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The Use of Aqueous Alkaline Hydrolysis to Reveal the Fine

Structure of Poly (ethylene Terephthalate) Fibers


Division of Textiles and Clothing, University of California, Davis, Davis, California 9561 6


The fine structure and physical properties of bright and semidull poly( ethylene tere-
phthalate) ( P E T ) fibers were investigated as successive layers of the polymer were removed
by hydrolysis using aqueous solutions of sodium hydroxide up to weight losses of 90 and
68%, respectively. For both types large changes in molecular weight distribution did not
occur, although as weight loss increased, the density of the remaining fiber increased.
Alterations in fine structure with weight loss were also observed by thermal analysis. Greater
strength loss with decreasing weight occurred for the semidull fiber than for the bright
sample. Larger pits formed on the surface of the hydrolyzed semidull fibers than on the
surface of the bright products. This observation is attributed to the titanium oxide present
in the semidull fibers. It was also noted that as the density of the bright P E T samples was
increased by heatsetting, the rate of hydrolysis decreased.

INTRODUCTION objective was to determine if aqueous alkaline hy-

drolysis could be used to evaluate whether any dif-
Recently, we published a critical review of research ferences occurred in the properties of the PET fiber
on the reaction between poly (ethylene terephthal- as successive layers were removed. To this end,
ate) ( P E T ) fibers and bases.'" From the evidence bright and semidull PET samples were obtained and
presented in that article it can be concluded that the physical properties of nonhydrolyzed, or control,
aqueous sodium hydroxide reacts in a topochemical and hydrolyzed samples were characterized.
manner with PET. Thus, as the reaction proceeds,
surface layers are successively removed by hydro-
lysis. In contrast, low molecular weight amines will EXPERIMENTAL
react in a permeant manner with P E T fibers and
thus degradation will take place throughout the Materials
sample. Aminolysis has been used as a technique for
studying fiber la and film lb structure by selective The starting materials were heatset delustered ( ap-
etching. However, aminolysis destroys the integrity proximately 0.2%TiOzby weight) Dacron PET type
of the fiber. The question then is whether some as- 56T fabric (obtained from Test Fabrics, Inc., Mid-
pects of fiber structure could be better studied by dlesex, N J ) made of multifilament yarns and an ex-
hydrolysis with aqueous alkali metal hydroxides. perimental bright (0% TiOz) PET multifilament
Thus, the objective of this work was to further yarn supplied by Du Pont de Nemours Co., Inc. All
characterize alkali-hydrolyzed PET. An additional chemicals used were reagent grade.

* Current address: Union Carbide Corporation, Technical Methods of Treatment

Center Research and Development, P.O. Box 8361, S. Charleston,
W V 25301. Alkaline Hydrolysis
To whom correspondence should be addressed.
*Current address: Clorox Technical Center, Pleasanton, CA Semidull samples were treated in 2.8M NaOH, 1%
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 42, 2149-2162 (1991)
cetyltrimethylammonium bromide ( CTAB) (w/w )
0 1991 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. CCC 0021-8995/91/082149-14$04.00 solution at 60°C (k0.l"C) by a procedure described

elsewhere.* Bright yarns were treated in 2.5M the standard manner.3 The bright multifilament
NaOH, 0.1% CTAB solution in sealed jars at 21°C yarns did not maintain their yarn integrity after hy-
(+2"C) with mild mechanical agitation. All samples drolysis; therefore, their tex was calculated using
were treated in a 2.5 ratio of weight/volume ( g / L ) . the weight loss of the treated yarns and the tex value
In both cases, CTAB was added to accelerate the of the control yarn. Fiber tex was obtained by di-
hydrolysis. Pretesting had determined that CTAB viding the yarn value by the number of fibers in the
had no effect on the characterized physical prop- starting yarn.
erties of the P E T products.
To terminate the hydrolysis, samples were rinsed Fiber Radius
in deionized water to remove excess NaOH and neu-
tralized for 2 min in 0.1% HCI. The specimens were Fiber radius was determined by measuring the di-
then washed in deionized water until the rinse water ameter of fibers mounted in glycerol on microscope
was neutral to litmus paper. The products were slides using a Cambridge Quantimet 900 image an-
blotted and spread on filter paper and allowed to air alyzer. The value for a sample was calculated by
dry to constant weight in a constant temperature taking 39 measurements on each of 25 fibers.
and humidity (CTH) room at 21°C and 65% relative
humidity. For each series of samples prepared, a Gel Permeation Chromatography (GPC)
semidull control was treated for 2 h and a bright Molecular weight distributions were determined us-
control was treated for 72 h in the exact manner as ing a Perkin-Elmer ( P E ) liquid chromatography
the hydrolyzed specimens using solutions without
Series 10 unit fitted with two Water's Ultrastyragel
sodium hydroxide.
GPC columns (sizes 1000 and 50 nm) and 70/30
dichloromethane / hexafluoroisopropanol as the sol-
Heatsetting Bright Yarns
vent and mobile phase4 using a UV detector at 254
For each of the heatsetting temperatures (125, 150, nm. Data were collected and analyzed with the aid
175, and 197OC),four replicate hanks were prepared. of P E CHROM2 software.
Approximately 0.5 g samples were prepared by The system was calibrated using a plot of log (M w )
wrapping the yarn onto a metal rectangular speci- versus retention time fitted by third-order polyno-
men holder under 0.8 g tension. The yarn ends were mial regression using four P E T fractions of varying
tied off and the specimen holder, containing all four intrinsic viscosity, prepared from broad polymer us-
samples, was placed in a horizontal position in a ing preparative GPC, and the PET cyclic trimer.5
preheated oven. After 30 min, the samples were re- The calibration curve was checked with a broad PET
moved from the oven and allowed to cool for 24 h standard. The differential molecular weight distri-
before the products were removed from the device. bution curves were determined6 using the digitized
The areas where the yarns had been in contact with heights up to but not including the trimer peak. The
the metal holder were marked to ensure they were validity of trimer exclusion was ~ e r i f i e d .Chro-
not used for any physical testing. matograms were determined in at least duplicate.

Characterization of Products
Determinations were made with a density gradient
Weight Loss column prepared with mixed xylenes and perchlo-
The weight loss of the semidull samples was deter- roethylene and maintained at a temperature of 21OC
mined from the difference in tex (i.e., weight in g of (k2"C). Results are the average of at least four rep-
1000 m of filament) of warp yarn which had been licates.
unravelled from the control and hydrolyzed fabric
samples and then conditioned in the CTH room. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA)
The weight loss for the bright samples was deter-
Duplicate measurements were made with a Mettler
mined by weighing the conditioned specimens before
TA 2000M thermal analysis system in a nitrogen
and after hydrolysis.
atmosphere at a heating rate of 5"C/min using ap-
proximately 4.5 mg samples. Temperatures were
read directly from the DTA scans and heats of fusion
Tex was measured for the control and hydrolyzed were obtained from the area of the melting endo-
semidull warp yarns and the control bright yarn in therm.7

Table I Physical Characteristics of Bright and Semidull PET Fibers

Hydrolysis Weight Loss Filament Radius Bulk Density Radial Density

Time (h) Decitex (wd" (g/cm3) (g/cm3)'
Semidull Fibers
Control 0.0 5.1 11.1 (.2) 1.389 1.387

0.5 3.5 5.0 10.7 (.1) 1.389
1.o 13.7 4.4 10.3 (.O) 1.390
2.0 28.5 3.7 9.4 (.O) 1.390
3.0 39.0 3.1 8.9 (.1) 1.390
4.0 48.8 2.6 8.1 (.1) 1.391 1.391
6.8 (.O)
6.5 (.1)
Bright Fibers
Control 0.0 3.3 9.1 (.1) 1.370 1.367
8.8 (.1)
8.7 (.1)
8.2 (.1)
7.0 (.1)
4.9 (.1)
2.9 (.1)

a Standard error in parentheses.

Calculated from eq. (1).

Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) tivity of the bright sample is attributed mainly t o
such factors as the following: First, it had greater
Scanning electron micrographs were obtained in the
surface area per unit weight; about 20% more than
manner described previously.'
the semidull sample. Second, the density of the
bright samples was lower (Table I ) . Third, there
Fiber Tensile Properties
would have been increased access of the reagent t o
Measurements were made on a table model Instron the filament surfaces in the loose bright yarns than
universal testing machine with a 2.54 cm gauge to those in the semidull fabric. As will be discussed
length a t 2 cm/min constant rate of elongation a t later, when the density of the bright yarn was in-
65% relative humidity and 21°C. Results are a n av- creased by heatsetting, its reactivity t o hydrolysis
erage of 25 tests.
100 r


Weight Loss
Both the semidull samples and the bright samples
follow the established linear relationship for weight
loss vs. treatment time for aqueous alkaline hydro-
lysis of PET (Table I ) with correlation coefficients
of 0.995 and 0.994 for the two plots (Fig. 1) , re-
spectively.' T h e semidull PET was treated at 60"C, Y L
whereas the bright PET was treated a t only 21"C, 70
since it hydrolyzed rapidly a t 60°C (during pretest-
ing, hydrolysis a t 60°C destroyed the structure of Figure 1 Weight loss vs. treatment time for bright and
the bright filaments before 6 h ) . T h e greater reac- semidull samples: ( X ) semidull; (0)

Table I1 Density and Weight Loss of Bright of 0.995 and 0.997 for both semidull and bright fibers,
Yarns Heatset at Constant Length at Different respectively (Fig. 2 ) . If this linear relationship is
Temperatures and Then Hydrolyzed extrapolated to zero radius, it would take 14 h a t
60°C to fully hydrolyze the semidull and 105 h at
Heatset Weight 21°C to hydrolyze the bright samples.
Hydrolysis Temperature Loss Density
The predictability of fiber radius up to a weight
Time (h)
("0 (%I (g/cm3)
loss of 68 and 91% is remarkable (Table 111).Based
0 - 0.0 1.370 on the solid cylindrical model, as hydrolysis pro-
0 125 0.0 1.374 gresses, surface area per unit weight increases. Yet,
0 150 0.0 1.379 with increasing hydrolysis, the absolute weight of
0 175 0.0 1.386 the specimen is lessening; therefore, the absolute
0 197 0.0 1.388 surface area available during the experiment is really
72 - 79.5 1.376 decreasing. In fact, however, due to pitting taking
72 125 61.6 1.377 place as hydrolysis occurs, the true surface area
72 150 45.8 1.381 will be greater than the geometric surface area." It
72 175 36.2 1.388 appears that the weight loss that occurs is being
72 197 20.8 1.389
counterbalanced by the increase in surface area of
96 125 68.3 1.376
96 150 50.2 1.380
the sample. Fiber pitting is discussed in a later sec-
96 175 40.6 1.388 tion of this paper.
96 197 32.3 1.389 A small increase in sample density occurred on
heatsetting (Table I1 ) , indicating an increase in

decreased markedly (Table 11). It is stressed that

the heatset bright samples were also hydrolyzed at 12 I
21OC so that their reactivity can be compared to A
that of the nonheatset sample.
Equations have been derived relating the initial
radius of cylindrical fibers and the square root of
the percent residual weight of the sample at any
given time utilizing the aqueous hydrolysis rate con-
stant." However, since the rate constant for hydro-
lysis is dependent on a variety of factors, including \
temperature, solution molarity, and starting sample , \
physical characteristics, la the rate constant must be I 1

4 8 12
determined for each set of conditions. TIME ( h o u r 1
A relationship can also be derived for cylindrical
fibers to predict final radius based on only initial
radius and percentage weight loss. If it is assumed
that length and density remain constant, the equa- 10, I
tion for final radius of a cylindrical fiber at any
weight loss is
r f = [ r ; ( l - FWL)]o.5 (1) -a

where r f is the final radius and ri is the initial radius 0

and FWL is the fractional weight loss. a
As seen in Table 111,the measured and calculated
values of radii for both semidull and bright fibers L '. 1
using eq. ( 1 ) are very close. The fact that the fibers
retain their cross-sectional geometry with weight 0; ' ib ' o; ' 3b 4b
' ' o; ' $0 ' 7b ' 80 ' sfo :'; 1
TIME (hour)
loss has been used as empirical evidence pointing to
the surface characteristic of this r e a c t i ~ n . ~ ~ ' ~ Figure 2 Predictions of radius using weight loss vs. time
Linear regression of a plot of measured radius and measured radius vs. time. ( A ) semidull: ( X ) measured;
versus time yields lines with correlation coefficients ( + ) calculated. ( B ) Bright: ( 0 )measured; ( * ) calculated.

Table I11 Radius Predictions for Hydrolyzed PET Fibers

Predicted Radius from

Hydrolysis WL" Measured Radius Calculated Radiusb Measured Radius vs. Time"
Time (h) (%) (elm) (rm) (ccm)

0.0 0.0 11.1 11.1
0.5 3.5 10.7 10.9 10.7
1.0 13.7 10.3 10.3 10.3
2.0 28.5 9.4 9.4 9.5
3.0 39.0 8.9 8.7 8.7
4.0 48.8 8.1 7.9 7.9
5.0 61.5 6.8 6.9 7.2
6.0 68.3 6.5 6.2 6.4
7.0 - - 5.6
8.0 4.8
8.2 4.6
8.4 4.5
10.0 3.2
11.0 2.4
12.0 1.6
13.0 0.8
14.0 0.0

0.0 0.0 9.1 9.0
2.0 3.1 8.8 8.9 8.9
4.0 5.6 8.7 8.8 8.9
8.8 16.7 8.2 8.3 8.3
22.2 40.5 7.0 7.0 7.1
50.0 69.1 5.0 5.0 4.7
69.1 90.9 2.9 2.7 3.1
72.5 2.8
73.1 2.7
80.0 2.1
90.0 1.3
100.0 0.4
104.7 0.0

a Weight loss.
From eq. (1).
' Radius = 11.1 - 0.789t, r = 0.995 for semidull; radius = 9.02 - 0.086t, r = 0.998 for bright.

crystallinity. The samples had been heatset in con- of bright yarns was increased by heatsetting, the
stant length positions to prevent shrinkage so that rate of weight loss decreased (Table 11). Because
the diameters of the fibers would be similar and a the density of a semicrystalline material consists of
relative comparison of the hydrolysis rates could be a summation of the density of the crystallite units
made. In fact, the diameters of the starting fiber (of various sizes and degrees of perfection) and the
(9.1 pm) and the heatset fibers (8.6, 8.9, 8.8, and lesser ordered regions, it appears that the rate of
8.8 pm for the 125,150,175, and 197°C heatset tem- hydrolysis is affected by any changes of molecular
peratures, respectively) were not markedly different. order and of the molecular forces between PET
Since alkaline hydrolysis appears to take place a t chains at the reaction interface. It is suggested that
fiber surfaces, it may be thought that fine structure preferential penetration and reaction occurs in non-
would not influence the rate a t which hydrolysis oc- ordered regions present a t the surface of the fila-
curs. However, it was observed that, as the density ments and that a decrease occurs in the amount of

10 I


2 4 5 6

Log MI
0 control + 68.32 Weight Loss

Figure 3 Differential molecular weight distributions for nonhydrolyzed semidull polyester

and its counterpart after 68.3% weight loss.

wetting or swelling a t the solid-solution interface weights l 2 have been determined for caustic hydro-
a s interchain cohesiveness is increased by heatset- lyzed PET. However, the complete molecular weight
ting. distributions of hydrolyzed fibers gives a superior
representation of any fine changes in the molecular
weight of the polymer. The differential molecular
Molecular Weight Distributions
weight distribution (DMWD) of the nonhydrolyzed
T h e viscosity average molecular weights, ",13 intrin- semidull PET (Fig. 3 ) was typical of distributions
sic v i s c o ~ i t i e s , ~and
'~ average molecular obtained by others for a commercial PET of this

10 I

2 3 4 5 6

Log Mi
0 control 0 90.9% weight loss

Figure 4 Differential molecular weight distributions for nonhydrolyzed bright polyester

and its counterpart after 90.9%weight loss.

t the nonheatset bright sample of 90.9% weight loss,

there was a small increase in the lower molecular
weight components (Fig. 4 ) , although no change in
the peak average molecular weight was observed.
Most researchers have found no evidence of large
molecular weight changes with alkaline hydrolysis,
although one worker has reported a substantial in-
crease in end groups16 with hydrolysis of PET to
weight losses of only 8%. If there had been a large
increase in number average molecular weight, then
a marked shift in the DMWD would have been ob-
served; much larger than the small shoulder actually
seen on the 90.9% weight loss sample. The change
in DMWD by 90.9% weight loss may be due to de-
posit of hydrolyzed products at the fiber surface,
which would become apparent in the DMWD when
the polymer molecules at the surface become a large
enough portion of the bulk to be significant.
Generally, it can be concluded from this data that
240 250 260 270 there are no major changes in the DMWD as the
Figure 5 Melting endotherms of bright polyester: ( 1)
starting; ( 2 ) heatset at 15OoC; ( 3 ) heatset at 197°C.

t y ~ e . ~Only
. ' ~ small changes in the DMWD were ob-
served after hydrolysis. For example, the DMWD
of the semidull sample which had suffered 68.3%
weight loss was identical to its control. Also, there
was no change in the DMWD for the 197°C heatset
bright sample of 20.8% weight loss. However, for

Table IV Enthalpy (AH,) and Temperatures of W

Shoulder (Tml)and Zenith (Tmz)
of the Melting
Endotherm of PET Samples t

LOSS Tml Tmz AH,
: 1
Treatment (%) ("C) ("C) (kJ/kg) D

Semidull Fibers rn
None 261.6 49.9 0
HDZ" 261.6 52.5

Bright Fibers
None 257.2 50.5
HDZ" 40.5 - 267.3 50.6
HDZ 69.1 - 257.1 51.5 07-42

Heatset 150°C - 251 259.1 51.4 'C

Heatset and HDZ 45.8 - 257.2 49.6
Heatset 197°C - 251 258.6 50.1 Figure 6 Melting endotherms of bright samples before
Heatset and HDZ 20.8 251 257.4 50.5 and after various treatments. A ( 1) Heatset 150°C control;
( 2 ) after 45.8% weight loss. B: ( 1 ) Heatset 197°C control;
a HDZ = hydrolyzed with aqueous NaOH. ( 2 ) after 20.8% weight loss.

m where p t is the density of the starting sample. Equa-
0 2 tion ( 3 ) can be transformed by expressing the total
volume in terms of the volume fractions of the re-
moved layer (8, ) and the remaining core (8,) :

0 where 1 is the fiber length and

where p1 and p c are the densities of the removed

layer and remaining core, respectively, or,

V Densities of radial layers as the hydrolysis progresses

are calculated (Table I ) using eq. ( 7 ) at levels of
l t l t l * ~ ~ l significant density changes in each sample.
240 250 260 270 280
It will be observed from the calculated radial den-
'C sities that the outer portions of the fibers are sig-
Figure 7 Melting endotherms for semidull samples: (1) nificantly less dense than the core. It appears,
control; ( 2 ) after 68.3%weight loss. therefore, that the semicrystalline structure of the
fibers is not a homogeneous arrangement. This does
center of the fibers is approached and thus the bright not seem implausible; such factors as the differential
and semidull fibers are homogeneous with respect shear force on the polymer molecules flowing
to this property. through a spinneret, the drawing process, and a heat
differential during cooling due to the heat capacity
of the substance could all influence the differences
Density in molecular arrangement depending on location in
For all samples, the density of the hydrolyzed fibers the fiber structure.
increased with increasing time of hydrolysis (Tables
I and 11). In the case of the semidull samples, the Thermal Properties
increase is considered significant only in the context
of the changes observed in the density of the bright Comparison of the melting endotherms of the bright
and heatset bright samples. control and heatset samples (Fig. 5 ) illustrates the
An equation can be derived for the density of suc- changes in the crystalline fine structure of this
cessive layers in the PET fibers by considering mass, product as heatset temperature increases. The sam-
volume, and density as additive functions and as- ple heatset at 150°C developed a shoulder on the
suming that fiber length does not change during hy- low temperature side of the peak and the tempera-
drolysis. Then ture of the zenith of the melting region was distinctly
higher (Table I V ) . The sample treated at 197°C
m, = ml + m, (2) resembled the 150°C sample, but the shoulder ap-
peared more defined and the temperature of the
where m,, ml , and m, are the masses of the starting zenith was slightly lower.
product, the removed layer, and the remaining core, A double peak melting endotherm for PET fibers
respectively. Dividing eq. ( 2 ) by the volume of the has been reported17 and the regions in the double
starting product ( u,), we obtain peak PET endotherm have been defined as types I

Figure 8 Scanning electron micrographs of control and heatset bright fibers: ( A ) control;
( B ) heatset at 197OC.

Figure 9 Scanning electron micrographs of hydrolyzed bright fibers, 79.5% weight loss.

and 11. Type I, or stable fraction, melts a t a lower Scanning Electron Microscopy
temperature than type 11, or less stable fraction,
which undergoes reorganization during the DTA The starting bright fibers [Fig. 8 ( a ) ] were relatively
run. Thus, the constant length heatsetting of the smooth and cylindrical. On heatsetting a t 150°C and
bright PET sample may have induced some sepa- 197"C, they exhibited surface oligomer deposits
ration into these two crystallite types, where type I characteristic of migration to the surface during
is seen as a shoulder on the endotherm (Table IV) . constant-length heatsetting [Fig. 8 ( b ) ] .la After hy-
When the bright samples were hydrolyzed to 40.5 drolysis, both the starting and heatset bright fibers
and 69.1% weight loss, the endotherms and the heats formed small circular-shaped pits on their surfaces.
of fusion were essentially the same (Table IV) . With T h e pits increased in size somewhat as high weight
150°C heatsetting, [Fig. 6 ( a ) 3 the low temperature losses were achieved. This phenomenon is illustrated
shoulder disappeared with a 45.8% weight loss ob- in Figure 9 for a sample which had suffered extensive
tained by hydrolysis and the zenith of the melting weight loss. No signs of oligomers remained on the
region shifted t o a lower temperature. The sample surfaces of heatset bright fibers after hydrolysis. In
heatset a t 197°C had no change in the heat of fusion contrast, when titanium dioxide ( TiOz)was present
by 20.8% weight loss [Fig. 6 ( b )] but had a sharp- in the fiber matrix, a s hydrolysis progressed deep
ening of the endotherm along with a decrease in the cavities formed which ran parallel to the fiber axis
melting point. These phenomena may indicate that [Fig. 10 ( a ) and 10 ( b ) ] . Particles were observed to
the lower melting crystallites are located in the ex- be dispersed fairly uniformly on the fiber surface
terior portion of the bright fibers with the higher and, in some cases, in the pits themselves. It has
melting species present in the inner regions. been shown l9 that in PET fibers that the areas where
T h e peak melting temperature of the control and high concentrations of Ti02 are found are void-con-
hydrolyzed semidull fibers (Fig. 7 ) , which was heat- taining areas. When PET fibers were strongly etched
set commercially, were similar. However, the melting in a glow discharge with argon, the TiOz particles
endotherm appeared to become sharper and the en- were observed to stand out from voids which were
thalpy became larger on hydrolysis. elliptical in shape and ran parallel to the fiber axis.lg

Figure 10 Scanning electron micrographs of control and hydrolyzed semidull fibers: ( A )

control; ( B ) 68.3% weight loss.

Table V Changes in Tensile Properties of Fibers on Hydrolysis

Weight Loss Ultimate' Stress Breaking" Strain Initial" Modulus

(W) (kJ/kg) (%) (kJ/kg)

0.0 410 (5) 34.7 (1.1) 2820 (76)
3.5 384 (3) 30.0 (0.6) 2690 (59)
13.7 383 (6) 28.3 (1.2) 3140 (133)
28.5 360 (5) 24.0 (0.9) 3100 (80)
39.0 345 (6) 22.3 (0.8) 2890 (93)
48.8 332 (8) 20.1 (0.9) 3310 (74)
61.5 281 (4) 17.8 (0.6) 3200 (90)
68.3 237 (8) 11.0 (0.5) 3310 (60)

0.0 374 (8) 42.6 (1.6) 4010 (111)
3.1 356 (9) 39.1 (1.7) 4770 (108)
5.6 355 (5) 34.2 (1.1) 4890 (88)
16.7 357 (5) 35.5 (1.2) 5170 (122)
40.5 333 (6) 36.8 (0.7) 4150 (117)
69.1 283 (10) 20.1 (1.4) 4600 (160)
79.5 232 (10) 12.0 (0.9) 5860 (413)
90.9 203 (20) 8.7 (0.8) 3550 (241)

a Standard error in parentheses.

Solbrig and Obendorf 2o suggested that the large located can be considered defects in terms of being
cavities, due to alkaline hydrolysis are amorphous either less ordered (amorphous) or void regions,
regions, and reported that TiOzparticles were found then the pits which are formed and appear to enlarge
in the vicinity of the severely pitted regions. as hydrolysis progresses can be interpreted as evi-
If the areas in the fibers where T i 0 2appear to be dence of structural imperfections. The fact that

1.2 i
a: .4 t

0.01 " " " " " " " " " '
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 00 90 1 '0

Figure 11 Relative ultimate stress versus weight loss ( % ) for bright and semidull hy-
drolyzed fibers: ( X ) semidull; (0)

roughening and circular-shaped pits were observed Because the molecular weight distributions were
on all of the hydrolyzed bright fiber products could essentially unaffected by hydrolysis, the morpho-
be indicative of the presence of inorganic impurities logical variations caused by the surface roughness
in these samples. and pits may be considered the primary cause of
failure in the fibers by introducing weak points or
Tensile Properties defects at which rupture is initiated. This is es-
pecially apparent by the initial drop in relative stress
A loss in ultimate stress occurred for both the semi-
for both samples with the onset of surface irregu-
dull and the bright fibers as weight loss increased
larities and pits. Using SEM, we observed pit for-
(Table V and Fig. 1 1 ) . The range of weight loss
mation beginning in the bright fiber hydrolyzed to
characteristic for commercial hydrolyses is usually
only 3.1% weight loss. The weight loss region where
not greater than 30%.laIn earlier studies a straight
specific stress remains roughly constant reflects no
line with a slope close to zero has been drawn
further change in failure mechanism. The final
through the origin for the plot of tenacity versus
marked decrease in stress at higher weight losses
weight loss or a slope close to 1 for strength versus
illustrates the increasing influence of the surface
weight loss at these lower weight 1 0 s s e s . However,
morphology as the cross-sectional area of the fiber
it is now apparent that a small loss in specific stress
is reduced.
does occur initially before specific stress becomes
approximately constant with increasing weight loss. By plotting ultimate stress versus strain for the
hydrolyzed fibers (Fig. 12 ) it will be observed that
Finally at weight losses of higher than about 30%
the changes in the hydrolyzed fibers’ breaking stress
the rate of decrease of specific stress with increasing
and strain lie close to the specific stress/strain curve
weight loss accelerates.
of the control PET. Thus no major changes in fiber
m r I
structure have occurred. It will be noted also that
the initial moduli of the fiber did not vary markedly
A with increasing weight loss (cf. Table V ) .

tn 300
=; 200

u The evidence presented in this paper is consistent

with the hypothesis that aqueous sodium hydroxide
reacts topochemically with PET. It appears that
b oo
i 10 20 30 40
aqueous alkaline hydrolysis can be successfully used
STRAIN (%I to investigate differences in the structure of PET
fibers since the reaction removes PET from the fiber
periphery without degrading the residue.
\ 400

ffl 300
ffl 1. ( a ) S. H. Zeronian and M. J. Collins, Text. Prog.,
U 2 0 ( 2 ) , l ( l 9 8 9 ) . ( b ) W. P. Baker, J . Appl. Polym.
=; 200
Sci., 5 7 , 9 9 3 (1962).
2. M. S. Ellison, L. D. Fisher, K. W. Alger, and S. H.
. . Zeronian, J. Appl. Polym. Sci., 2 7 , 247 (1982).
3. ASTM D1059-72, Annual Book of ASTM Standards,
%E oo 10 20 30 40 1 Part 24, Textile Materials, American Society of Testing
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