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Name of the staff: Padmapriya.J, Bharathi.V Class : VI SEM/ ECE
Sub Name: Measuremets ad Istrumetatio. Sub Code : EC!"#$
1. Write the t! "!#$iti!#% t! &e %'ti%(ie$ t! )'*e '# '" &ri$+e &','#"e.
-M'./ 01123N!4/0115 ECE6.
The galvanometer current is zero
%E/ &'
%E/ &'
0. H! "'# ti)e '#$ (re78e#". %t'#$'r$% t! &e $i%%e)i#'te$9
-M'./ 0115 ECE6
+ime ad fre,ue-y -a be dissemiated .ia radio or tele.isio trasmissio.
It is also dissemiated by lo/ fre,ue-y a.i0atio system -alled 12'2N3C.
:. C!);'re 'ttr'"ti!# '#$ re;8,%i!# t.;e i#%tr8)e#t%. -M'./ 0115 ECE6
Attr'"ti!# T.;e I#%tr8)e#t<
+he -oil is flat ad has arro/ slot li4e opei0. +he mo.i0 iro is
a flat dis- or a se-tor, e--etri-ally mouted. 5he the -urret flo/s throu0h the -oil, the
ma0eti- field is produ-ed ad a mo.i0 iro from a /ea4er field to the stro0er
field iside it, or i other /ords the mo.i0 iro is attra-ted i.
Re;8,%i!# T.;e<
+here are t/o .aes iside the -oil, oe fi6ed ad the other +hese are similarly ma0eti7ed /he the -urret flo/s throu0h the -oilad
there is a for-e of repulsio bet/ee the t/o .aes resulti0 i mo.emet of the mo.i0
2. Wh't i% the #ee$ (!r )e'%8re)e#t9-M'. 011=-R116
Measuremet eables a perso to determie the .alue of a u4o/ ,uatity ad is
maily eeded for determii0 the .alue or ma0itude of a ,uatity or .ariable.
>. A# e?;eri)e#t ;er(!r)e$ !#"e +'4e ' re'$i#+ th't %h!e$ ' $e4i'ti!# !( 11@. I( it i%
re;e'te$ 5> ti)e%A h't i% the ,i*e,. $e4i'ti!#9-M'./ 0115 6
8e.iatio is $9:
9.$ de.iatio so after ;# times its $9: usi0 <%&d


5. Di((ere#ti'te Ber! $ri(t '#$ %;'# $ri(t. -M'./ 0115 ECE6
>ero drift is the de.iatio of the output from its 7ero .alue, /he the .ariable to be
measured is -ostat.
Spa drift or sesiti.ity drift is the -ha0e i the idi-atio alo0 the up/ard
=. Pre"i%i!# i% ' #e"e%%'r. &8t #!t ' %8((i"ie#t "!#$iti!# (!r '""8r'".. Tr8e !r
F',%e-C8%ti(. .!8r '#%er. -N!4/ 0115 ECE6
+rue, Pre-isio is a e-essary but ot a suffi-iet -oditio for a--ura-y. Be-ause
?--ura-y refers to the de0ree of -loseess or -oformity to the true .alue of the ,uatity
uder measuremet. Pre-isio refers to the de0ree of a0reemet /ithi a 0roup of
measuremets or istrumets.
D. Write the #ee$ (!r "',i&r'ti!#9 -M'. 011=-R116
Calibratio is eeded for fidi0 the errors ad a--ura-y of istrumets.
E. De(i#e %t'#$'r$%. C,'%%i(. the).-N!4 011=AN!4 106
? stadard of measuremet is a physi-al represetatio of uit of measuremet. ? uit
is reali7ed by refere-e to a arbitrary material stadard or a atural pheomeo i-ludi0
physi-al ad atomi- -ostats.
i) Iteratioal stadards
ii) Primary stadards
iii) Se-odary stadards
i.) 5or4i0 stadards
11. Bri#+ !8t the $i((ere#"e &etee# )!4i#+ "!i, '#$ )!4i#+ ir!# i#%tr8)e#t%.-N!4 011=6
Mo.i0 iro istrumets are 0eerally used for measuri0 ?C .olta0e ad -urrets
Mo.i0 -oil istrumets are used for measuri0 8C ,uatities.
11. De(i#e %t'ti" err!r '#$ h! 're the. ",'%%i(ie$.-M'. 011D6
Systemati- errors -a also be sub di.ided ito stati- or dyami- errors. Stati- errors are
-aused by limitatios of the measuri0 de.i-e or the physi-al la/s 0o.eri0 its
beha.iour.+he stati- error is itrodu-ed i a mi-rometer /he e6-essi.e pressure is
applied i tor,ui0 the shaft.
10. Wh't i% the $i((ere#"e &etee# '#',!+ '#$ $i+it', i#%tr8)e#t%.-M'. 011D6
+he ma@or differe-es bet/ee aalo0 ad di0ital istrumets are aalo0 istrumets are
those /hi-h are based o some me-hai-al istrumets li4e 0ears et- ad di0ital
istrumets are those based o ICs et-. Aor e0. ?alo0 0et iput ad sho/ output
me-hai-ally ad di0ital istrumets sho/s di0ital output
1:. Wh't i% )e'%8re)e#t '#$ h! i% it ",'%%i(ie$9-M'. 011E6
Measuremet is essetially the a-t or the result of a ,uatitati.e -ompariso bet/ee a 0i.e
,uatity ad ,uatity of the same 4id -hose as a stadard or a uit.
12. Di%ti#+8i%h &etee# '"ti4e '#$ ;'%%i4e tr'#%$8"er%. -M'. 011E6
?-ti.e trasdu-ers are those /hi-h re,uire ele-tri- -urret &a sour-e of eer0y) for /or4i0,
/hile passi.e trasdu-ers are those /hi-h does ot eed a e6teral sour-e. Passi.e
trasdu-ers dire-tly produ-e ele-tri- si0als /ithout a e6teral eer0y sour-e.
1>. Di((ere#ti'te '""8r'". (r!) ;re"i%i!#.-N!4 011E3M'. 01116
?--ura-y idi-ates ho/ far the measured .alue is -lose to the true .alue /hile pre-isio
idi-ates ho/ far a parti-ular measured .alue is from the a.era0e of the umber of readi0
ta4e.+hus pre-isio is ot related to true .alue of the parameter to be measured .
15. I# ' he't%t!#e &ri$+e ' "h'#+e !( 5F i# the 8#*#!# 'r) !( the &ri$+e i% re78ire$ t!
;r!$8"e ' "h'#+e i# $e(,e"ti!# !( 0.2 )) !( the +',4'#!)eter. Deter)i#e %e#%iti4it.
'#$ $e(,e"ti!# ('"t!r. -N!4 011E6
S%Sesiti.ity %8efle-tio/Ara-tioal -ha0e i '
8efle-tio fa-tor %$/9.*%!.#B/mm
1=. H! i% the A&%!,8te A);ere $eter)i#e$9-M'. 01116
+he absolute ampere is defied as that -ostat -urret /hi-h /he maitaied i t/o
strai0ht parallel -odu-tors of ifiite le0th ad e0li0ible -ross3se-tio pla-ed $ meter
apart i .a-uum, /ill produ-e a for-e bet/ee these -odu-tors e,ual to
N/m le0th. It is measured by obser.i0 the deposits of by -urret from
itrate solutio by ele-trolyti- depositio /hi-h must be at the rate of $,$$D m0/s from a
stadard itrate solutio.
1D. Whi"h )eter i% 8%e(8, (!r )e'%8ri#+ !#,. DC 78'#titie%9-N!4 01116
Permaet ma0et mo.i0 -oil is useful for measuri0 8C ,uatities.
1E. Me#ti!# the %i+#i(i"'#"e !( )e'%8re)e#t%.-M'. 0111-R-1D6
Measuremet is the pro-ess or the result of determii0 the ratio of a physi-al ,uatity, su-h
as a le0th, time, temperature et-., to a uit of measuremet, su-h as the meter, se-od or
de0ree Celsius. +he s-ie-e of measuremet is -alled metrolo0y.
01. De(i#e the ter) G;re"i%i!#/ '#$ A""8r'". . -N!4/ 011:AMAH0110 6.
? measure of the reprodu-ibility of measuremet i.e. 0i.e a fi6ed .alue of
Variable, pre-isio is a measure of the de0ree to /hi-h su--essi.e measuremet differ from
oe aother. +he de0ree of e6a-tess &-loseess) of a measuremet -ompared to the e6pe-ted
&desired) Value is -alled a--ura-y.
01. Dr' the "ir"8it !( ei# Bri$+e '#$ it% ;h'%!r $i'+r') 8#$er &','#"e. -N!4 01116
00. C!);'re M!4i#+ "!i, ith M!4i#+ ir!# i#%tr8)e#t%. -M'. 0111 R-1D6
Mo.i0 iro istrumets are 0eerally used for measuri0 ?C .olta0e ad -urrets
Mo.i0 -oil istrumets are used for measuri0 8C ,uatities.
0:. Wh't 're the &'%i" e,e)e#t% !( ' +e#er',iIe$ )e'%8re)e#t %.%te)9
-N!4/ 011: ECE6.
+he basi- elemets of a 0eerali7ed measuremet system are &i) Primary sesi0 uit
&ii) 8ata -oditioi0 uit &iii) 8isplay uit.
02. Li%t '#. (!8r %t'ti" "h'r'"teri%ti"% !( ' )e'%8ri#+ %.%te). -M'./ 0112A0110 ECE6.
Some of the stati- -hara-teristi-s of a measuri0 system are
&i) ?--ura-y,
&ii) Sesiti.ity
&iii) 8rift
&i.) Eysteresis
&.) 8ead 7oe
&.i) 1iearity
0>. Wh't 're the ",'%%i(i"'ti!#% !( err!r% i# )e'%8re)e#t%9-N!4/ 0112 ECE6.
+he -lassifi-atios of errors are
&i) Fross errors
&ii) Systemati- errors
&iii) S-hemati- errors
&i.) 'adom errors
05.Me#ti!# the err!r% i# )!4i#+ "!i, )eter%.-)'. 1:6
+he basi- errors are due to fri-tio,temperature ad a0i0 of .arious parts.
0=.A %et !( i#$e;e#$e#t "8rre#t )e'%8re)e#t% 're re"!r$e$ '% 11.1:A11.11A11.11A'#$
11.1DA."',"8,'te the r'#+e !( '# err!r.-N!4 106

0D.H! i% i#ter#'ti!#', %t'#$'r$ !( ,e#+th i% $e(i#e$9-#!4 106
It is defied i metre

1. J8%ti(. K GA CRO "'# &e re+'r$e$ '% ' L-H re"!r$er/-N!4/ 0115 ECE6
? C'2 -a be re0arded as a H3I re-order. +he H3I mode meas ,that the
os-illos-ope operates /ith -hael ? as the .erti-al si0al ad -hael B as the
hori7otal si0al. +he a--urate measuremets -a be doe i this mode.
0. Wh't i% ' 4e"t!r 4!,t)eter9-M'. 01123M'. 011:3N!4/0115 ECE6
I .e-tor .oltmeter .ery hi0h fre,ue-y 'A si0al is -o.erted ito a e,ui.alet
IA si0al .+he the amplitude ad phase is measured simultaeously. +he .e-tor
.oltmeter is used for the follo/i0 measuremets:
&i) Fai of amplifier ad phase shift,
&ii) JSK parameter of trasistor,
&iii) Isertio loss.
&i.) +rasfer -hara-teristi-s of a filter.
&.) +/o port et/or4 parameters.
&.i) ?mplitude modulatio ide6.
:. Gi4e the "h'r'"teri%ti"% !( ;r!&e% 8%e$ i# CRO. -M'./ 0115 ECE6
Probes are used /ith the os-illos-ope to -oe-t the test -ir-uit to the os-illos-ope.
&i) +he probe should ot affe-t the -ir-uit uder test i ideal -ases. +o
a-hie.e this situatio a probe should ha.e hi0h iput impeda-e.
Ei0h iput impeda-e meas hi0h iput resista-e ad lo/ iput
-apa-ita-e at the probe tip.
&ii) ?y si0al 0oi0 to the os-illos-ope, /ill pass throu0h the probe
first, so bad/idth of the probe -ombies /ith the bad/idth of
C'2.+he probe bad/idth must be hi0her tha the os-illos-ope
&iii) +he probe tip is the si0al sesi0 -ir-uitry. It must be a-ti.e or
passi.e. If it is passi.e, it -osists of resistor ad -apa-itors. If a-ti.e
it -osists of AE+.
2. Wh't i% the '$4'#t'+e !( M;retri++er 4ieN )!$e !( !;er'ti!# i# $i+it', %t!r'+e
!%"i,,!%"!;e9 -M'./ 0115 ECE6
+he pretri00eri0 allo/s the iput si0al pre-edi0 the tri00er poits to be re-orded.
S2 -a be set to re-ord -otiuously, util the tri00er si0al is re-ei.ed, the re-ordi0 is
stopped. Pretri00er -a be !#:, #9:, C#: for si0le shot, roll ormal modes,
>. H! i% the e,e"tr!# &e') (!"8%e$ t! ' (i#e %;!t !# the ('"e !( CRT9
-M'. 011=6
? fo-usi0 aode is mouted @ust ahead of the rea--elerati0 aode /hi-h the
ele-tro beam its last additio of eer0y before its @ourey to the phosphor s-ree.+hese
ele-tros /ill di.er0e o/i0 to .ariatios i eer0y ad /ould produ-e a broad ill3
defied spot o the fa-e of the C'+.
5. Li%t the $i%'$4'#t'+e% !( %t!r'+e "'th!$e r'. t8&e. -M'. 011=6
+he di0ital stora0e os-illos-ope /ill -otiuously re-ord a sele-ted /a.eform, ad
/he the tri00er /a.eform appears si0ifyi0 a failure, the stora0e /ill stop. +he
-ose-uti.e type of stora0e os-illos-ope /ill pro.ide this feature.
=. Me#ti!# %!)e !( the re78ire)e#t% !( %i+#', +e#er't!r. -M'. 011=-R116
+he re,uiremets for si0al 0eerator are as follo/s:
i) +he fre,ue-y of the si0al should be /ell 4o/ ad stable.
ii) +he amplitude should be -otrollable from .ery small to relati.ely
lar0e .alues.
iii) +he si0al should be free of distortio.
D. Dr' the &,!"* $i'+r') !( '# e,e"tr!#i" )8,ti)eter. Brie(,. e?;,'i# the (8#"ti!# !(
e'"h &,!"*. -N!4 011=6
E. Wh't i% ' 4e"t!r i);e$'#"e )eter9 St'te it% ';;,i"'ti!#.-N!4 011=6
+he .e-tor Impeda-e meter ma4es simultaeous measuremets of impeda-e ad phase
a0le a fre,ue-y ra0e of *99LE7 to $$9ME7.+he u4o/ -ompoet is simply
-oe-ted a-ross the iput termial of the istrumets, the desired fre,ue-y is sele-ted
by turi0 the frot pael -otrol ad the t/o frot pael lead outs idi-ate the
ma0itudes of impeda-e ad the phase a0le.
11. Gi4e the ;ri#"i;,e !( !;er'ti!# '#$ #ee$ (!r Q-)eter.-M'. 011D6
M meter is a istrumet desi0ed to measure some of the ele-tri-al properties of -oils
ad -apa-itors. +he operatio is based o the -hara-teristi-s of series resoat -ir-uit.
+he .olta0e a-ross the -oil or the -apa-itor is e,ual to the applied .olta0e times the M of
the -ir-uit.
11. Li%t ' (e ';;,i"'ti!# !( CRO. -M'. 011E3N!4 011E6
a. measuremet of .olta0e ad -urret.
b. Measuremet of Phase.
-. Measuremet of fre,ue-y.
d. Compariso of t/o fre,ue-ies.
e. used for display,measuremet,/a.eform aalysis ad other pheomeo i
ele-tri-al ad ele-troi-s -ir-uits.
10. St'te the '$4'#t'+e !( e,e"tr!#i" i#%tr8)e#t%. -N!4 011E6
$. 1ess -ost.
!. +otal -ir-uit is simple.
". Ei0h iput impeda-e
*. 'u00ed -ostru-tio.
#. Ei0h fre,ue-y ra0e.
;. 1ess ele-tri- oise
1:. Li%t the %!8r"e !( err!r th't '((e"t )e'%8re)e#t '""8r'". !( Q-)eter.-M'. 01116
Aa-tors affe-ti0 measuremet a--ura-y are
$. 8istributed -apa-ita-e or self -apa-ita-e of the -oil.
!. 'esidual idu-ta-e of the istrumet.
". -odu-ta-e of .oltmeter.
*. shut resistor of M3meter.
12. Wh't i% A78'$'+9 Wh't i% ;8r;!%e !( A78'$'+9 -M'. 01116
Coati0 of a -odu-ti0 material 4o/ as a,ua da0 is pro.ided the iterior surfa-e
of C'+ i order to a--elerate the ele-tro beam after passi0 bet/ee the defle-tio plate
ad to -olle-t the ele-tro produ-ed by the se-odary emissio /he ele-tro beam
stri4es the s-ree.
1>. Wh't i% the %ee; 4!,t'+e i# '# !%"i,,!%"!;e9 Where it i% ';;,ie$9 -N!4 01116
Periodi-ally .aryi0 .olta0e applied to the defle-tio plates of a -athode3ray tube to 0i.e
a beam displa-emet that is a fu-tio of time, fre,ue-y, or other data base.
15. Wh't i% ' 4e"t!r )eter '#$ Q )eter9 St'te it% ';;,i"'ti!#. -N!4 0111AM'. 01106
+he M meter is a istrumet desi0ed to measure some of the ele-tri-al properties of
-oils ad -apa-itors &i.e. M fa-tor ).
Ve-tor meter is also used to measure the impeda-e ad .olta0e
1=. Dr' the i#ter#', %tr8"t8re !( CRT '#$ ,i%t it% (8#"ti!#%. -M'. 01116
1D. Wh't 're the t! %i+#i(i"'#t ;r!&,e)% ith $i!$e% he# 8%e$ (!r RF
re"ti(i"'ti!#9 -M'. 01116
+here are t/o si0ifi-at problems /ith diodes used for 'A re-tifi-atio.
Airst most diodes ha.e e6-essi.e -apa-ita-e ad se-od they ha.e
e6-essi.e re.erse re-o.ery time /he diodes are operated at lo/ for/ard biased
1E. Li%t the $i((ere#t )e'%8ri#+ )eth!$% i# Q- )eter.
+here are three methods of -oe-ti0 u4o/ -ompoets to the test termials of a
M3meter: dire-t, series ad parallel . +he type of -ompoet ad its si7e determie the
method of -oe-tio.
01. 5hat is 4o/ as fluores-e-eN&May !99"/ECE)
? phosphor -o.erts the ele-tri-al eer0y to li0ht eer0y. 5he a ele-tro beam
stri4es the phosphor -rystal, their eer0y le.el is i-reased. +his -auses the phosphor
-rystal are e6-ited ad they emit li0ht. +his pheomeo is -alled as fluores-e-e.
01. Wh't i% %');,i#+ !%"i,,!%"!;e9 -N!4/ 011: ECE6.
? Sampli0 2s-illos-ope is used to e6amie .ery fast si0als. Samples are ta4e at
8ifferet portios of the /a.eform, su--essi.e -y-les, ad the the total pi-ture is
Stret-hed, amplified by relati.ely lo/ bad/idth amplifiers, ad displayed as -otiuous
5a.e o the s-ree.
00. Wh't i% the !r*i#+ ;ri#"i;,e !( %');,i#+ !%"i,,!%"!;e9 -N!4/ 0112 ECE6.
? .olta0e -omparator -ompares the ramp .olta0e /ith the .olta0e
Feerated by the stair-ase 0eerator, /he the .olta0es are e,ual it produ-es a
pulse to the sampli0 0ate. +hus, ea-h time a pulse is 0eerated, the sampli0 of
the iput si0al is doe.
0:. Li%t the )'i# ;'rt% !( ' C'th!$e r'. t8&e. -M'./ 0112 ECE6.
a. Ele-tro 0u assembly
b. 8efle-tio plate assembly
-. Aluores-et s-ree
d. Flass e.elope
e. Base
02. Wh't i% the $i((ere#"e &etee# $i+it', '#$ '#',!+ !%"i,,!%"!;e%9 -N!4/ 011> ECE6
? aalo0 os-illos-ope -olle-ts data after it has bee tri00ered. ? di0ital
stora0e os-illos-ope is al/ays -olle-ti0 data , ad the tri00er tells if /he to stop.
+he ad.ata0e of the aalo0 stora0e os-illos-ope is that it has a hi0her
bad/idth ad /riti0 speed tha a di0ital os-illos-ope, bei0 -apable of operati0
speeds of about $#FE7.
05.Li%t the ;r'"ti"', ';;,i"'ti!#% !( M8,ti)eter9-M'. 01106
It is used for the measuremet of d.- as /ell as a.- .olta0e,-urret ad resista-e.
0=.C!);'ri%!# &etee# '#',!+ '#$ $i+it', %t!r'+e !%"i,,!%"!;e-N!4 10AM'. 1:6
A#',!+ St!r'+e O%"i,,%"!;e
$.+he 5a.eform -a be preser.ed for fiite amout of time oly ad e.etually the
/a.eform /ill be lost.
!.2ly oe /a.eform is stored i stora0e tube.
Di+it', St!r'+e O%"i,,%"!;e
$.+he /a.eform /ill be preser.ed as lo0 as its deleted
!.?ll the re,uired /a.eform -a be stored
0D.Write %h!rt #!te% !# tr8e r)% )eter. -N!4106
+he true rms meter produ-es a meter defle-tio by sesi0 the heati0 po/er of the
/a.eform.+he heati0 po/er is proportioal to the s,uare of the iput rms .alue.

0E.Di%tri&8te$ "';'"it'#"e !( ' "!i, i% )e'%8re$ &. "h'#+i#+ the "';'"it'#"e !( the
t8#i#+ "';'"it!r.The 4',8e !( the t8#i#+ "';'"it!r 're C1 '#$ C0 (!r re%!#'#t
(re78e#"ie% (1 '#$ 0(1.Wh't i% the 4',8e !( the $i%tri&8te$ "';'"it'#"e9 -N!4106
+he distributed -apa-ita-e is -al-ulated as C

1. De(i#e t!t', h'r)!#i" $i%t!rti!# !r $i%t!rti!# ('"t!r -M'./ 011>3 N!4/ 011:
ECE3M'. 011E6.
+he total harmoi- distortio is measured i terms of the harmoi- -otet of the /a.e
.It is also -alled as distortio fa-tor.
+E8% O P&harmoi-s)
0. De(i#e h'r)!#i" $i%t!rti!#. -M'./011:3M'./ 0115 ECE6
5he a siusoidal iput si0al is applied to a ele-troi- de.i-e li4e amplifier, the
o/p of amplifier should be siusoidal /a.eform. Eo/ it is see that the o/p that the
o/p is ot the e6a-t repli-a of the i/p be-ause of .arious types of distortio that o--ur. +he
distortio may be result of the iheret o3liear -hara-teristi-s of the differet
-ompoets used i the ele-troi- -ir-uit. +his o3liear beha.ior itrodu-es harmoi-s
of the fudametal fre,ue-y i the output ad the resultat distortio is -alled harmoi-
:. Gi4e '#. t! ';;,i"'ti!#% !( '4e '#',.Ier. -M'./ 0115 ECE6
&i) +o measure the harmoi- distortio of a amplifier. +he -otributio of
ea-h harmoi- to the total distortio also -a be determied.
&ii) +o measure relati.e amplitudes of si0al fre,ue-y -ompoets i a
-omple6 /a.eforms.
2. Wh't i% %;e"tr8) '#',.Ier9 -M'./ 0115 ECE6
+he study of eer0y distributio of a si0al as a fu-tio of fre,ue-y is -alled
as spe-trum aalysis. +he istrumet /hi-h 0raphi-ally presets a eer0y
distributio of the si0al as a fu-tio of fre,ue-y o the C.'.2 is -alled as
spe-trum aaly7er.
>. Me#ti!# '#. (!8r %i+#', +e#er'ti#+ i#%tr8)e#t%. -M'./ 0115 ECE6
&i) Sie3/a.e 0eerator.
&ii) S,uare /a.e 0eerator.
&iii) S/eep 0eerator.
&i.)Are,ue-y sythesi7er.
5. Wh't 're the re78ire)e#t% !( %i+#', +e#er't!r9 -N!4/ 0115 ECE6
+he re,uiremet of si0al 0eerator are
&i) +he fre,ue-y of the si0al should be stable.
&ii) +he amplitude should be -otrollable from .ery small to lar0e .alues.
&iii) +he output si0al should be free from distortio.
=. Wh't i% ' re', ti)e %;e"tr8) '#',.Ier9 -N!4/ 0115 ECE6
+he real time spe-trum aaly7er is o s-ai0 type. Its fu-tio is to
preset he effe-t of -ha0es i all iput fre,ue-ies o its spe-trum display istatly .
It is ot used at 'A or mi-ro/a.e fre,ue-ies, used oly i the audio fre,ue-ies.
+he ra0e of real time spe-trum aaly7er is from #9E73$9LE7.
D. Gi4e the (8#"ti!# !( 'tte#8't!r i# %i+#', +e#er't!r. -M'. 011=6
? atteuator is a de.i-e that /ill redu-e the po/er le.el of si0al for /hi-h the
amplitude is easily measured ad -alibrati0 the atteuator stops. the atteuator
redu-es the po/er of a iput su-h that the ratio of the iput po/er to the output po/er
is a -ostat.
E. Wh't 're the $r'&'"*% !( t8#e$ "ir"8it '#',.Ier%9 -M'. 011=6
i) ?t lo/ fre,ue-ies, .ery lar0e .alues for 1 ad C are re,uired ad their physi-al
si7e be-omes rather impra-ti-al.
ii) Earmoi-s of the si0al fre,ue-y are ofte .ery -lose i fre,ue-y so that it
be-omes e6tremely diffi-ult to disti0uish bet/ee them.
11. H! 're the $i+it', 4!,t)eter ",'%%i(ie$9-M'. 011=-R116
8i0ital .oltmeters are -lassified as:
i6 'amp type 8VM
ii6 Ite0rati0 8VM
iii6 Cotiuous3bala-e 8VM
i46 Su--essi.e3appro6imatio 8VM
11. Wh't i% the #ee$ (!r +8'r$i#+9 -M'. 011=-R116
+he effe-ts of lea4a0e paths o the measuremet are usually remo.ed by 0uardi0
10. Write the (8#"ti!# !( $i%t!rti!# '#',.Ier. -M'. 011=-R116
+he fu-tio of distortio aaly7er is to determie the harmoi- -otet of a
1:. St'te the #ee$ (!r i%!,'ti!# &etee# the %i+#', +e#er't!r !8t;8t '#$ !%"i,,'t!r9
H! "'# thi% &e $!#e9-N!4 011=6
+he mai purpose of pro.idi0 isolatio bet/ee si0al 0eerator ad isolator is to
redu-e output distortio. +his -a be a-hie.ed by feedba-4.
12. Wh't i% the )'?i)8) (re78e#". '#$ re%!,8ti!# (!r '# '#',.Ier 8%i#+ 1.> % i#$!
'#$ ' 111 KHI %');,e r'te9- N!4 011=6
+he ma6imum fre,ue-y is oe half of the sample fre,ue-y %$99LE>/!
%#9 LE7
'esolutio is the re-ipro-al of sample /ido/%$/$.#S
% 9.;;C E7
1>. H! i% 4!,t'+e "!#4erte$ t! (re78e#". i# V3F C!#4er%i!#.-M'. 011D6
Ite0rati0 type di0ital .oltmeter employs a ite0ratio te-hi,ue /hi-h uses a
.olta0e to fre,ue-y -o.ersio. +his -o.erter fu-tios as a feedba-4 -otrol system
/hi-h 0o.ers the rate of pulse 0eeratio i proportio to the ma0itude of iput

15. Li%t the re78ire)e#t% !( ADC i# 4!,t)eter '#$ )i,,i)eter%.-M'. 011D6
$.Its a--urate readi0s
!.Cost is lo/
1=. Wh't i% the #ee$ (!r )8,ti;,e ;eri!$ )e'%8re)e#t9 -M'. 011E6
I period mode the pulses obtaied from time base -ir-uit are -outed i oe -y-le time of a
u4o/ iput si0al. It leads to 0ati0 error. +o this the pulses are measured for
more tha oe -y-le of the iput si0al.
1D. H! 're %i+#', +e#er't!r% ",'%%i(ie$9 -N!4 011E6
Si0al 0eerators are -lassified as s,uare /a.e 0eerator, fu-tio 0eerator, s/eep
1E. Wh't i% the $.#')i" r'#+e !( ' %;e"tr8) '#',.%er i( the #!i%e ,e4e, !( the $i%;,'. i%
e78', t! -D1 $B '#$ t! -11 $B %i+#', ;r!$8"e thir$ !r$er i#ter )!$8,'ti!#
;r!$8"t% th't C8%t ';;e'r '&!4e the #!i%e9 -N!4 011E6
+he dyami- ra0e is differe-e bet/ee the iput si0al le.el produ-i0 third order
itermodulatio produ-t ad the oise le.el of the display.
8yami- ra0e %Iput si0al le.el3oise le.el
%3$93&3D9)%C9 dB
01. Li%t the ';;,i"'ti!# !( the '4e '#',.Ier. .-M'. 01116
? /a.e aaly7er is used to measure the relati.e amplitude of si0al fre,ue-y -ompoet
i a -omple6 /a.eform. +hese are applied idustrially i the field of redu-tio of soud
ad .ibratio 0eerated by rotati0 ele-tri-al ma-hie ad apparatus.
01. Wh't i% the )i#i)8) $ete"t'&,e %i+#', !( ' %;e"tr8) '#',.Ier ith ' #!i%e (i+8re !(
01$B '#$ 8%i#+ ' 1 KHIA: K$B (i,ter9 .-M'. 01116
B.5 %$ LE7 ,NA %!9dB
M8S% 3$$*dBm($9 1o0OB5/$ME7Q( NA
%3$$* dBm ($9 1o0O$ LE7/$ME7Q(!9

00. St'te the #ee$ (!r i%!,'ti!# &etee# the %i+#', +e#er't!r !8t;8t '#$ !%"i,,'t!r9H!
"'# thi% &e $!#e9 -N!4 01116
I hi0h fre,ue-y os-illators the -ha0es i the output -ir-uit refle-t o the os-illator
fre,ue-y as /ell as os-illator amplitude -hara-teristi-s,Ee-e it is .ery essetial to
isolate the output of si0al 0eerator from a os-illator.+he isolatio bet/ee si0al
0eerator output ad master os-illator -a be a-hie.ed by buffer amplifier.
0:. Wh't i% the )'?i)8) (re78e#". '#$ re%!,8ti!# (!r '# '#',.%er 8%i#+ ' 1.>% i#$!
'#$ 1>11KHI %');,e r'te9 -N!4 01116
+he ma6imum fre,ue-y is oe half of the sample fre,ue-y %$#99LE>/!
%C#9 LE7
'esolutio is the re-ipro-al of sample /ido/%$/$.#S
% 9.;;C E7
02. Wh't i% B'r*h'8%e# Criteri' (!r %8%t'i#e$ !%"i,,'ti!#9 -M'. 01116
i) +he total phase shift aroud a loop, as the si0al pro-eeds from iput throu0h
amplifier, feedba-4 et/or4 ba-4 to iput a0ai, -ompleti0 a loop, is pre-isely 9R or
";9R, of -ourse a ite0ral multiple of ! S radias.
ii) +he ma0itude of the produ-t of the ope loop 0ai of the amplifier &?) ad the
feedba-4 fa-tor &T) is uity i.e.,U ? TU % $
0>. Dr' the &,!"* $i'+r') !( %;e"tr8) '#',.Ier. -M'. 01116
05. Wh't $! .!8 )e'# &. heter!$.#e ;ri#"i;,e9 -M'./ 011> ECE6.
Eeterodyi0 i.e. mi6i0 is the iput si0al to be aaly7ed is mi6ed to a hi0her
itermediate fre,ue-y &IA) by a iteral lo-al os-illator.
05. Wh. e #ee$ t! 8%e $i+it', RLC )eter%9-M'. 01106
+he di0ital '1C meters is used to measure the resista-e,idu-ta-e,-apa-ita-e ad
dissipatio fa-tor.
0=. Brie(,. e?;,'i# '&!8t the Fre78e#". S.#the%iIer -M'. 01106
+he sythesis meas its use a fi6ed fre,ue-y os-illator -alled refere-e os-illator or
-lo-4 ad to deri.e the /ide ra0e of fre,ue-yi steps from the output of the refere-e
0D. H! t! )e'%8re re%i%t'#"e 4',8e% i# $i+it', RLC )eter%
+he basi- pri-iple used i di0ital '1C meter is to measure the .olta0e a-ross the
-ompoet ad -urret passi0 throu0h the -ompoet uder a--ordi0 to ohms
la/ the resista-e is measured.
0E. Wh't i% )e'#t &. #et!r* '#',.Ier9
+he et/or4 aaly7er pro.ides a--urate -hara-teri7atio of mi-ro/a.e -ompoets ad
:1.I# ' %ee; (re78e#". +e#er't!rAt! !%"i,,'t!r% !#e ith the (re78e#". r'#+e !( :GhI
t!>GhI i% heter!$.#e$ ith ' %e"!#$ !%"i,,'t!r h'4i#+ ' (i?e$ (re78e#". !8t;8t !(
:+hI.H! the !8t;8t (re78e#". 4'rie%9
+he output fre,ue-y .aries from $3!Fh7.
:0.Wh't i% i#ter)!$8,'ti!# $i%t!rti!#9
+he t/o fre,ue-y si0als are mi6edi either liear or o liear -ir-uits.1et f$ be hi0her
fre,ue-y ad f! be the lo/er fre,ue-y.+he sum ad differe-e i bet/ee them i o3
liear -ir-uit pro.ides modulatio.+he distortio i su-h modulatio is 4o/ as
itermodulatio distortio.

1. Wh't 're the $i%'$4'#t'+e% !( $i+it', i#%tr8)e#t%9 -M'./ 0115 ECE6
+he mai dra/ba-4 of di0ital istrumet are they are -ostly ad some of the
istrumets are -omple6.So,i spite of these ad.ata0es the di0ital istrumet are ot
-ompletely repla-ed by aalo0 istrumet due to the fa-t that aalo0 istrumets are
-heap ad simple.
1. Gi4e the 4'ri!8% t.;e% !( $i+it', 4!,t)eter. -M'./ 0115 ECE6
+he di0ital .oltmeter types are
&i) 'amp type di0ital .oltmeter
&ii) 8ual ramp di0ital .oltmeter
&iii) Ite0rated type di0ital .oltmeter
&i.) ?alo0 to 8i0ital -o.erter .oltmeter.
0. E#8)er'te the '$4'#t'+e !( $i+it', )eter !4er the '#',!+ )eter.
-N!4/ 0115 ECE6
+he ad.ata0e of di0ital meter aalo0 meter are
&i) output is i di0ital form. so easy for pro-essi0.
&ii) 1ess po/er -osumptio tha aalo0 istrumets.
&iii) 'eadi0 are -learly idi-ated i de-imal umber.
&i.) +he resolutio of di0ital istrumet is more.
:. Wh. i% ;eri!$ )!$e ;re(erre$ (!r )e'%8re)e#t !( 4er. ,! (re78e#". i# '
(re78e#". "!8#ter9
-N!4/ 0115 ECE6
+he si0als /ith a fre,ue-y lo/er tha fo&-rystal fre,ue-y of istrumet)
should be measured i period mode ad si0al /ith fre,ue-y 0reater tha fo should
be measured /ith fre,ue-y mode i order to miimi7e the effe-t of V$ -out 0ati0
2. F!r ' 11 MHI ",!"* (re78e#". "!8#ter !( 1 %e" %');,i#+ ;eri!$ h't i% the
(re78e#". '&!4e hi"h (re78e#". )e'%8re)e#t% %h!8,$ &e )'$e9
-M'./ 0115 ECE6

>. Wh't i% i);!rt'#"e !( +'te ti)e i# (re78e#". "!8#ter9 -M'. 011=6
+he opei0 ad -losi0 of the -out 0ate ,o the other had, this 0ate time i
fre,ue-y -outer determies the a--ura-y of the fre,ue-y -outer.
5. H! i% tri++er ti)e err!r re$8"e$9 -M'. 011=6
+ri00er time errors are redu-ed /ith lar0e si0al amplitudes ad fast rise times.
=. Wh't i% *#!# '% ;er%i%te#"e9 -M'. 011=-R116
+he le0th of time duri0 /hi-h phosphores-e-e, or after0lo/, o--urs is -alled
the persiste-e of the phosphor. Persiste-e is usually measured i terms of the time
re,uired for the C'+ ima0e to de-ay to a -ertai per-eta0e of the ori0ial li0ht output.
D. Li%t the &'%i" "!);!#e#t% !( )'+#eti" re"!r$er%. -M'. 011=- R 116
+he basi- -ompoets of ma0eti- re-orders are
i) 'e-ordi0 Eeat
ii) Ma0eti- +ape
iii) 'eprodu-i0 Eead
i.) +ape +rasport Me-haism
.) Coditioi0 8e.i-es.
E. St'te t.;i"', $i+it', i#%tr8)e#t '""8r'". %;e"i(i"'ti!# ."!);'re the '""8r'". !(
'#',!+ '#$ $i+it', )8,ti)eter%.-N!4 011=6
+he best aalo0 istrumet are rated usually /ithi V9.$ per-et of full s-ale.
8i0ital istrumet -a be made to mu-h 0reater a--ura-ies
11. Write &rie(,. !# %eri', i#ter('"i#+.-M'. 011D6
+his type of iterfa-i0 eables e6-ha0e of data bet/ee mi-ropro-essor ad
peripherals su-h as priters, e6teral, s-aers et-.
11. H! )8"h ,!%% i,, &e e?;erie#"e$ i( ' (i&er !( N8)eri"', ';ert8re !( 1.: i% the
%!8r"e (!r ' (i&er ith ' #8)eri"', ';ert8re !( 1.0209.-M'. 011D6
5he the sour-e fiber has a broader -oe of a--epta-e there /ill be a loss ad this
-a be -al-ulated by
1oss % !9 lo0 &N?$/N?!) lar0er N? is N?$ ad smaller is N?!
Eer0y that is lost throu0h the -laddi0 of the re-ei.i0 fiber
1oss % !9 lo0&9."/9.!*!)
% $.DC dB.
10. Li%t $i((ere#t i#%tr8)e#t% 8%e$ '% %i+#', '#',.Ier%. -M'. 011E6
Spe-trum aaly7er, distortio aaly7er,
1:. A "!8#ter hi"h h'% ' : $i+it $i%;,'.A +'te$ ;eri!$ !( 11 )i,,i%e"!#$%A i% %e,e"te$ t!
)e'%8re '# 8#*#!# (re78e#".. The re'$i#+% i% 12>.Wh't i% the (re78e#". !( the
%.%te)9 -N!4 011E6
A% N/t
% 9*#/$96$9
%*.# L E7
12. Wh't i% ' 4e"t!r 4!,t)eter9-N!4 011E6
Ve-tor .oltmeter are used to measure the phase differe-e bet/ee t/o poits i a -ir-uit
at the same time the .olta0e bet/ee these t/o poit is measured .
1>. E?;,'i# h! ;re%"',er "'# &e 8%e$ t! e?te#$ the r'#+e !( (re78e#". "!8#ter.-M'.
Pres-aler is a fast di0ital -outer that typi-ally di.ides the iput fre,ue-y by $9.if a
di.ide by $9 pres-aler /ere used ahead of a $9 ME7 -outer the -outer fre,ue-y
/ould be i-reased by a fa-tor of $9 ad the system /ould be -apable of -outi0 to
15. A (re78e#". )eter ith 1 MHI ",!"* %!8r"e i% 8%e$ (!r )e'%8ri#+ the ti)e ;eri!$
!( i#;8t '4e. Deter)i#e the )e'%8re$ ti)e ;eri!$ he# 1>51 ;8,%e% 're re+i%tere$
!# the $i%;,'.. -N!4 01113 N!4 011=6
+he -lo-4 fre,ue-y % $ME7
+ime for $ pulse %$/f%$Ws
Aor $#;9 pulses the time is $#;9G$G$9
1=. Wh't 're the '.% t! e?te#$ the (re78e#". r'#+e9 -N!4 01116
$. Pres-ali0.
!. Eeterodye -o.erter.
". +rasfer os-illator
*. ?utomati- di.ider.
1D. Wh't 're the '$4'#t'+e% !( $i+it', i#%tr8)e#t% !4er '#',!+ i#%tr8)e#t%9 -M'.
+he ad.ata0e of di0ital istrumets aalo0 istrumets are
o output is i di0ital form. so easy for pro-essi0.
o 1ess po/er -osumptio tha aalo0 istrumets.
o 'eadi0 are -learly idi-ated i de-imal umber.
o +he resolutio of di0ital istrumet is more
1E. Wh't 're the $i((ere#t t.;e% !( Di+it', V!,t)eter9 -M'. 0111)
+he di0ital .oltmeter types are
o 'amp type di0ital .oltmeter
o 8ual ramp di0ital .oltmeter
o Ite0rated type di0ital .oltmeter
o ?alo0 to 8i0ital -o.erter .oltmeter.
01.Wh't i% the ;ri#"i;,e !( r'); t.;e $i+it', 4!,t)eter9 -A;r3M'.-1>6
+he basi- pri-iple of su-h measuremet is based o the measuremet of the time ta4e
by a liear ramp to rise from 9V to the le.el of the iput .olta0e or to de-rease from the le.el of
the oput .olta0e to 7ero.+he time is measured /ith the help of the ele-troi- time
-outer ad -out is displayed i the umeri- form /ith the help of a di0ital display.
01.Wh't 're the e%%e#ti', ;'rt% !( the R'); t.;e DVM9-N!43De"-126
+he essetial parts of the 'amp type 8VM are
$. Comparator
!. Sample rate multi.ibrator
". 8e-ode -outer
*. ?tteuator
#. 1o0i- -otrol -ir-uitary
00..Wh't 're Virt8', I#%tr8)e#t%9-A;r3M'.-116.
+he Virtual Istrumets are the de.i-es /hi-h are -ofi0ured from idepedet hard/are
-ompoets by usi0 appropriate soft/are ad performs -ustom istrumetatio fu-tios.
0:.De(i#e the ter) A8t!)'ti!# i# V!,t)eter9 -M'. 01106.
?utomatio i .oltmeter is used to to automati-ally 0et the a--urate .alues eeded i the
02.De(i#e A8t!)'ti" r'#+i#+.-M'. 1:6
+he automati- ra0i0 as the purpose of 0etti0 readi0s /ith optimum resolutio uder all
the -ir-umsta-es.
0>.Wh. S"h)itt tri++er i% 8%e$ i# $i+it', (re78e#". )eter9-N!4 106
+he S-hmitt tri00er is used to -o.ert the iput /a.eform to s,uare /a.eform /hi-h is used
to measure rise time ad fall time.
05.Dr' the &,!"* $i'+r') !( i#ter+r'ti#+ t.;e DVM-N!4 106

1. Wh't i% the #e"e%%it. !( $i+it', i#ter('"e9 -M'./ 0115 ECE6
+here is o eed to -o.ert di0ita, data ito aalo0 ad tolerate a loss of data ite0rity .

0.I$e#ti(. t',*er% '#$3!r ,i%te#er% (r!) the (!,,!i#+ i#%tr8)e#t%.-'6 Fre78e#". "!8#ter -&6
V!,t)eter. -M'./ 0115 ECE6
Both the fre,ue-y -outer ad .oltmeter is tal4er. Voltmeter -a also a-t as a listeer.
:.Write '#. t! i#%tr8)e#t% 8%e$ i# "!);8ter "!#tr!,,e$ i#%tr8)e#t'ti!#.
-N!4/ 0112 3N!4/ 0115 ECE6.
Istrumets used i -omputer -otrolled istrumetatio are
fre,ue-y -outer, shift re0ister, multiple6er ad may more.
2.Wh't i% )e'#t &. IEEE 2DD %t'#$'r$ '#$ GPIB9
-N!4/ 0115 ECE6
EP&Ee/lett3Pa-4ard) has istrumetatio ba-40roud. Compay itself 0a.e
stadard iterfa-e bet/ee a istrumetatio de.i-e ad mi-ro3 -omputer .It
is referred to as EPIB.
IEEE adopted the stadard EPIB ad it /as re-o0i7ed as IEEE3*DD
Stadard for di0ital iterfa-e for pro0rammable istrumetatio is referred
to as the 0eeral purpose iterfa-e bus&FPIB)
>. Wh't i% the $r'&'"* !( 8%i#+ ;'rti',,. )e"h'#i"', re,'.% i# "!);8ter !;er'te$ te%t
%.%te) '#$ h! 're the. !4er"!)e9 -M'./ 0115 ECE6
+he dra/ba-4 of usi0 pra-ti-ally me-hai-al relays i -omputer operated test system is relays
re,uire more time to respod to a iput system -ompared to ele-tri-al systems.
5.Di%ti#+8i%h &etee# '#',!+ '#$ $i+it', $'t' '"78i%iti!# %.%te)%. -M'. 011=6
?alo0 systems deal /ith measuremet iformatio i aalo0 form. ? aalo0 si0al may be
defied as a -otiuous fu-tio, su-h as a plot of .olta0e .ersus time or displa-emet .ersus
8i0ital systems hadle iformatio i di0ital form. ? di0ital ,uatity may -osist of a umber
of dis-rete ad dis-otiuous pulses /hose time relatioship -otais iformatio about the
ma0itude or the ature of ,uatity.
=.H! )8"h e,';%e$ ti)e !8,$ !""8r t! ' re(,e"ti!# (r!) ' &re'* i# '# !;ti"', (i&er
!( 1.2 K) i( the i#$e? !( re(r'"ti!# !( the "!re '% 1.>>9 -M'. 011=6
+he .elo-ity of propa0atio i fiber is
.% &"G$9
) m/s /$.##
% $.X*G$9
+ime for the li0ht pulse to rea-h the brea4 is the dista-e di.ided by the .elo-ity of propa0atio
i the fiber,
t% &$.*G$9
% C.!Ys.
Si-e t/i-e the time to rea-h the brea4 is re,uired for the refle-tio to arri.e at the
refle-tometer, the total time is $*.* Ys.

D.Li%t the &e#e(it% !( "!);8ter &'%e$ %.%te). -M'. 011=-R116
i) Measuremet -a be made faster or less e6pesi.e be-ause of less labor -ost.
ii) Computer -otrolled test e,uipmet is bei0 used for automati- test systems ma4i0 possible
.ery sophisti-ated systems for the testi0 of ay type of ele-troi- systems.
E.Wh't 're the $r'&'"*% !( )'#8', te%t %.%te)9-M'. 011=-R116
?--ura-y, Persiste-y ad 'eliability are the dra/ba-4s of maual test system.
11. Brie(,. $i%"8%% '&!8t the h'#$%h'*e %i+#',% i# the IEEE 2DD B8% %.%te).-N!4 011=6
N'A8,N8?C ad 8?V are the hadsha4e si0als i the IEEE *DD Bus system they are used to
trasfer ea-h byte of -ommui-atio
11.De(i#e #8)eri"', ';ert8re.-N!4 011=6
Numeri-al ?perture is defied by

%Ide6 of refra-tio of -ore.
%Ide6 of refra-tio of air /hi-h is e,ual to oe.
N?%Numeri-al ?perture.

10. Wh. i% ' (i?e$ 'tte#8't!r i#%erte$ &etee# ' ;i%t!# 'tte#8't!r '#$ the !%"i,,'t!r !( '
%i+#', +e#er't!r9-M'. 011D6
+he atteuator is eeded to 0i.e lo/ le.el output si0als.
1:.Wh't i% the $.#')i" r'#+e !( ' %;e"tr8) '#',.Ier ith the thir$ !r$er i#ter"e;t ;!i#t
!( O0>$&) '#$ #!i%e ,e4e, !( -D>$&).-M'. 011D6
Ip3 third order iter-ept &dBm) M8S3miimum dete-table si0al &i.e)spe-trum aaly7er oise
le.el i dBm.
8yami- ra0e % !/"&Ip [M8S)
% !/"&!#3&3D#))
% C" dB
12.Li%t 't ,e'%t (!8r "'8%e% (!r ;!er ,!%% i# (i&er-!;ti" "'&,e%. -M'. 011E6
i. E6trisi- ?bsorptio loss
ii. Itrisi- absorptio loss
iii. S-atteri0 loss
i.. 'adiati.e loss
1>.Wh't i% the #ee$ (!r )8,ti;,e?i#+9 H! i% it ",'%%i(ie$9 -M'. 011E6
Multiple6i0 meas -ombii0 differet si0als. I data pro-essi0 it is fre,uetly re,uired to
-ombie umber of aalo0 si0als ito a si0le di0ital si0al. It is -lassified as 8i0ital to aalo0
multiple6i0 ad aalo0 to di0ital Multiple6i0.

15.Wh't i% ' $'t' '"78i%iti!# %.%te)9 -N!4 011E6
+he system used for data pro-essi0 ,data -o.ersio, data trasmissio, data stora0e is -alled
data a-,uisitio system.
1=.H! )8"h ,!%% i,, &e e?;erie#"e$ i( ' (i&er !( #8)eri"', ';ert8re !( 1.: i% the %!8r"e
(!r ' (i&er ith ' #8)eri"', ';ert8re !( 1.0209 -N!4 011E6
1oss &dB) %!9 lo0&N?$/N?!)
% !9 lo0&9."/9.!*!)
% $.DC dB
1D.Wh't i% the '""e;t'#"e '#+,e !( (i&er ith ' "!re i#$e? !( re(r'"ti!# !( 1.2= '#$ '
",'$$i#+ i#$e? !( re(r'"ti!# !( 1.2>9 .-M'. 01116
Criti-al a0le \- %-os
&!/$) % -os
?--epta-e a0le \? %! si
&$ si\-) %! si
&$.*#& siX.*;!))%!C.#Dde0ree
1E.Brie(,. rite !# the h'#$%h'*e %i+#',% i# IEEE 2DD B8% %.%te). -N!4 01116
+hree hadsha4e si0als are used.?ll these three are ope -olle-tor a-ti.e lo/ si0als.
8ata .alid&8?V)
Idi-ates that the data o the data lies are .alid.8?V lie assumes a lo0i- 7ero
state,/he data are -orre-t.
Not 'eady Aor 8ata&N'A8)
?y listeer -a pull N'A8 lo/ to idi-ate that it is ot ready for data.+he N'A8
lie /ill ot 0o hi0h to idi-ate ready util all addressed listeers ha.ereleased it.
Not 8ata ?--epeted &N8?C)
?y listeer -a pull N8?C lo/ to idi-ate that it has ot a--epted the data.5he
the slo/est listeer a--epts the data,N8?C lie 0oes hi0h.
01.St'te the ';;,i"'ti!#% !( OTDR. -N!4 01116
1.(iber -hara-teri7atio.for sesi0 -hemi-als ad 0ases as -ertai substa-es -ause -ha0es
to the li0ht0uidi0 properties of the fiber ad those -a be obser.ed as -ha0es i the
measuremet -ur.e.
01.Dr' the &,!"* $i'+r') !( Di+it', D't' A"78i%iti!# S.%te). -M'. 01116
00.Wh't 're the *e. (e't8re% !( (8,,. '8t!)'ti" $i+it', i#%tr8)e#t%9 -M'. 01116
$.Very hi0h a--ura-y
!.Ei0h resolutio
".1ess po/er -o-eptio
*.No mo.i0 parts ad o error.
0:.Li%t 't,e'%t (!8r "'8%e% (!r ;!er ,!%% i# (i&er !;ti" "'&,e.
+he ?bsorptios losses are due to
i.atomi- defe-ts i 0lass -ompositio
ii.Itrisi- absorptio by basi- -ostituet atoms
iii.E6trisi- absorptio by impurity atoms
+he S-atteri0 losses are due to
i.Mi-ros-opi- .ariatios i material desity
ii.Compositioal flu-tuatios ad Stru-tural desity
+he radiati.e losses o--ur /he opti-al fiber uder0o a bed of fiite radius
+he -ore ad -laddi0 losses are due to the differe-e i the idi-es of refra-tio ad

02.Li%t the 4'ri!8% e,e)e#t% i# Di+it', A"78i%iti!# %.%te)%9-M'. 0110A#!4106
+he .arious elemets i 8i0ital ?-,uisitio systems are +rasdu-ers,Si0al
Coditioers,Multiple6ers,Si0al Co.erters,?/8 Co.erters,?u6illary
E,uipmets,8i0ital 'e-orders
0>.Wh't i% )e'#t &. Tr'#%$8"er%9 -M'. 0110A1:6.
It -o.erts the physi-al ,uatity ito proportioal ele-tri-al si0al.
05.Li%t !8t the $r'&'"*% !( re(,e"t!)eter9-)'. 1:6
+he amout of eer0y re-ei.ed /ill be small.
+he amout of pulse trasmitted is limited.
0=.Wh't i% the #ee$ (!r $'t' ,!++er%9-#!4 106
Its othi0 but a appli-atio i 8?S /hi-h measures ad re-ord data from .arious
istrumet lo-ated at differet parts .ery ,ui-4ly ad a--urately /ithout mu-h efforts.

]NI+ I
$.&i) 8ra/ the -ir-uit of a 5heatstoe brid0e ad e6plai ho/ medium resista-es are measured
usi0 the same.
&ii) 8efie the -oditios of bala-e ad obtai a e6pressio for sesiti.ity
of brid0e. &MayK !99; )

!.&i) 5hat are the types of errorsN
&ii) 5ith a eat -ir-uit dia0ram ad phasor e6plai ?derso Brid0e.
8eri.e suitable e6pressio. 5hat are its ad.ata0es ad disad.ata0esN
&MayK !99; )
".&i) 5ith a eat -ir-uit dia0ram ad phasor dia0ram dis-uss i detail about S-heri0 brid0e.
&ii) Aid a e6pressio for the -apa-ita-e, ad dissipatio fa-tor. 5ith a eat dia0ram e6plai
the &$) -ostru-tio, &!) /or4i0 &") tor,ue e,uatio ad &*)ad.ata0es ad disad.ata0es of a
PMMC istrumet &MayK !99; )
*.&i) E6plai the types of errors possible i a istrumet ad also dis-uss their -auses ad
remedies.&No. $!)
&ii) ? resista-e is measured by .oltmeter ammeter method. ?mmeter sho/s ".!! ? o a $9 ?
s-ale ad the .oltmeter sho/s X;.;V o "99V ra0e. Both ammeter ad .oltmeter are
0uarateed to be a--urate /ithi V9.#: of full s-ale re0ardi0 .Aid the idi-ated .alue of
resista-e ad the limiti0 error /ithi /hi-h you -a 0uaratee the result. &No.K !99; )
#.&i) E6plai, ho/ S-heri0 brid0e is used for measuremet of u4o/ -apa-itor. 8eri.e its
bala-e e,uatio.
&ii) E6plai , ho/ the ,uality fa-tor -a be obtaied usi0 S-heri0 brid0eN
&No.K !99; ECE)
;. &i) /ith a eat dia0ram e6plai i detail the -ostru-tio of PMMC istrumet.
&ii)Eo/ do you measure lar0e -urrets i PMMC istrumetN
&iii) 5hat is ?yrto shutN &May !99C)

C.&i) 8is-uss i detail about Lel.i double brid0e
&ii)5ith the eat dia0ram e6plai i detail about Eay brid0e. &May !99C)
D.&i) ? 5heatstoe brid0e has ratio arms /hi-h are a--urate /ithi V9.9!#^ ad a .ariable arm
/ithi V9.9#^.5hat is the possible error i a resista-e measuremet o this brid0eN
&ii) E6plai ho/ self idu-ta-e -a be measured iterms of a stadard -apa-itor usi0 a ?C
brid0e ad 0i.e the dete-tors -ommoly used i ?C brid0es.
&May !99C ' 9$)

X.&i) ? .oltmeter ha.i0 a sesiti.ity of $.#LB/V reads D9V o its $#9V ra0e /he -oe-ted
a-ross a u4o/ resistor i series /ith a milliammeter.+he ammeter reads $#ma.Cal-ulate &$)
?pparet resista-e &!) ?-tual resista-e of u4o/ resistor &") Error due to loadi0 effe-t of
.oltmeter &*) ^ relati.e a--ura-y.
&ii) E6plai ho/ resista-es at differet temperature -a be foud out usi0 Semi-odu-tor
resista-e temperature trasdu-ers, their ad.ata0es ad disad.ata0es. 5hat happes if there is
self heati0 i the trasdu-erN &May !99C )

$9. i) 8efie ay four of stati- ad dyami- -hara-teristi-s.Compare differet measuremet
systems.State the types suited for stati- ad dyami- measuremets.Justify your as/er.
ii) E6plai the -ostru-tio ad /or4i0 of mo.i0 iro meter.8eri.e its tor,ue e6pressio .
&No. !99C).
$$.I) 8ra/ the -ir-uit dia0ram ad phasor dia0ram for ?derso brid0e.8eri.e the e6pressio
for u4o/ idu-ta-e.
ii) E6plai ho/ to determie fre,ue-y usi0 5ie Brid0e usi0 eat dia0ram.2btai the
e6pressio. &No. !99C)
$!.I) E6plai the pri-iple of /or4i0 of a mo.i0 -oil istrumet ad dei.e the e6pressio for
its defle-tio ad 0i.e its error.Eo/ -a the ra0e of the istrumet be e6teded.
ii) ? mo.i0 -oil istrumet has a resista-e of $99_ ad s full s-ale defle-tio ad a -urret $#Ma.+his is to be -o.erted ito a ammeter of ra0e $999?.Aid the shut
defle-tio.&May !99D)
$".I)E6plai the /or4i0 of a S-herie brid0e ad ho/ it is used to measue ad ho/ is
used to measure po/er fa-tor ad dissipatio fa-tor of a series 'C -ombiatio.
ii) 5hi-h ?C brid0e is used to measure fre,ue-y ad e6plai the measuremet pro-edureN 1ist
the appli-atios of ?C brid0e. &May !99D)
$*.8es-ribe the /or4i0 of Eayes brid0e for measuremet of Idu-ta-e. 8eri.e the e,uatio
for bala-e ad dra/ the phasor dia0ram uder -oditios of bala-e. 5hy is this brid0e suited
for measuremet of Idu-ta-e of hi0h M3-oils.&May !99X)
$#.&i)E6plai the errors i measuremet by 0i.i0 suitable e6amples. 8is-uss the meas adopted
to miimi7e the errors.
ii) 5hat are the differet effe-ts used i produ-i0 defle-ti0 tor,ue i a aalo0 istrumet.
Cite e6amples i /hi-h these effe-ts are used. &May !99X)
15.-i)8es-ribe the differet types of stadards of measuremet.
&ii)E6plai the blo-4 dia0ram of a true rms readi0 .oltmeter.&May !9$9)
1=.-i6E6plai the /or4i0 of a hay brid0e ad ho/ is it differet from Ma6/ell brid0eN Metio
its ad.ata0e ad disad.ata0es.&May !9$9)
ii) 5hi-h ?C brid0e is used to measure Capa-ita-e ad e6plai the measuremet
pro-edureN &May !9$9)
$D.&a) &i) 8efie ay four stati- ad dyami- -hara-teristi-s. State the types of error ad its
&ii) E6plai the -ostru-tio ad /or4i0 of mo.i0 iro meter.8eri.e its tor,ue
e,uatio.&$9) &No. !9$9)
$X.&b) &i)8ra/ the -ir-uit dia0ram ad phasor dia0ram for S-heri0 brid0e.8eri.e the e6pressio
for u4o/ -apa-ita-e.&$!)

&ii) 5hat are true 'MS metersN E6plai its fu-tioi0.&*) &No. !9$9)
!9.&a) &i) 5hat is the eed for stadards of measuremetsN Eo/ they are
-lassifiedN E6plai &D)
&b) &ii) Eo/ the u4o/ fre,ue-y is measured usi0 5ei brid0e
methodN &D) &May !9$$)
!$.&b) &i) 5hat are the differet types of errors i measuremetN E6plai
&ii) Eo/ do you measure the u4o/ idu-ta-e usi0 Eay Brid0eN &May !9$$)
!!.Fi.e the detail aalysis ad e6plai the follo/i0 terms&May !9$!)
$.Mo.i0 Coil Meters
!.Mo.i0 Iro Meters
!".8es-ribe i detail the .arious brid0e measuremet systems &May !9$!)
!*.5ith eat -ir-uit dia0rams des-ribe i detail about the follo/i0 brid0es i measuremet
system i)Ma6/ell Brid0e ii) 5ei Brid0e .&May $")
!#.i)E6plai i detail the .arious error measuremet system /ith statisti-al aalysis
ii)E6plai i detail the mo.i0 iro meters /ith suitable e6ample.&May $")
!;.Eo/ to -o.ert PMMC ito .oltmeter ad ?mmeterN&No. $!)
!C.i)5hat are the -oditio for Brid0e bala-eN&D)
ii)Eo/ to measure the u4o/ idu-ta-e usi0 Ma6/ell 1CBrid0e N8ra/ the Phasor
8ia0ram&No. $!)

$. 5ith the e-essary dia0rams, e6plai the operatio of a -athode3ray3os-illos-ope i
detail. ?lso defie defle-tio sesiti.ity of a C'+.
&No.K !99#/MayK!99* ECE/No. !99X).
!. i)1ist the disad.ata0es of stora0e C'+.
&ii) 5ith a eat s4et-h dis-uss ho/ the /a.eform is stored i di0iti7ed format
i a di0ital stora0e os-illos-opeN &MayK !99; ECE)
". &i) 5ith a eat dia0ram e6plai the .arious parts of C'2.
&ii) E6plai the /or4i0 of a M meter /ith a eat -ir-uit dia0ram. 1ist the
appli-atio of a M meter. &MayK !99; ECE/No. !99X)

*. &i) 5ith a blo-4 dia0ram, e6plai i detail sampli0 os-illos-opes.
&ii) 8ra/ a test setup to measure po/er at hi0h fre,ue-ies. &MayK !99; ECE)

#. &i) 8ra/ ad e6plai the blo-4 dia0ram of di0ital stora0e os-illos-ope ad the modes of
operatio of 8S2.&May !9$!)
&ii) 5hat are 1issa@ous pattersN Eo/ are they used for fre,ue-y
measuremetN &No.K !99; ECE/May !99X)
;. &i) E6plai , ho/ the M3meter -a be used for the measuremet of M fa-tor ad effe-ti.e
resista-e ad dis-uss the sour-es of error.
&ii) ? -oil /ith a resista-e of $9_ is -oe-ted i dire-t measuremet mode
.'esoa-e o--ur /he the os-illatio fre,ue-y is $.9 ME> ad the
resoati0 -apa-itor is set at ;# PA . Cal-ulate : error itrodu-ed i the
-al-ulated .alue of M by the 9.9!_ isertio resista-e.
&No.K !99; ECE)
C. 5ith the eat dia0ram e6plai i detail about
&i) 'amp type 8VM.
&ii) Su--essi.e appro6imatio 8VM&May !99C)

D. 5ith the eat blo-4 dia0ram e6plai i detail about .e-tor impeda-e meter
. &May !99C,No. $!)

X. &i) 5hat is Aast Aourier +rasform&AA+) ad ho/ -a this be used for spe-tral
aaly7erN E6plai /ith a blo-4 dia0ram.
&ii) Eo/ does a AA+ spe-trum aaly7er differ from real time spe-trum
aaly7erN &May !99C ' 9$)

$9. &i) 8is-uss some of the saliet features of a fu-tio 0eerator.
&ii) 5ith a eat s4et-h e6plai the /or4i0 of a fu-tio 0eerator for obtaii0 s,uare,
sie ad tria0ular /
&iii) 1ist the ad.ata0es ad disad.ata0es of s/eep 0eerator. &May !99C ' 9$)
$$. I) 8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of 8ual tra-e os-illos-ope ad e6plai the fu-tio of ea-h
ii) Briefly dis-uss the problems i 'A po/er measuremets. &No. !99C)
$!. I) 5ith a help of blo-4 dia0ram e6pali the /or4i0 of sampli0 os-illos-ope.
ii) E6plai the fu-tioi0 of .e-tor .oltmeter /ith a eat dia0ram. &No. !99C)
$". I) 8es-ribe the /or4i0 of di0ital stora0e os-illos-ope /ith the eat s4et-h ad ho/ is it
differet from aalo0 stora0e os-illos-ope
ii) E6plai 1issa@ous fi0ures as a method of measuri0 fre,ue-y i os-illos-ope /ith a
eat dia0ram. &May !99D)
$*. I) 5ith -ir-uit dia0rams e6plai the /or4i0 of ele-troi- multimeter,the resista-e ra0e
sele-ted -ir-uit ad -ommer-ially a.ailable V2M.
ii) Eo/ is phase a0le ad ma0itude of a -ompoet measured usi0 .e-tor impeda-e
meter. &May !99D/May !99X)
$#. 8es-ribe the measuremet of follo/i0`
&i) M3fa-tor
&ii) Idu-ta-e
&iii)Effe-ti.e resista-e.&May !99X)
$;. E6plai brifly the follo/i0 methods of measuri0 po/er
&$) . Bolometer method
&!) . Calorimeter method &No. !99X)
$C. &i) E6plai the basi- elemets of a ele-troi- Multimeter.
&ii)E6plai the ele-trostati- fo-usi0 system of a C'+.&May !9$9)
$D. &i) E6plai the M3meter measuremet of hi0h impeda-e -ompoet i the parallel
&ii)E6plai i detail 'A .olta0e ad po/er measuremets.&May !9$9,!9$!)
$X. &a) &i) 8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of dual tra-e os-illos-ope ad e6plai the fu-tio of ea-h
&ii) E6plai ho/ to measure phase a0le differe-e ad fre,ue-y usi0 a C'2.&#)
&No. !9$9)
!9. &b) &i) E6plai the /or4i0 of 8i0ital multimeter usi0 a blo-4 dia0ram. &$9)
&ii) E6plai the fu-tioi0 of M3meter /ith eat dia0ram.&;) &No. !9$9)
!$. &a) &i) 8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of sampli0 os-illos-ope ad e6plai the
pri-iple. &D)
&ii) E6plai the measuremet of ,uality fa-tor of a -oil. &May !9$$)
!!. &b) &i) 8is-uss the measuremet of 8C ad ?C .olta0es ad -urrets
usi0 a Ele-troi- Multimeter. &D)
&ii) 8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of +rue 'MS readi0 .oltmeter ad
e6plai its operatio. &D) &May !9$$)
!".8es-ribe the /or4i0 of di0ital stora0e os-illos-ope a aalo0 stora0e os-illos-ope&May
!*.i)8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of sampli0 os-illos-ope.ho/ does sampli0 os-illos-ope
i-rease the apparet fre,ue-y respose of a os-illos-ope.
ii)Eo/ to lar0e -apa-itors ad small -oils usi0 M3meters.&No. $!)
!#.Eo/ to measure 'A .olta0e ad po/er usi0 'A milli.oltmeter&No.$!)
!;.8is-uss i detail about the fu-tio of delay time base os-illos-ope /ith eat
!C.5ith the eat dia0ram e6plai i detail about the fu-tio of follo/i0 measuremet
i)Ve-tor meter
ii)M meter


$. S4et-h the -omplete blo-4 dia0ram for a s/eep 0eerator. Sho/ the /a.eforms at
.arious poits i the system ad e6plai the operatio of the measuremet.
&No.K !99* /No.K!99"/MayK!99;ECE).

!. &i) 8ra/ a blo-4 dia0ram of heterodye fre,ue-y 0eerator ad e6plai.
&ii) 8efie stadi0 /a.e ratio. E6plai i detail the method of measuri0
stadi0 /a.e ratio. &MayK !99; ECE)
". &i) 8efie spe-trum aalysis ad e6plai the /or4i0 of basi- spe-trum aaly7er /ith a
blo-4 dia0ram.
&ii) E6plai ho/ the follo/i0 spe-tra are displayed i spe-trum aaly7er &$)
?mplitude modulated si0als&!) Are,ue-y modulated si0als &")
?symmetri-al spe-tra &*) Pulse modulated si0als &#) Cotious /a.e
si0als. &MayK !99; ECE).

*. -i) 5ith a eat blo-4 dia0ram e6plai si0al 0eerator.

&ii) 5ith a eat blo-4 dia0ram, e6plai the /or4i0 of harmoi- distortio
aaly7er ad itermodulatio distortio meter.
&MayK !99; ECE)
#. &i) 8ra/ ad e6plai the blo-4 dia0ram of s/eep 0eerator -o.eri0 etire
fre,ue-y bad.
&ii) 5hat is mar4er 0eeratorN Eo/ does it the disad.ata0e of a
s/eep 0eeratorN &No.K !99; ECE)

;. &i) 5ith a eat dia0ram ,des-ribe the operatio of a super heterodye
spe-trum aaly7er.
&ii) 5hat is the dyami- ra0e of a spe-trum aaly7er /ith a third order
iter-ept poit of (!#db ad a oise le.el of 3D# dbN
&No.K !99; ECE)
C. 5ith the eat blo-4 dia0ram e6plai i detail about the fre,ue-y di.ider
type of si0al 0eerator /ith fre,ue-y modulatio. &May !99C)

D. E6plai &i) Feeral purpose spe-trum aaly7er
&ii) Phase lo-4ed -ir-uit for the first lo-al os-illator of a spe-trum aaly7er .
&May !99C)

X. &a) &i) ? " b di0it 8VM has a a--ura-y spe-ifi-atio of V9.#^ of the readi0 V$

i. 5hat is the error i .olts,/he the readi0 is #.9V o its $9V ra0e.
ii. 5hat is the $^ error of readi0,/he the readi0 is 9.$V o its $9V
&ii) 8ra/ the s-hemati- of 8MM ad e6plai its /or4i0.?lso bri0 out its
ad.ata0es aalo0 multimeters. &May !99C ' 9$)

$9. &i) 1ist the features ad appli-atios of .e-tor .oltmeter.
&ii) E6plai ho/ -apa-iti.e effe-ts -a be a.oided by shieldi0.
a. I .ery lo/ fre,ue-y ra0e, time period measuremet 0i.e 0ood
a--ura-y rather tha dire-t fre,ue-y measuremet. Justify the
statemet ad des-ribe the /or4i0 of time period measuremet
&May !99C ' 9$)
$$. &i) 8ra/ ad e6plai the /or4i0 of fre,ue-y sythesi7ed si0al 0eerator.
&ii) 5hat is the resolutio of the spe-trum aaly7er usi0 a IA filter /ith a "3db
bad/idth of "9LE7. &No. !99C)
$!. &i) 8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram for fudametal suppressio distortio meter ad e6plai its
ii) 8ra/ ad dis-uss about the spe-trum aaly7er displays produ-ed by the follo/i0
$. +/o pure sie /a.e iputs /ith differet fre,ue-ies ad
!. ? sie /a.e /ith small amout of harmoi- distortio.
&No. !99C)
$". &a) &i) 5hat is a fu-tio 0eeratorN 5hat are its basi- elemets ad e6plai its /or4i0
/ith a blo-4 dia0ram
&ii ) 8is-uss the pri-iple of pulse ad s,uare /a.e 0eerator ad also the pulse
-hara-teristi-s re,uired to aalyse the ,uality of the pulse. &May !99D)
$*. 8efie the harmoi- distortio ad total harmoi- distortio. E6plai the parts of
fudametal suppressio E8 aalyser,its /or4i0 ad its ad.ata0es. &May !99D)
$#. &i)E6plai dire-t ad idire-t fre,ue-y sythesi7er.
&ii)8ra/ ad e6plai the blo-4 dia0ram of s/eep 0eerator -o.eri0 etire fre,ue-y
bad.&May !99X)
$;. i)8es-ribe the fu-tioi0 of a total harmoi- distortio meter /ith a dia0ram.
&ii)8es-ribe the e0ieeri0 appli-atio of /a.e aaly7er.&May !99X)
$C. 5rite short otes o&i)/a.e ?aly7er.&ii)Spe-trum ?aly7er.&iii)Earmoi- 8istortio
?aly7er.&No. !99X)
$D. E6plai the laboratory type s,uare /a.e ad pulse 0eerator.&No. !99X)
$X. &i) 5hat is a /idebad s/eep 0eeratorN 5hat are its basi- elemets ad e6plai its
/or4i0 /ith a blo-4 dia0ram.
&ii) E6plai the idire-t method of fre,ue-y sythesis /ith a eat dia0ram.&May !9$9)
!9. &i) 8ra/ ad dis-uss the fudametal blo-4 dia0ram of the heterodyi0 /a.e aaly7er.
&ii) E6plai the appli-atio of the spe-trum aaly7er i detail.&May !9$9)
!$. &a) &i) 5ith blo-4 dia0ram e6plai the /or4i0 of Are,ue-y sythesi7ed si0al
&ii) 5hat is the resolutio of the spe-trum aaly7er usi0 a IA filter /ith a "3db
bad/idth of ##LE7NE6plai.&;) &No. !9$9)
!!. &b) &i) 8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram for distortio meter ad e6plai its operatio.&D)
&ii) 8ra/ ad dis-uss the spe-trum aaly7er displays produ-ed by the follo/i0 iputs.
$. +/o pure sie /a.e iputs /ith differet fre,ue-ies ad amplitudes.
!. sie /a.e /ith small amout of harmoi- distortio. &D) &No. !9$9)
!". &a) &i) E6plai ho/ fu-tio 0eerator 0eerates sie /a.e, tria0ular
/a.e ad s,uare /a.e. &D)&No. $!)
&iii) 8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of s/eep3fre,ue-y 0eerator ad e6plai.&May !9$$)
!*. & b) &i) 5hat is /a.e aaly7erN Eo/ it aaly7es the harmoi-sN E6plai. &D)
&.) E6plai the .e-tor et/or4 aaly7er ad list its appli-atio. &D) &May

!#.E6plai i detail about the operatio of the follo/i0&May !9$!)
i.Earmoi- 8istirtio ?alyser
ii.Spe-trum ?alyser
!;.E6plai the operatios of 'f si0al ad S/eep Feerators&May $")
!C.E6plai /ith eat dia0rams,the /or4i0 of the follo/i0&May $")
i)Spe-trum ?alyer
ii)Are,ue-y Sythesi7er
!D.8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of fre,ue-y di.ider type of si0al 0eerator /ith fre,ue-y
modulatio ad e6plai.&D)&No. $!)

!X.i)E6plai the /or4i0 of the fre,ue-y sele-ti.e /a.e aaly7er /ith eat blo-4 dia0ram
ii)Eo/ the fudametal fre,ue-y is suppressed usi0 the fudametal suppressio distortio


$. &i)Eo/ di0ital .oltmeters are -lassifiedN
&ii) E6plai /ith blo-4 dia0ram, the operatio of ramp type 8VM.
&MayK !99* ECE/May !99X).

!. &i) 5ith a eat blo-4 dia0ram ad -ir-uit, e6plai i detail about the di0ital fre,ue-y
&ii) E6plai /ith eat dia0ram the /or4i0 of ite0rati0 type di0ital
.oltmeter. &MayK !99; ECE/May !99X)

". &i) 5ith a eat blo-4 dia0ram e6plai the time measuremet.
&ii) E6plai the /or4i0 of a potetiometri- 8VM /ith a eat blo-4 dia0ram.
&MayK !99; ECE)
*. &i) 5ith a eat s-hemati-, e6plai the operatio of a dual slope ?8C.
&ii) ? dual slope ?8C uses a $; bit -outer ad * ME> -lo-4 rate . +he
ma6imum iput .olta0e is ($9 V. +he ma6imum ite0rator output .olta0e
should be 3DV /he the -outer has -y-led throu0h !

-outs. +he -apa-itor

used i ite0rator is 9.$ YA. Aid the .alue of the resistor ' of the ite0rator.
&No.K !99; ECE)

#. &i) 5ith a blo-4 s-hemati-, e6plai the Jfre,ue-y modeK ad the Jfre,ue-y ratioK mode
operatio of a fre,ue-y -outer.
&ii) 5hat is meat by 0ati0 error i a fre,ue-y -outerN Eo/ does it ariseN
Ca it be elimiatedN
&No.K !99; ECE)
;. &i) 5hat method -a be used to i-rease fre,ue-y ra0e of fre,ue-y -outer.
&ii)Eo/ -a this be a-hie.ed /ithout de0radi0 the a--ura-y of the -outer.
&May !99C)
C. 8is-uss i detail about &i) Fati0 error &ii) +ime base error ad tri00er le.el error
&iii) Ma6imum a--ura-y a-hie.ed for fre,ue-y measuremets &May !99C)

D. &i) ? " b di0it 8VM has a a--ura-y spe-ifi-atio of V9.#^ of the readi0 V$
i. 5hat is the error i .olts,/he the readi0 is #.9V o its $9V ra0e.
ii. 5hat is the $^ error of readi0,/he the readi0 is 9.$V o its $9V
&ii) 8ra/ the s-hemati- of 8MM ad e6plai its /or4i0.?lso bri0 out its
ad.ata0es aalo0 multimeters. &May !99C ' 9$)

X. &b) &i) 1ist the features ad appli-atios of .e-tor .oltmeter.
&ii) E6plai ho/ -apa-iti.e effe-ts -a be a.oided by shieldi0.
b. I .ery lo/ fre,ue-y ra0e, time period measuremet 0i.e 0ood
a--ura-y rather tha dire-t fre,ue-y measuremet. Justify the
statemet ad des-ribe the /or4i0 of time period measuremet
&May !99C ' 9$)
$9. &a) &i) 5ith a eat blo-4 dia0ram state the operatio of 'amp type d0ital .oltmeter.8ra/
the e-essary /a.eforms.
&ii ) 8etermie the miimum umber of output bits re,uired for a ?8C to 0i.e a
,uati7i0 error less tha 9.# &No. !99C)
$$. &i) 8ra/ a blo-4 dia0ram to sho/ ho/ de-ade -outers may be used for fre,ue-y
di.isio.Sho/ th/ /a.eforms ad e6plai its operatio.
&ii ) Briefly dis-uss the methods used to i-rease the ra0e of fre,ue-y -outer.
&No. !99C)
$!. &a) &i) 5ith a eat blo-4 dia0ram dis-uss the /or4i0 of dual slope ite0ratio type ?8C
ad the measuremet of .olta0e from the same.1ist the ad.ata0es.
&ii ) 5hy is it re,uired to e.aluate sesiti.ity ad resolutio of the di0iti7er.
&May !99D)
$". E6plai follo/i0 /ith e-essary dia0rams.
&i) +otali7i0 ad period mode.
&ii) +ime ad time a.era0i0.&May !99D)
$*. 8es-ribe /ith the help of suitable -ir-uit dia0rams, ho/ the follo/i0 types of
measuremets are -arried out usi0 a di0ital fre,ue-y meter.
&i)+ime period measuremet
&ii)+ime measuremet
&iii)Are,ue-y measuremet
&i.)'atio of t/o fre,ue-ies &hi0h ad lo/)&may !99X)
$#. 8es-ribe a Jdi0ital multimeter J/ith a help of a blo-4 dia0ram. E6plai its /or4i0 .
$;. E6plai /ith eat dia0ram the /or4i0 of the follo/i0 istrumets.
&i)'amp type 8VM
&ii) 8ual [slope ite0rati0 type 8VM.
&iii)Ite0rati0 type 8VM. &No. !99X)
$C. &i)E6plai the basi- blo-4 dia0ram of fre,ue-y -outer.
&ii)E6plai the effe-ts o a--ura-y ad resolutio for fre,ue-y -outer /ith modulus
pres-alar.&May !9$9)
$D. &i)8ra/ ad e6plai the -ir-uit arra0emet for +ime period measuremet.
&ii)E6plai the /or4i0 of a maually tued heterodyi0 fre,ue-y -o.erter for
e6tedi0 the fre,ue-y ra0e of fre,ue-y -outer.&May !9$9)
$X. a) &i) 5ith a eat blo-4 dia0ram dis-uss the operatio of di0ital .oltmeter. 8ra/ the
e-essary /a.eforms.&$$)
&ii) 8etermie the miimum umber of output bits re,uired for a ?8C to 0i.e a
,uati7i0 error less tha 9.#:.&#) &No. !9$9)
!9. &b) &i) 8ra/ a blo-4 dia0ram to sho/ ho/ de-ade -outers may be used for fre,ue-y
di.isio. Sho/ the /a.eforms ad e6plai its operatio.&$$)
&ii) Briefly dis-uss the method used to i-rease the ra0e of fre,ue-y -outer.&#)
&No. !9$9)
!$. &a) &i) Eo/ -omputer -otrolled measuremet system is used for testi0
radio re-ei.erN &D)
&ii) 5hat is .irtual istrumetN 1ist the ad.ata0es of .irtual
istrumet -o.etioal istrumet &D) &May !9$$,!9$!)
!!. &b) &i) 5ith e-essary dia0rams e6plai 'amp type di0ital .oltmeter. &D)
&ii) 8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of di0ital fre,ue-y meter ad e6plai. &D) &May

!".5rite Short Notes o
i.?utomati- polarity idi-atio
ii. ?utomati- 'a0i0
iii. ?utomati- 7eroi0
!*.8is-uss i detail about the -omputer -otrolled fully automati- di0ital istrumets /ith the
test systems.
!#.I)Eumerate the measuremet system of fre,ue-y ad time i a parti-ular ra0e
of si0al&May $")
II)8is-uss i detail about di0ital multimeter&May $")
!;.i)8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of a multiple6ed display used i a fre,ue-y -outer ad
ii)E6plai ho/ to e6ted the fre,ue-y ra0e of the -outer&No. $!)
!C.i)Eo/ to ma4e automati- polarity idi-atio ad ra0i0 i a di0ital istumet
ii)E6plai the eed of .irtual istrumet /ith a e6ample&No. $!)

$. 5ith blo-4 dia0ram e6plai the automati- test system to aaly7e a audio amplifier ad
radio &MayK !99*/ No.K !99"/No.K!99; ECE).
!. &i)8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of a -omputer iterfa-ed spe-trum aaly7er ad e6plai
&ii) Bri0 out the differe-e bet/ee 0eeral purpose spe-trum aaly7er ad
-omputer iterfa-ed spe-trum aaly7er.
-iii6 Briefly e6plai the re,uiremets of a automati- test system.
&MayK !99; ECE)

". E6plai the .arious maa0emet lies ad data byte trasfer lies of FPIB.
&No.K !99; ECE)
*. &i) 5hat are the re,uiremets of automati- test systemN
&ii)E6plai i detail about IEEE *DD system &May !99C,!9$!)

#. E6plai /ith the eat blo-4 dia0ram
&i) opti-al meter
&ii) auto ra0i0 po/er meter
&iii) opti-al time domai refle-tometer
&May !99C)

;. E6plai the testi0 of a audio amplifier ad a radio !99C ' 9$)

C. 8is-uss the /or4i0 of follo/i0 istrumets i -omputer -otrolled istrumetatio:
i) Are,ue-y -outer
ii) Sythesi7ed si0al 0eerator.
&May !99C ' 9$)
D. &i) 5ith eat s-hemati- dia0ram e6plai the fu-tioi0 of multi -hael data a-,uisatio
&ii )8ifferetiate bet/ee aalo0 ad di0ital multiple6ers. &No. !99C)
X. &i) 8ra/ the s-hemati- of IEEE *DD Istrumetatio bus ad e6plai its features.
&ii )8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of opti-al time domai refle-tometer ad dis-uss its
operatios. &No. !99C)
$9. 8es-ribe the pri-iple of a B]S system to -ommui-ate bet/ee istrumets ad e6plai
the -ofi0uratio of IEEE *DD bus i detail. &May !99D,$")
$$. &i)8is-uss briefly the /or4i0 of IEEE3*DD bus system.
&ii)E6plai /ith eat dia0ram the /or4i0 of si0le -hael ad multi-hael data
a-,uisitio system. &No. !99X)
$!. &i) 5ith a eat blo-4 dia0ram e6plai the opti-al po/er meter ad ho/ -a it be modified
to display lo0arithmi- po/erN
&ii ) E6plai automati- test system to aalyse a audio amplifier /ith a blo-4 dia0ram.
&May !99D)
$". &i) 5hat is data a-,uisitio N5hat are the basi- of 8?S/E6plai briefly the
differe-e bet/ee aalo0 ad di0ital 8?S.
&ii)E6plai /ith blo-4 dia0ram the -omputer -otrolled testi0 of a audio amplifier.
&May !99X)
$*. &i) 5hat are the si0al lies i IEEE *DD bus ad e6plai i brief.
&ii)5rite a ote o
$. 2pti-al fiber sour-es
!. 2pti-al fiber dete-tors
". 2+8'.&May !99X)

$#. &i) 8is-uss briefly the /or4i0 of IEEE3*DD bus system.&No. $!)
&ii) E6plai /ith eat dia0ram the /or4i0 of si0le -hael ad multi-hael data
a,uisitio system. .&No. !99X)
$;. 8es-ribe the follo/i0 i detail
&i) Aiber opti- po/er measuremet
&ii)2pti-al time domai refle-tometer.&No. !99X)
$C. 8es-ribe the s-hemati- represetatio of the IEEE *DD istrumetatio bus i detail.
&May !9$9)
$D. &i)5ith a blo-4 dia0ram e6plai opti-al time domai refle-tometer .
&ii) E6plai automati- test system to aaly7e a radio /ith a blo-4 dia0ram.
&May !9$9)
$X. &a) &i) 5ith eat s-hemati- dia0ram e6plai a s-heme of -omputer -otrolled
Istrumetatio system.&X)
&ii)5rite short otes o Iterfa-i0 ad multiple6i0 i Istrumetatio systems.&C)
&No. !9$9)
!9. &b) &i) 8ra/ the s-hemati- of IEEE *DD Istrumetatio Bus ad e6plai its features.&$9)
-ii6 8ra/ the blo-4 dia0ram of opti-al time3domai refle-tometer ad dis-uss its
operatio.&;) &No. !9$9)
!$. &a) &i) 5hat are the fa-tors to be -osidered /hile iterfa-i0 trasdu-ers
to ele-troi- -otrol ad measuri0 systemsN &D)
&ii) 8ra/ the blo-4 s-hemati- represetatio of the IEEE *DD
istrumetatio bus ad e6plai. &D) &May !9$$)
!!. &b) &i) E6plai the opti-al time domai refle-tometer /ith a eat dia0ram.&may !9$$)
&ii) 5rite a detailed ote o data lo00ers. &May !9$$,!9$!)
!".8es-ribe i detail about the fiber opti- measuremet for po/er ad system loss&May
!*.i)8ra/ the s-hemati- of a isolatio amplifier ad e6plai the eed of isolatio amplifier i
iterfa-i0 trasdu-ers
ii)E6plai the di0ital to aalo0 Multiple6i0&No. $!)
!#.E6plai i detail the blo-4 dia0ram of aalo0 ad di0ital data a-,uisitio syatem&May $")
!;.Eo/ to measure po/er usi0 opti-al istrumetN8ra/ autora0i0 po/er meter ad
e6plai&No. $!)

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