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Eco-Friendly Lifestyle

1. Foreword
In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious and Most Merciful. In addition, we also express our
gratitude for the abundance of His blessings and guidance, so that the completion of the paper on
the environment. We also hope that this paper can help us to care more about the environment.

We compiled this paper in a simple way. We would also like to thank all those who have
contributed to the completion of this paper. We realize that we still have many shortcomings in the
preparation of this paper. We apologize if there are errors in wording, so we open and accept criti-
cism and suggestions for all readers.

Finally, we say, hopefully this paper can be useful and inspire all who read it. We also hope
that this paper can be an invitation for you to take care of and protect our earth together.

2. Background

We are concerned about the current state of the earth. Little more trash can't be accommo-
dated, polluted water, and the air we all breathe may not be as healthy as it was a few years ago. We
can't change right away, but we can start with the little things we do every day.

3. Formulation of Problem
Not all environmental problems will be discussed in this paper. This is limited by the following
problem formulation.
d. What can we do to reduce pollution of both water, environment, and air?
e. What are the consequences if we do not take care of the environment?
f. What are the types of pollution?

7. Writing Purpose:
The preparation of this paper is shown for the following:
h. Fixing environmental problems around us.
i. Share insights with readers.
j. Share information about the environment.
k. Increase our knowledge of the nature around us.

12.The Core Problem

Pollution is the contamination or infection of the environment due to varies factors. Pollu-
tion itself has various forms, namely air pollution, water pollution, soil pollution, and and many
more. Pollutants, the components of pollution, can be either caused foreign substances or natural
events. Although environmental pollution could be caused by natural occurring activities however
pollution generally implies to the negative cause of human activities. In 2015, pollution killed nine
million people worldwide. This remained unchanged in 2019, with little real progress against pollu-
tion. Air pollution accounted for ¾ of these deaths.

M. Air Pollution
Air pollution is the contamination of air due to varies of substances, that are frequently
caused by natural factors, such as: volcanic activity that emits volcanic ash and gases, forest fires,
and microorganism activities. Other factors of the highly increasing pollution are caused by human
activities commonly: vehicle fumes, cigarette smoke, factory smoke, etc.

From smog hanging over cities to smoke inside the home, air pollution poses a major threat
to health and climate. Trivial diseases often triggered by air pollution such as asthma, ARI and lung
cancer are very harmful to the respiratory system. Oxygen levels in the body decreases and replaced
with carbon dioxide are one of many impacts on the human body. Additionally, around 2.4 billion
people worldwide are exposed to dangerous levels of household air pollution, while using polluting
open fires or simple stoves for cooking felled by kerosene, biomass and coal. The combined effects
of ambient air pollution and household air pollution associated with 7 million premature deaths an-

N. Water Pollution

Water pollution occurs when harmful substances, often chemicals or microorganisms, con-
taminate a stream, river, lake, ocean, aquifer, or other body of water, degrading water quality and
rendering it toxic to humans or the environment. Water pollution can occur due to the factor of
chemical industrial waste (both liquid and solid), oil being the main industrial waste are being care-
lessly discharged to waterways without processing earlier.

Water pollutants may cause diseases or act as poisons. Bacteria and parasites in poorly
treated sewage may enter our drinking supplies and cause digestive problems such as cholera and
diarrhea. Many water pollutants enter our bodies when we use water for drinking and food prepara-
tion. Pollutants may enter our system trough plants or animals served to us, one of which being
salmon, tuna and other wildlife aquatic animals without thorough inspection.

O. Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is defined as the presence of toxic chemicals (pollutants or contaminants) in

soil, in high enough concentrations to pose a risk to human health and the ecosystem. In the case of
contaminants which occur naturally in soil, even when their levels are not high enough to pose a
risk, soil pollution is still said to occur if the levels of the contaminants in soil exceed the levels that
should naturally be present.

The problem of waste is something that needs serious attention from various parties. As for
now, waste is still a problem that has failed in terms of handling. In fact, if seen from the impact
that will definitely occur in the community if waste management is not handled properly, will have
an impact on the decline in the quality of life, the beauty of the environment, the potential for flood-
ing will increase as of the declining quality of health surrounding the people living around the waste
polluted areas. Even according to health experts, waste pollution has a negative impact on health.
This results in various kinds of diseases that can be caused in the waste pollution area such as in-
dexed digestive tract, typhus, dysentery, etc.

6. Living an Eco-friendly Lifestyle

From the previous information we played out, it is an undeniable fact that our earth’s quality
is decreasing. The damage we unconsciously create not only harms ourselves but the environment
around us, the pitiful wildlife taking the toll of our actions. Natural resources are declining posing a
threat to mankind and nature. Our planet is suffering from numerous problems like pollution, defor-
estation, global warming, climatic changes and much more. Therefore, it is crucial to find some so-
lutions to combat such problems and make the environment green and clean to survive happily.

So here are some ways which can help us go green and increase the green cover on the earth:

G. Avoid Using Disposable Products

Paper and plastic plates and utensils, disposable diapers, paper towels and napkins, cheap
plasticware, and other non-durable consumer goods (goods designed to last for a short period of
time). In 2016, the world generated 242 million tonnes of plastic waste, 12 percent of all municipal
solid waste. This waste primarily originated from three regions, 57 million tonnes from East Asia
and the Pacific, 45 million tonnes from Europe and Central Asia, and 35 million tonnes from North

A great concern are the greenhouse gas emissions that result from these items manufacture
and disposal. Store away a quantity of durable, bargain-priced dishes, flatware, and glassware for
parties and picnics. Use cloth napkins, cloth diapers, cloth rags, rechargeable batteries, durable ra-
zors, and refillable coffee thermoses for take-out coffee.

H. Up-cycle

Repurpose items that still have life in them. The internet is full of crafty ideas for reusing
waste materials, from high concept artistic statements, like a chandelier from bicycle parts, an
aquarium from an upright piano, or a pool table from classic car. These kinds of reuses do not re-
move a large percentage of material from the waste stream, but, to the extent the reimagined objects
take the place of new purchases, they save the energy and reduce the greenhouse gas emissions re-
quired for their manufacture.

I. Leave your Car Life

While great strides have been made to reduce tailpipe emissions, 99% since the 1960s, we
are driving more than ever. There are more cars on the road than there are licensed drivers, and each
vehicle emits about 4.6 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year.

Whenever you avoid getting into your car, you are doing the environment a favor. Walk or
bike when you can, and use public transportation where you can't. Find companionable people who
make the same routine trips you do and form a carpool. Rather than taking short trips to do your er-
rands, combine your trips, thereby reducing mileage and avoiding a number of cold starts.

J. Use Eco-cleaning Products

A lot of mainstream cleaning products containing detergents, preservatives, or foaming

agents are made from various toxic chemicals that wash up into streams and rivers, causing water
pollution that enters ecosystems and damages biodiversity. Switching to products that contain sus-
tainably grown or raised ingredients and non-synthetics reduces the risk of exposure to toxic chemi-
cals that are harmful to humans as well as the environment.

K. Don’t Throw Away Wearable Clothes

Of the 100 billion garments produced each year, 92 million tonnes end up in landfills. To
put things in perspective, this means that the equivalent of a rubbish truck full of clothes ends up on
landfill sites every second. Ultra-fast fashion, a mutation of fast fashion, has emerged as online
clothing stores produce and release thousands of new items per day. Participating in these rapid
trend cycles is creating a culture of over-consumerism.

You can make easy alterations and repairs to your clothing to keep them for longer or to ad-
just to current trends. Vintage and second-hand outlets will offer more affordable alternative op-
tions, often based on the same items of clothing. If you would like some new clothing, be sure that
it’s of good quality so that it lasts you a long time. You can also research sustainable brands that
limit the impact of production and are transparent about their supply chains.

6. Conclusion
It's not too late for us to improve our environment. By taking care of the environment to-
gether, the environment will be better and of course it will be better for the future of our environ-
ment, because if not us, who else?

7. Suggestion
Making the contents of natural fiber papers for the handicraft business is still far from per-
fect. The authors expect criticism and suggestions from readers.


soil pollution:

water pollution:

air pollution:

eco friendly lifestyle:



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