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Name: Miracle Pearson

General Purpose: To persuade

Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that environmental pollution is a global
Central Idea: Environmental pollution is a global concern, human activity is the cause,
and reducing is the solution.



I. Attention getter: Raise your hand if you want to go through another pandemic.
Raise if you want to live in a world with less food and clean water. Raise your
hand if you want to be exposed to UV rays which can lead to skin cancer and
weaken your immune system.

II. Reveal Topic: All of this can happen if we don’t recognize that environmental
pollution is a global concern.

III. Establish Credibility: After reading about how the glaciers in Antarctica are
melting, my own desire of learning more about pollution has led me to

IV. Preview Body of Speech: Today, I’d would like to share how environmental
pollution is a global concern, human activity is the cause, and reducing is the
best way to solve this problem.

Transition: First, let break down the problem



I. Environmental pollution breaks down into three types: Air, water, and land. All
three types are harmful to human health, animals, and the environment.

A. Air pollution is the release of harmful gases, particles, and chemicals into the air.

1. According to World Health Organization, Exposure to high levels of air

pollution can cause a variety of adverse health outcomes. It increases the
risk of respiratory infections, heart diseases, and lung cancer.
2. In addition, air pollution is also responsible for global warming aka climate
change. The greenhouse effect from gases like Carbon dioxide creates a
barrier that traps excess heat. This can cause extreme weather.

3. Air pollution is a threat to the ozone layer. The toxic chemical that are
released into the air created a hole in the ozone Layer. As stated in New
World Encyclopedia, the ozone provides protection against the type of
solar UV rays that could cause such health problems like skin cancer, eye
cataracts, and a weakened immune system. Also, uv rays can destroy
plants, trees, and other things that contribute to our food chain.

B. Water pollution is the contamination of oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, and


1. Out of all, plastic is the biggest factor. According to Oceanographic

Commission, plastic waste makes up about 80% of all marine pollution. In the
last ten years, we have produced more plastic products than in the previous

2. Plastic takes about 500 years or more to decompose. As a result, this

causes many animals like sea birds, sea turtles, seals, fish, beluga whales,
and other marine mammals to be killed. Many times, these animals mistake
plastic bags and soda can ring as food. This can damage their internal organs
leaving them unable to eat. Other times, they accident get caught in plastic
bags or ring and this causes them to suffocate/drown.

3. Humans are affected by water pollution as well. According to Frontiers, more

than 50 kinds of diseases are caused by poor drinking water quality, and 80%
of diseases and 50% of child deaths are related to poor dinking water quality
in the world. Water pollution causes diarrhea, skin diseases, malnutrition,
cancers, and other diseases related to water pollution.

C. Land pollution is the release of trash or chemical waste on land.

1. Land pollution causes harmful chemicals to enter the soil which kills livestock
and plants. This can destroy the food chain as well. At the same time, the
chemicals that are polluted in the soils can travel into groundwater and this
can enter lakes /river. According to Socratic, poisoning of ground water toxins
like arsenic and lead can cause birth defects, damages in various organ
systems of the body like reproductive system, nervous system, etc.
2. Due to rapid development, animals are forced to migrated which causes
species to become endangered or extinct because of exposure to harmful
conditions or predators.

Transition: Now that we understand the problem; let’s see what is causing it.


. I. Human activity is the cause.

A. Burning fossil fuels like oils and gas, wildfires, electricity, home appliances,
and factories are activities that causes air pollution.

B. The release of industrial waste, sewage, oil leaks, radioactive waste, and
plastic in lakes, river, and oceans are activities that causes water pollution.

C. Littering, oil spills, illegal dumping, radiation spills, and debris are activities
that are causes land pollution.

Transition: Lastly, there is a solution to this problem.

I. The best way to solve environmental pollution is to reduce.

A. Reducing energy such as unplugging or turning off unused equipment like

lights, computers, and televisions can help lower air pollution. Also,
converting to solar power can help as well.

B. Buying reusable or recycled bags, ecofriendly products, picking up litter,

building community gardens and dispose medical/chemical waste properly
can help lower water and land pollution.

Restate Central Idea Statement: To sum up, we talked about how environmental
pollution is a global concern, human activity is the cause, and reducing is the best way
to solve this problem.
Provide Closure: In closing, Earth is the only planet that holds life. It is our job to protect
this planet like how it protects us for the dangers of space. We cannot wait or push this
problem into the next generation because the effects are starting right now. For that
reason, it is time for us to be more kind to our home. Besides, where else can go?

Funk & Wagnalls’ New World Encyclopedia (2022). Ozone Layer. World Book, Inc., Chicago, EBSCO


Health consequences of air pollution on populations. (2019, November 15). World Health Organization

(WHO). Retrieved from


How does land pollution affect health? (2016, February 29). Socratic. Retrieved from

Plastic pollution in the ocean: data, facts, consequences. (2022, May 9). Ocean Literacy Portal.

Retrieved from

Shahmoradi, B. (2022, June 9). Effects of Water Pollution on Human Health and Disease

Heterogeneity: A Review. Frontiers. Retrieved from

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