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NAME: __________________________________ DATE: __________________

SECTION: ___________________


1. Watch the Video clip using the link provided below then, create a reflection paper about how different
types of waste affect people's health and the environment in the Philippines, and how appropriate
waste reduction strategies can be practiced at home, school, and in the community.


The Philippines has a shocking amount of waste – the country is ranked third in the world for the most amount of plastic
waste produced per capita. And as if that wasn't bad enough, much of this plastic waste isn't properly disposed of and
often finds its way into rivers, canals and eventually the ocean. This plastic waste then leaches toxic chemicals into the
water, which not only affect the environment but also people's health. The waste humans induce has been mischievous
to our terrain for quite some time now. Humans are generating too important trash and cannot deal with it in a
sustainable way. Waste that isn't biodegradable and cannot be duly be reclaimed is filling our abysses and tips. Let’s take
plastic waste as an illustration.

There are many reasons why people don’t recycle. Some people think it’s too much trouble. Others may not have access
to recycling facilities or the knowledge of how to recycle properly is still lacking

The Philippines is one of the most populated countries in the world, and its people are greatly affected by the amount of
waste that is produced every day. Manila, the capital city, is known for being one of the dirtiest cities in the world.
People living here have to suffer not only from the terrible air quality but also from health problems caused by the trash.
In this paper, I will discuss how different types of waste affect people's health and the environment in the Philippines.


The effects of the improper waste management to the environment are Soil Contamination, Contamination occurs by
spilling and burying hazardous components in soil. Water Contamination, Water is an excellent solvent that can contain
a wide range of dissolved chemicals. As a result, as it travels, water picks up pollution along the way. It frequently
contains dissolved substances such as various chemicals and gases.

Rainfall easily combines with toxic liquid substances and seeps into water streams, eventually ending up in nearby
bodies of water. As a result, the neighborhood fountain, pond, lake, or even drinking water taps are vulnerable to
contamination. Who are the victims? All living organisms, including humans, are included.


Ecosystems vary extensively from position to position. Still, one of the most outsize consequences of our global waste
problem manifests itself in relation to our marine life and aqueducts. Simply put, it affects the people who depend on
the ocean for their livelihoods. They cannot distinguish between what's or is not food. They consume the trash, which
results in death because the submarine beast couldn't reuse it. This affects fish, seals, turtles, jumbos, and numerous
other submarine creatures, as scientists have also plant numerous plastic fractions in over a thousand species. Due to
ingestion of trash or plastics, starvation is generally the coming step because some species don't have high acidic
situations in their stomach to break down the object that they ingested. There are some creatures that do but plastic
fractions have been known to be suitable to last 100 times. When it comes to biodiversity, our waste problem is
oppressively anguishing the health of the world’s species.
Public Health

Mortal health is at threat through our inactivity. We keep producing large quantities of trash, we don't dispose of it
rightly, and in the end that will be our downfall as it's for the terrain and wildlife in the ecosystems we all share. We
cannot help or promote life with how we treat our Earth. The further emigrations that we produce due to how
important trash we induce, affects us long term. One can develop conditions similar as asthma, birth blights, cancer,
cardiovascular complaint, nonage cancer, COPD, contagious conditions, low birth weight, and preterm delivery. Bacteria,
vermin and insects can also be added to the problem that trash causes.

Problems with inappropriate garbage disposal have resulted in other issues such as clogged drainage or canals, flooding,
and disease outbreaks. As a result, there is a need for individuals to figure out how to deal with these issues because it is
our obligation to safeguard the environment. One of these methods is to use the 3Rs — Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle.

The 3Rs – Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle – can be used to properly dispose of and manage garbage. Reducing refers to
lowering the amount of trash/garbage generated. Reusing resources involves using them more than once, whereas
recycling entails making new materials or products out of trash/garbage.

The only option is to stop using plastic and start looking for alternatives. For example, replace plastic cups and plastic
pens with paper cups and vintage ink pens. Instead, then using plastic straws, sip your drinks. It takes the same amount
of energy to create nine plastic bags as it does to drive a car for one kilometer. Furthermore, plastic bags are damaging
to the environment. So, for your next shopping trip, go for a mesh bag with a drawstring or a cloth bag instead of a
plastic bag.

Insulate Waste

Simply start by getting color carpeted lockers. Separate the lockers into following Green for organic, unheroic for glass,
white for paper, slate for essence, red for hazard and blue for plastic. Insulate waste into two orders- Memoir
Degradable and Non-Bio-Degradable.

Put wet wastes like leftover foods, vegetables, peels etc. in an organic tip which can latterly be used for composting
Isolation of waste can reduce the scrap burden on the formerly overflowing tips, thereby bridling the pollution

Re-purposing your ménage trash is a good way to reduce waste. For illustration, rather of throwing the plastic bottles
use them to embellish your house and make other DIY plastic showpieces. Switch to particulars that can be refilled like
printer charges or cement, exercise plastic flyers. Use old wood and pallets to make compost lockers. Exercise toiletries
like soap bottles as cell charging stations, old toothbrushes as drawing tools.

We are responsible for waste management because we benefit and suffer from it in profound ways. Education and
awareness must be present in all communities, regardless of their social or economic status, for as long as life exists on
this planet.

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