not on%y did peop%e sho#
up to hear me speak+ but each session #as #ay overpacked+ and ( $ot E days o! incredib%e kudos+ %ove and
supportM.#hich ( rea%%y en*oyed and #as so $rate!u% !or 2convinced as ( #as that nobody #ou%d sho# up
in the !irst p%ace.3 :eop%e came. &o hear 1 ta%k. 4nd they hu$$ed me+ to%d me ( #as ama=in$+ thanked
me !or sharin$+ and in $enera% !ed my e$o %ike cra=y. ( $ot that sexy moment o! success+ and ( COV1B (&.
&hen ( $ot home+ and crashed into #hat ( can on%y describe as the pain!u% Wa%% o! >ea%ity. )i%%s needed to
be paid+ more artic%es #ritten+ more ca%%s made+ chi%den's %ives to or$anise and *ust the rea%ity o! %i!e. &he
very+ V1>- unsexy rea%ity o! my chaotic but b%essed %i!e. ( %et myse%! #a%%o# and *ust !ee% crappy !or a
#ho%e dayMand then reminded myse%! that it #as 1 #ho #rote those presentations+ kicked do#n the
doors o! the peop%e #ho ( had to convince to %et me present in the !irst time+ and 1 #ho stood her
$round #hen to%d that my presentations #ere ,non income earnin$/ !or the event or$anisers and there!ore
not a priority to them. ( did a%% the hard #ork %on$ be!ore ( $ot the kudos. 1. ( did that. ( #orked
>14CC- B48 74>B to do a%% o! that. <or a %ooon$ time. Without any kudos and #ithout any hu$s
!rom !ans.
"o the unsexy thin$ ('m $oin$ to do today+ tomorro#+ and next #eek? ('m $oin$ to keep on keepin$ on+
kudos or not. &hat's it. ('%% *ust keep on puttin$ one !oot in !ront o! the other+ !or as %on$ as ( decide ( #ant
to+ and as %on$ as it continues to serve my hi$her purpose and va%ues.
8ot terrib%y sexy 0 but then i! %i!e #as cra=y sexy a%% the time+ ('d probab%y #ish it #asn't *ust so ( cou%d
$o and take a nap.
"endin$ you $ratitude !rom 4ustra%ia+
4ndrea ock 4pri% I+ IJ5; at 5I:5J am
&he unsexy thin$ ('m doin$ is puttin$ the !inishin$ touches #indin$ do#n this 55 month pro*ect !rom he%%.
('m doin$ them #e%% too+ not *ust s%ou$hin$ them o!!. &his is a $i$ ( #anted to Puit a%most every sin$%e
day. -eeha#+ ( makin$ it throu$h the %ast #eeks and %ivin$ to te%% the ta%e. &hank you Christine+ #hen the
$oin$ $ot rou$h ( #ent to your b%o$ !or a coo% drink o! #ater to keep me sane. -ou're the best.
Kerry Bexter 4pri% H+ IJ5; at 7:66 am
4s ( #as readin$ your #ise #ords+ ( #as reminded o! the son$ Carrie 8e#comer #rote ca%%ed 7o%y as the
Bay (s "pent. Bo you kno# it? 4 bit o! a di!!erent perspective on the idea+ but sti%%+ re%ated. 4s ( thinker
and as a musician+ ( think you mi$ht %ike it.
4s to choices ('m makin$: ( have to move in %ess than a month no# as my #ho%e nei$hborhood is bein$
knocked do#n. ( do not yet kno# #here my next home #i%% be U !indin$ many c%osed doors so !ar U but
spent the mornin$ sortin$ and packin$+ and no# #i%% $oin$ to !inish up t#o stories ( need to comp%ete in
the midst o! this. Wonder i! that #ork #i%% %ead me to ideas on the home !ront? Cou%d beM
- "ee more at:!

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