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Course Design Guide

BSHS 301 Version 4

Course Syllabus
College of Social Sciences
BSHS 301 Version 4
Introduction to Human Services
SSylCoyrig!t " #00$% #004% #003% #00# by &niversity of '!oeni() *ll rig!ts reserved)
Course Description
+!is course is designed to give adult learners an overvie, of e(ectations for academic success in t!e
Bac!elor of Science in Human Services rogram) +!e course e(amines learning t!eory and t!e alication of
adult learning rinciles) Students ,ill gain -no,ledge of s-ills needed to do critical t!in-ing% ma-e oral
resentations% function in learning teams% conduct researc!% and ,rite academic aers) Students ,ill be
introduced to t!e &niversity .ibrary and learn !o, to access its resources successfully) *n introduction to t!e
!uman services rofession ,ill be accomlis!ed by studying roles and resonsibilities of !uman services
/aculty and students0learners ,ill be !eld resonsible for understanding and ad!ering to all olicies contained
,it!in t!e follo,ing t,o documents1
&niversity olicies1 2ou must be logged into t!e student ,ebsite to vie, t!is document)
Instructor olicies1 +!is document is osted in t!e Course Materials forum)
&niversity olicies are sub3ect to c!ange) Be sure to read t!e olicies at t!e beginning of eac! class) 'olicies
may be slig!tly different deending on t!e modality in ,!ic! you attend class) If you !ave recently c!anged
modalities% read t!e olicies governing your current class modality)
Course Materials
4artin% 4) 5) 6#0078) Introduction to human services: Through the eyes of practice settings) Boston% 4*1 *llyn
and Bacon)
*ll electronic materials are available on t!e student ,ebsite)
Course Design Guide
BSHS 301 Version 4
Week One: History, Role, and Function of Human Services
dult !earnin" Skill
#eam Skills
Written Communication Skills and Researc$ Skills
Details Due Points
Objectives 1.1 Develo an understanding of t!e nature and urose of
generalist rovider ersective)
1.2 5(lore t!e role and function of t!e !uman services ,or-er
,it!in t!e conte(t of common ractice settings)
1.3 Develo intervention s-ills utili9ed in !uman service ractice)
1.4 5(amine t!e urose and role of et!ical standards in t!e
!uman services)
1.5 5(lore t!e t!eoretical frame,or-s used in t!e !uman services
1.6 *naly9e t!e !istory and evolution of t!e !uman services
disciline rooted in feudalism and 5nglis! 'oor .a,s)
1.7 5(amine t!e role of early social ,elfare reformers and t!eir
imact on affecting c!ange in t!e ,ay t!at vulnerable
oulations are erceived and assisted)
1. Describe t!e effect of t!e Great Deression and ost:
Deression legislation and olicy c!anges on t!e !uman
services disciline)
1.! Define an adult learner;s role and resonsibility)
1.10 <evie, learning team logistics)
1.11 5(lore t!e team develoment rocess)
1.12 5(lain t!e t!eory and value of cooerative learning)
1.13 5(lore !o, team ,or- alies to t!e Human Services field)
1.14 .earn roer citation and documentation)
1.15 Demonstrate an understanding of &niversity of '!oeni( ,riting
1.16 'ractice using +!e 'ublication 4anual for t!e *merican
'syc!ological *ssociation)
1.17 Demonstrate an understanding of t!e Internet and t!e
&niversity of '!oeni( .ibrary =nline Collection)
1.1 Demonstrate an understanding of standard library researc! for
t!e Human Services field)
1.1! 5(lain t!e concet of lagiarism and !o, to avoid it)
1.20 *ly organi9ational s-ills to t!e researc! rocess)
"ea#in$s "ea# t!e >ee- =ne <ead 4e /irst)
"ea# C!) 1?3 @ 1A of Introduction to Human Services.
"ea# t!is ,ee-Bs 5lectronic <eserve <eadings)
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion) 1
"es&on# to ,ee-ly discussion Cuestions) 1
*ctivities an#
"ea# t!e follo,ing items% available at !tt100ecamus)!oeni()edu1
Course Design Guide
BSHS 301 Version 4
%re&aration D.earning +eam Handboo-E
DGuide to C!arterE
D.earning +eam C!arterE
D.earning +eam 5valuationE
+earnin$ ,ea-
Select .earning +eam members to ,or- toget!er t!roug!out t!e
Create t!e .earning +eam C!arter)
"evie/ t!e ob3ectives from >ee- =ne and discuss any additional
insig!ts and Cuestions t!at may !ave arisen)
Be$in ,or-ing on t!e 'resentation on Social and Clinical Issues in
t!e 5lderly 'oulation due in >ee- +,o)
>!at Is Human
ServicesF 'aer
0rite a A:age aer e(loring t!e nature and urose of !uman
services ractice% including t!e follo,ing1
+!e goal of !uman services
+!e !istory of !uman services
+!e nature of generalist ractice
+!eoretical frame,or-s
Common intervention strategies
5t!ical considerations
1or-at your aer consistent ,it! *'* guidelines)
Week #%o: #$e Ran"e and &ature of Services for Clients cross t$e
dult !earnin" Skills
Presentation Skills
Researc$ Skills and Written Communication Skills
Details Due Points
Objectives 2.1 5(lore t!e !istory and current ractice issues encountered by
!uman service ,or-ers in c!ild and family services)
2.2 5(lore t!e !istory and current ractice issues encountered by
!uman service ,or-ers in adolescent services)
2.3 5(lore t!e !istory and current ractice issues encountered by
!uman service ,or-ers in elderly services)
2.4 5(amine multicultural considerations related to roviding
services for c!ild% adolescent% and elderly oulations in need
from bot! !istorical and contemorary ersectives)
2.5 *naly9e and identify ersonal learning styles)
2.6 <ecogni9e t!e relations!i bet,een learning styles and
successful learning outcomes)
2.7 5(amine strategies for team resentations)
2. &se online searc! tec!niCues)
2.! 'ractice ,riting mec!anics)
Course Design Guide
BSHS 301 Version 4
"ea#in$s "ea# t!e >ee- +,o <ead 4e /irst)
"ea# C!) 4?G of Introduction to Human Services.
"ea# t!is ,ee-Bs 5lectronic <eserve <eadings)
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion) 1
"es&on# to ,ee-ly discussion Cuestions) 1
+earnin$ ,ea-
Sub-it t!e .earning +eam C!arter)
"evie/ t!e ob3ectives from >ee- +,o and discuss any additional
insig!ts and Cuestions t!at may !ave arisen)
History of 4inority
'oulations in t!e
C!ild >elfare
System 'aer
0rite a 3:age aer% in *'* format% e(loring t!e !istory of
minority oulations ,it! t!e &)S) C!ild >elfare system) Include t!e
+!e relevant !istory of t!e minority oulationsH
+!e &)S) C!ild >elfare resonseH
Contemorary efforts to intervene ,it! c!ild and family
services resecting cultural diversityH and
4et!ods of cultural cometent ractice in c!ild and family
service settings)
1or-at your aer consistent ,it! *'* guidelines)
+earnin$ ,ea-
Social and Clinical
Issues in t!e 5lderly
%re&are a 4icrosoft
resentation e(loring t!e social
and clinical issues facing t!e elderly oulation% along ,it! common
!uman service intervention strategies) /ocus on t!e DGraying of
*merica%E ageism% !ousing% retirement% grandarent arenting%
mental !ealt! issues% and common ractice settings)
Course Design Guide
BSHS 301 Version 4
Week #$ree: #$e Ran"e and &ature of Services Wit$ Common Social
Critical #$inkin"
Written Communication Skills
(nformation )tili*ation
Details Due Points
Objectives 3.1 Identify t!e common social issues encountered in t!e !uman
services disciline% including mental illness% !omelessness%
substance abuse% and violence% as ,ell as t!e interlay bet,een
3.2 5(lore t!e !istory and current ractice settings ,!ere !uman
service ,or-ers rovide services)
3.3 5(lore t!e imortance of cultural cometence and become
familiar ,it! met!ods of cultural cometent ractice)
3.4 Identify critical t!in-ing s-ills)
3.5 *ly critical t!in-ing s-ills)
3.6 'ractice ,riting mec!anics)
3.7 'ractice critical analysis of Human Services sources and
3. .earn roer citation and documentation)
"ea#in$s "ea# t!e >ee- +!ree <ead 4e /irst
"ea# C!) 7% J% 10% @ 13 of Introduction to Human Services.
"ea# t!is ,ee-Bs 5lectronic <eserve <eadings)
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion) 1
"es&on# to ,ee-ly discussion Cuestions) 1
+earnin$ ,ea-
"evie/ t!e ob3ectives from >ee- +!ree and discuss any additional
insig!ts and Cuestions t!at may !ave arisen)
'oulations 'aer
Select a vulnerable oulation% suc! as t!e c!ronically mentally ill%
t!e !omeless% or victims of violence)
0rite a A: to 7:age aer focusing on t!e !istory of t!e oulation%
t!e nature of t!e social roblems or issues e(erienced%
demogra!ics% and common clinical issues and intervention
strategies% follo,ing u ,it! a summary and discussion of future
1or-at your aer consistent ,it! *'* guidelines)
Course Design Guide
BSHS 301 Version 4
Week Four: Common Practice Settin"s
Written Communication Skills
Details Due Points
Objectives 4.1 5(amine t!e function and role of !uman service ,or-ers in
community:based agencies)
4.2 5(amine t!e function and role of !uman service ,or-ers in
medical settings and !osice% including e(loring t!e !olistic
nature of end:of:life care)
4.3 5(lore t!e function and role of !uman service ,or-ers in sc!ool
4.4 'ractice ,riting mec!anics)
"ea#in$s "ea# t!e >ee- /our <ead 4e /irst)
"ea# C!) $ @ 11?1# of Introduction to Human Services.
"ea# t!is ,ee-Bs 5lectronic <eserve <eadings)
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion) 1
"es&on# to ,ee-ly discussion Cuestions) 1
+earnin$ ,ea-
"evie/ t!e ob3ectives from >ee- /our and discuss any additional
insig!ts and Cuestions t!at may !ave arisen)
Be$in ,or-ing on t!e Global 4acro 'ractice 'resentation due in
>ee- /ive)
Human Service
*gency Visit and
%er2or- an in:erson or online visit to a medical setting% !osice% or
sc!ool ,!ere !uman services are rovided% and intervie, a !uman
service rovider about t!e nature of t!e ractice setting and
interventions rovided) Kuestions can relate to t!e target oulation%
t!e mission of t!e agency% !o, and ,!at services are rovided% t!e
most common clinical issues% and !o, services are funded)
0rite a 3: to A:age summary focusing on t!e agency visit and t!e
1or-at your aer consistent ,it! *'* guidelines)
Course Design Guide
BSHS 301 Version 4
Week Five: Macro Practice in t$e Human Services
#eam Skills
Written Communication Skills
Details Due Points
Objectives 5.1 5(lore t!e nature and urose of macro ractice intervention)
5.2 5(amine t!e role of t!e !uman service ,or-er as an advocate
for social 3ustice)
5.3 5(lore common goals effective macro ractice tec!niCues)
5.4 5(lore t!e demogra!ics of vulnerable oulations and t!e
social issues t!ey face in t!e global community)
5.5 Identify met!ods for resolving learning team obstacles and
5.6 'ractice ,riting mec!anics)
5.7 5(amine t!e benefits of eer editing)
"ea#in$s "ea# >ee- /ive <ead 4e /irst
"ea# C!) 14 of Introduction to Human Services.
"ea# t!is ,ee-Bs 5lectronic <eserve <eadings)
%artici&ation %artici&ate in class discussion) 1
"es&on# to ,ee-ly discussion Cuestions) 1
+earnin$ ,ea-
"evie/ t!e ob3ectives from >ee- /ive and discuss any additional
insig!ts and Cuestions t!at may !ave arisen)
+earnin$ ,ea-
Global 4acro
'ractice 4icrosoft


Select a social issue or vulnerable oulation affecting t!e global
community% and e(amine t!e nature of t!e oulation and social
issues confronting t!em% e(loring t!e macro ractice interventions)
+oics can include c!ild soldiers% genocide% !uman traffic-ing% c!ild
labor% or ot!er international !uman rig!ts violations) &se information
on advocacy and social 3ustice from t!e follo,ing !uman rig!ts
Human <ig!ts >atc! at ,,,)!r,)org
Lational .abor Committee at ,,,)nlcnet)org
*mnesty International at ,,,)amnesty)org
+!e &nited Lations at ,,,)un)org0rig!ts
Course Design Guide
BSHS 301 Version 4
Optional Discussion +uestions
0ee3 One 'iscussion (uestions
.ist some basic !uman needs and !o, t!ose needs are met t!roug! various grous from emloyment
to family and friends to fait! community) >!at are some of t!e reasons for ,!y some individuals are not
able to meet t!eir basic needsF
Describe t!e t!eoretical frame,or-s used in !uman services and discuss !o, t!ey are different in
nature from many syc!ological t!eories of !uman be!avior) >!at are t!e strengt!s and ,ea-nesses of t!e
ecological systems t!eory and ot!er similar t!eories used in !uman services in !eling to understand
!uman nature and be!aviorF
>!at is t!e value of understanding t!e !istory of social ,elfare rovision and t!e roots of t!e !uman
services discilineF Ho, can gaining a !istorical ersective of social ,elfare rovision !el !uman service
,or-ers meet t!e needs of t!eir clients more effectively and comassionatelyF
Discuss t!e imortance of informed consent and confidentiality in !uman services ractice)
S!are your t!oug!ts and imressions of t!e generalist s-ills and cometencies discussed in C!) 3)
>!at do you feel are your strongest s-ills% and in ,!at areas do you feel you need imrovementF
0ee3 ,/o 'iscussion (uestions
S!are your t!oug!ts on t!e evolution of t!e &)S) C!ild >elfare systemH secifically ,!at do you t!in- is
t!e most effective ,ay of dealing ,it! t!e roblem of c!ild maltreatment in foster care% -ins!i care%
institutional care% or family reservationF
>!at are t!e ros and cons of lacing c!ildren of color in !omes ,it! >!ite guardiansF Base your
discussion on your ersonal feelings as ,ell as t!e readings)
Discuss some of t!e ossible reasons for t!e dramatic increase in self:mutilation and suicidal be!avior
in t!e &)S) adolescent oulation)
'rovide some e(amles of ageism from t!e media or your o,n ersonal e(erience% and s!are some
,ays t!at t!e !uman services field can ,or- to combat t!is issue)
'rior to t!is ,ee-Bs readings% ,ere you a,are of t!e increase in elder abuseF >!at are some ,ays you
t!in- !uman service ,or-ers can most effectively resond to t!is issueF
0ee3 ,4ree 'iscussion (uestions
Comare and contrast t!e strengt!s and ,ea-nesses of using a strengt!s ersective versus a
at!ology ersective in vie,ing and treating mental illness)
Discuss t!e relations!i bet,een deinstitutionali9ation% mental illness% and !omelessness) S!are your
t!oug!ts on current !uman service intervention strategies% including visiting clients on t!e streets and
mental !ealt! courts)
Ho, do many !omeless s!elters fall s!ort in meeting t!e needs of single arents and c!ildren ,!o are
Course Design Guide
BSHS 301 Version 4
S!are your t!oug!ts about t!e moderation movement versus t!e abstinence model in substance abuse
S!are your t!oug!ts on t!e effect of locus of control in t!e domestic violence relations!i% including !o,
t!e abuser and victim of abuse attribute causality) Ho, can !uman service ,or-ers use attribution t!eory in
!eling victims ma-e effective life c!oicesF
0ee3 1our 'iscussion (uestions
Ho, !ave t!e c!anges in t!e HIV and *IDS crisis% in t!e nature and management of t!e disease and
c!anging demogra!ics% affected !uman service ,or-ers ,or-ing in medical settingsF
S!are your t!oug!ts on t!e et!ical issues often encountered in end:of:life care% including eut!anasia%
curative treatment aroac!es% and acceting deat! ,it!out letting go of !oe)
Ho, do you believe sc!ools can most effectively resond to t!e dramatic increase in teenage
Discuss t!e issue of increasing diversity in student oulations) S!are your t!oug!ts on ,ays in ,!ic!
!uman service ,or-ers in sc!ool settings can counsel and advocate for diverse students suc! as students
of color% students ,it! alternative se(ual orientations% and !omeless students)
>!at are some of t!e advantages and disadvantages of !uman services being rovided by fait!:based
agenciesF In ,!at ,ays are client needs otentially better met by fait!:based agencies% and ,!at are some
otential itfallsF
0ee3 1ive 'iscussion (uestions
>!at are some of t!e differences bet,een micro and macro !uman service ractice% ,it! regard to
goals and intervention strategiesF
>!at ma-es a oulation of eole vulnerableF S!are your t!oug!ts on +able 14)1% * C!ronology of
Human <esearc!) >!at tye of information does t!is table yield ,it! regard to t!e nature of t!e e(loitation
of vulnerable oulationsF
In ,!at ,ays can and !ave community organi9ing and develoment affected ositive c!anges in t!e
reduction of domestic violence and c!ild abuseF
Do you believe t!at &)S) consumers bear any resonsibility for t!e e(istence of s,eat s!os in ot!er
countriesF >!yF
Discuss t!e effect of globali9ation on t!e !uman services field) >!y is it imortant for !uman service
,or-ers in local ractice to be a,are of !uman rig!ts violations on an international levelF
&niversity of '!oeni(I is a registered trademar- of *ollo Grou% Inc) in t!e &nited States and0or ot!er countries)
4icrosoftI% >indo,sI% and >indo,s L+I are registered trademar-s of 4icrosoft Cororation in t!e &nited States and0or ot!er countries)
*ll ot!er comany and roduct names are trademar-s or registered trademar-s of t!eir resective comanies) &se of t!ese mar-s is not
intended to imly endorsement% sonsors!i% or affiliation)
5dited in accordance ,it! &niversity of '!oeni(I editorial standards and ractices)
Course Design Guide
BSHS 301 Version 4

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