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1 patch for repository http://darcs.

Tue Jun 24 21:31:17 ART 2014 Marcio Diaz <>
* bucketed cachezre
New patches:
[bucketed cache
Marcio Diaz <>**20140625003117
Ignore-this: 1f668e6658483441137fc5ed0cbc1e9d
] hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository.hs 167
, CacheLoc(..)
, WritableOrNot(..)
, hashedDir
+ , bucketFolder
, CacheType(Directory)
, reportBadSources
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository.hs 666
BL.writeFile x' y
renameFile x' z
writeFile' (Just ca) z y = do
- let x' = joinPath . tail $ splitPath z -- drop darcsdir
- ex <- doesFileExist $ ca </> x'
+ let fileFullPath = case splitPath z of
+ _:hDir:hFile:_ -> joinPath [ca, hDir, bucketFolder hFile, hFile]
+ _ -> fail "Unexpected file path"
+ ex <- doesFileExist fileFullPath
if ex
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository.hs 671
- then createLink' (ca </> x') z
- else withTemp $ \x'' -> do
- BL.writeFile x'' y
- createLink' x'' $ ca </> x'
- renameFile x'' z
+ then createLink' fileFullPath z
+ else withTemp $ \x'' -> do
+ BL.writeFile x'' y
+ createLink' x'' fileFullPath
+ renameFile x'' z
createLink' z y = do
createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory y
createLink z y `catchall` return ()
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 13
, WritableOrNot(..)
, HashedDir(..)
, hashedDir
+ , bucketFolder
, unionCaches
, unionRemoteCaches
, cleanCaches
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 37
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack)
import Data.List ( nub, intercalate )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes, listToMaybe, fromMaybe )
-import System.FilePath.Posix ( (</>) )
+import System.FilePath.Posix ( (</>), joinPath )
import System.Directory ( createDirectoryIfMissing, removeFile, doesFileExist,
doesDirectoryExist, getDirectoryContents,
getPermissions )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 81

data WritableOrNot = Writable
| NotWritable
- deriving ( Show )
+ deriving ( Eq, Show )

data CacheType = Repo
| Directory
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 153
-- | Compares two caches, a remote cache is greater than a local one.
-- The order of the comparison is given by: local < http < ssh
compareByLocality :: CacheLoc -> CacheLoc -> Ordering
-compareByLocality (Cache _ _ x) (Cache _ _ y)
+compareByLocality (Cache _ w x) (Cache _ z y)
| isLocal x && isRemote y = LT
| isRemote x && isLocal y = GT
| isHttpUrl x && isSshUrl y = LT
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 158
| isSshUrl x && isHttpUrl y = GT
+ | isLocal x && isWritable w
+ && isLocal y && isNotWritable z = LT
| otherwise = EQ
isRemote r = isHttpUrl r || isSshUrl r
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 164
isLocal = isFile
+ isWritable = (==) Writable
+ isNotWritable = (==) NotWritable

repo2cache :: String -> Cache
repo2cache r = Ca [Cache Repo NotWritable r]
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 216
isThisRepo (Cache Repo Writable _) = True
isThisRepo _ = False

+bucketFolder :: String -> String
+bucketFolder f = take 2 (cleanHash f)
+ where
+ cleanHash fileName = case dropWhile (/= '-') fileName of
+ [] -> fileName
+ s -> drop 1 s
-- | @hashedFilePath cachelocation subdir hash@ returns the physical filename
-- of hash @hash@ in the @subdir@ section of @cachelocation@.
hashedFilePath :: CacheLoc -> HashedDir -> String -> String
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 227
hashedFilePath (Cache Directory _ d) s f =
+ joinPath [d, hashedDir s, bucketFolder f, f]
+hashedFilePath (Cache Repo _ r) s f =
+ joinPath [r, darcsdir, hashedDir s, f]
+-- | @hashedFilePathReadOnly cachelocation subdir hash@ returns the physical fi
+-- of hash @hash@ in the @subdir@ section of @cachelocation@.
+-- If directory, assume it is non-bucketed cache (old cache location).
+hashedFilePathReadOnly :: CacheLoc -> HashedDir -> String -> String
+hashedFilePathReadOnly (Cache Directory _ d) s f =
d ++ "/" ++ hashedDir s ++ "/" ++ f
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 237
-hashedFilePath (Cache Repo _ r) s f =
+hashedFilePathReadOnly (Cache Repo _ r) s f =
r ++ "/" ++ darcsdir ++ "/" ++ hashedDir s ++ "/" ++ f

-- | @peekInCache cache subdir hash@ tells whether @cache@ and contains an
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Cache.hs 388
ffuc (c : cs)
| not (writable c) &&
- (Anywhere == fromWhere || isFile (hashedFilePath c subdir f)) = do
- let cacheFile = hashedFilePath c subdir f
+ (Anywhere == fromWhere || isFile (hashedFilePathReadOnly c subdir f
)) = do
+ let cacheFile = hashedFilePathReadOnly c subdir f
debugMessage $ "In fetchFileUsingCachePrivate I'm going manually"
++ " getting " ++ f
++ " from " ++ cacheFile
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/HashedRepo.hs 19

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Darcs.Repository.HashedRepo
- ( revertTentativeChanges
+ ( inventoriesDir
+ , pristineDir
+ , patchesDir
+ , revertTentativeChanges
, finalizeTentativeChanges
, cleanPristine
, filterDirContents
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/HashedRepo.hs 143
inventoriesDir = "inventories"
inventoriesDirPath = makeDarcsdirPath inventoriesDir

-tentativePristinePath, pristineDirPath :: String
+pristineDir, tentativePristinePath, pristineDirPath :: String
tentativePristinePath = makeDarcsdirPath "tentative_pristine"
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/HashedRepo.hs 145
-pristineDirPath = makeDarcsdirPath "pristine.hashed"
+pristineDir = "pristine.hashed"
+pristineDirPath = makeDarcsdirPath pristineDir

patchesDir, patchesDirPath :: String
patchesDir = "patches"
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.hs 45
, globalCacheDir
, globalPrefsDirDoc
, globalPrefsDir
+ , oldGlobalCacheDir
) where

import Control.Exception ( catch )
hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.hs 248
Nothing -> return []

globalCacheDir :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
-globalCacheDir | windows = ((</> "cache") `fmap`) `fmap` globalPrefsDir
+globalCacheDir | windows = ((</> "cache2") `fmap`) `fmap` globalPrefsDir
| osx = ((</> "darcs") `fmap`) `fmap` osxCacheDir
| otherwise = ((</> "darcs") `fmap`) `fmap` xdgCacheDir

hunk ./src/Darcs/Repository/Prefs.hs 256
-- now ony used with read-only access.
oldGlobalCacheDir :: IO (Maybe FilePath)
- | windows = return Nothing
- | otherwise
= do dir <- ((</> "cache") `fmap`) `fmap` globalPrefsDir
case dir of
Nothing -> return Nothing
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Optimize.hs 24

import Control.Applicative ( (<$>) )
import Control.Exception ( finally )
-import Control.Monad ( when, unless )
+import Control.Monad ( when, unless, forM_ )
import Data.Maybe ( isJust )
import Data.List ( sort )
import System.Directory
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Optimize.hs 51
, workingRepoDir
, umaskOption
-import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( getPreflist, getCaches )
+import Darcs.Repository.Prefs ( getPreflist, getCaches, globalCacheDir, oldGlob
alCacheDir )
import Darcs.Repository
( Repository
, withRepoLock
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Optimize.hs 61
, cleanRepository
, replacePristine
-import Darcs.Repository.HashedRepo ( filterDirContents, readHashedPristineRoot
+import Darcs.Repository.HashedRepo ( inventoriesDir, patchesDir, pristineDir,
+ filterDirContents, readHashedPristineRoot )
import Darcs.Repository.Old ( oldRepoFailMsg )
import Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes ( Repository(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Optimize.hs 100
, (</>)
, (<.>)
, takeFileName
+ , joinPath
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Optimize.hs 102
+import Text.Printf ( printf )
+import System.Posix.Files ( getFileStatus, isDirectory )
import Darcs.UI.Flags
( compression, verbosity, useCache, umask )
import Darcs.Repository.Flags
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Optimize.hs 110
( UpdateWorking (..), DryRun ( NoDryRun ), UseCache (..), UMask (..)
, WithWorkingDir(WithWorkingDir) )
import Darcs.Patch.Progress ( progressFL )
-import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( hashedDir, HashedDir(HashedPristineDir) )
+import Darcs.Repository.Cache ( hashedDir, bucketFolder,
+ HashedDir(HashedPristineDir) )
import Darcs.Repository.Format
( identifyRepoFormat
, createRepoFormat
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Optimize.hs 165
CommandData optimizeUncompress,
CommandData optimizeRelink,
CommandData optimizePristine,
- CommandData optimizeUpgrade
+ CommandData optimizeUpgrade,
+ CommandData optimizeBucketed

hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Optimize.hs 200
cleanRepository repository -- garbage collect pristine.hashed, inventorie
s and patches directories
putInfo opts "Done cleaning repository!"

+optimizeBucketed :: DarcsCommand
+optimizeBucketed = common
+ { commandName = "cache"
+ , commandHelp = "Migrate cache in old formats to bucketed cache."
+ , commandDescription = "optimize global cache for access through shell comm
ands like ls/rm"
+ , commandCommand = optimizeBucketedCmd
+ }
optimizeUpgrade :: DarcsCommand
optimizeUpgrade = common
{ commandName = "upgrade"
hunk ./src/Darcs/UI/Commands/Optimize.hs 517
ex <- doesFileExist x
when ex $ removeFile x

+optimizeBucketedCmd :: (AbsolutePath, AbsolutePath) -> [DarcsFlag] -> [String]
-> IO ()
+optimizeBucketedCmd _ opts _ = do
+ gOldCacheDir <- oldGlobalCacheDir
+ gCacheDir <- globalCacheDir
+ case gCacheDir of
+ Just gCacheDir' -> do
+ let gCachePristineDir = joinPath [gCacheDir', pristineDir]
+ gCacheInventoriesDir = joinPath [gCacheDir', inventoriesDir]
+ gCachePatchesDir = joinPath [gCacheDir', patchesDir]
+ debugMessage "Making bucketed cache from new cache."
+ toBucketed gCachePristineDir gCachePristineDir
+ toBucketed gCacheInventoriesDir gCacheInventoriesDir
+ toBucketed gCachePatchesDir gCachePatchesDir
+ case gOldCacheDir of
+ Just gOldCacheDir' -> do
+ debugMessage "Making bucketed cache from old cache."
+ toBucketed (joinPath [gOldCacheDir', pristineDir]) gCachePristineDir
+ toBucketed (joinPath [gOldCacheDir', inventoriesDir]) gCacheInventori
+ toBucketed (joinPath [gOldCacheDir', patchesDir]) gCachePatchesDir
+ Nothing -> debugMessage "Old global cache doesn't exist."
+ Nothing -> debugMessage "New global cache doesn't exist."
+ putInfo opts "Done making bucketed cache!"
+ where
+ toBucketed :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+ toBucketed src dest = do
+ debugMessage $ "Making " ++ src ++ " bucketed in " ++ dest
+ forM_ subDirSet $ \subDir ->
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True (dest </> subDir)
+ createDirectoryIfMissing True src
+ fileNames <- getDirectoryContents src
+ forM_ fileNames $ \file -> do
+ fileStatus <- getFileStatus (src </> file)
+ if not $ isDirectory fileStatus
+ then renameFile' src dest file
+ else return ()
+ renameFile' :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+ renameFile' s d f = renameFile (s </> f) (joinPath [d, bucketFolder f, f])
+ subDirSet :: [String]
+ subDirSet = map toStrHex [0..255]
+ toStrHex :: Int -> String
+ toStrHex = printf "%02x"
[Documentation of function Darcs.Repository.Internal.misplacedPatches .
Ale Gadea <>**20140611054743
Ignore-this: 8c388563d9d269ffd723cf67aad3c839
misplacedPatches is the new name of the function called chooseOrder.
[remove patch index flags from rollback command
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140612170904
Ignore-this: 342ccf1ce50dd76b5af334df2298f63
[resolve issue2396: make convert a supercommand and enhance help strings
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140610210546
Ignore-this: 41493c28dab5a745b1d2c7107212724e
[Documentation for Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Sealed module.
Ale Gadea <>**20140610190035
Ignore-this: 9618a5fadfff84f05fdbd1746345ca52
[Documentation for Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered module.
Ale Gadea <>**20140610185240
Ignore-this: e4f610d286b5caafdefc49ba83cb8c7d
[marksfile support for convert --export
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140609190214
Ignore-this: 154f9a34ec7c65eaa64ab42462c60705
[conditionalise replHook using Template Haskell
Ganesh Sittampalam <>**20140603061639
Ignore-this: 579c7064a7e74cce4bd992c527aa1ba
[Resolve Issue2361: optimize --reorder runs forever with one repository
Ale Gadea <>**20140605210012
Ignore-this: b18bc37e5d6668df62f05679c629e08c
[factorize boilerplate of optimize subcommands
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140605174035
Ignore-this: 13cc1ac6f5a70fd96815dca2ab12f76c
[resolve issue2394: make optimize a supercommand
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140603201207
Ignore-this: 841fbf0c5e0017eaff8b87b75ad80a37
[adapt testsuite to new optimize supercommand
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140603191624
Ignore-this: 83ae766c19b58c215adf9f4ec72f08bd
[Use DeriveFunctor instead of manual instance for PatchMod
Owen Stephens <>**20140430023826
Ignore-this: 14f21fae95a81cdec9cf74c44b3d26c6
[indentation fix for Windows-only module
Ganesh Sittampalam <>**20140530060239
Ignore-this: 4b53307163b44e11e9febcd8c49a7125
This is required by the Haskell2010 change (or we'd
have to enable NondecreasingIndentation)
[fixed a typo in a comment in Darcs.Util.Diff.Patience**20140511122411
Ignore-this: ed08722291d80e441f601244ef15e7ab
[make optimize command respect --quiet by using putInfo**20140511105622
Ignore-this: f4a139619c68470fe821929958a910b
[darcs.cabal: make Haskell2010 the default-language for all stanzas**20140511102244
Ignore-this: 44afc0f4c5b5de0751edd2f99764dc20

This implied some more changes: we must demand cabal version >= 1.10, and
change the extensions fields to default-extensions; in the implementation of
some of the commands, needed to fix the indentation of do blocks.
[re-advertise GHC 7.8 support
Ganesh Sittampalam <>**20140529221736
Ignore-this: 457971dce069111801eeb10fa3b5668e
[clean out some obsolete conditionalisation
Ganesh Sittampalam <>**20140427175352
Ignore-this: c1adbafd4846134551b407d9cb176e20
[bump version to 2.9.9
Ganesh Sittampalam <>**20140427175310
Ignore-this: 6f94d6f638e6f3fbc6025e02cbf095b1
[rm latex2html file
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140519171502
Ignore-this: 1b9dbcca5c360bfda280325b78a9736f
[implement doFastZip to create zip archive from pristine tree
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140516190946
Ignore-this: 483ef7fffc417a4811d2d8cd90885e18
[resolve issue2364: don't break list of 'bad sources'
Sergei Trofimovich <>**20140513190719
Ignore-this: d68861b39305be9b7c77e9a6fca89601

This time the bug manifested on a simple operation:
$ darcs record -a -m "something"

Attempt to write a patch resulted in something like:
Failed to record patch 'hello'

HINT: I could not reach the following repositories:
If you're not using them, you should probably delete

The sequence should be the following:
1. store patch to inventory/foo
2. try to store to a writable cache (say, ~/.darcs/cache/patches)
3. fail to write
4. filter out bad caches
5. try again
6. copy from cache to patches/

Due to missing NOINLINE step 4. led to
all caches treated as writable, thus step 5
failed without a chance for patch to
go to 'patches/'.

As a side-effect building darcs with -O0 produced seemingly working darcs.
Reported-by: Ivan Miljenovic
[Accept issue2386
Owen Stephens <>**20140511111624
Ignore-this: 1cb3f4f24b17211126a74f0c1870b3d9
[fixed missing option for author in test**20140507192806
Ignore-this: d645456182ae0ae607af3acfa802c53c
[added _test_playground to boring file**20140506163344
Ignore-this: 924245bbd59fb4cf4538554755d2c18b
[added cabal sandbox generated stuff to boringfile**20140502101628
Ignore-this: b665885b27d2ffc12bba5c18d1b8b42a
[avoid a syntax error with haddock-2.13.2**20140502101231
Ignore-this: 4b474731a3618ce0aeed031aa87b4526
[Accept issue2382: darcs is confused if a dir is moved inplace of a file
Owen Stephens <>**20140427225132
Ignore-this: b4fef46928598bbc44c61325f6dc11b2
[Accept issue2383
Owen Stephens <>**20140429162716
Ignore-this: c994e1caeea21fe4db3db540c23c01fb
[Accept issue2380: darcs wont rename a file to the name of a deleted file
Owen Stephens <>**20140422120300
Ignore-this: e80d38d9a8a99e5992f65c9728783a62
[Resolve Issue2244: darcs tag should warn about duplicate tags
Ale Gadea <>**20140507183109
Ignore-this: 8d25e1130bff79907d3db39d02f40197
Make darcs tag t, with t already an existing tag, cause a warning message.
[Use custom replHook to fix cabal repl
Owen Stephens <>**20140503161130
Ignore-this: 6cc22760b85225d3d1ea101106ab7797
[resolve issue2364: fix file corruption on double fetch
Sergei Trofimovich <>**20140429134020
Ignore-this: 9b069f38724673da4ff427f538132c24

The bug is the result of attempt to fetch the same file
(say F) by the same URL (U) multiple times concurrently.

First time U gets fetched by speculative prefetch logic.
Second time as an ordinary file (while first fetch is not finished).

The function 'copyUrlWithPriority' sends download request
to 'urlChan' both times (it's already not a nice situation,
fixed by this patch).

Later urlThread satisfies first request, notifies receiver,
and starts downloading exactly the same U again.

I don't know exact data corruption mechanics yet, but it has
to do with non-random intermediate file names of downloaded
files and 'truncate' call when temp file is opened for a new
downlaod job.

All temp names are completely non-random for a single darcs run:

urlThread :: Chan UrlRequest -> IO ()
urlThread ch = do
junk <- flip showHex "" `fmap` randomRIO rrange
evalStateT urlThread' (UrlState Map.empty emptyQ 0 junk)

createDownloadFileName :: FilePath -> UrlState -> FilePath
createDownloadFileName f st = f ++ "-new_" ++ randomJunk st

My theory is next download manages to step on toes of previous job.

I'll try to make file names truly random in other patch.
That way such errors should manifest as read erros instead of data

[Use DeriveFunctor instead of manual instance for PatchMod
Owen Stephens <>**20140430003438
Ignore-this: 1a55af9820c6d5470443794ea0c71e91
[Allow options with path arguments to be specified in defaults file**20140404192946
Ignore-this: ff2ff9e6d96a06c4a8df29b3c9819b22
[fixed cut-n-paste error in haddock comment**20140403224430
Ignore-this: 7e5b9fe7bbecbb52d8b639772b0fd208
[resolve issue2314: output-auto-name in defaults file**20140403170012
Ignore-this: 6dbd187b78bc2b108920cc0eaabfa5af
[update packs tests to new strings
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140425211832
Ignore-this: d7123c21b273b91a2ce79007f70ee37f
[resolve issue1268: enable to write darcs init x
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140425200752
Ignore-this: 2586d59ba17f94b655c3a48df80b5d66
Original patch by Radoslav Dorcik
[rename get to clone
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140425175210
Ignore-this: 2c27cb2bc6a9978988386743b241c0b3
[remove Put since Get can clone to ssh destination faster
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140425063225
Ignore-this: c0dbc05fc7511977381abba47728810a
[resolve issue1066: clone to ssh URL by locally cloning then copying by scp
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140425060647
Ignore-this: 2778bc4774fe8d5c53d0011b2193c1c2
Introduce an internal flag ForgetParent that enable to clone
repositories while forgetting about their source (do not copy
sources nor caches).
[do not tolerate ctrl+c when --complete is passed
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140425053440
Ignore-this: 856378499c61de4e4281d1ed966ede76
[do not print message twice when patches pack grabbing fails
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140424165929
Ignore-this: 148f8ca132725e81dd52d64f00cbd24b
[create inventories subdir at darcs init
Guillaume Hoffmann <>**20140421133938
Ignore-this: 5ace4beaf6c27c8a5105d74db977f61a
[TAG 2.9.9
Ganesh Sittampalam <>**20140424063828
Ignore-this: ae3cb4369f15af8cb2f19d6f5603d935
Patch bundle hash:

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