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The Outline (in Point Form) for Persuasive Presentation

Name:Nor Shakira binti Azemi & Dharvin Dharan A/L Elango

Theme: Environment issue
Topic: Humans are to blame for environmental degradation


Does anyone care about the state of our world in the years to come?
With all the pollution happening to the environment, it’s hard to say
that our planet Earth will be what it is today.

The purpose of our presentation today is to share about why humans Expressing the
are to blame for environment degradation. purpose of

I am going to divide this talk into two main parts. The first part, we
will discuss the two reasons why humans are blamed for
Giving the
environmental degradation. The second part, we will explain about
structure of
the opposing view on this issue. Also, we will give conclusion and
you may ask questions at the end of our presentation..

Let us begin with first main point about this topic which is why
humans are blamed for environmental degradation.
1st main point/
1st Argument/
 Some human activities either directly or indirectly that cause
1st Reason
damage to the environment on a global scale

Humans impact the physical environment in many ways such us Supporting

overcomsumption,overexploitation,pollution and deforestation.So, let points
us explain one of this example which is pollution.Pollution is the
introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These
harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural,
such as volcanic ash. They can also be created by human activity,
such as trash or runoff produced by factories. Pollutants damage the
quality of air, water, and land.
Secondly, lets talk about how man-made polutions could effect the
2nd main point/
2nd Argument/
 Global warming or also known as climate change caused by
2nd Reason
greenhouse gas pollution, is causing immediate and direct
changes to the planet.
Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet’s overall
temperature. Though this warming trend has been going on for a long
time, its pace has significantly increased in the last hundred years due
to the burning of fossil fuels. As the human population has increased,
so has the volume of fossil fuels burned. Fossil fuels include coal, oil,
and natural gas, and burning them causes what is known as the
“greenhouse effect” in Earth’s atmosphere.
Now,we going to the second part to explain about the opposing view
on this issues.Some may think that humans should not be blamed for
environmental pollution.As we know, the human population is
Counter claim/
increasing.The pressure of this population causes urbanization or
development to accommodate human beings at once, increasing
employment opportunities.Most of them depend on factory jobs.So,
these are some of the reasons why some stand to disagree with my
Some people agree that environmental issues are probably the cause
of their concerns, but they are unaware of the serious consequences
of environmental degradation. Lack of education and knowledge also
affects how people generally see environmental problems. Discredit/
Those who have a non-environmental responsibility feel that it is not
their responsibility, or the threat of climate change is not realistic
enough to deal with in their personal lives.
We as humans have certain responsibilities towards our mother Restating the
nature. Our environment is deteriorating, and it is of the utmost
priority to implement ways to control and prevent environmental
points and
degradation. We should give up habits that are harming the
environment. Change begins at home. Let’s hope for a better future
the standpoint
and standstill.
So starting now, we all should have an awareness about the
importance of the environment to various living things especially Call to action

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