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English Level 10-12

Name: Leonaldo Benjamín Rondon Brito

Matricula: 2019-7437

Subject: Electiva 1: Devops

Teacher: Carlos Luciano

Topic: Essay on environmental pollution

English Level 10-12

Introduction ........................................................................................ 3

Development ...................................................................................... 4

Conclusion ......................................................................................... 6

English Level 10-12

The topic to be developed in this essay is called pollution, since we know that it
is one of the most common and relevant problems since it affects our environment
and this could lead to the destruction of our planet earth. In this work we will talk
about the different types of environmental pollution, causes, consequences and
their possible solutions ... what is sought with this essay is to create
environmental awareness in society through posters, models, illustrations,
interviews and photographs.

English Level 10-12

Environmental pollution is the presence in the environment of any agent
(physical, chemical or biological) or of a combination of several agents in places,
forms and concentrations such that they are or may be harmful to the health,
safety or well-being of the population. , or that may be harmful to plant or animal
life, or prevent the normal use of the properties and places for recreation and
enjoyment of them.

Environmental pollution also means the incorporation into the receiving bodies of
solid, liquid or gaseous substances, or mixtures thereof, provided that they
adversely alter their natural conditions, or that they may affect the health, hygiene
or well-being of the population. As man's power over nature increases and new
needs appear as a consequence of life in society, the environment that surrounds
him deteriorates more and more.

The social behavior of man, which led him to communicate through language,
which later formed human culture, allowed him to differentiate himself from other
living beings. But while they adapt to the environment to survive, man adapts and
modifies that same environment according to his needs. Technological progress,
on the one hand, and accelerated population growth, on the other, produce the
alteration of the environment, in some cases reaching an attack on the biological
balance of the Earth. It is not that there is an absolute incompatibility between
technological development, the advancement of civilization and the maintenance
of ecological balance, but it is important that man knows how to harmonize them.
To do this, it is necessary to protect renewable and non-renewable resources and
to become aware that environmental sanitation is essential for life on the planet.

Pollution is one of the most important environmental problems that affect our
world and arises when an imbalance occurs, as a consequence of the addition of
any substance to the environment, in such quantity, that it causes adverse effects
on man, on animals, plants or materials exposed to doses that exceed levels
acceptable in nature. Pollution can arise from certain manifestations of nature
(natural sources) or due to the different productive processes of man
(anthropogenic sources) that configure the activities of daily life. The most
important sources that generate pollution of anthropogenic origin are: industrial

English Level 10-12

(cold rooms, slaughterhouses and tanneries, mining and oil activities),

commercial (wrappers and packaging), agricultural (agrochemicals), domestic
(containers, diapers, garden waste) and sources. mobile (vehicle combustion
gases). The source of emission is the physical or geographical origin where a
pollutant is released into the environment, either to the air, to the water or to the

English Level 10-12

The lack of collective awareness about this problem will only make things worse
for the planet we live on and that is the paradox, that we are not able to take care
of the place that life leaves us.

The purpose of this essay is to make people aware of the problems of our
environment, starting with not littering the streets, not burning, trying to protect

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