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Curriculum vitae

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Mobile : 97453009
i!a "tatu! : #o.$% &'ran!(erable
'o )ork in a challen*in* en+iron,ent to kno)le/*e an/ throu*h continuou! en/ea+or to learn
an/ contribute to)ar/! !el( an/ or*ani0ational *oal!.
Professional Experience
Al Bader Shipping & Gen Con Co !ll 1Al 2a/er bu!ine!! *rou. en*a*e! in the "* an/
3eneral 'ra/in* 4o5 the 4o,.any ba!e/ in Ku)ait. Al 2a/er bu!ine!! *rou. ha! locate/ in Ku)ait6
Accountant " #arch $%& '($' to till date
Role! 7 Re!.on!ibility
- 8re.are all account tran!action re.ort! to 9inance Mana*er on /aily ba!i!
- 8re.are .urcha!e re*i!tere/
- 8re.aration o( recei.t an/ .ay,ent +oucher
- 4o,,unicate )ith all !* line! (or !en/in* out)ar/ !*.
- Maintainin* co,.any a!!et
- Monitore/ an/ recor/e/ co,.any e-.en!e!
- 4oor/ination o( ,onthly .ayroll (unction!
- :ritin* /aily !ale! re.ort5 re!ol+in* en;uirie! (ro, e,.loyee!
)a*ad Business Group 1<a)a/ bu!ine!! *rou. en*a*e! in the (a!hion an/ retail outlet!5 the
4o,.any ba!e/ in 2ahrain. <a)a/ bu!ine!! *rou. ha! locate/ in Ku)ait5 =nite/ Arab E,irate!5 >atar5
2ahrain5 ?,an an/ "au/i Arabia6
Accountant + )ul, '((- to #arch $.& '($'
Role! 7 Re!.on!ibility
- Re.ort the bank an/ ca!h .o!ition u./ate to hea/ o((ice on e+ery/ay
- 8re.are/ /aily con(i/ential !ale! re.ort (or .re!entation to ,ana*e,ent
- Reconcilin* ,onthly che;ue re.ort! @ !u..lier !tate,ent! an/ i!!ue o( .ay,ent!
- 4heck the !u..lier !tate,ent an/ i!!ue the che;ue
- Maintainin* analytical 8etty ca!h book
- Monitore/ an/ recor/e/ co,.any e-.en!e!
- 4oor/ination o( ,onthly .ayroll (unction!
- :ritin* /aily !ale! re.ort5 re!ol+in* en;uirie! (ro, e,.loyee!
- Reconciliation o( bank !tate,ent cre/it car/ "ale!
- 2ankin* corre!.on/ence 7 online bankin* (unction!
- 8re.aration o( 87A account! .ro+i/e/ to ?.eration Mana*er
- Bnternal au/it !tore +i!it re.ort !ub,itte/ to 9inancial Mana*er
/01 " Auditing & Consulting !11+ 2u*ait
Accountant + #a, '((3 to )une '((-
- 8re.are/ ,onthly accountin* re.ort to client 1All !ub!i/iary le/*er5 8ro(it an/ Ao!! account!5
Bnco,e an/ e-.en/iture account !tate,ent5 trail balance !heet an/ /etailin* balance !heet!6
-* u. to /ate recor/ o( all accountin* tran!action
- 9ollo) u. bill! .ayable an/ bill! recei+able!
- Re!.on!ible (or !a(e an/* (ilin* o( accountin* /ocu,ent!
- 'o a!!i!t au/itor o( the co,.any an/ o((ice a/,ini!tration5 etc..
- 8re.aration o( recei.t an/ .ay,ent +oucher
- "che/ule client a..oint,ent! an/ ,aintaine/ u.-to-/ate con(i/ential client (ile!
1e #eridien " 4O*ned and managed b, #ac Charles 40ndia5 1td5
Assistant Accountant + 6ebruar, '((7 to #arch '((3
- 8re.aration o( .ayroll (or !ta(( an/ )a*e! Re*i!ter
- 8re.are ,onthly !tate,ent o( bill! recei+able! @ .ayable!
- 9orei*n currency tran!(er an/ re.ortin* to (inancial ,ana*er
- Maintainin* in)ar/ an/ out)ar/ ,aterial an/ courier /etail!.
- 8re.are /eli+ery note5 *oo/! recei.t note an/ !tock re.ort
- Re!.on!ible (or* (ilin* o( accountin* /ocu,ent!
- 4heck all the in+oice! an/ ,ake .ay,ent (or the !u..lier
- 4ollect all ti,e !heet! (ro, all /,ent! an/ calculate the o+erti,e an/ !alary
Academic profile
#Com & #aster of Commerce
Cr. Dakir Eu!!ain 4olle*e5 Ma/urai Ka,araF =ni+er!ity5 Ma/urai.
BCS " Bachelor of Corporate Secretar, Ship
3o+t. Art! 4olle*e5 .ara,aku/i. Ma/urai Ka,araF =ni+er!ity5 Ma/urai.
Proficienc, in Computer
Accountin* 8acka*e - 'ally & G.35 8eachtree5 BC" & 9ortune
E-.erience in han/lin* 84 on 1M" :or/5 E-cel an/ ?utlook!!6
Computer 8no*ledge
2y +irtue o( e-.erience5 B .o!!e!! !oun/ kno)le/*e in co,.uter accountin* !o(t )are! an/ can )ork
con(i/entially an/ co,(ortably in a co,.uter en+iron,ent. My thir!t an/ cra+in* (or co,.uter
kno)le/*e ,ake ,e learn (a!t any co,.uter !o(t )are. 8re!ently B a, )orkin* in 8eachtree 7 'ally
accountin* !o(t )are.
Personal Profile
9ather! #a,e K.Ra,a!a,y
Cate o( 2irth $5@0H@$979
"e- Male
Marital "tatu! Marrie/
Aan*ua*e! Kno)n En*li!h5 'a,il
8a!!.ort #o E 5G$7H%7
Cate o( B!!ue $G@04@H0$3
Cate o( E-.iry $5@04@H0H3
#ationality Bn/ian
B hereby /eclare that the abo+e in(or,ation i! correct an/ co,.lete to the be!t o( ,y kno)le/*e an/
Cate: Iour! (aith(ully5
8lace: R.Karnan

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