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Task Performance


1.What are some most serious environmental problems.

The environment is critical to the survival of life on Earth. However, there are certain concerns
that are causing harm to life and the earth's ecology. It is concerned with everyone on the
earth, not only the environment. Furthermore, pollution, global warming, greenhouse gases,
and a variety of other factors are major contributors. Humans' daily activities are continually
deteriorating the quality of the environment, resulting in the loss of the earth's survival
Pollution - is one of the leading sources of environmental problems since it pollutes the air,
water, soil, and noise. As we all know, the number of industries has significantly expanded
during the last few decades. Furthermore, these companies dump untreated waste into bodies
of water, land, and the atmosphere. The majority of these wastes contain hazardous and toxic
chemicals that spread rapidly due to the movement of water bodies and wind.
Greenhouse Gases - These are the gases that are causing the earth's surface temperature to
rise. This gas is closely related to air pollution since it is generated by vehicles and industry and
includes a harmful chemical that damages the life and environment of the planet.
Climate Changes - As a result of environmental issues, the climate is quickly changing, and
phenomena such as smog and acid rain are becoming more prevalent. Also, the number of
natural disasters is growing, with floods, famines, droughts, landslides, earthquakes, and many
other tragedies occurring practically every year.

Above all, human being and their greed for more is the ultimate cause of all the
environmental issue.
2.What are 5 things student like you can do to help protect the environment.

As humans, we have a moral obligation to protect our home. Since then, the Earth's
environmental problems have gotten worse. What, however, is being done to rescue the
environment? Do you still drink from plastic bottles and eat with straws? Or have you decided
to invest in your own water tumbler? Environmental degradation endangers our health, as well
as the health of animals and plants. As a result, we must do all in our power to rescue it. Simply
altering your regular routine is a huge benefit!  Your actions can have an impact. Looking for
methods to conserve the environment at home? Simply properly disposing of your waste may
go a long way toward helping to safeguard the earth from pollution. As Helen Keller famously
stated, “Alone we can do so little, together we can do so much.”
Use Reusable Bags Plastic grocery-type bags that get thrown out end up in lakes and landfills or
in other parts of the environment. These can clog sewage pipes and drainage canals and
ultimately pollute the water bodies into which sewage water is pumped into. Also, it takes a
while for the bags to decompose. Whether you are shopping for food, clothes or books, use a
reusable bag. 

Recycle. Recycling is such a simple thing to do, but so many people don’t do it. Look for recycling
cans near trashcans. Instead of throwing recyclables in the trash with your non-recyclables,
make a point to take an extra step to locate recycling cans around your campus. Always separate
biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes
Save Electricity! Use energy-efficient light bulbs instead of regular bulbs. They last longer, which
will save you a bit of money too. Make sure you turn off lights, the TV, and other appliances
when you are not using them. Lower your air conditioning or when it is not necessary. I know
this is hard to do with the excruciating heat this summer, but it is necessary.
 Save Water. Water is wasted more frequently than we can see. Turn off the faucet as you are
brushing your teeth. Don’t turn your shower on until you’re ready to get in and wash your hair.
Limit your water usage as you wash dishes. Changing old habits will be extremely good for the
Walk or cycle. Driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. If you want to use your car, ask
yourself the following question: do I really need my car? Walk or use your bicycle if the journey
is a short one.
3.As student how will u value the importance of NSTP
Instill in students’ knowledge, values, and abilities for nation building; instill in students a sense
of patriotism and nationalism; inspire young people to become civic organizers and community
volunteers. Its primary goal is to train and teach pupils numerous ideas that will aid in the
growth of their lives and communities. This curriculum is extremely useful since it teaches and
trains pupils to be self-disciplined and effective.
4.What is the role of the youth in nation building. 
It is a well-known truth that a country's young is a valuable asset. They are the country's future
and represent it at every level. Youths have a more vital role in nation-building than you would
imagine. In other words, the youth's brains and hard work will lead the country to success. The
young, like every other citizen, bears equal responsibility. They are the foundation of a country.

Youth are essential because they are our future. They may be our partners now, but tomorrow
they will be leaders. The youths are vivacious and eager. They are able to learn and adapt to
their surroundings. Similarly, they are eager to learn and use what they have learned in order to
attain their objectives.
Our kids have the potential to bring about social transformation and progress in society. We
cannot function as a country without its young. Furthermore, the nation requires their
cooperation in order to fulfill the goals and assist the country grow.
Similarly, we observe how any country's growth necessitates active engagement from its youth.
Youth is required regardless of the field in which we wish to advance, whether it is the technical
sector or the sports field. It is up to us to figure out how to best assist the kids in fulfilling this
duty. We must educate the young about their power and the role they can play in nation-

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