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In the continent of Africa, the right of a child is only really treated

and considered on paper. The emergence of democracy in many
African nations had been expected to herald the genesis of a society
that tolerates and respects the African child as the true leader of
tomorrow. Contrary to this expectation, the attitude of the people
and leaders alike to the plight of the children of Africa has been
appalling to say the least.

Activities such as hawking and trading as well as ill treatment,

poverty, lack of access to basic amenities of life are some of the
problems and challenges that the average African child has to
contend with.

In Nigeria, especially the southern region of the country, there are

daily cases of children who are accused of witchcraft and possession
of contrary spirits. Physical abuse, and sometimes death, is the fates
of such children.

One such case was of a family who was seeking divine intervention
from God at The Synagogue Church Of All Nations Healing and
Deliverance Service with the believe that Young Favour was a witch.
After seeing many possessed with contrary spirits delivered through
the power of God in the life of Prophet T.B. Joshua, some of Favour’s
family members decided to take Favour to The Synagogue, Church
Of All Nations Healing and Deliverance Service in hope of
deliverance from this family shame.

As the prophet approached, her cousin cried out, “She is the one
that killed her mother! She caused my father a serious
accident! They say she even attacks people in the dream. If
she comes to church, they will send her away. The pastor
called me and said if I keep her with me, she will destroy my
family. She was born with witchcraft power – they said she
cannot be delivered, that we should drive her out. If she’s
going to die, let her die. It is better she dies before killing

As Prophet T.B. Joshua stopped at the scene, he asked Favour, “You

heard what they are saying? Are you a witch?” The crowd of
about 20,000 present at the service and viewers worldwide gazed at
the small girl, awaiting her response. “I am not a witch.” The
crowd gasped. “I did not kill my mother or cause anybody
accident. I am a child of God!”

With a controversy at hand, the crowd waited to hear the mind of

God through Prophet T.B. Joshua about Favour. Cheers erupted
throughout the congregation as Prophet T.B. Joshua declared that
Favour was not a witch. He said, “You can say what you like but
as for me and my family and my household, Favour is not a
witch. If your family rejects Favour, the Kingdom of God is
for her. How can you turn Favour of God to witch?” After
vindicating her from this accusation, Prophet T.B. Joshua further
declared her as a promised child with a great future. Immediately,
her cousin confessed that the mark on her head, which had been
noted as a mark of witchcraft, had actually occurred during one of
the beatings she had received.

Comments, phone calls and emails flooded in from around the world
from those who had been touched by Favour’s case, with many
pledging to financially sponsor Favour to any educational level she
desired. The following Sunday, Favour’s family recounted the
experience, thanking God for unveiling the truth. Prophet T.B.
Joshua lead the entire congregation in prayer on their knees for
forgiveness for the grievous sin of calling one created in the image
of God, an image of Satan. It was a time of sober reflection.

Prophet T.B. Joshua explained that the gift of God in Favour is what
prompted Satan’s attack, saying that the experience served a
purpose. “If gold must be gold, it must pass through the
furnace,” he said, stating that Favour was a promised child with
great potential. He said he would be ready to join the throng of
callers in sponsoring Favour to study abroad if she so desired,
stating that she deserved the best.

These kinds of events should serve as a wakeup call to the people of

Nigeria, and the African continent at large. Such issues are capable
of causing economic backwardness and instability to the society.
When the children who are supposed to be the leaders of tomorrow
are subjected to this kind and form of abuse and torture, then we
can only imagine the type of future that we will have when they do
become leaders.

It brings forth certain questions, such as:

1. Who is a witch?

2. How does one know a witch?

3. Who can identify a witch?

4. Who can deliver a witch?

It is indeed obvious that these things are things of the spirit and can
only be understood by those who dwell in the spirit. To have a
complete understanding of the happenings in the world of
witchcraft, one must have a good knowledge of the things of the
spirits. Anybody can label others a witch but only those ordained by
God have the authority to deliver them of the spirits that possess

Finally, it is important to note that majority of the accusations of

witchcraft is based on poverty and lack of moral and educational
impetus. Illiteracy and poverty are the major reason why children
will be accused to be witches and are then subjected to physical and
emotional abuse.

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