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AL8AN, N (Iu|y 1, 2014) - 8yan Panley, a CaplLal 8eglon-based markeLlng consulLanL and producer of
Lhe popular ConLenL Warfare odcasL, has announced LhaL hls crowdfundlng pro[ecL conducLed Lhrough
Lhe onllne plaLform @):'+*7+A(0 has successfully surpassed lLs $10,000 goal elghL days prlor Lo deadllne.
l'm humbled aL Lhe recepLlon my ConLenL Warfare book pro[ecL has recelved and am exLremely exclLed
abouL Lhe momenLum Lhls lnnovaLlve campalgn has creaLed," sald ConLenL Warfare AuLhor 8yan Panley.
l chose Lo crowdfund as a way Lo garner aLLenLlon, engage LradlLlonal and onllne audlences, and Lurn
my readers lnLo parLners and noL [usL slmply cusLomers."
1he funds ralsed wlll supporL Lhe developmenL of Lhe ConLenL Warfare markeLlng book, whlch Leaches
brands how Lo dlglLlze Lhe soul of Lhelr buslness" and bulld Lhe LrusL and brand awareness necessary Lo
creaLe real, lasLlng llnkages wlLh connecLed generaLlon" (mlllenlal) audlences and consumers.
Larly edlLlon readers have already expressed greaL enLhuslasm for Lhe pro[ecL.
lL was easy Lo read, undersLand, lmplemenL, and share wlLh my lndusLry," sald lounder of
eLSlLLlngClogy !oshua Cary. l LhoughL LhaL lf 8yan ls walklng Lhe walk and ls wllllng Lo deLall how we do
lL, l'm golng Lo wanL Lo devour LhaL knowledge."
Cne of Lhe real lessons of ConLenL Warfare ls LhaL aLLenLlon wlLhouL LrusL has no value," conLlnued
Panley. l Lhlnk Lhls crowdfundlng campalgn ls a perfecL example of LhaL. l have worked very hard over
Lhe lasL several years Lo bulld LrusL wlLh a wlde audlence, and lL has resulLed ln really sLrong buy-ln for
Lhe book pro[ecL and Lhe many lnslghLs l am looklng Lo share."
1o learn more abouL Lhe ConLenL Warfare book pro[ecL, vlslL hLLp://
About kyan nan|ey
8yan Panley ls founder and presldenL of Panley Medla Lab, an advanced conLenL markeLlng agency
helplng companles grow Lhelr audlence, ln order Lo grow Lhelr buslness. Learn more abouL 8yan aL
8yan Panley - ryan[ - (318) 813-0734 -

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