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Black and White

Today was the day. Id make the decision that would change my life forever. There were a dozen
other people my age waiting and despite the rooms large architecture, I felt very claustrophobic.
Are you getting the operation? Jackson said in a low, serious voice.
My body cringed at the thought of people using lasers to remove the black and white shading that
everyone on our planet has since birth. The operation is only available until you turn 16, and it offers
you the chance to see in colour. I have no idea what colour is. Unfortunately it is apparently too
hard to describe, but people say a life without colour is a half-life. But there are risks; 70% of the
operations are successful, 20% result in permanent blindness, and 10% result in death.
Dont know. What about you? I said in a quiet voice trying to look calmer.
I think Im going to get it done. He faced me and I could see the worry in his eyes.
We were terrified for each other and ourselves; we were in love. All I did was nod, but inside my
mind was turning like the cogs of a clock. How could I live without him? Could I risk losing my eye
sight to just be able to see in colour? I clutched his hand desperately, and I tried to smile although
my eyes started welling up like an overflowing creek.
I dont know if I can go through with this operation. After losing my brother 4 years ago, the reality
of the operation petrified me. I dont want to have to put my parents through the same hell as they
went through four years ago.
Mr Smith, an old woman called out while examining her clip board.
My lungs expelled air but refused to suck anything back in. Jackson rose hesitantly from his chair.
This cant be happening! Im not ready yet. I managed to get up off my chair to give him what could
be our last moment in each others embrace.
Alice he said staring into my eyes. No matter what happens, I will always love you.
At that he pressed his lips passionately onto mine and I wished we were anywhere but here.
See you soon, he said, but we both knew that might not happen.
There were only three people left, including myself. I was alone.
Over 200 years ago, everyone could see in colour. The biggest nuclear power plant in the world
exploded, leaving everyone to inhale the poisonous gases that affected their descendants. The next
generation were born with an eye deformity that was proclaimed reversible only 30 years ago.
Miss Wall, youre up. A womans voice dragged me back to my reality.
My heart was pounding and my palms were sweaty. Panic, fear and uncertainty washed through me
as I managed to stand and walk through the door.
Miss Wall, are you going to participate in the operation? The phrase a life without colour is only a
half-life lingered in my head as I answered her terrifying question.
Yes, I knew the risks I was taking, but why live a half-life when you have the potential to live a
better life? This is my life and I want to live my life to the fullest... with Jackson.

Inside were three men dressed in lab coats and had masks over their faces as if a contagious virus
lingered in the air. The scientists injected some kind of serum into my arm as I laid on the operation
table. All my muscles started to relax and I was thankful for the release of pressure. I closed my eyes
letting the darkness drag me to the deepest parts of my unconscious.
I felt a throbbing behind my eyes; I lifted my hand to my face to feel bandages covering half my face.
I remembered what happened, and I dreaded taking off the bandages. Eventually, I decided to take
off the bandages that would reveal my future. Layer by layer, I unravelled it. Finally I felt the last
section of the bandage slip away and a mixture of excitement and anxiety filled my body.
The light caused me to squint but after a few minutes I could get them half open and what I saw was
indescribable. I saw colour. I opened my eyes to their full extent, which was a little painful, but I was
so awed by what I was seeing that I didnt care. I knew I was alive now. The flowers by my bedside
were glowing with colours; warm reds, vibrant yellows and cool blues. There was a magazine next to
the flowers, in which lush green grass looked extremely inviting. As I examined the room in awe, I
saw something that made my chest swell with happiness. Jackson was resting in a bed six rows
down. I walked as fast I could even though my body just wanted to rest. He opened his eyes, which
were a mahogany brown with flecks of light blue. He pulled me down into his bed and hugged me so
tightly I couldnt breathe properly. I stared at his facial completion; he had olive skin and a dark mole
on his right ear, his lips were a soft pink and his hair was shades of caramel, fawn and nut-brown.
He lessened his grip and looked me in the eyes. Youre so beautiful. Jackson kissed me so
passionately that goose bumps began to appear all over my body. We were happy, and that was all
we needed.

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