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Dont Wait Up

Adrian McGowan
Sally McGowan
P.C Nicole Rhodri
P.C Kerry Saldana
P.C Niall Fletcher
Firei!hter" Dean #annard
Firei!hter" Gre! Sanders
Adrian McGowan and Wie Salli are in the &idst o a &a'or row a(o)t nothin!. A s&all
ar!)&ent has escalated into a )ll epic i!ht.
Adrian stor&s o)t o the lat* lea+in! (ehind a tear)l Sall)i.
P.C Nicole Rhodri is at a ca, aro)nd the corner* ha+in! a coee with collea!)e Kertry.
Adrian wal-s in.
#heir eyes &eet* and they share a &o&ent o inti&acy.
Kerry !ets )p and !est)res to Nicole to lea+e. #he &o&ent is (ro-en* Adrian wal-s on
ahead to the co)nter* Nicole lea+es the ca,.
Adrian t)rns aro)nd to loo- (ac-. Nicole has already let.
Nicole and Kerry report or d)ty at the station. Kerry (roaches the s)('ect o Adrian. Nicole
re)ses to disc)ss it.
P.C Niall Fletcher enters a&idst their con+ersation. /nor&s the& o local riots in the so)th
#ottenha& area o 0ondon. #he three !et into a s1)ad car.
Arri+e at the scene to ind a ()s on ire* a near(y ()ildin! ()rnin!.
A s&all crowd has !athered and is increasin! as &e&(ers o the p)(lic i!ht with the
actions riotin!.
Alone at ho&e Salli switches on the tele+ision* where the riots ha+e &ade the news. She
i&&ediately calls Adrian. No answer
Adrian is wal-in! aro)nd where the riots are happenin!. 3ands in poc-ets* head down* h
-eeps as close to the ()ildin!s as possi(le* and co&es )pon the ()rnin! ()s.
Firei!hter Dean is atte&ptin! to co4ordinate the ()rnin! ()s. 3e (ar-s at Adrian to !et o)t
o the way. #hen t)rns (ac- to catch a wo&an who ')&ps ro& the )pper dec- o the ()rnin!
Adrian &a-es his way (ac- ho&e to a rantic Salli* who slaps hi& hard across the ace or
scarin! her.
Nicole and Niall are (ehind a s1)ad car* as they wait or (ac- )p.
Aro)nd the& petrol (o&(s are (ein! thrown* and !lass (ottles o acid.
A lone 6a&aican wo&an is (eratin! the rioters. She !ets closer to the&* and one throws
!asoline at her. #hen sets her ali!ht. #he sit)ation spirals o)t o control.
Nicole and Niall ta-e down the rioter.
8ac- at the lat* Adrian and Salli are ar!)in!. Adrian stor&s o)t a!ain a&idst Sallis
screa&s o an!er.
A (arricade o riot police ha+e or&ed cordonin! o the rioters ro& estates and ho)ses
which s)rro)nd ()rnin! ()s.
A (ric- do)sed in petrol is thrown into shop window* and the whole place e9plodes.
#he ire (e!ins to creep towards the irst loor o the ()ildin!. #he o)ndations ha+e (een
roc-ed (y the e9plosion. #he lat (elon!s to Salli and Adrian
:&otions are ra)!ht on the riot line as Nicole and Kerrys stren!th (e!ins to wane. Niall
steps in to relie+e Nicole and Kerry.
Adrian is (ac- a&on!st the rioters* and is atte&ptin! to help an in')red shop-eeper whose
head has (een in')red (y a !lass (ottle.
Nicole headed in his direction spots hi& and starts to &a-e her way towards hi&* ()t is
distracted (y another petrol (o&( e9plodin! near her.
A group of youths steal an abandoned car, and start carousing around using
scare tacti cs against the ri oting pol ice. The poli ce are forced back by the car,
and forced to scramble out of the way of the oncomi ng car.
=n the ront line* Niall is hit on the (ac- o the head with a (ric- ro& an )n-nown
assailant* and is -noc-ed )nconscio)s.
Nicole near(y* ater seein! the attac-* sets o in p)rs)it o the assailant. Kerry stays with
Niall who is (leedin! pro)sely ro& the head wo)nd* and calls or an a&()lance.
A&()lances are i!htin! to !et to the in')red at the scene. #he a&o)nt o petrol (o&(s
ha+e increased dra&atically.
An ar&y helicopter has appeared o+erhead an adds &ore noise to the chaos.
Salli is trapped in the lat* with the la&es ro& the loor (elow risin! alar&in!ly ast
towards her.
Dean #annard is (attlin! the la&es at !ro)nd le+el and calls o)t reass)rin!ly to her.
#he ()ildin! o)ndations are roc-ed a!ain (y another e9plosion* throwin! Dean and his
&en clear ro& the ()ildin!. #he air is illed with s&o-e and a thic- o! has settled o+er the
s)rro)ndin! area.
Dean is ordered to stand down as the ()ildin! pro+es too dan!ero)s or the &en to !et into.
Dean is deter&ined to !et to Salli who is screa&in! in ear at the window on the )pper loor.
Dean screa&s at Salli to ')&p* as e+eryone (ac-s away ro& the ()ildin! as it starts to
cr)&(le and collapse.
Salli pitches o)t o the window and Dean catches her* sendin! the& (oth sprawlin! to the
!ro)nd* with the collapsin! ()ildin! shatterin! aro)nd the&. Firei!hters r)sh to resc)e the&
ro& the r)((le.
Nicole is still in p)rs)it o the assailant* and the chase ta-es her (ac- towards where Adrian
is helpin! the shop -eeper deend his store. A !ro)p o an!ry yo)ths ha+e the& s)rro)nded.
She screa&s at the& to &o+e away* the assailant shes chasin! ta-es ad+anta!e o her
&o&entary distraction and )ses it to t)rn and attac- her. She ta-es hi& down* with a st)nned
Adrian loo-in! on.
Dean and Sally are reco+erin! in an a&()lance* Sally is reetin! o+er the wherea(o)ts o
her h)s(and. Dean is atte&ptin! to co&ort her.
Niall re!ains conscio)sness in the (ac- o the a&()lance and en1)ires where Nicole is.
Kerry lea+es hi& to !o (ac- o)t to the ront line
Nicole hands o+er the assailant to a waitin! police +an* then heads (ac- towards where
Adrian is.
#he &o( s)rro)ndin! Adrian has increased in n)&(ers and are !ettin! &ore a!!ressi+e.
#he yo)th in the stolen car are still careenin! aro)nd ca)sin! &ayhe&.
Kerry atte&pts to stare down the car* which is headin! strai!ht towards the line o police*
darin! the yo)ths to r)n her o+er* at the last &in)te shes thrown o)t o the way (y Niall.
Nicole has &ana!ed to !et to Adrian* and (etween the two o the& they &ana!e to dri+e the
yo)ths (ac- away ro& the shop* and !et the in')red owner to an a&()lance.
#he two stop or a &o&ent* a&id the chaos as the !ro)p closes in* clearly tired and
o+erwhel&ed. Aro)nd the& the yo)th chaos icreases.
#he car with the yo)ths is cr)isin! aro)nd crashin! into ()ildin!* and s&ashin! across
par-ed cars on the road. #hey (e!in to head (ac- to where Adrian and Nicole are.
Seein! the& co&in! Nicole and Adrian (e!in to r)n (ac- towards where the Riot s1)ad are
in the hope o see-in! co+er. #he an!ry &o( ollow the&* still h)rlin! (ottles. :+erywhere
we can see shops (ein! looted* and windows (ein! s&ashed. 8)ildin!s are ()rnin!. 0ondon
was ()rnin!.
8ac- in the a&()lance* Sally is descri(in! what Adrian loo-s li-e to a co)ple o police
oicers* Kerry and Niall* who pro&ise to -eep an eye o)t or the&.
#hey (oth t)rn to see the onco&in! &o( r)sh at the&.
#he irei!hters and a&()lances scra&(le to !et o)t o the way.
#he riot police or& a wall protectin! the& a!ainst the onco&in! &o(.
#he two actions ace o a!ainst each other.
#he car with the yo)ths co&es speedin! aro)nd the corner.
Nicole and Adrian &a-e it (ac- to where e+eryone else is and st)&(les to a halt in ront o
the a&()lance which carries Sally and Dean. Niall and Kerry are there too.
#he onco&in! car* (rea-s thro)!h the line o riot police and sla&s into the (ac- o Adrian*
who &ana!es to p)sh Nicole o)t o way.
Adrian is thrown in ront o the car* and s&ashes onto the windscreen* the car careens o
and s&ashes into an e&pty a&()lance on the side.
Silence alls as the &o( is st)nned into shoc- and e+eryone stares at the car which is now
s&o-in! ro& the i&pact.
Adrian is p)lled ro& the ront o the car wrec-. 8arely (reathin! and (arely conscio)s.
As he is laid o)t on the loor* a so((in! Nicole is at his side.
3e wea-ly lits his head as a i!)re in the a&()lance to the side catches his eye.
/ts Sally starin! at hi& in shoc-
Niall is starin! at Nicole in resi!nation* while Kerry has no words.

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