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The problem of human living environment on earth being polluted is an urgent problem for any
countries. Because it causes the phenomena of climate change that lead to terrible natural
disasters. In Vietnam, the environmental pollution is still alarming. This is a bad phenomenon
with many harmful effects and needs to be quickly overcome.
1.Definition of Environment:
First of all, we need to understand what is the environment? Human environment is a broad
concept. It includes all the natural and artificial elements surrounding humans, affecting
people’s life, production, existence, and development of humans and all living species on earth.
The environment has two main categories:
- the natural environment
- the social environment.
The natural environment includes natural components such as topography, geology, soil,
climate, water, organisms, ... Social environment is the sum of people relationships, individuals
with the communities expressed by laws, institutions, commitments, regulations, ...
2. Reality:
The situation of environmental pollution is taking place very seriously.

 Air pollution: Factories have been emitting a huge source of carbon dioxide, acids,
greenhouse gases, car exhaust and other engines.
 Water pollution: Currently in the world, especially in Vietnam, water has been polluted,
the demand for drinking water and domestic water in many regions is seriously lacking,
the number of people using clean water is accounting for a small proportion. Water
resources: ponds, lakes, rivers, streams, oceans, underground water, rainwater, ...
 Land pollution: land is increasingly degraded by industrial waste, domestic waste,
hospital waste.
From our views, we can obviously see that environmental pollution has many harmful
effects. There are many examples of environmental pollution in recent years.

 According to estimates by hydro-meteorologists, every year in the East Sea there are
9 to 10 active storms and 3 to 4 storms that directly affect Vietnam.
 The phenomenon of desertification in the Central Coast is happening more and
more rapidly, having a great impact on the life and production of the people. The
most serious is that the Mekong Delta region of our country will be able to
submerge below sea level in the near future, a fertile delta region, the largest
granary of our country may lose. If we do not have timely measures to deal with it
from now on. And there are so many unpredictable effects that climate change has
on the people of Vietnam.
Through these examples, environmental pollution causes great harm to people:

 For human health: polluted air can kill many living organisms including humans.
Ozone pollution can cause respiratory disease, cardiovascular disease, sore throat,
chest pain, and shortness of breath. Water pollution causes approximately 14,000
deaths per day, mainly from eating and drinking with untreated dirty water.
Contaminated chemicals and heavy metals in food and drinks can cause cancer if it
cannot be treated.
 For ecosystems: Sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides can cause acid rain to lower soil
pH. Contaminated soil can become barren, unsuitable for crops. This will affect other
living organisms in the food web. Mist misting reduces the sunlight that plants
receive to perform photosynthesis. habitat and endanger local species, thereby
reducing biodiversity. CO2 generated from factories and vehicles also increases the
greenhouse effect, making the Earth hotter. Gradually, the existing ecological zones
are gradually destroyed ...
3. Causes:
There are many causes of environmental pollution. The main reason is due to people's
awareness of not obeying the laws on environmental protection.

 Deforestation of watershed forests, protective forests, and area covered has

been significantly reduced.
 Because of the immediate economic profit, companies and factories have
ignored the law on discharging into the environment, untreated industrial
wastewater, industrial waste, medical waste, and domestic waste. non-
biodegradable, ... Human awareness of environmental pollution is still very
limited ...
 The law is not really strict, not strong enough to prevent all violations of the law
on environmental protection ...
 The education of awareness of preservation and protection of the living
environment has not been given adequate attention and has not been organized
regularly. Although there are still programs on the mass media to call for
people's awareness of environmental protection, but they are too few to meet
the needs of people to learn and learn. Therefore, the level of knowledge of the
people is still low, leading to the lack of order in compliance with the rules of the
public place. Partly because the management and control of the authorities are
not strict, ineffective, ... there is no form of strict handling of violating
individuals, units, companies, or in other words. know but ignore.
4. Solutions:
Environmental pollution causes many serious harms, so measures should be taken
to prevent it. People themselves must be aware of the great harms caused by
environmental pollution.
The legal system and strict sanctions to properly punish the violating individuals and
organizations. The school coordinates with other departments to regularly remind,
propagate and check people's self-consciousness about maintaining hygiene.
There should be proper forms of reprimand for students who have a habit of
littering. Educate the community about environmental protection. In recent times,
we often hear about the "Earth Hour" movement. It is also one of the practical
activities to contribute to environmental protection.
And we need to implement these solutions synchronously, regularly to overcome
the consequences of environmental pollution, create a healthy living environment
for people.
5. Conclusion:
In short, the current environmental pollution is an issue causing serious
consequences that should be condemned and eliminated. Protect the environment
is the protection of everyone's life, so each of us needs to be conscious and
contribute to building a green - clean - beautiful environment.

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