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Essay on Causes & Effects of Global Warming

Name: Abdul Rehman

Reg. no: L1S23BSCS0079

Subject: English

 Causes & Effects of Global Warming

 The causes and effects of the phenomena known as global warming, which is a
major issue in our time, are felt all across the world. The relationship between
human activity and the environment has been highlighted by rising
temperatures and changing climatic patterns. This essay explores the main
factors causing global warming and the extensive effects they have.

 Fossil fuel combustion is the primary cause of the current environmental

disaster. The combustion of coal, oil, and natural gas for energy production
and transportation releases plentiful amounts of greenhouse gases, notably
carbon dioxide, into the atmosphere. These gases trap heat, creating a
greenhouse effect that raises Earth's temperature. Moreover, deforestation,
another significant contributor, disrupts the balance of carbon dioxide
absorption by trees, worsening the issue. Thus, one of the main contributors to
global warming is the vast system of human dependency on fossil fuels and
land use practices.

 This warming trend has numerous and significant effects. Sea levels are rising
as a result of melting glaciers and polar ice caps, endangering coastal habitats
and communities. Global ecosystems and human livelihoods are impacted by
increasingly frequent and severe natural disasters like hurricanes, droughts,
and wildfires brought on by changes in climate patterns. In addition,
temperature changes upset the fragile equilibrium of ecosystems, putting many
species in danger and endangering biodiversity. These ripple effects
emphasize the complex network of cause and consequence left in the wake of
global warming, impacting human health, water resources, and agriculture
among other sectors.

 In conclusion, global warming is a complex issue integrated from a variety of

human activities and environmental reactions rather than a single issue. Its
causes, which are mostly related to human activity, start a domino effect that
affects societies and ecosystems. A concerted effort to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, advance sustainable practices, and encourage international
collaboration in addressing this existential crisis is necessary for minimizing
this phenomenon. The only way we can possibly lessen the extensive effects
of global warming is by working together and recommitting to environmental


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