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Title: New 3r's: Unite to search for solutions to water pollution

Summary (100-200 words)

Water is an important natural resource all over the world. It is needed

for all organisms including humans, aquatic animals, and food
production to survive. The quality of water is affected by human
activities such as improper waste disposal to be the result of water
pollution caused by the tons of plastics and wastes in the ocean.
Thus, the food chain disruption happens. Water pollution is a global
issue that causes undesirable effects or damage to the environment. It
is caused by pollutants like trash, chemicals, and bacteria, which are
transferred into smaller organisms that are food for larger organisms
in the chain. In the Philippines, water pollution is one of the biggest
waste producers across the world, with Manila Bay being one of the
biggest waste producers. This causes food chain disruption, which
affects not only aquatic animals but also people who depend on their
daily food for survival. The solution proposed in this case study is to
implement strict policies and regulations on waste management and
efficient waste segregation at the source. The new version of 3Rs -
Refuse, Restore, and Respect - is crucial in this implementation,
wherein students gain knowledge of proper waste disposal
management and become accountable for their actions.

Background and Problem (200-300 words)

Nowadays, water pollution has become one of the ongoing problems

that we encounter globally. Water pollution happens when the water
is being contaminated which renders the water unfit for use in
drinking, cooking, and other exertions. For instance, pollutants like
trash, chemicals, and bacteria are the ones that make water
contaminated. It is the substances that cause undesirable effects or
damage to the environment due to these pollutants. One of the effects
of water pollution is food chain disruption wherein the pollutant is
transferred into smaller organisms that are food for the larger
organisms in the chain. Pollution disrupts the food chain through the
toxins that are produced cause by garbage and untreated domestic
and industrial sewage. Solid wastes including plastic products, food
scraps, disposable diapers, and sanitary napkins float randomly in the
water. In fact, Filipenco (2023) water pollution in the Philippines is
one of the biggest waste producers across the world, that ranges from
0.28 to 0.75 million tons of plastics. Each year the spreading of
wastes into the water in coastal locations particularly in Manila Bay.
According to DENR- Biodiversity Management Bureau, Manila Bay
serves as a dump site in Metro Manila where the trash from the
households, industries, and agriculture activities is not processed and
is unrestrained. Due to water pollution in Manila Bay, the food chain
disrupts and affects not only the aquatic animals but also the people
who live and depend on their lives in surviving their daily food.

We know that water is essential for our survival yet what we don't
know is what is being added to what we eat and this leads to food
chain disruption that also affects us humans. Contaminated water is
known for its threat to humans and marine animals. However, we
proposed to you our solution on how can we prevent and stop water
pollution. The New 3r's (Refuse, Restore, Respect) benefit us students,
the community, and future researchers rather. To students, this
proposal aims to provide basic knowledge about preventing water
pollution specifically disruption of the food chain through New 3r's.
With the help of our conducted policy which mainly consists of
Refuse, Restore, and Respect it enables students to be mindful of their
actions and be accountable for them. Students would be more aware
of the effectiveness and usefulness of the New 3r's as an eco-friendly
tool for improving proper waste disposal segregation and helping the
environment to lessen the effects of it. To the community, the
community will benefit from increased public awareness and
education campaigns on the importance of water conservation, which
could lead to long-lasting and sustainable changes in their everyday
behavior. The promotion of eco-friendly alternatives and the
implementation of the new version of 3rs will help to reduce the
negative effects of consumerism and promote sustainable practices.
And to future researchers, for them to gain some knowledge on how
can we conduct the New 3r's to prevent and stop the water pollution
specifically food chain disruption.

Proposed Solution to the Problem

For this case study, we would like to implement strict regulations and
policies on waste management, particularly on the proper disposal
and treatment of industrial and domestic sewage. There should be
proper and efficient waste segregation at the source, implementation
of recycling programs, promotion of eco-friendly alternatives, and
including our own new version of the 3Rs.
Such as: Refuse, Restore, and Respect

I.1 Refuse to purchase unnecessary single-use items and optional

practical training for durable, reusable alternatives instead. It simply
means saying “NO”. This is the major means of reducing our landfill
effect. Examples of this are saying no to what you don’t need and no
plastics in take-out, if you’ll eat at home.

I.2 Restore natural habitats and an effort to reclaim resources that

have been wasted without thought. Restoring natural habitats and
ecosystems is essential to combat the loss of biodiversity and its
accompanying negative effects on our planet's health.
I.3 Respect the people who live in it and the environment by
advocating for change and actively engaging in eco-friendly practices.
Respect for the environment and all living beings is necessary for
sustainable development and the preservation of our planet's
resources. We must take responsibility for our actions and their
impact on the environment.

The government should also increase public awareness and education

campaigns on the importance of water conservation and the negative
effects of water pollution.


Here's the guide for our proposed solution:

A.1 Conduct an evaluation of how waste management works.

A.2 Create a project implementation plan and present the importance

of the project's objective and output/impact on the community. like
explaining the new version of 3rs that we gathered for this.

A.3 Approach the Local Government and seek assistance.

A.4 Conduct monthly monitoring of the project by surveying data on

the municipality.

In conclusion, water pollution is a global issue that is made by human

activities like improper waste disposal. It has negative impacts
including food chain disruption which affects not only the aquatic
animals but also the people living nearby bodies of water who depend
on their source of food for living. Through this we implemented the
upgraded version of 3r’s which we called New 3r’s- Refuse, Restore,
and Respect. This policy may help the students, community, and
future researchers to gain info and knowledge about this study.


DENR- Biodiversity Management Bureau


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