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Children’s School of Tomorrow

Junior High School Department

Climate Change

Submitted by:
Arcayos, Rhanya Nicole B.

Submitted to:
Ramin, Ruby Joy G., D.M.D., LPT
Chapter I


Earth is something that we have to take care of because it is the only planet where humans
can live. Earth is full of organic molecules, wherein it is made out of carbon and hydrogen
and may include any other elements. These molecules can actually help us because they’re
also related to living organisms like plants, mammals, animals, and especially human beings.
But now the earth itself is severely threatened, why? Throughout history, there is Climate
change, Climate change is a process wherein its temperature and weather start to shift longly,
but what are the causes? Some say that the cause of climate change is human activities, which
is actually true. There are human activities that cause a lot of damage, like building
greenhouse gas emissions which strengthens the greenhouse effect, which may also cause
extreme weather events like hurricanes, floods, and heatwaves if we built too many
greenhouse gas emissions. The greenhouse effect may actually help the earth to maintain its
certain temperature, but it has a lot of disadvantages just like global warming and especially
Climate change. Scientists say that if we put more greenhouse gas emissions, the more its
greenhouse effect may increase and may cause a lot of damage. What if there are no such
human activities made in foolish ways in order to just ruin our nature, and our living
conditions? Climate change is something that we have to take seriously because we are also
the ones who are responsible for this.

What Is Climate Change? | United Nations

Contemplating Earth | WCCM
The human activities that cause climate change — and why it matters | Concern Worldwide
The Greenhouse Effect: Advantages & Disadvantages – OurFootprintJA
Chapter II


This topic, Climate change is a very concerning event for us, especially our whole entire
global ecosystem. It is very concerning to the fact that it is expected that Climate change
might actually get worsen in its frequency, because of the number of disasters occurring on
different dates and in different places. Especially in the 2000s, a lot of things happened and a
lot of things also got affected by Climate change, the examples of the damages are broken
vehicles gathered up together, buildings wrecked, and shores getting run down. It is also said
that 2021 was one of the hottest years on record, there are a number of people getting
heatstroke, or any kind of effects that may caused by the heat wave. Besides that, there are
floods that caused the most destruction like houses, personal things, and also farms getting
washed up. People are experiencing such harmful weather, people that live near the
mountains or even up the mountains are literally fighting and sacrificing their lives because
floods can also reach them and may injure lots and destroy living things. Every year, there is
news that people in the capital might even declare deforestation, which is not a very good
decision to make especially when we’re experiencing strong storm raids, floods, and
droughts. As I’ve said earlier, Climate change is one that has a lot of negative impacts on
every kind of living thing here in our biodiversity. Getting mixed signals in situations is very
hard and very complicated to deal with. In our everyday lives, climate change is always there
to show up and ruin our ecosystem, but here’s the point, we are the ones that are actually
responsible for this, the more that we build or do such unnecessary things that may affect our
ecosystems and our infrastructures, the more that we suffer from the negative impact of the
Climate change.

2030 or Bust: Climate Change - 2030 or Bust

Extreme Weather and Climate Change - Center for Climate and Energy SolutionsCenter for
Climate and Energy Solutions
Chapter III

Results and Discussions

Antarctica, Antarctica is known for its glimmering snow, driest ice, and the most ice
structures that are gigantic and also have a lot of historical events, but now its special
structures are literally collapsing, and also melting in the process. Animals that live there are
also suffering, the whole ecosystem there is fully disturbed and currently suffering, because
of Climate change. We humans just have to be more careful about what we are doing, we
need to be more aware of what’s about to happen in our nature. Climate change already has a
negative impact on our lives, Climate change is something that we have to avoid and take
action on. These consequences of what we’re doing are something that we don’t have to
ignore. We can’t literally just predicate what is about to happen to the future. Animals or any
living beings are getting affected, raising temperatures in the ocean affect marine organisms.
So it is very important to know what will happen if we don’t do such useless things that may
affect our biodiversity, a lot of people say that climate change has the potential for our lives
which is in fact true but why can’t they just think about how it affects our lives. This study
shows that not all potential things may end up in a positive way, but in a negative way.

How does climate change affect biodiversity? | Royal Society

Chapter IV


In all results, Climate change is a very important topic to discuss especially in our
environment, we all need to be fully aware of what's about to happen in the future, and we all
need to be more thinkable and more sensitive enough whenever it comes to activities that
may cause such dangerous various ways. The most important thing here is that we also need
to be open-minded and thoughtful for our ecosystem. We all live on the same planet but have
different thoughts to gather up and some of us may not even think twice about what we’re
about to do. The willow project wherein they need to sell Alaska just to get more oil sold to
go all over, can affect the animals and also Climate change. Can’t you see that all beings here
are being affected because of what we’re trying to make here, we all should take action and
take good responsibility for our biodiversity, ecosystem, community, and also our
environment. Climate change is something that we can’t really ignore especially when it’s
getting worsen every decade. So be mindful and be more effective enough in order to help
our biodiversity, let’s help each other and never give up in our ways.

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