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Global warming, Global warming is a word that

practically everyone has heard of. However, the

majority of us are still unsure of what it means. As
a result, global warming refers to a steady increase
in the overall temperature of the Earth's
atmosphere. There are a variety of things going on
that are steadily raising the temperature. Our ice
glaciers are fast disappearing due to global
warming. This is extremely harmful to both the
environment and people. Controlling global
warming is difficult; yet, it is not impossible.
Identifying the problem's cause is the very first
step in solving any problem. Global warming has
evolved into a serious issue that requires our full
attention. It is occurring due to a combination of
factors rather than a single cause. These factors
are both natural and man-made. The emission of
greenhouse gases that are unable to escape from
the planet, leading the temperature to rise, is one
of the natural causes. Human activity, largely the
burning of fossil fuels that pump carbon dioxide,
methane, and other greenhouse gases into the
atmosphere, is causing global warming, which is
the steady heating of the Earth's surface, oceans,
and atmosphere. Global warming is already having
a noticeable impact on the earth. As a result of
climate change, humans, wild animals and
environment are facing new survival challenges.
Droughts that are more frequent and severe,
storms, heat waves, rising sea levels, melting
glaciers, and warming oceans can all hurt animals,
ruin their habitats, and disrupt people's livelihoods
and societies. Climate change has a wide range of
consequences in the Philippines, including annual
GDP losses, changes in rainfall patterns and
distribution, droughts, threats to biodiversity and
food security, sea level rise, public health risks,
and endangering vulnerable groups like women
and indigenous people. This issue has gotten
worse, yet it is totally preventable. However, there
is little doubt that dealing with this would
necessitate our best efforts and a variety of
options. I believe that each of our individual
choices in terms of consuming as little energy as
possible and our own behavior in terms of
environmental stewardship will be our biggest
contribution. contribution to averting the worst
effects of climate change We can rescue the earth
by taking small steps like remembering to unplug,
lowering our carbon footprints, using renewable
energy sources at home, reducing our water
wastes, planting a tree, and generally just being
responsible human beings every day. While we
won't be able to solve this global problem
overnight, if most of us practiced less energy
consumption and intelligent resource
management on a consistent basis, it would
significantly alter our current standing on the
planet's chances of becoming completely hot.
Making people aware of the problem and urging
others to take action would also be beneficial.

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