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This document gives information about the control philosophy of the Process and Relief Valves
Vent Scrubbers for Saudi Kayan Petrochemical Complex Polycarbonate Project. The process
plant consists of C! C"#$C! C"#$C Tan% &arm! #PC! PC! and #PC"PC Tan% &arm 'nit.
The scrubbers are dedicated to the follo(ing units)

Package Number Unit
PK*+,-./ C 0thylene Carbonate1
PK*+2-./ #$C 0#imethyl Carbonate1
PK*+2-.3 #$C 0#imethyl Carbonate1
PK*+--./ C"#$C Tan% &arm
PK*-3-./ #PC 0#iphenyl Carbonate1
PK*-3-.3 #PC 0#iphenyl Carbonate1
PK*-4-./ #PC"PC Tan% &arm
PK*-+-./ PC 0Polycarbonate1
5n this document the follo(ing information is available regarding the process.
Control philosophy
Complex loops and complex controls
&rom the control system point of vie( the follo(ing general guidelines shall be given)
6eneral information about (hat is necessary! from the control system point of vie(! for
the proper operation of the unit
Recommendations about $$5 0$an $achine 5nterface1
2. PK-45901 (EO Relate !ent "crubber#
$u%t&mer P'() N&. * 459-25+-2,05-02
$&ntract&r P'() N&. * $242--P()-009
2.1 O.erating $&ntr&l )e%cri.ti&n
The purpose of this scrubber is to treat the (aste vent gas from C unit. The vent gas is
including the follo(ing contaminants)
C73! thylene 7xide 071! thylene Carbonate 0C1
The contaminants! such as 7! C and small amount of C73! are (ashed out by (ater at the C*
+,-./. The rest contaminants are vented to the atmosphere at safe location. The flo( rate is
monitored by +,-*&5*-.8 and the temperature by +,-*T5*-.4.
The (aste li9uid from C*+,-./ is pumped out by P*+,-./:";. The flo( rate is controlled by +,-*
&5C*-/.. The pumps! P*+,-./:";! have a capability of <:uto Start= (hen the pump discharge
flo( is lo( lo( by +,-*&5C*-.-. The pumps are protected by +,-*&5C*-.- aginst the minimum
&rom the C*+,-./ the li9uid (aste stream (ill include lots of 7 to be strictly treated because
7 in the (ater is toxic! %ills fungus in the activated sludge 07S;>1! and degrades the C7#
treatment ability. To solve such problem! 7 in the (aste (ater is hydrated into non*toxic
thylene 6lycol 061 in the hydration reactor 0R*+,-./1. The hydration reaction is an irreversible
hydration reaction generating /mol of 6 from /mol of 7 and /mol of ?37.
To accommodate the reaction it is important to %eep /3. degC of reaction temperature. The
temperature is controlled by +,-*T5C*-.2. The +,-*T5C*-.2 gives the set point to +,-*&5C*-//
0>P steam to $@*+,-.31 and the temperature is controlled by stream flo(. The design of the
hydration reaction is set based on the normal operation of C unit. To ma%e sure this feature! the
flo( controller! +,-*&5C*-/.! has the maximum limit of set point.
:fter the 7 is converted to 6 in the reactor! the (aste li9uid is cooled do(n to 8. degC by *
+,-./ and sent to Aaste Aater Treatment &acilities 07S;>1.
The C*+,-./ consists of t(o 031 pac%ing beds and one 0/1 demister at the top. The /= pall rings
are adopted for this service.
The scrubber performance is monitored by the differential pressure across the pac%ing bed and
the demister. &or this purpose the differential pressure indications 0+,-*P#5*-./"-.3"-.41 are
Ahen the service (ater is not available at any reasons! the emergency (ater through +,-*@V*
-.8"-.2 is fed into the scrubber. The source of the emergency (ater is come from +2-*P*
+2-.3:"; (hich has emergency po(er bac%*up design. The reliability of the scrubber operation
is increased through this design.
5n vie( of the C unit operation! the follo(ing operating cases are considered to the designB
a1 Process Cormal Vent
#uring the normal operation! the vent gas is scrubbed by (ater passing through +,-*&V*-.2.
The load is 9uite lo( and the 9uenching through $@*+,-./ is not re9uired. 5n vie( of
scrubbing (ater supply! the follo(ing operation for the valves is re9uiredB
+,-*@V*-.3 ) Close
+,-*@V*-.4 ) Close
+,-*@V*-.+ ) Close
+,-*@V*-., ) Close
+,-*&V*-.2 ) :ctive
+,-*&V*-.- ) :ctive
+,-*&V*-/. ) :ctive (ith maximum limit of set point 0+,-*&5C*-/.1
+,-*&V*-// ) :ctive
b1 PSV Relieving
Ahen the relief valves in C unit are opened! the vent (aste vent gas temperature (ill be
started to go up. :ccording to the increase of the temperature! +,-*TS?*-.,:";"C 03 out of
4 voting system1 (ill be activated and then the valves 0+,-*@V*-.3"-.41 (ill be opened by
the PSS 0Programmable lectronic Safety System1. To ensure the flo( through the valves!
+,-*@V*-.3"-.4! the mode of control valve! +,-*&V*-.2! (ill be automatically set to manual
and the <$V= of the valve (ill be automatically to <Dero= to close the valve (hen the +,-*
TS?*-.,:";"C is activated.
'ntil the +,-*TS??*-.,:";"C are activated! the follo(ing operation for the valves is
+,-*@V*-.3 ) 7pen
+,-*@V*-.4 ) 7pen
+,-*@V*-.+ ) Close
+,-*@V*-., ) Close
+,-*&V*-.2 ) Cot :ctive 0Close1
+,-*&V*-.- ) :ctive
+,-*&V*-/. ) :ctive (ith maximum limit of set point 0+,-*&5C*-/.1
+,-*&V*-// ) :ctive
5f the temperature is further increased and the +,-*TS??*-.,:";"C is activated! the valves!
+,-*@V*-.+"-., by the PSS! are opened (ith the maintaining the valve operation for +,-*
TS?*-.,:";"C 03 out of 4 voting system1 activation. 5n other (ords! the 9uencher! $@*
+,-./! is started to operate.
'pon the activation of +,-*TS??*-.,:";"C! the follo(ing operation for the valves is
+,-*@V*-.3 ) 7pen
+,-*@V*-.4 ) 7pen
+,-*@V*-.+ ) 7pen
+,-*@V*-., ) 7pen
+,-*&V*-.2 ) Cot :ctive 0Close1
+,-*&V*-.- ) :ctive
+,-*&V*-/. ) :ctive (ith maximum limit of set point 0+,-*&5C*-/.1
+,-*&V*-// ) :ctive
c1 :lternate #esign / ) #V*3./ &ully 7pen
5n addition to the normal operation! this case is considered for the opening of @V*E//4 at the
process area. ;asically the operation for the valves (ill be same as for normal operation.
d1 :lternate #esign 3 ) PV*3., and PV*3.4;; &ully 7pen
5n addition to the normal operation! this case is considered for the opening of PV*3., and
PV*3.4;; at the process area. ;asically the operation for the valves (ill be same as for
normal operation.
2.2 $&ntr&l / (nicati&n 0i%t
)e%cri.ti&n 3larm
&lo( of ma%e*up (ater from Service Aater
?eader to C*+,-./
07peration mode and set point to be subject
to +,-*TS?*-.,:";"C1
?igh ) +,... %g"hr
>o( ) /.... %g"hr
&lo( of (aste li9uid from P*+,-./:"; to C*
+,-./ to ensure of pump minimum flo(
0>o( >o( SP to give <:uto Start= of P*
>o( ) /.... %g"hr
>o( >o( ) 83,. %g"hr
&lo( of (aste li9uid from P*+,-./:"; to R*
0SP manipulated by +,-*>5C*-.3 on C*
+,-./! To have maximum limit of set point!
//-/, %g"hr1
?igh ) /3... %g"hr
>o( ) /.... %g"hr
&lo( of $P Steam from $P Steam ?eader
to $@*+,-.3
0SP manipulated by +,-*T5C*-.2 after R*
?igh ) /2.. %g"hr
>o( ) /4.. %g"hr
>evel on the bottom of C*+,-./
0$anipulates the SP of +,-*&5C*-/.1
?igh ) E. F
>o( ) 3. F
Temperature of the R*+,-./ discharge
0$anipulates the SP of +,-*&5C*-//1
>o( ) //, degC
)e%cri.ti&n 3larm
+,-*&5*-.8 &lo( of vent gas to atmosphere ?igh ) /+.. %g"hr
+,-*&5*-.E &lo( of vent gas to C*+,-./ ?igh ) /4.. %g"hr
+,-*P5*-.4 Pressure of vent gas to C*+,-./ ?igh ) ../, barg
#ifferential pressure across C*+,-./
?igh ) 4 mbar
#ifferential pressure across C*+,-./ 'pper
?igh ) /4 mbar
#ifferential pressure across C*+,-./ >o(er
?igh ) /4 mbar
+,-*T5*-.4 Temperature of vent gas to atmosphere ?igh ) E. degC
+,-*T5*-.+ Temperature of ma%e*up service (ater ?igh ) 8, degC
Temperature of vent gas to C*+,-./
?igh ?igh ) //, degC
?igh ) E, degC
+,-*T5*-.E Temperature of (aste li9uid to 7S;>
2.4 $au%e an E55ect 5&r (nterl&ck
E6ecute (n $au%e E55ect
&lo( >o( >o( of P*+,-./:";
0by +,-*&5C*-.-1
Start of Stand*by Pump
/1 31
Temperature ?igh of vent gas
to C*+,-./
0by 3 out of 4 voting of +,-*
* 7pen of the valves! +,-*
* Set the mode to <$anual=
and output to <Dero=
/1 31
Temperature ?igh ?igh of
vent gas to C*+,-./
0by 3 out of 4 voting of +,-*
* 7pen of the valves! +,-*
* Set the mode to <$anual=
and output to <Dero=
* 7pen the valves! +,-*@V*
/1 PSS
Service Aater Stop
0by 7thers1
7pen of the valves! +,-*
1# 78e interl&ck number 9ill be c&n5irme b: $lient.
2# (nterl&ck re%et 9ill be &ne b: t8e .u%8 butt&n (459-;"-901#.

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