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Project made by students : Kobba Ihssane , Ettabii Iness and Eddaoudi Malak .


. Definition
. Causes
. Consequences
. Solutions
. Videos

Climate change is the global phenomenon of climate

transformation characterized by the changes in the usual
climate of the planet ( regarding temperature ,
precipitation , and wind ) that ere especially caused by
human activities. As a result of unbalancing the weather
of Earth, the substainability ( endurance ) of the planet's
ecosystems is under threat. As well as the future of
humankind and the estability of the global economy.

. The greenhouse effect

. Anthropogenic origin
Ultimately, the causes of global warming are not
natural but driven by the human economy and

Greenhouse: natural process that warms the Earth's surface / Anthropogenic : Humanity
The Consequences Of Climate Change On The Planet’s Ecosystems

An increase in temperature due to global warming it’s not only about a heat increase that can be felt by humans or glacial ice melting , it has
the potential to affect the planet’s entire ecosystem. As we have been watching in many different countries, from the US (California) to India
or South Africa, the weather is getting disruptive. Extreme weather events are more regular and their patterns are changing , they’re more
intensive, aggressive, and with more energy. This means more storms, floods, cyclones, and droughts will take place over the next years.

The Consequences Of Climate Change On Society And On The Economy

Furthermore, climate change is already challenging and can further challenge our societies. With the increase in temperatures in some
countries. In addition , natural resources, such as drinking water, are getting more limited and many crops and livestock are unlikely to
survive (affecting locals but also the global economy of the several industries that rely on raw materials) in specific locations because of the
temperature being too hot or too dry, too cold or too wet.
The Consequences Of Climate Change On Businesses

Finally, businesses are also likely to be affected by climate change. Indeed, in a context where the climate
is changing, companies need to be aware of the risks that they may face and be prepared to deal with

Renewable energies. Changing our main energy

sources to clean and renewable energy. ...
Sustainable transportation. ...
Air pollution prevention. ...
Waste Management & recycling. ...
Sea and Ocean preservation. ...
Circular economy.
Reduce water waste.
Videos about climate change
Thanks for watching !
The end of the project.

Border: Carnival

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